Handling tone dial for cell phones - telephony

For example I call on the specific phone number and automaticly connect to some kind of server(?) which is able to handle all my actions while I'm connected. I want to try myself in coding this server, but I have no idea how to start =) Please give me some links to read about this or maybe some keywords to google it. Thanks a lot!

Actionscript3 will handle either web applications or desktop applications. Since you're talking about using a cellphone , I doubt you can achieve what you're looking for with AS3.
You could consider a web application whereas a user would connect to the internet via her phone and interact with your application but as far as calling a number and get some form of server response, you may have to look at using another language than AS3.


Need Voip call like in Uber in Flutter

My app need a voip phone call to another person who is using this app and the phone number should not be the real phone number like in Uber. Can somebody please help, I searched in google and I could find nothing.
I was trying to add this feture in my crrunt project and find zegocloud they have good documentation on how to implement voice/video calling one-on-one and group too.
Here's the doc and here's the code snippet of basic implementation in the flutter.
Hope this will help you.
I would say the best option is to go with an open source WebRTC based solution if you are ready to self host the VoIP server. In this case you can consider using Pion VoIP package which is available even in flutter. See https://github.com/pion/ion-sdk-flutter
To avoid hosting and ready to pay some cash for the calls users make, consider Twilio or any other cheaper alternatives which can do the hosting for you, but gives API calls to use them in your app.
Hope this helps :)
I would suggest that you save the actual number with a key value pair example
Then whenever you want to call through the app you do a quick lookup to get the real number.
also here is a WebRTC Plugin you can use

Using Remote Notifications In My Application

I am currently starting my way on developing iPhone applications, and I have recently encountered a problem which I could not find a proper answer to.
In my application, I want one iPhone to send a request and another, far iPhone respond to that request using an Alert View, almost like the way Game Center works when you invite someone to play with you.
Do I do that with Push Notifications? Some server? Or what?
Thanks ahead,
A Newbie Developer.
Not the simplest things to try and do when you are new - but have a look at GameKit.
There is a sample application called GKTap which shows how to hook up two iPhones.
Don't be fooled by the word Game. This framework makes it easy to set up communication between phones, even using Bluetooth.
It depends on what you mean by "far". If you mean in another room, but within Bluetooth range or on the same local network, then there is GameKit. If you mean on a different network, or a long distance away, then you are looking at needing to have a server that keeps track of the devices and the connections between the devices so you can use Push Notifications. If you are thinking of something like Words With Friends where it sends a message to another user to tell them it is their go, then you would need the server.

Iphone apps communication

I want to create two iPhone apps: server+client (for once iphone).
Server will contain some data and client will asking for it sometime.
How I can to organize communication between them?
For example anybody knows how TextExpander works?
Andrey Mirzoyan.
As a suggestion, a good starting point would probably be the Bonjour Overview docs as it would provide a means of broadcasting/listening to see what clients are currently available.
There's also some sample code associated with the NSNetService class reference docs that might prove very useful and at least provide some good pointers as to where to look next.
If this is for use on one phone, then the only inter-application communication method that will work within a single stock OS iOS device is to have each app register a custom URL scheme, and have each app (re)launch the other app using these custom URL launches for communication, back-and-forth.
The URL scheme will contain a prefix. The suffix of the URL can contain the data of the request or reply, if appropriately encoded.

How would I add code that would update an online "counter" so I know how many times an iPhone app is being opened?

So I have searched for this but not finding anything about it and if I missed it sorry about that. What I am trying to do is see how to go about adding some code to my iphone app that will connect to a php script (if connection available) and update a counter so that I can let my clients know that their app is constantly being used? Also, would apple allow that? Or would my app be denied for doing such a thing? Any help would be great! Thanks in advance.
There's a bit of network plumbing to implement this. It's not hard, but a much easier route would be to integrate something like Flurry analytics into your app. They you can make one function call, and have it track and upload the information to Flurry's servers. You can view those stats and get an idea of how people are using your app.
Note: I don't work for Flurry, but I use (and like) their service.

What is good way to register users from phone app

We have a web application and we've built phone applications (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry) to be companions to the site. The usual workflow is that an existing user of the site gets a phone app and then plugs their existing credentials into the phone app and they are off and running, but more often now we are seeing folks who are downloading the app and then (and this should not surprise anyone) don't read the help screen that explains they need to go and get credentials at the web site and therefore cannot connect to the application which does require registration to manage their content. This is a giant usability fail condition.
So we know that we need to put user registration workflows on the phone app.
Other than the obvious solution of duplicating our registration page on the mobile, does anyone know of a better identity solution for the phone? For example, on the desktop we also use Facebook Connect as an identity server and the users love it. I'm looking for something that simple that we can implement across the major smartphone platforms.
Clarifying note:
I should add here that this registration mechanism is likely to; and it would be desirable if it did, go hand in hand with a general identity/authorization mechanism such as the Facebook mechanism mentioned below.
One other place I'm poking around is to see whether there's an openId solution that does not require a browser to pop up.
Restful service might be the e asiest way for you to achieve this, you can use it on any device that can make http requests, so you can make your own login screens and talk to the s ervice that way...
Facebook has a Connect API for the iPhone. Integrating it into your iPhone app is very smooth.
On the BlackBerry we were able to build a fairly robust REST pipeline between the client apps in the field and our servers. We primary use the framework for updates, but the device API is generic enough to be able to build almost anything you need via standard HTTP/HTTPS GET/POST calls.
On the RIM platform, look into the HttpConnection API as a starting point. There is also an example on the BlackBerry Developer's site which will help. Finally, I believe there are several examples inside the sample package that comes with every BlackBerry JDE (IDE + API download).