I need to know the Physical location Jasperserver use to store the uploaded resources from IReport.
It stores all assets in the database including any binary files you upload. Nothing is stored in the filesystem directly.
Is it always safe to use the path "/storage/emulated/0/{MY APP NAME}" to store the files ?
I Want to store files in the external storage of the android device and I want to store it in a folder named after the app name this folder needs to be located in the external storage.
Have you tried the package path_provider https://pub.dev/packages/path_provider/install?
It comes with the methods getExternalStorageDirectory() and getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() which might be what you are looking for. As far as I know different os types are automatically considered as well.
try the same package of ext_storage named android_external_storage its the same concept putting the downloaded data for example to the download folder.
Check this thread.
The directory an app can access on sdcard looks like /storage/1718-0217/Android/data/com.example.app_name/files. You can get this with the code below.
(await getExternalStorageDirectories())?[1].path;
One app should only access some restricted directories on sdcard. Or you should use Permission.manageExternalStorage.request(), it is strongly restricted and always return false.
Fortunately, per-app directories can also be scanned by other services such like media.
What is the best way to use assets in Flutter , for example if i have a file for app configuration , should I store the file by getting the app directory using the path_provider plugin -without using assets- and store it ?, or should I add the file to my program folder -add the file to my assets- ?
the same question if I have a small Sqlite database.
and which of these methods is faster , and which is more secure ?
Assets are files that you add to your app during development. You can load them with rootBundle.load() or rootBundle.loadString() but you cannot modify or delete them.
In the app's directory you can store any files that your app downloads or generates from the internet while running. These files can then be opened, deleted, modified, etc. To access your app directory you need the package path_provider, which tells you the path to your app folder.
A sqlite database is normally stored in the app directory. An example package would be here sqflite.
For speed and security I can't make a difference. An app directory is designed so that only the app can access it. Assets are a part of the app, the application file can theoretically be unpacked by anyone. Therefore I would at least not store secret things in the assets.
Well, if by app configuration you mean the user's settings you can use Sqlite, SharedPreferences or Hive (Hive shows a benchmark that says that it is faster than SharedPreferences).
I believe that assets folder is used to store some common files for the app, like images, icons, fonts, etc. And I think that isn't recommended to store files with some kind of config file, mainly with critical info about the app configuration.
I want to save multipel photos in my application, so that application run in background.
So what is the main difference between saving photos in doc dir or temp path.
And suggest me which is best way to save photos
Document Dir
Temp Folder
Thanks in advance
Here is a reference: File System Programming Guide.
Temp folder:
Use this directory to write temporary files that do not need to
persist between launches of your app. Your app should remove files
from this directory when it determines they are no longer needed. (The
system may also purge lingering files from this directory when your
app is not running.)
Documents folder:
Use this directory to store critical user documents and app data
files. Critical data is any data that cannot be recreated by your app,
such as user-generated content.
Usually, I put files in temporary folder only when I cache something and I don't care if these files will be deleted. If I want to be sure these files should live long life, I put them to documents folder.
The main difference is the path: <sandbox>/Documents or <sandbox>/tmp.
Some more differences:
The Documents directory can be accessed via iTunes if your app has file sharing enabled.
The contents of the tmp directory is volatile, the OS is free to purge it in order to save space.
About NSUserDefaults: that's something completely different, it's a mechanism which stores app-specific configuration data in property lists, I can't imagine how and/or why you would use it for storing images.
I have a Lite and Full apps. I need to pass the data from 3 plist files which are in Documents folder of the app (Lite), to the new (Full) app. I understand it can be done with custom URL scheme. Can someone explain the process of exporting/importing the data?
Can anyone confirm that this could be done?
Because of the sandbox environment on iOS, an application is only able to access its own Documents folder. This means your Full app cannot access files (in your case the .plist files) from the Lite's Documents folder.
Can someone help me find where CoreData is storing the SQL file it creates in iOS applications?
So far I've tried "Show package contents" on the .xcdatamodel file and also the .xcodeproj file...No dice!
Is there an editor for looking at the contents of these SQL files?
The url parameter of [NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:url:options:error] specifies the location of the file. Find this call in your code and see where you've stored it. XCode templates will put it into the top of your application documents directory, but you can put it anywhere you like.
Note that Apple considers the contents of this database to be opaque and non-user-modifiable. Playing with the data in your store is likely to cause issues with Core Data.
It's typically saved into your application's documents directory, with the name of your data model.
So, for example, if my data model is called AppData.xcdatamodeld, it will be AppData.sqlite inside my app's document directory. You shouldn't really need to touch the .sqlite file though.
Hope that helps!
Core Data editor --> http://christian-kienle.de/CoreDataEditor/