How to run in parallel two child command from a parent one? - perl

I need to run two perl scripts from one in parallel. How can I accomplish this?
Currently, I have a file with
Commands are executed in sequence and until is done won't run.
I would like to run the two commands simultaneously.

`perl &`;
`perl &`;
..or use the perl fork() function
perldoc -f fork
..or use perl threading
perldoc threads
Or just use a shell script:
./ &
./ &

Depends on the command interpreter. In Windows you use the start command to just launch a process without waiting. In most *nix command interpreters as I recall the relevant notation is to add an ampersand & at the end of the command.

You could use a piped open to the process, ala
use 5.013;
use warnings;
use autodie;
open my $cmd1_fh, '-|', 'dir';
open my $cmd2_fh, '-|', 'cls';
Or, if you don't care about the output, fork and then exec:
my #child_pids;
for my $cmd ('dir', 'cls') {
defined(my $child_pid = fork()) or die "Couldn't fork: $!";
if ($child_pid == 0) {
exec $cmd;
} else {
push #child_pids, $child_pid;
for my $pid (#child_pids) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
(If you do care about the output, fork and then backtick?)
Or use threads (I'm not proud of this example, and I haven't even written it yet. Look up an example using Thread::Queue for something much less awful)
use threads;
my #threads;
for my $cmd ('dir', 'cls') {
push #threads, threads->create(sub { system #_ }, $cmd);
$_->join for #threads;
There's also several modules that help you out with this one, such as Parallel::ForkManager and Win32::Job.

Depending on your skill level and what you want to do, you might be interested in POE::Wheel::Run.


How to use Perl to check when a Unix command has finished processing

I am working on a capstone project and am hoping for some insight.
This is the first time I've worked with Perl and it's pretty much a basic Perl script to automate a few different Unix commands that need to be executed in a specific order. There are two lines throughout the script which executes a Unix command that needs to finish processing before it is acceptable for the rest of the script to run (data will be incorrect otherwise).
How am I able to use Perl (or maybe this is a Unix question?) to print a simple string once the Unix command has finished processing? I am looking into ways to read in the Unix command name but am not sure how to implement a way to check if the process is no longer running and to print a string such as "X command has finished processing" upon it's completion.
system("nohup scripts_pl/ &");
This runs a command in the background that takes time to process. I am asking how I can use Perl (or Unix?) to print a string once the process has finished.
I'm sorry if I didn't understand your asking context.
But couldn't you use perl process fork function instead of & if you would like to do parallel process?
# parent process
if (my $pid = fork) {
# this block behaves as a normal process
system("nohup scripts_pl/"); # you can call other system (like
wait; # wait for the background processing
say 'finished both';
# child process
else {
# this block behaves as a background process
system("nohup scripts_pl/"); # trim &
You could try to use IPC::Open3 instead of system:
use IPC::Open3;
my $pid = open3("<&STDIN", ">&STDOUT", ">&STDERR", 'nohup scripts_pl/');
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
Or, if you need to run nohup through the shell:
my $pid = open3("<&STDIN", ">&STDOUT", ">&STDERR", 'bash','-c', 'nohup scripts_pl/ & wait');
Update: Thanks to #ikegami. A better approach if you would like STDIN to stay open after running the command:
open(local *CHILD_STDIN, "<&", '/dev/null') or die $!;
my $pid = open3("<&CHILD_STDIN", ">&STDOUT", ">&STDERR", 'nohup scripts_pl/');

