Merge not firing conflict event - sharpsvn

I am not getting the conflict event fired when merging 2 revisions using Merge method of sharpsvn. I tried using the the conflict event in SvnMergeArgs and SvnUpdateArgs. I called the merge method followed by update method of sharpsvn. The merge just overwrites the working copy with the older revision and update do not fire the event.
What am I missing out here that the conflict is not getting fired. The following is my code.
private static void MergingBranchedScript()
using (SvnClient client = new SvnClient())
new Uri("file:///path/Trunk/Script/abc.sql"),
new SvnRevisionRange(4,7), new SvnMergeArgs());
SvnUpdateArgs args = new SvnUpdateArgs();
SvnUpdateResult result;
client.Update(#"path\Script", args, out result);
args.Conflict += new EventHandler<SvnConflictEventArgs>(args_Conflict);
public static void args_Conflict(object sender, SvnConflictEventArgs e)

Your current code only hooks the event when the operations are already done. If you want to hook the conflict event on all commands you should use a
client.Conflict += new EventHandler<SvnConflictEventArgs>(args_Conflict);
before calling merge.
But you can also hook the event on the SvnMergeArgs that you pass to client.Merge().


rxjava2 - how to pass in a consumer as parameter

i am using the following rxjava dependencies in android:
compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.1.0'
compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.0.1'
and i am trying to create a method that will take in a observer as a paramter. I am having some issues i think its because this is rxjava2 so things are updated and im a little confused.
Let me show you what i want to accomplish:
private Subscription subscription = Scriptions.empty(); //this isn't working. how to set a empty observer IN RXJAVA2?
protected abstract Observable buildUseCaseObservable(); //RETROFIT WILL BUILD THE OBSERVABLE FOR ME SOMEWHERE ELSE
public void execute(Consumer UseCaseSubscriber){
this.subscription = this.buildUseCaseObservable()
.subscribe(UseCaseSubscriber); //THIS LINE IS NOT WORKING , ERROR IS IN THE PHOTO
public void unsubscribe(){
Basically i am trying to create a method that will accept a observer/consumer as parameter and use that to update the UI after retrofit is done (being the observable).
ok i changed it to disposables. now i'd like to store the disposable that i get back but its not working.
protected abstract Observable buildUseCaseObservable();
public void execute(Observer UseCaseSubscriber){
this.subscription = this.buildUseCaseObservable()
public void unsubscribe(){
i am getting the following warning:
The reason i want to store the whole thing in a subscription (or whatever else you recommend) is so i can unsubscribe to it whenever i want.
but from the docs:
Because Reactive-Streams base interface, org.reactivestreams.Publisher defines the subscribe() method as void, Flowable.subscribe(Subscriber) no longer returns any Subscription (or Disposable). The other base reactive types also follow this signature with their respective subscriber types.
so how to save disposable so we can unsubscribe then ?
Subscription has been 'renamed' to Disposable with 2.x version. You can read the rxJava wiki explanation on this change here.
so how to save disposable so we can unsubscribe then ? Flowable.subscribe(Subscriber) doesn't return disposable, but Observable.subscribe(Subscriber) does. If you don't need back-pressure, just cast your Flowable to Observable with .toObservable().

how to insert and update record through trigger in a custom object in salesforce

Hi I have tried the below code
trigger CreateRecord on Account (before insert,before update) {
List<Account> CreateAcc = new List<Account>();
insert CreateAcc;
but the above code is creating the following error :
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger CreateRecord caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: CreateRecord: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.SObjectException: DML statement cannot operate on or trigger.old: Trigger.CreateRecord: line 9, column 1enter code here
Please help me through the code as where I am wrong.
Why don't you try to call a methods or function from a controller rather than putting your stuffs in trigger ?
On my end, I would do it like this ..
Create a utility controller with a methods that will insert a record
public class UtilityController
#future (callout = true)
public static void CreateRecord()
//Put your stuffs here...
And then in the trigger, just call that method
trigger Account_CreateNewRecord on Account (before insert,before update) {
Note that you can only call a method/function from another class if it has a future anotation.
I often use triggers like this to call a method on or before/after statement.
That way you're trigger was just focus on executing a method/function when it was triggered.
See Apex Developers Guide for more information about apex triggers.
Remove the update DML statement at the end. By using the "before" trigger to modify the objects, you don't need to explicitly perform an update, insert a DML statement. When the trigger ends, it will implicitly update or insert the data as you have modified the values.
trigger CreateRecord on Account (before insert,before update) {
List<Account> CreateAcc = new List<Account>();
//insert CreateAcc; removed this line.

