Detect if mvc2 client side validation passes or fails -

All... I am working in a mvc2 project using MicrosoftMvcValidation...
I have some custom javascript that I need to run when a form gets posted... I am currently running this code when the submit button is clicked. However, when the client side validation fails I do not want to run the code.
I see this article on hooking into the validation but am unable to get it working.
ASP.NET MVC2 - hook into client side validation
Does anyone have advice on how to achieve the following.
When submit button pressed and client validation passes... run my custom code
When submit button pressed and client validation fails... do not run my custom code

u can use jquery validate like this $('#your_form_Id').valid() this will check if the form is valid and will return true if valid or else returns false.
See here the documentation : .

I would use jQuery for unobtrusive client-side validation. Take a look at this, it will help you get through what you're looking for


React-Native: Getting forms to send info to server (undefined is not a function)

I have been attempting to make a registration app and I'm experiencing this event handling error when I try to submit the new field values
The code for my forms can be found here and here.
The code for event handling and sending the JSON object to the server can be found here.
I would very much appreciate any form of way-pointing or advice.
The error is quite self explanatory. You call this.handlePress in your NameFields component, but that component has no handlePress method.
Simply add that method to the component.
From looking at your other Gists, handlePress is part of the Registration component. Therefore, you will need to pass the handlePress through to the nameFields component so that it can use it (via props is a simple solution).

AEM: Display an Alert box after server side validation

I have a form in AEM. When the submit button is clicked control goes to forward.jsp. I have done some validations in forward.jsp and would like to generate on alert on the page once the validation is failed. How can I pass the alert to the page?
// validation success
} else{
// code for alert
FormsHelper.redirectToReferrer(slingRequest, slingResponse);
If you want to do the validation server-side, but show an alert client-side, I recommend you use JavaScript to make an AJAX call. You could change your submit button so that when it is clicked, it fires an AJAX call instead of submitting a form. See for a description of how this could be done using jQuery, but other options would also work for making the AJAX request.
In the response to that AJAX request you can put whetever you need. It can be a status code, a string of JSON, or a blurb of HTML. You then would write client-side JavaScript to handle the response and do whatever is appropriate based on the given response--such as show an alert on the page.
An example of this sort of approach if seen at
This topic is more complicated that you might think. Basically you can see sample implementation in the foundation components such as /libs/foundation/components/form/text/text.jsp. They all use the method to check if they are errors on field. This is happening over the class which is set as request attribute in order to transfer the field state between the different classes. You can check also the class which performs actually the validation. Putting some sort of logic in the forward.jsp is the wrong ways

How do I correctly Implement an event on successful form Submission using Google Tag Manager and Sitecore's Web Forms for Marketers?

I am attempting to track successful form Submissions using an event in Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager. My current setup successfully tracks when users submit the form. However, the event still fires even when the form submission is invalid and does not submit (ie a user hasn't filled out all of the required fields, clicks the submit button, the form attempts to validate, but comes back to the user with errors instead of submitting). I have the Check Validation feature on my listener checked which theoretically should keep the tag from firing if the form submission is prevented, so it's not the obvious error.
The form in question is created with Sitecore's Web Forms for Marketers. Colleagues of mine have had similar unsolved issues with their WFFM forms.
This particular form is used to gate content so that only users who fill out the form will have access to the content resource. So for example if I go to I will be redirected to where if I fill out all of my information correctly and submit it I will then be redirected to the resource that I was originally attempting to view at
Here's my setup:
Tag 1
Name: Form Submission Listener
Type: Form Submit Listener
Wait For Tags: Checked
Max Wait Time: 2000 milliseconds
Check Validation: Checked
No advanced Settings
Firing Rule: On form pages by URL
Tag 2
Name: Event Form Submission
Type: Universal Analytics
Tracking ID: UA-.....
Enable Display Advertising Features: Checked
Track Type: Event
Category: Form
Action: Submission
Label: {{Form resource URL}}
Non-Interaction Hit: False
No More Settings
No Advanced Settings
Firing Rules: {{event}} equals gtm.formSubmit
Theoretically the Check Validation check box should prevent the tag from firing if the form does not successfully submit, but in the case of this form it does not. The tag fires regardless of whether the form submits or not.
Apologies that I cannot link to the form as it is for a client and behind security.
We were able to find an answer to our question via the Sitecore forums, but I wanted to pass it along for your benefit.
From Sitecore:
The Web Forms module provides the double level validation, 1-client validation, 2-server validation.
By default, the client validation is disable for the Required Field validator. So, when you press Submit, the form posts to the server, and returns with the validation error. It's a possible reason why Google Analytics considers that as a form submit.
Find the following item in the Master database:
/sitecore/system/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers/Settings/System/System Validation/NotEmpty
Find the "Enable Client Script" checkbox and enable it.
Save and publish the item.
Check whether the issue was fixed.
This fixed the issue for all of our text based fields. It did not fix the issue for the one checkbox on the form. I've followed up with sitecore on this, but I figured that I'd update here in the meantime.
With only the checkbox remaining I was also able to use a a macro and add to my original firing rule in google tag manager so that the event would not fire if the checkbox was not checked.
I created a Custom Javascript Macro called Radio Button Checked (not sure it's the best, but it worked), and added a new condition to my original Form Submission Rule: {{Radio Button Checked}} equals true
The macro:
function() {
var radioName = "radioButtonName";
try {
var buttons = document.getElementsByName(radioName);
for (var i = 0;i < buttons.length;i++){
if(buttons[i].checked) {
return true;
} catch(e) {}
return false;
EDIT: Sitecore got back to me about the checkbox issue.
From Sitecore:
Currently the CheckBox field type doesn't have the client-side validation. I registered it as a bug for the WFFM module. I'll let you know as soon as it's fixed.
They let me know also that this isn't something that will be fixed near-term so I need to continue using my GTM workaround for the check box field.
The Google Chrome plugin "Tag Assistant" is super helpful in debugging these sorts of issues. It will show you what (if any) structural or implementation issues exist on a given page that might be preventing your intended tracking behavior (
My gut feel is that this issue is not specifically related to WFFM, but may be due to the implementation of the Tag Manager code on the page. I seem to recall having an issue like this when the Tag Manager include code gets dumped inside the auto-generated .NET tag when using WebForms in general. Google's docs ( say to put it immediately after the opening tag, and I recall that being my issue with tracking form submits.
This is all from memory, so I could be wrong, but it's something else to check.
Good luck!

Allow form submission to server inside of angularJS?

According to the AngularJS doc's
"For this reason, Angular prevents the default action (form submission to the server) unless the element has an action attribute specified."
is there any way to stop angularJS doing this?
If you don't want the form submission to go down the browser handled route don't put the action attribute on the form use the directive ng-submit which basically calls a method on your controller which will allow you to send the data to the server via a xhr request.

call gwt service without gui

someone has some experiences/recommendations in mixing gwt & servlets ? on client-side it's not always possible to use gwt-gui to invoke remote-service. for example: on clientside code you can click a button to retrieve data & render it on page , if i do a normal GET from java-script or from firefox-addon, which needs to be pointed to a normal servlet. is there a way for this GET to invoke gwt-service ?
GWT RequestFactory
here is tutorial
or you can call HTTP.GET request