Significance of Super? - iphone

Can anybody tell me why we need the super in every method for e.g.:
[super viewDidLoad];
I am confused about the super keyword....

[super ...] calls the implementation of the method in your class's superclass. It is important to use if the inheriting class wants to extend the method implementation (i.e., add something to it but also do what the superclass did) as opposed to replacing the method implementation.
As such, you do not call super in every method you override but only where it is appropriate. If you should, must or must not call super in a specific method should be mentioned in the documentation of that method.

To call the method of the parent class.
This is the rule when you override the method of the superclass, so that you can make sure that code in the superclass get executed and behave correctly.
Note: Sometimes, you call super in the beginning of the method, some other times, in the end of the method


access to "super" through pointer to class's object

I have some class SimpleButton. It is a Child of Button class. Button class has some method, which is overridden in SimpleButton. Now, if I whant to get access to this method from simpleButton, I just need to call [super someMethod]; But how to get access to it from outside of simpleButton? I tried:
SimpleButton *button;
[(Button*)button.superclass someMethod];
but this does not works...
You can't do it like that. If you've overridden a method in a subclass then you have changed the publicly available method of that class to be the one in your implementation. You would have to have a separate method which just calls the super implementation:
Say you've overridden method foo. Create a new method, superFoo
[button superFoo];
Which internally does this:
[super foo];
However, if you need to do this sort of thing then you probably need to rethink why you have overridden the method in the first place. Perhaps you should have a new method on your subclass instead which does the unique parts and calls the super implementation itself, rather than overriding.

invoking a delegate method of a class by code

is it possible to invoke a delegate method of a class by code?
In my case I want to invoke the searchBar:textDidChange: method in my code!
If yes how would I do that ?
Yes, if you know exactly how to cook the objects for its parameters.
It is just another method and you can call like
[self searchBar:parameter textDidChange:parameter];
IMHO, I would say, in this case, searchBar is in better position to pass the objects, rather than you invoke yourself.

Few questions about overriding the init function

As an Objective-C beginner, I'm very confused about the init function, and how and when to override it. So here are few questions :
Apparently, it works fine when the init function is not overridden, so is it just a good practice to do it? If it is, then is it a very bad practice not to do it?
Let's assume I'm overriding the function because I have to assign a default value to a variable. Do I have to allocate and initialize all the other ivars, including IBOutlets?
Please note I'm aware of the syntax :
if ((self = [super init]))
_foo = [[Bar alloc] init];
return self;
Per "Initialization":
A class generally implements an initializer for its objects, but is not required to. If a class does not implement an initializer, Cocoa calls the initializer of the nearest ancestor of the class. However, subclasses often define their own initializer or override an initializer of their superclass to add class-specific initializations. If a class does implement an initializer, it should invoke an initializer of its superclass as the first step. This requirement ensures a series of initializations for an object down the inheritance chain, starting with the root object. The NSObject class declares the init method as the default object initializer, so it is always invoked last but returns first.
As this says, you override your superclass's designated initializer when you need to do some initialization after it's done with its initialization. Don't need to do that? Then you don't need to override.
When your object is instantiated from a NIB, -init is not called. Instead, your newly allocated object will receive an -initWithCoder: or -initWithFrame: message depending on the object's type. The NIB loading process sends your object -awakeFromNib after it and all the other NIB-created objects it references have been established. This lets you avoid overriding -initWithCoder:/-initWithFrame: when you wish to do some configuration after the NIB has been loaded. If you can do what you want to do by overriding -awakeFromNib rather than an initializer, you should do that.
See also "Multiple Initializers", which explains the "designated initializer" concept and how different classes can have different designated initializers, and "Allocating and Initializing Objects" for a less friendly but more in-depth description of the allocation and initialization conventions adopted by Objective-C.
There is no need to override -init (or the designated initializer) unless you need to do class-specific initialization.
You do not need to (nor should you) allocate or initizlize IBOutlets. Objective-C will automatically initialize all instance variables including IBOutlets to 0 (nil).
no not at all .... just initialize what ever you want ... again IBOutlets are not initialized ... you only set them to nil when there is a memory warning or when ever you want to break the link ....