Tridion Workflows - How to get the Component at the Activity in Event Handler

I need to get the component associated to a Activity at the event system.
I try to get the component ID using:
public void OnActivityInstanceFinishPost(ActivityInstance activityInstance, string finishMessage, string nextActivity, string dynamicAssignee)
if (activityInstance.ProcessInstance.ProcessDefinition.Title.Equals("Component Process IESE"))
if (activityInstance.ActivityDefinition.Title.Equals("Create or Edit Component"))
WFE workflow = tdse.GetWFE();
Component comp = (Component)activityInstance.ProcessInstance.Item;
XMLReadFilter filter = new XMLReadFilter();
String processHistoryId = activityInstance.ProcessInstance.ID.Replace("131076", "131080");
ProcessHistory hist = (ProcessHistory)tdse.GetObject(activityInstance.ProcessInstance.ID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, Constants.URINULL, filter);
catch (Exception e)
{ }
we try different options:
Component comp = (Component)activityInstance.ProcessInstance.Item;
But this solution returns a null.
Then I found in internet the next solution:
XMLReadFilter filter = new XMLReadFilter();
String processHistoryId = activityInstance.ProcessInstance.ID.Replace("131076", "131080");
ProcessHistory hist = (ProcessHistory)tdse.GetObject(activityInstance.ProcessInstance.ID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, Constants.URINULL, filter);
Component comp = hist.Item as Component;
But the ProcessHistory object is null.
How can I determine the component associated to the activityInstance?
Thank you.
After reviewing the functionality needed by Guskermitt, I've shown him a neater way to do what he needs to do. In short, EventSystem is not needed in this case.
His goal is to send an email after a component has been approved, the approach will be the following:
Add to workflow a new automatic activity.
Create a new .NET assembly, in this case a C# class to do what he needs to do.
Register the assembly in the GAC.
Add logic in the new automatic activity in workflow to use the .NET assembly.
public class Helper
public void SendMail(string workItemId)
var session = new Session();
dim helper
set helper = CreateObject("WfHelper")
call helper.SendMail(CurrentWorkItem.ID)
set helper = nothing
FinishActivity “Email has been sent"
ActivityInstance has a WorkItems property (inherited from Activity) that contains a reference to your Component.
OnActivityInstanceFinishPost means that your activity is finished. Therefore there is no more work item associated with it. However, you are getting the process instance and the work item associated with that. If you get null there, then it suggests your workflow process is done and the component has moved out of workflow. From looking at your code, it is quite likely that your ProcessInstance is completed (it won't be null, but it won't have any item associated with it).
I suspect that you've read this post suggesting to look in the history. Have you looked into the history via the CM GUI, is the history item there? If it isn't, that's why you get null. A workflow process gets moved to history when it is completed. So double check that you are indeed on the last workflow activity before looking at the history.
By looking at your code, the error seems to be that you are trying to get a history object using activityInstance.ProcessInstance.ID. GetObject() should return an item, but your cast to a ProcessHistory should break and then you quietly eat the exception. You need to pass in the History ID, not the ProcessInstance ID as follows:
ProcessHistory hist = (ProcessHistory)tdse.GetObject(processHistoryId, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, Constants.URINULL, filter);

Why do I need to Insert and Update methods to my DomainService?

If I don't add Insert and Update methods to my domain service, I get exceptions when I try to add entities to the associated EntityCollection of my Entity. Now that I've added them (completely blank) I can add entities and modify them on the client but they never show up in my database. What am I missing? Do I need to create my own Insert and Update methods to my domain service and if so, what on earth would I put in them?
This is what I have in my DomainContext. This seems a bit superfluous; I would think the Entity
Framework would already do this.
public void UpdateProject(Project a_project)
public void UpdateProjectItem(ProjectItem a_projectItem)
public void InsertProjectItem(ProjectItem a_projectItem)
And this is how I'm using this on the client.
ProjectItem projectItem = new ProjectItem();
_reservedProject.Status = Project.ProjectStatusSubmitted;
projectItem.LibraryItem = a_item;
UpdateProjectItem is never called.

Event Handler behavioral difference .net 1.1 vs 2.0 with null delegate

Not sure what exactly is going on here, but seems like in .NET 1.1 an uninitialized event delegate can run without issues, but in .NET 2.0+ it causes a NullReferenceException. Any ideas why. The code below will run fine without issues in 1.1, in 2.0 it gives a NullReferenceException. I'm curious why does it behave differently? What changed?
class Class1
public delegate void ChartJoinedRowAddedHandler(object sender);
public static event ChartJoinedRowAddedHandler ChartJoinedRowAdded;
public static DataTable dt;
public static void Main()
dt = new DataTable();
dt.RowChanged += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(TableEventHandler);
object [] obj = new object[]{1,2};
private static void TableEventHandler(object sender, DataRowChangeEventArgs e)
ChartJoinedRowAdded(new object());
[updated] AFAIK, there was no change here to the fundamental delegate handling; the difference is in how DataTable behaves.
However! Be very careful using static events, especially if you are subscribing from instances (rather than static methods). This is a good way to keep huge swathes of objects alive and not be garbage collected.
Running the code via csc from 1.1 shows that the general delegate side is the same - I think the difference is that the DataTable code that raises RowChanged was swallowing the exception. For example, make the code like below:
ChartJoinedRowAdded(new object());
You'll see "Before", but no "After"; an exception was thrown and swallowed by the DataTable.
The eventhandler system is basically just a list of functions to call when a given event is raised.
It initializes to the "null" list, and not the empty list, so you need to do
if (ChartJoinedRowAdded != null)
ChartJoinedRowAdded(new object())
The way events work hasn't really changed from 1.1 to 2
Although the syntax looks like normal aggregation it really isn't:
dt.RowChanged += TableEventHandler;
dt.RowChanged += null;
dt.RowChanged += delegate (object sender, DataRowChangeEventArgs e) {
Will fire TableEventHandler and then the delegate - the null is just skipped.
You can use null to clear events, but only inside the event firing class:
this.MyEvent = null;
If nothing subscribes your event will be null - see soraz's answer. The DataTable class will contain a similar check and won't fire the event if there are no subscribers.
The standard pattern is:
//events should just about always use this pattern: object, args
public static event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> ChartJoinedRowAdded;
//inheriting classes can override this event behaviour
protected virtual OnChartJoinedRowAdded() {
if( ChartJoinedRowAdded != null )
ChartJoinedRowAdded( this, new MyEventArgs(...) );