GWT CellList Horizontal - gwt

Does anybody know how to make a CellList oriented horizontally? If possible, please with UiBinder, but this is not necessary.

Following Thomas Broyer's suggestion on the google-web-toolkit group, and How to style GWT CellList?, we can inject a new CSS resource into the CellList constructor.
The CSS for getting the horizonltal formatting MyCellList.css:
/* This file is based on the CSS for a GWT CellList:
* The primary purpose is to arrange for the <div> elements that contain each cell to be laid out inline (horizontally).
/* Using inline-block, following Thomas Broyer's recommendations (with link to justification) here:
.cellListEvenItem {
display: inline-block;
padding: 5px;
.cellListOddItem {
display: inline-block;
padding: 5px;
Define a new Resource like this:
public interface MyCellListResource extends CellList.Resources {
public static MyCellListResource INSTANCE = GWT.create(MyCellListResource.class);
interface MyCellListStyle extends CellList.Style {}
#Source({CellList.Style.DEFAULT_CSS, "MyCellList.css"})
MyCellListStyle cellListStyle();
Inject the new style, and pass it CellList's constructor:
CellList<Fare> cellList = new CellList<Fare>(cell, MyCellListResource.INSTANCE);
Note that the new style appears in the cascade after the DEFAULT style for CellList, so you need only put the modifications you require into your MyCellList.css.

Try to override the CellList.renderRowValues method. You have to be able to create a horizontal presentation template.

There is a lot of logic in that method I didn't want to reproduce, but my hacky solution of just replacing all div's with span's worked:
public class HorizontalCellList<T> extends CellList<T> {
public HorizontalCellList(Cell<T> cell) {
protected void renderRowValues(
SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values, int start, SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) {
SafeHtmlBuilder filteredSB = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
super.renderRowValues(filteredSB, values, start, selectionModel);
SafeHtml safeHtml = filteredSB.toSafeHtml();
String filtered = safeHtml.asString().replaceAll("<div", "<span").replaceAll("div>","span>");

A variant with CSS - set CSS class name on you cell list
CellList<T> list = new CellList<T>(...);
then apply CSS rule to the cells to make them align horizontally:
.myList > div > div > div {
display: inline;

I'm able to solve this by extending CellList and creating my own template + overriding the renderRowValues method. Simply changing divs into spans didn't do the trick for me maybe it was because I have custom cells (each cell is rendered as table). Adding display:inline on the CSS didn't work for me also.
My template code is pretty much the same as the original except I added the "float:left;" style:
interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
#Template("<div onclick=\"\" __idx=\"{0}\" style=\"float:left;\">{1}</div>")
SafeHtml span(int idx, SafeHtml cellContents); ...
Here's a snippet of my renderRowValue method:
int length = values.size();
int end = start + length;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
SingleKeyValueModel value = values.get(i - start);
//super.renderRowValues(sb, values, start, selectionModel);
SafeHtmlBuilder cellBuilder = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
Context context = new Context(i, 0, getValueKey(value));
cell.render(context, value, cellBuilder);
sb.append(TEMPLATE.span(i, cellBuilder.toSafeHtml()));


Rendering <style> inside Component with Renderer (Angular 7)

I have issue with rendering inside component. I would like to emit data from another component and send to another component, data was emitted, but the problem is when I create the element with Renderer2, sometimes it's working, but sometimes not. Probably it's a problem with rendering style element in a component?
My service method for emitting data
private globalStyles = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');
formDesign(data: any) {;
Here I emit data from Reactive Form control and send to another component.
// Height
.subscribe(height => {
this.showDataCriteria = {
width: this.formGlobal.controls['width'].value + 'px',
height: height + 'px'
Here I'm getting data from aside.component.ts and it received!
* Generate CSS
generateCss() {
let basicStyles = ' ';
let newStyle: HTMLElement;
let style: HTMLElement = this.document.getElementById('custom-class');
? (newStyle = style)
: (newStyle = this.renderer.createElement('style'));
this.renderer.setAttribute(newStyle, 'id', 'custom-class');
let completeStyleFields = '';
? (basicStyles += `#${} {${}}`)
: (basicStyles += '');
this.customStyle.sections.forEach(element => {
completeStyleFields += `#${} {${element.textProps}}`;
basicStyles += completeStyleFields;
const text = (this.document.textContent = basicStyles);
newStyle.innerText = text;
this.renderer.appendChild(this.dndComponent.nativeElement, newStyle);
The Main problem is after style element was created, and I'm seeing the element in the DOM, styles not accepting! Sometimes accepting, and sometimes not. What should I do? How manipulate reload page probably to inject component and styles element?
Short UPD:
After all, I'm seeing #4152ae54-8a9d-49d5-a33d-62dfbbd35890 {height:600px; width:812px; }
But styles not accepted to the elements!
CSS can't render if the first numeric letter (#4152ae54-8a9d-49d5-a33d-62dfbbd35890). That’s because even though HTML5 is quite happy for an ID to start with a number, CSS is not. CSS simply doesn’t allow selectors to begin with a number. The relevant part of the specification states.

