Best way to using Global Variables in PowerShell? - powershell

I want to use variables over PowerShell instances away.
(I know that global variables are not nice)
Is this the best way to define a variable over instances in PowerShell? Other ideas?
($global:variable is not over PowerShell instances away)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TestVariable", "Test value.", "User")

Yes. Other options would be to:
Write/read a hashtable to a settings file using Export/Import-CliXml.
Stash information in the user's registry hive.
But adding a user environment variable is also a good way to go and the way you suggest is what is needed for the environment changes to survive exiting the current PowerShell session.


Insomnia: how do I reference a windows environment variable in Insomnia?

I want to use a windows environment variable in Insomnia. There is an option to read OS properties, which I thought would allow me to use windows env variables but it's not obvious how. In the below I am trying to add "testWE" and I am trying using OS/userInfo.
Another option is to use a custom function but again I am not familiar with this syntax
Any idea on how to do this?
Try the insomnia-plugin-system-env plugin.

How do I create persistent path variables?

I've found that the $HOME variable can be rather useful for keyboard-only navigation in PowerShell. It would be nice to have a number of shortcuts stored as persistent path variables that can be accessed using the same syntax. I've seen the method $env:MyTestVariable = "My temporary test variable." but the result isn't persistent and still has to be accessed by typing $env:MyTestVariable which is not as succinct as the desired $MyTestVariable.
How can I create such variables and control what level has access to them (aka User, Machine, and Process)?

How to share data between cmdlets in a module?

I'm currently working on a module in PowerShell which uses a standard REST API in the background. For that, I wrote a Connect-Server cmdlet that retrieves an auth key for later calls.
My question is: Is there any best practice regarding sharing the data with other cmdlets? I know I could easily just return it from the Connect function and pass it to the following cmdlet, but that's not what I'm looking for.
Until now, I've been using global variables for that exchange of data. But as I've read in some best practice guidelines you should try not to pollute the global scope.
Other solutions I've seen use Get and Set cmdlets, but I don't think that's the best PowerShell way of doing it.
So are there any other ways of solving that?
The normal way is to return data from one cmdlet and store it either in a variable or forward it to the pipeline. Another way of sharing data might be serializing (ConverTo-Json, ConvertTo-Csv, ...) it to a file (located in e.g. $env:TEMP, or created via New-Temporaryfile), and deserializing it back again in another cmdlet (at cost of DISK I/O). Personally I'm always the result in a variable for lather usage and inject it in the next cmdlet (or use the pipeline).
Using global variables is not the best idea since you don't know on which parameters your cmdlet/function depends on.
So as the guys at PoshCode stated, the best way to do such a thing is using a variable in script scope as this is available for all cmdlets in the module but not visible for users.

Is there a way to use VSTS Variable Groups per environment?

I'm moving my configuration from using web.config transforms to being based on VSTS variables. I get process variables, you define a variable, pick an environment, and you're good to go. I also see "Variable Groups", these seem great, have KeyVault integration, and overall seem like a much better option.
But...I don't see a way to bind a Variable Group to a specific environment in my VSTS release process. I can't honestly see how these would be any use to me without this feature.
I've experimented with one workaround, but it didn't work. I tried:
Naming my variable group & variables with an environment prefix e.g.
Variable Group Name="Production ConnectionStrings"
Variable name="Production_LoggingConnectionString"
I thought once I linked the "Production_ConnectionStrings" variable, I could reference $(Production_LoggingConnectionString) from within a standard Process variable, but this didn't work.
I think I could come up with some powershell that would do something like the above and set variables, but this seems a bit too custom for me.
Does anyone else have an idea that I can use variable groups per environment, easily, without waiting around for VSTS to build this feature (if ever). Btw, if you want this feature, there is a suggestion here you can upvote: Make it possible to link a variable group to a specific environment in a release definition
This has now been implemented in VSTS variable groups as scopes. Go to your release definition -> Variables -> Variable Groups -> Link variable group, and you get the link window as below, where you can choose the scope to be either release or one or more of your environments!
I did not manage to find any release information on this feature, I just stumbled upon it as I was tweaking my releases.
I ended up using a powershell script to define my process variable based on the variable groups, it works great.
Let's say I want a variable named "LoggingConnectionString" and this has different values per environment
Define a Variable group, e.g. "SharedLoggingVariables"
Inside this Variable group, define a variable/value for each environment, e.g. "LoggingConnectionStringDev", "LoggingConnectionStringProduction"
Back in your Process Variables for the Build/Release, make SURE you don't have a variable named "LoggingConnectionString", otherwise this will overwrite the value coming from the variable group
In your Release process, create a Powershell inline script at the beginning of the Agent with the following code
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=LoggingConnectionString]$LoggingConnectionString"
Pass your variable group as an argument to this inline powershell, e.g.
-LoggingConnectionString "$(LoggingConnectionStringDev)"
The final powershell step should look something like this:
During release, the powershell will set your process variable from the variable groups. If powershell isn't an option for you, there are other options
No, there is no way to use variable Groups per environment.
As the user voice you linked, you can vote and follow up for the suggested feature.
The work around for now is using environment variables to overwrite the variables in variable Group.
Assume the variable LoggingConnectionString with the value Server=myDB in variable group need to be used both for Dev environment and staging environment. But for staging environment, it needs to use another value (such as Server=stageDB) from the variable LoggingConnectionString. So you can add the an environment variable LoggingConnectionString with the value Server=stageDB for staging environment.
When the variable $(LoggingConnectionString) is used in Dev environment, it will use the value (Server=myDB) defined in variable group.
When the variable $(LoggingConnectionString) is used in staging environment, since the variables both defined in environment variable and variable group, it will use the value (Server=stageDB) defined in environment variable.

Saving an Environment Variable back to Team City from Powershell

We have a need that periodically, we will run a build configuration that among other things, recreates tokens/logins etc. We want to save these back to Team City as Environment variables. Builds that we subsequently do will want to look at this Environment Variable store and do a string replace within our configurations as required.
I've taken a look at :
##teamcity[setParameter name='env.TEST' value='test']
But from reading the documentation, this is only used to pass variables between build steps within the same build. It doesn't actually save the variable back to Team City.
Is there any way (Preferably from a powershell script), to call Team City and tell it to add a Environment Variable (Or any other variable).
In order to persist a value back to a parameter you have to call the REST API.
I use a PowerShell script that acts as a wrapper around the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlets in PowerShell 3+ that can be reused in a build step to achieve what you want.
Step 1.
Save the script to a PowerShell file and add it to your source control rest-api-wrapper.ps1
Step 2.
Create a PowerShell build step referencing the script and pass in the following arguments, tailored for your situation
More details can be found here - TeamCity Documentation
Hope this helps