How to get STDERR in Perl from a command executed in pipe with su -c

I'm trying to capture the output of the command executed as a different user using:
my $command = qq(sudo su - <username> -c '/usr/bin/whatever');
my $pid = open $cmdOutput, "-|", $command;
How can I capture the STDERR of /usr/bin/whatever?
I tried
$pid = open $cmdOutput, "-|", $command || die " something went wrong: $!";
but it looks like this is capturing the possible errors of "open" itself.
I also tried
my $command = qq(sudo su - <username> -c '/usr/bin/whatever' 2>/tmp/error.message);
which will redirect the STDERR to the file, which I can parse later, but I wanted some more straightforward solution.
Also, I only want to use core modules.
This is covered thoroughly in perlfaq8. Since you are using a piped open, the relevant examples are those that go by open3 from the core IPC::Open3 module.
Another option is to use IPC::Run for managing your processes, and the pump function will do what you need. The IPC::Open3 documentation says for IPC::Run
This is a CPAN module that has better error handling and more facilities than Open3.
With either of these you can manipulate STDOUT and STDERR separately or together, as needed. For convenient and complete output capture also see Capture::Tiny.
Other than 2>output redirection, there are no more elementary methods for the piped open.
If you don't mind mixing the streams or losing STDOUT altogether, another option is
my $command = 'cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null' # Remove 1>/dev/null to have both
my $pid = open my $cmdOutput, "-|", $command;
while (<$cmdOutput>) { print } # STDERR only
The first redirection merges STDERR stream with STDOUT so you get them both, and mixed (with STDOUT subject to buffering, thus things may well come out of order). The second redirect sends the STDOUT away so with it in place you read only the command's STDERR from the handle.
The question is about running an external command using open but I'd like to mention that the canonical and simple qx (backticks) can be used in the same way. It returns the STDOUT so redirection just like above is needed to get STDERR. For completeness:
my $cmd = 'cmd_to_execute';
my $allout = qx($cmd 2>&1); # Both STDOUT and STDERR in $out, or
my $stderr = qx($cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null); # Only STDERR
my $exit_status = $?;
The qx puts the child process exit code (status) in $?. This can then be inspected for failure modes; see a summary in the qx page or a very thorough discussion in I/O operators in perlop.
Note that the STDERR returned this way is from the command, if it ran. If the command itself couldn't be run (for a typo in command name, or fork failed for some reason) then $? will be -1 and the error will be in $!.
As suggested by zdim I used the IPC::Open3 module for the matter and I've got something like this doing the job for me
$instanceCommand = qq(sudo su - <username> -c '<command>');
my ($infh,$outfh,$errfh,$pid);
$errfh = gensym();
$pid = open3($infh, $outfh, $errfh, $instanceCommand);
my $sel = new IO::Select;
while (my #ready = $sel->can_read){
foreach my $fh (#ready){
my $line =<$fh>;
if (not defined $line){
if ($fh == $outfh){
#<----- command output processing ----->
elsif ($fh == $errfh){
chomp $line;
#<----- command error processing ----->
else {
die "Reading from something else\n";
waitpid($pid, 0);
Maybe not completely bullet proof, but its working fine for me. Even whilst executing funny cascaded script as < command > .
The desired destination, opened for writing, could be dup()'ed to FD #2

Simple PERL script to loop very quickly

I'm trying to get a perl script to loop very quickly (in Solaris).
I have something like this:
#! /bin/perl
while ('true')
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes;
system("sh", "shell");
I want the perl script to execute a shell script every 10 microseconds. The script doesn't fail but no matter how much I change the precision of usleep within the script, the script is still only being executed approx 10 times per second. I need it to loop much faster than that.
Am I missing something fundamental here? I've never used perl before but I can't get the sleep speed I want in Solaris so I've opted for perl.
Revised script idea thanks to user comments - I'm now trying to do it all within perl and failing miserably!
Basically I'm trying to run the PS command to capture processes - if the process exists I want to capture the line and output to a text file.
#! /bin/perl
while ('true')
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes;
open(PS,"ps -ef | grep <program> |egrep -v 'shl|grep' >> grep_out.txt");
This returns the following error:
Name "main::PS" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 9.
This is a pure perl program (not launching any external process) that looks for processes running some particular executable:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $cmd = 'lxc-start';
my $cmd_re = qr|/\Q$cmd\E$|;
$| = 1;
while (1) {
opendir PROC, "/proc" or die $!;
while (defined(my $pid = readdir PROC)) {
next unless $pid =~ /^\d+$/;
if (defined(my $exe = readlink "/proc/$pid/exe")) {
if ($exe =~ $cmd_re) {
print "pid: $pid\n";
closedir PROC;
# sleep 1;
On my computer this runs at 250 times/second.
The bottleneck is the creation of processes, pipes, and opening the output file. You should be doing that at most once, instead of doing it in each iteration. That's why you need to do everything in Perl if you want to make this faster. Which means: don't call the ps command, or any other command. Instead, read from /proc or use Proc::ProcessTable, as the comments suggest.
Incidentally: the use statement is executed only once (it is essentially a shorthand for a require statement wrapped in a BEGIN { } clause), so you might as well put that at the top of the file for clarity.