What does [super viewWillAppear] do, and when is it required?

//something here
[super viewWillAppear];
Is [super viewWillAppear]; always required? If not when and why do you use it?
First of all, the correct boiler plate should be:
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
//something here
In other words, call super first, then do your own thing. And you have to pass the animated parameter to super.
You usually want to call the super class' implementation first in any method. In many languages it's required. In Objective-C it's not, but you can easily run into trouble if you don't put it at the top of your method. (That said, I sometimes break this pattern.)
Is calling super's implementation required? In the case of this particular method you could get unexpected behavior if you don't call it (especially if you have subclassed a UINavigationController for example). So the answer is no not in a technical sense, but you should probably always do it.
However, in many other methods there may be good reasons for not calling super.
Calling super method provide possibility to execute code in parent class.
Regarding your question according to Apple doc
So, yes, this method required.
In my experience, calling [super viewWillAppear] in the first line, when calling reloadData after that, makes it impossible to retrieve the previously selected row when coming back from a detail view. When [super viewWillAppear] is the last sentence, you can get the selected row and show the previously selected row hint. This happens only when using [tableView reloadData] inside viewWillAppear.
Lets say you have 2 class, a Parent and a Child. Child inherits from Parent. They have a method called greet which returns a string.
Here is what the parent method looks like:
-(NSString *)greet {
return #"Hello";
We want the child to learn from his parents. So we use super to say greet how Mommy would greet, but with our own little additions too.
// Inherits from Parent
-(NSString *)greet {
NSString *parentGreeting = [super greet];
return [parentGreeting stringByAppendingString:#", Mommy"]
So now Parent greets "Hello", and the Child greets "Hello, Mommy". Later on, if we change the parent's greet to return just "Hi", then both classes will be affected and you will have "Hi" and "Hi, Mommy".
super is used to call a method as defined by a superclass. It is used to access methods that have been overriden by subclasses so that the class can wrap its own code around a method that it's parent class implements. It's very handy if you are doing any sort of inheritance at all.

`[super viewDidLoad]` convention

I see some example code with [super viewDidLoad] called before your implementation and after your implementation.
I know you don't always have to call super (as seen in many other discussions).
When you do call it, is it expected before or after you code?
This could have consequences depending on what super's implementation does. Though you shouldn't have to know super's implementation to write yours.
Of course this goes for all of UIViewControllers delegate methods (willAppear, didAppear, etc...)
Any thoughts?
My rule of thumb is: if you're doing something related to initialization, always call the super class's method first (if you are going to call it at all). This gives the super class a chance to do any set-up that you may be relying on later in your method. If you're doing something related to destruction, call the super class's method last. This makes sure that you can rely on the state of the object throughout the execution of your method. Finally, take any other case on a case-by-case basis. For instance, if you're handling an event, you probably want to deal with the event first, and only invoke the super class's method if you chose not to handle the event or if you somehow altered it and want to pass it along the event chain.
Lets say you have 2 class, a Parent and a Child. Child inherits from Parent. They have a method called greet which returns a string.
Here is what the parent method looks like:
-(NSString *)greet {
return #"Hello";
We want the child to learn from his parents. So we use super to say greet how Mommy would greet, but with our own little additions too.
Code: // Inherits from Parent
-(NSString *)greet {
NSString *parentGreeting = [super greet];
return [parentGreeting stringByAppendingString:#", Mommy"]
So now Parent greets "Hello", and the Child greets "Hello, Mommy". Later on, if we change the parent's greet to return just "Hi", then both classes will be affected and you will have "Hi" and "Hi, Mommy".
super is used to call a method as defined by a superclass. It is used to access methods that have been overriden by subclasses so that the class can wrap its own code around a method that it's parent class implements. It's very handy if you are doing any sort of inheritance at all.