Update assemblys without deploy clickonce again - deployment

There is one problem about our infra architecture.
The sever is working on the ship. So If the application changed,
The only thing I can do is that sending a file has been changed and someone who on the ship have to change a manifest file and copy the file at the folder that clickonce application has been deploy.
and then users try to run a application, the application has to be updated automatically.
I want to know is that
- The application can be updated when I change a assembly and manifest file in the server?
- How can I?

Can't you publish the ClickOnce app, and then have someone copy it to the server manually, and then it will update everyone's machine?


Getting requests only in one computer in UmbracoApi

I have a Umbraco API project that using the UmbracoCms library V 7.15.3. The project work properly, but from some reason after that i copy the project to another computer. The API stop to work there and requests did not comes to the controller.
Is there a reason for something like this to happen?
Umbraco gives you a web application which you need to install and setup somewhere before it will work.
You probably used their installer initially which created an IIS website and a database for you. You don't need to re-run the installer, but you do need to copy the database and all the files and re-create the website in IIS on the other computer.
Simply moving files around is not enough.

Best way to deploy a Click Once application on a network

I am trying to install an Outlook 365 Add In that I have developed. I have published the application as a click once which can be installed by running the setup file.
I need the application to be installed on all company computers, so the best place to host the application would be the company network.
How can I deploy my application to all users and allow the application to automatically update every time there is a new version published?
I greatly appreciate any help with this issue. This is the first large application deployment that I have undertaken.
I can't advise on the specific mechanism for deploying an "installed" version of your solution - I imagine you can accomplish that with most application deployment systems. Otherwise users will have to run the setup.exe from your network deployment. When you do have an update you simply copy the new files to a new versioned folder and existing installations will detect the change of version number in the deployed manifest and auto-update. See also: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb772100.aspx

Changes in Windows Azure web role via remote desktop are not propagating

I have deployed a web role on Windows Azure. It runs on one instance only. I set up the remote desktop to access it.
At the moment I need to change only two lines in a JavaScript file in the website.
I connected to the instance then ...
navigated to the E:\approot\Scripts
opened the target file, edited it
Changes didn't propagate. (I download the old content)
Then I tried to
Stop the IIS in web role
Edit the file
Start the IIS again
Changes didn't propagate (When I open the file in the RD I see my new content, but when open via http I see the old content)
Then I tried
Opened RD
Navigated to the file and edited it
Rebooted the instance via Windows Azure control panel
Again connected to RD
I still see the old content in the remote server
My question is what I should do in order to change only one file without redeploying the whole package?
My guess is you're editing the wrong location. Look in e:\sitesroot\0 (or something like that). When in doubt, open the IIS config UI and find out exactly where the website content lives.
EDIT: But as Dennis pointed out, changes you make this way don't persist, so use this only for testing.
I have had this work before, but there problems with this type of change. If something happened to the hardware you are running on and your instance needed to be 'healed', it will only be created from the package you uploaded. Azure does not know about the file edits you have made via RD.
There is not a way to make a single file change in side of a cloud service right now, but with the new Azure web site functionality it is just a git push or tfs push away.
You should be able to do a web deploy by right clicking on your website project (not the azure role project). This will only deploy files which have changed to the active instance. I believe there is a setting in your azure deployment profile (next to the remote desktop one) to enable this.
As noted in other answers these changes are lost should azure need to recreate or provision additional instances. Still, it is a great way to make incremental changes for development.

Deployment of a LightSwitch into Dev / Test / Live environments

How do you handle the deployment of a LightSwitch application into a production environment?
i.e. the LS application has been developed, but it now needs to be installed first into Test, and then into Live.
We don't want to use the "manual" approach, i.e. use the Visual Studio Build / Publish option, rather we want to automate the deployment.
My feeling is that deployment is one of the real weak points of LightSwitch. If you are using the very simple deployment model that is build into the product, and you're doing everything within a Windows domain, the publishing wizard can do everything. But if you're deviating from the model at all LightSwitch will fight you. I'd really like to see an "advanced" deployment option that provided some configurability.
Here's how I solved the problem you're having with LightSwitch applications that are targeting web deployment:
At the beginning of the project, deploy once to each target environment using the publish wizard. This is the easiest way to get the database set up.
As new builds are deployed, use the publish wizard to deploy to a deployment package to a standard location on the local development machine.
The deployment package is just a zip file, so you can open it an drill down to where the actual binary release is. I use a powershell script to copy the binary files out of the the deployment package and in to a local SVN working directory. Note that you must not copy web.config file during this step.
Check the unpacked binary files into SVN and use SVN to manage the deployment.
Manage schema changes with SQL scripts.

I have a J2EE application that needs updating within a client's intranet

I have a J2EE application that runs fine and is accessible to the internet. Some of our prospective customers would like to use it, but are unwilling to send their data over the internet.
As a workaround I've thought of providing them with the war file and letting them run it themselves.
The problem is: how do I make it trivial for them to update the application when I make a new version available? The more difficult it is, the less likely they are to buy in.
What's involved in writing an updater that fetches the latest war file from online and updates the web application? Is this even possible?
In the least they would need to redeploy the war file. Most application servers have an interface through which you can upload a new war file. I am in favor of doing this process manually i.e. you send them a war file and they can use the app server's admin page to deploy the new war. This way they explicitly know when they are updating the app. Also they control when they want to deploy a new version of the app and easily roll back to an older version.
I would recommend using Jetty as an embedded solution. I have used a few apps that that use the embeded functionality. It allows you to create a packaged distribution of your application that runs a servlet container out of the box.