Why does my jzip process hang when I call it with Perl's system?

I am definitely new to Perl, and please forgive me if this seem like a stupid question to you.
I am trying to unzip a bunch of .cab file with jzip in Perl (ActivePerl, jzip, Windows XP):
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use IO::File;
use v5.10;
my $prefix = 'myfileprefix';
my $dir = '.';
sub {
my $file = $_;
return if -d $file;
return if $file !~ /^$prefix(.*)\.cab$/;
my $cmd = 'jzip -eo '.$file;
}, $dir
The code decompresses the first .cab files in the folder and hangs (without any errors). It hangs in there until I press Ctrl+c to stop. Anyone know what the problem is?
EDIT: I used processxp to inspect the processes, and I found that there are correct number of jzip processes fired up (per the number of cab files resides at the source folder). However, only one of them is run under cmd.exe => perl, and none of these process gets shut down after fired. Seems to me I need to shut down the process and execute it one by one, which I have no clue how to do so in perl. Any pointers?
EDIT: I also tried replacing jzip with notepad, it turns out it opens up notepad with one file at a time (in sequential order), and only if I manually close notepad then another instance is fired. Is this common behavior in ActivePerl?
EDIT: I finally solved it, and I am still not entire sure why. What I did was removing XML library in the script, which should not relevant. Sorry I removed "use XML::DOM" purposefully in the beginning as I thought it is completely irrelevant to this problem.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use IO::File;
use File::Copy;
use XML::DOM;
use DBI;
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use IO::File;
use File::Copy;
use DBI;
use v5.10;
my $prefix = 'myfileprefix';
my $dir = '.';
# retrieve xml file within given folder
sub {
my $file = $_;
return if -d $file;
return if $file !~ /^$prefix(.*)\.cab$/;
say $file;
#say $file or die $!;
my $cmd = 'jzip -eo '.$file;
say $cmd;
}, $dir
This, however, imposes another problem, when the extracted file already exists, the script will hang again. I highly suspect this is a problem of jzip and an alternative of solving the problem is simply replacing jzip with extract, like #ghostdog74 pointed out below.
First off, if you are using commands via system() call, you should always redirect their output/error to a log or at least process within your program.
In this particular case, if you do that, you'd have a log of what every single command is doing and will see if/when any of them are stuck.
Second, just a general tip, it's a good idea to always use native Perl libraries - in this case, it may be impossible of course (I'm not that experienced with Windows Perl so no clue if there's a jzip module in Perl, but search CPAN).
UPDATE: Didn't find a Perl native CAB extractor, but found a jzip replacement that might work better - worth a try. - there's a DOS version which will hopefully work on Windows
Based on your edit, this is what I suggest:
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use IO::File;
use v5.10;
my $prefix = 'myfileprefix';
my $dir = '.';
my #commands;
sub {
my $file = $_;
return if -d $file;
return if $file !~ /^$prefix(.*)\.cab$/;
my $cmd = "jzip -eo $File::Find::name";
push #commands, $cmd;
}, $dir
#asynchronously kick off jzips
my $fresult;
for #commands
$fresult = fork();
if($fresult == 0) #child
elsif(! defined($fresult))
die("Fork failed");
#no-op, just keep moving
edit: added asynch. edit2: fixed scope issue.
What happens when you run the jzip command from the dos window? Does it work correctly? What happens if you add an end of line character (\n) to the command in the script? Does this prevent the hang?
here's an alternative, using extract.exe which you can download here or here
use File::Find;
use IO::File;
use v5.10;
my $prefix = 'myfileprefix';
my $dir = '.';
File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, '.');
sub wanted {
my $destination = q(c:\test\temp);
if ( -f $_ && $_=~/^$prefix(.*)\.cab$/ ) {
$filename = "$File::Find::name";
$path = "$File::Find::dir";
$cmd = "extract /Y $path\\$filename /E /L $destination";
print $cmd."\n";
} $dir;
Although no one has mentioned it explicitly, system blocks until the process finishes. The real problem, as people have noted, is figuring out why the process doesn't exit. Forking or any other parallelization won't help because you'll be left with a lot of hung processes.
Until you can figure out the issue, start small. Make the smallest Perl script that demonstrates the problem:
system( '/path/to/jzip', '-eo', 'literal_file_name' ); # full path, list syntax!
print "I finished!\n";
Now the trick is to figure out why it hangs, and sometimes that means different solutions for different external programs. Sometimes you need to close STDIN before you run the external process or it sits there waiting for it to close, sometimes you do some other thing.
Instead of system, you might also try things such as IPC::System::Simple, which handles a lot of platform-specific details for you, or modules like IPC::Run or IPC::Open3.
Sometimes it just sucks, and this situation is one of those times.

