How to make an iPhone dropdown-looking button - iphone

I've seen a dropdown-like button on many apps, including Turf Wars, that simulates a dropdown with a picker.
I need to use the same functionality in my app, but I'm not too sure what the best way to go about it may be.
I figured I could make two images and set them as a UIButtons background image for the different states and have the button open a pickerview.
Any input would be appreciated.

You can use a button with the image like dropdown image. And you can place a picker over that button hidden. In the click event you will show the picker. And after selection on picker you have to update the text value of the button and hide the picker again. Hope it helps you...

You can use a pop over that has picker in it.You can use use different images as UIButton background as you mentioned.It will give a feel of dropdown button.You can show popover on button action


Add iPhone Sharing Button

I've gotten Tweet sheets to appear in my app, but I'd like to spawn them only when a user presses the particular "Tweet" button in a UIActionSheet.
Currently, my UIActionSheet is being shown in the main view after the user presses a Rounded Rect Button. I would like to change this button to be Apple's "standard" share method, which is using the button with the square image and the arrow jumping out of it, as shown below
Where could I find the image for the button to do this, or is the button already built into XCode?
I hope I'm being clear enough.
Thank you.
You have to just create toolbar item with Bar Button Item. In Attributes Inpector choose 'Action' type of your button.
Attach selector/method from your rounded rect button to this button.

Want to see the image only in iPhone

I have a button connected to an action.
When I set the background image on that button, the result is not visually appealing. I want just to see the image not the button but I want the ibaction functionality of that button.
Please help
You need a button with type UIButtonTypeCustom (this will stop the default button appearance from drawing). You can do this in interface builder or in code (although you can't change it once the button is initialized).

How to change UIActionSheet view?

As I observed that UIActionSheet is always appearing from down side in iPhone,
but in some app, as I saw in AlarmClock, then two button became visible, one from upside and second from downside of iPhone,
What is that exactly, I can't understand, as far as I feel, it looks UIActionSheet,
I want such appearance for one of my app....
Yes just like Ole said, you can't customize UIActionSheet . But since it is just a simple subview you can create your personal "action sheet" by subviewing and animating. So if you want a button to appear on the top and one on the button, then create two UIViews resize them to the right size for your button, add your action sheet style background or any other background, add your button, connect your IBActions to the buttons and your IBOutlets to the views. Then when you want the buttons to appear animate them onto the screen (using sone CGRect, animation time and finally [UIView commitAnimations])
Probably just one or two custom views with a custom animation. UIActionSheet is not customizable so if you want something else than the default behavior you have to write it yourself. It's not that difficult.

Image Slider to my iPhone application

I need this kind of component to my iPhone Application. How could I Added to this to my project.
after i click that black color I need to animated it to left side and show next one.. like that
Try a tableView with one row and one section. Then the action of clicking on the row can trigger the delegate method of the tableView and use that to do whatever you like.
Alternately, you can make this a button with a custom view and swap out the view each time the user taps it.

touch effect for Button in iphone

how can i just change the color,of a button when i set the focus on the button in iphone.
I mean to say , for example we have 5 buttons, and i am just setting the focus on each of the button. i want those buttons to be higlighted with different color.
but when press or touch up inside the utton, the navigation is made to the respective forms, that is set for that button.
you can write method, for example, let it be
- (void) changeButtonState:(UIButton*) buttonToChange;
then you can call it in your onBtnClk method for button you need. in that method you can change image for your button's UIControlStateNormal mode. and if I understand right, you can use toolbar or tabbar instead of buttons.
Guess you have already asked this issue differently here..
But have you checked the answer?? You can use any of those methods at your will!