Possible to move downloaded mp3s from application to iPod? - iphone

I was looking to code an iPhone application however, i was not sure if the following is possible :
Download an mp3 from an external site (through the application)
Once the mp3 has been downloaded, automatically add it to the usual iPod application, so it is visible in the user ipod songs list.
Same for videos too (download video[mp4] and directly transfer it to the usual videos app)
If the above is not possible, can i directly play the downloaded mp3 in my application ? What would i require to play an mp3 in my application ? Are there open source mp3 players available that i can integrate with my application ?
Thanks for any help, i really appreciate it.

Once the mp3 has been downloaded, automatically add it to the usual iPod application, so it is visible in the user ipod songs list.
No, that's not possible. The iPod library is not writable by third-party apps.
Same for videos too (download video[mp4] and directly transfer it to the usual videos app)
Not possible, either.


How to manually add auido files in photo gallery in iphone

I am new to iphone programming. Can any body tell me that how to manually add audio files inside the photo gallery? I got some link like we can manually add video inside the simulator but that is only video. I want audio files,too. I have searched in google but I didnt find any where how to add audios files inside photo gallery.
Please can any body tell me.
The iPhone's photo gallery does not support audio files.
You can not add audio files to Photo Library. But you can use iPod Library Access Programming Guide for same approach.
Also refer AddMusic demo. AddMusic demonstrates basic use of iPod library access, part of the Media Player framework. You use iPod library access to play songs, audio books, and audio podcasts that are synced from a user's desktop iTunes library. This sample uses the Media Player framework's built-in user interface for choosing music.
AddMusic also demonstrates how to mix application audio with iPod library audio

iPhone iOS5 what are my options for playing audio I do not have bundled in?

I currently have 3 ways to play audio within my app:
Using AudioServicesPlaySystemSound for vibration and simple
Using Audio Toolbox for bundled files (3rd party class)
Using AudioServices with AudioFX
What I'm currently investigating is, if I can play other kinds of audio that are already present on the iPhone. I would like to reduce my app's download size, as well as offer more flexibility in terms of the kind of sound that the user can play.
Can I play from within my app:
Audio recordings from the Voice Memos app, or do I have to
create my own recordings? Items from an iPod playlist or Music app?
Items from youtube by pre-loading them, or will I have to stream them every time?
Existing ringtone for the phone?
I am a complete beginner when it comes down to playing audio on an iPhone and am already using two 3rd party classes for audio tasks.
Is there an easy way to accomplish some of the tasks listed above?
1) Audio recordings from the Voice Memos app
It's been asked before and I don't believe it's possible from your app sandbox.
iPhone: Access voice memos programmatically
2) Items from an iPod playlist or Music app
There's an API for that, the iPod Access Library:
3) Items from youtube
Should be possible, using a UIWebView.
4) Existing ringtone for the phone
No, you can't access the current ringtone programatically.
How can I programmatically determine the default ringtone on an iPhone?
You can download sound files on first start (not in your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method or your app will likely be killed) and save them locally, then you can just play them when needed. You can play files in their iTunes library, but won't know what they have in the library.
To play from their library, this is a handy example:
You can also record user input from your app with AVAudioRecorder, save that and then play it whenever.

HTML5 audio on iOS4 iPhone offline Web app does not play?

I built an offline Web app (at www.chirp.com) that caches itself when bookmarked on the desktop. Testing on the iPhone4 in airplane mode shows that the program runs without a network connection (except for Google map access of course). But the mp3 sound files do not play in this mode. Is there a problem with the audio tag when running in offline mode? The sound files are included in the manifest file, so they should be cached with the other files. Image files are still shown for instance.
How about if I use PhoneGap to create an iPhone app from this webapp? Will the sound files be included in the resulting binary load? In other words will the time delay, of online download of the small mp3 files each time the app is run and the sound is requested, be removed?
It is a bug or design decision on iOS to silently disallow caching of audio resources.
See this answer for more detail.
Using PhoneGap should work because the audio files will be present locally.
How about if I use PhoneGap to create an iPhone app from this webapp? Will the sound files be included in the resulting binary load? In other words will the time delay, of online download of the small mp3 files each time the app is run and the sound is requested, be removed?

How to access the mp3 stored in iPhone in iPhone SDK

How does one access an MP3 stored in iPhone iTune_controls directory? When i want to see the MP3 it is not visible for me in my applcation.
I'm not sure I understand your question correctly, but it sounds like you want to access an MP3 from your app that is in the iTunes (iPod?) area of the phone, is this correct?
If so then you can't directly access the file, since your app runs in an isolated sand-box.
If on the other hand you're wanting to play an MP3 that's part of your app then look in the iPhone Library - Audio Queue Services section.

How do I stream video and play it?

How can I stream video data from the network and play it on an iPhone?
First, are you developing a Web app optimized for iPhone or a native application ?
In the first case, your only option is to transcode your video files to Quicktime H.264 (m4v or mp4 extension). You can use Quicktime Pro (use the export menu) or VLC (as a free alternative). Then simply add a hyperlink to the video file on your HTTP server. Make sure it presents the right content-type and stuff (read Safari Web Content Guide for iPhone OS: Configuring Your Server). That'll work for web and native apps (in a native app you would use the MPMoviePlayerController view). So can "stream" (technically called progressive download of a Quicktime movie file).
If you're talking about streaming live content (i.e. content that you produce live or transcode a live feed) there is currently no official way of doing it (as of iPhone OS 2.2). iPhone OS does not support RTSP/RTP streaming. A number of native iPhone applications (such as UStream.tv and Orb Live) have created their custom live streaming solution (most of them transfer a delayed streams with many seconds of latency over HTTP then somehow decode it on the phone using FFmpeg or other libraries).
Are you trying to stream video in your app or just streaming on your iPhone? For streaming video through an app, use the MPMoviePlayerController and pass the URL of your video to it. The MPMoviePlayerController will itself stream the video and play it for you.
If you're looking for a server based solution (with a very affordable Amazon EC2 option), be sure to check out Wowza at http://www.wowzamedia.com/advanced.php
It streams directly to iPhone/iPod Touch without a custom app.
note: I'm not affiliated with them at all... just a fan/customer.
edit: Just noticed how old this question was. :)