How can I run a system command in Perl asynchronously?

I currently have a Perl script that runs an external command on the system, gathers the output, and performs some action based on what was returned. Right now, here is how I run this (where $cmd is a string with the command setup):
#output = `$cmd`;
I'd like to change this so if the command hangs and does not return a value after so much time then I kill the command. How would I go about running this asynchronously?
There's a LOT of ways to do this:
You can do this with a fork (perldoc -f fork)
or using threads (perldoc threads). Both of these make passing the returned information back to the main program difficult.
On systems that support it, you can set an alarm (perldoc -f alarm) and then clean up in the signal handler.
You can use an event loop like POE or Coro.
Instead of the backticks, you can use open() or respectively open2 or open3 (cf. IPC::Open2, IPC::Open3) to start a program while getting its STDOUT/STDERR via a file handle. Run non-blocking read operations on it. (perldoc -f select and probably google "perl nonblocking read")
As a more powerful variant of the openX()'s, check out IPC::Run/IPC::Cmd.
Probably tons I can't think of in the middle of the night.
If you really just need to put a timeout on a given system call that is a much simpler problem than asynchronous programming.
All you need is alarm() inside of an eval() block.
Here is a sample code block that puts these into a subroutine that you could drop into your code. The example calls sleep so isn't exciting for output, but does show you the timeout functionality you were interested in.
Output of running it is:
/bin/sleep 2 failure: timeout at
./time-out line 15.
$ cat time-out
use warnings;
use strict;
my $timeout = 1;
my #cmd = qw(/bin/sleep 2);
my $response = timeout_command($timeout, #cmd);
print "$response\n" if (defined $response);
sub timeout_command {
my $timeout = (shift);
my #command = #_;
undef $#;
my $return = eval {
local($SIG{ALRM}) = sub {die "timeout";};
my $response;
open(CMD, '-|', #command) || die "couldn't run #command: $!\n";
while(<CMD>) {
$response .= $_;
close(CMD) || die "Couldn't close execution of #command: $!\n";
if ($#) {
warn "#cmd failure: $#\n";
return $return;
If your external program doesn't take any input, look for the following words in the perlipc manpage:
Here's a safe backtick or pipe open for read:
Use the example code and guard it with an alarm (which is also explained in perlipc).
I coded below to run rsync on 20 directories simultaneously (in parallel instead of sequentially requiring me to wait hours for it to complete):
use threads;
for my $user ( keys %users ) {
my $host = $users{$user};
async {
system <<~ "SHELL";
ssh $host \\
rsync_user $user
$ pgrep -lf rsync | wc -l
Not sure if it's best or even a good solution, but I was glad that it worked for my use case.
With this you get a mixed output on screen (what I ignored anyway), but it does its job successfully.
threads pragma exports the (very useful) async function by default.
rsync_user is my Perl script that wraps rsync command with options, and source and target directories set.
Ran on FreeBSD 13.1 with Perl 5.32.1