Facebook Application: Uploading multiple images in one post to wall - facebook

How to upload multiple images in one post via api?
Like here:
I have managed to upload only one image via curl request.
-F "access_token=token_here"
-F "message=message_here"
-F "picture=http://www.example.com/image.jpg"
Or it's not possible to post multiple images this way?
Thanks ;)

It's possible by now with the Open Graph however it seems to apply only to user generated fotos:

Multiple photo upload via one Graph API call is not supported. However you can create individual api calls and batch those in one request described here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/batch/

You can now publish multiple images in a single post to your feed or page:
For each photo in the story, upload it unpublished using the {user-id}/photos endpoint with the argument published=false
curl -i -X POST \
-d "url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fimages%2Ffb_icon_325x325.png" \
-d "caption=test%20photo%20upload" \
-d "published=false" \
-d "access_token=<user_photos_token>" \
You'll get an ID for each photo you upload like this:
"id": "10153677042736789"
Publish a multi-photo story using the {user-id}/feed endpoint and using the ids returned by uploading a photo
curl -i -X POST \
-d "message=Testing%20multi-photo%20post!" \
-d "attached_media%5B0%5D=%7B%22media_fbid%22%3A%221002088839996%22%7D" \
-d "attached_media%5B1%5D=%7B%22media_fbid%22%3A%221002088840149%22%7D" \
-d "access_token=<publish_actions_token>" \
Source: Publishing a multi-photo story


Facebook Marketing API CURL Example for all Ad Website URL's

i'm currently serching for a solution to get all ad links pointing to my Website via the Facebook Marketing API. My current approch is collecting all ads in the Account:
curl -G \
-d "level=ad" \
-d "fields=spend,impressions,ad_id" \
-d "date_preset=yesterday" \
-d "access_token=<token>" \
and than loop over all Ids
curl -G \
-d "fields=id,name,body" \
-d "level=ad" \
-d "access_token=<token>" \
Sadly if I use the ad-id from the insights I get the Error : "message":"(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (link) on node type (Adgroup)". Wy does the Insights return a Adgroup for a ad? Does anybody know a workaround?
All the best
There is no field called body in Ads. Your call is failing because FB is telling you that you cannot retrieve a non-existing field. You can look up the available fields for "Ad" object at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/reference/adgroup
Also, I would try using graph.facebook.com/v2.9/act_<id>/ads to get the ad ids instead of insights call. You will get a cleaner JSON response like this:
"data": [
"id": "<ad_id_1>"
"id": "<ad_id_2>"

Post photos to an album using a batch request and curl

I'm trying to post a number of photos to an already created album using cURL with the following command:
curl -F 'access_token=<>' \
-F 'batch=[ \
{"method":"POST","relative_url":"/album_id/photos","url":"<photo_url>"}, \
{"method":"POST","relative_url":"/album_id/photos","url":"<photo_url>"}]' \
The error I'm getting is (#324) Requires upload file. Is it even possible to post photos in a batch request to an album and if so what is the correct way to do it with cURL? Thanks!
Edit: the correct command thanks to CBroe is:
curl -F 'access_token=<>' \
-F 'batch=[ \
{"method":"POST","relative_url":"/album_id/photos","body":"url=<photo_url>"}, \
{"method":"POST","relative_url":"/album_id/photos","body":"url=<photo_url>"}]' \

File upload with post parameter in curl

How to make a request for uploading a file to facebook using graph api in curl
I am making this request but getting Error:
curl https://graph.facebook.com/<id>/photos -F "source=#me.jpg" -d "message=Me" -v
Only One Http Request can be Selected
You cannot mix -F and -d options in the same command line. If you want a multipart formpost (which I believe you do) then you need to add all parts with -F, including the "message=Me" part.

Post to a Facebook user's wall with curl PERL

I'm storing facebook userid's and access tokens. Can I post to a selected user's wall with this information? The following code is found at Facebook's developer reference.
I'm just not sure how to run it with Perl.
curl -F 'access_token=$accessToken' \
-F 'message=Check out this funny article' \
-F 'link=http://www.example.com/article.html' \
or this code:
curl -F 'access_token=$accessToken' \
-F 'photo=http://samples.ogp.me/$appID' \
Why not use the Facebook::Graph module to do what you need? It's a rich wrapper around the facebook API.
You need to perform a HTTP POST request with these form data, see method post in LWP::UserAgent.

How to post a link with a picture to Facebook using the Graph API?

I have tried two different methods.
The first is to specify the link in the /PROFILE_ID/feed link argument (as described under "publishing" here). The problem is that if I specify anything other than my application URL i get an error saying the URL is invalid.
The second is to use the /PROFILE_ID/links method and specifying a picture URL. The problem is that when it posts it only shows the message and the URL. I've specified values for picture, name and message but none of them show.
How can I Post a link, with a name, message and picture?
Your first approach is the correct one. Is your url starting with http://? What SDK are you using?
As described on this page, the example suggest it should work.
curl -F 'access_token=...' \
-F 'message=Check out this funny article' \
-F 'link=http://www.example.com/article.html' \
-F 'picture=http://www.example.com/article-thumbnail.jpg' \
-F 'name=Article Title' \
-F 'caption=Caption for the link' \
-F 'description=Longer description of the link' \
-F 'actions={"name": "View on Zombo", "link": "http://www.zombo.com"}' \
-F 'privacy={"value": "ALL_FRIENDS"}' \
-F 'targeting= {"countries":"US","regions":"6,53","locales":"6"}' \
I ended up solving this problem by using the /PROFILE_ID/feed method and then disabling Stream post URL security in my application security settings. Hope this helps someone!