How to set the width of TextItem in DynamicForm

How to set the width of TextItem in DynamicForm?
Method TextItem#setWidth() is not working as expected.
I have tried DynamicForm#setColWidths() also but still unable to set the width.
Here is my code
import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Window;
import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.DynamicForm;
import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.TextItem;
public class AgeModelWindow extends Window {
public AgeModelWindow() {
TextItem textItem = new TextItem();
DynamicForm form = new DynamicForm();
//form.setColWidths("*", "50");
this.setTitle("Enter your age");
I solved this issue using css styling on textItem. I don't know why it's not working via code in SmartGWT.
.textItemAge input,.textItemAgeFocused input,.textItemAgeDisabled input,.textItemAgeDisabledHint input,.textItemAgeError input,.textItemAgeHint input
width: 50px !important;

DatePickers on the FloatPanel

I need to place several DatePicker widgets into the row. If there is not enough width to place all of them the rest widgets shift to the next row. It is the default HTML layout behavior. So I am trying to use FlowPanel. With any other widgets (Buttons, Labels, ...) everything ok, but DatePickers are placed one widget to the row. Here's the code
FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel();
DatePicker picker1 = new DatePicker();
DatePicker picker2 = new DatePicker();
Any suggestions to solve this problem?
DatePicker's root element is a table so you'd have to give it a display: inline-table style, or put it in an element with display: inline-block style.
The following shouldn't break any other use of DatePicker, but won't work in IE 6 or 7; it's the Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work™:
.gwt-DatePicker { display: inline-table; }
If you really need IE 6/7 support, you could try the following, in a CssResource:
#if user.agent ie6 {
.gwt-DatePicker { display: inline; }
#else {
.gwt-DatePicker { display: inline-table; }

GWT EditTextCell : How to increase editable TextBox width in EditTextCell?

I am using GWT2.3 in my project.
I want to increase editableTextBox width when user click on editableTextCell.
Problem is My Column width is 200 Px. when user clicks on editableTextCell then that TextBox width is around 125px in EditableTextCell is less as compare to column width.
I added EditTextCell in Celltable's column
Column stringColumn = new Column(new EditTextCell()) {
// My Code
cellTable.addColumn(stringColumn, "MyColumn");
cellTable.setColumnWidth(checkBoxColumn, 200, Unit.PX);
I tried following way to increase TextBox width but problem is I cannot edit in textbox + focus not losses
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem,Record object, NativeEvent event) {
String type = event.getType();
int editedTexBoxSize = (cellTable.getOffsetWidth()-100)/cellTable.getColumnCount();
String test = elem.getInnerHTML();
// test = <INPUT tabIndex=-1 value=P __eventBits="2048"></INPUT>
test= test.replace("value", " size="+editedTexBoxSize+" value");
// test = <INPUT tabIndex=-1 size=131 value=P __eventBits="2048"></INPUT>
super.onBrowserEvent(context, elem, object, event);
I want to Increase(set) TextBox width appear in EditTextCell is equal to column Width.
Any Solution ?
In my project I do that:
.edit-cell input {
width: 290px;
Finally the answer !
I tried this even simplier using UIBinder by adding :
.edit-cell input {
width: 30px;
text-align: right;
Then for the cell table I added
ui:field='itemTable' />
Wonderful !
You'll need to create a custom component. The out of the box EditTextCell does not allow you to set the size attribute of the input field, just the column width.
Have a look at the ValidateableInputCell impl here: In search of a GWT validation example... where art thou? for an example of how to craft a custom cell.
Admittedly the validation does not yet work but the ability to set the size on the input field within the cell does.

GWT CellTable - set column width

Is it possible to set the column width of CellTable in GWT?
EDIT: As of GWT 2.2 table.setWidth and table.setColumnWidth are supported
table.setWidth("100%", true);
table.setColumnWidth(nameColumn, 35.0, Unit.PCT);
table.setColumnWidth(addressColumn, 65.0, Unit.PCT);
I was able to extend the CellTable with a method that sets the widths programmatically. It's a bit of a hack since all the real methods that should do this are private to CellTable and it seems like GWT should provide this method directly, but it seems to work.
public void setColumnWidths(List<Integer> widths)
TableElement tel =;
NodeList<Element> colgroups = tel.getElementsByTagName("colgroup");
if (colgroups.getLength() == 1)
TableColElement cge =;
NodeList<Element> cols = cge.getElementsByTagName("col");
for (int j = 0; j < widths.size(); j++)
TableColElement column = null;
if (cols.getLength() > j)
column =;
column = cge.appendChild(Document.get().createColElement());
You could use a stylename for the specific column, using the addColumnStyleName(int index, java.lang.String styleName) method.
Javadoc for CellTable
What worked for me is adding a new class in my css. This class gets applied only to select elements whose length varies depending on data.
.__gwt_cell select{
Then applying it on my particular cell style like o:
The GWT documentation for CellTable covers this, see:
Under "Controlling Column Widths".