Unexpected behaviour of function findpeaks in MATLAB's Signal Processing Toolbox - matlab

Edit: Actually this is not unexpected behaviour, but I still need a solution.
findpeaks compares each element of data to its neighboring values.
I have data which contains peaks which I detect with the function findpeaks from the Signal Processing Toolbox. Sometimes the function seems not to detect the peaks properly, when I have the same value twice next to each other. This occurs very rarly in my data, but here is a sample to illustrate my problem:
>> values
values =
0.0858 <-- here should be another peak
0.0858 <--
Now the findpeaks function only finds one peak:
>> [pks loc] = findpeaks(values)
pks =
loc =
If I plot the data, it becomes obvious that findpeaks misses one of the peaks at the location 18/19 because they both have the value 0.08579.
What is the best way to find those missing peaks?

If you have the image processing toolbox, you can use IMREGIONALMAX to find the peaks, after which you can use regionprops to find the center of the regions (if that's what you need), i.e.
bw = imregionalmax(signal);
peakLocations = find(bw); %# returns n peaks for an n-tuple of max-values
stats = regionprops(bw,'Centroid');
peakLocations = cat(1,stats.Centroid); %# returns the center of the n-tuple of max-values

This is an old topic, but maybe some are still looking for an easier solution to this (like I did today):
You could also just substract some very small fixed value from all values on a plateau, except from the first value. This causes each first value on a plateau to always be the highest on the respective plateaus, causing them to be included as peaks.
Just make something like this part of your code:
peaks = yourdata;
verysmallvalue = .001;
plateauvalue = peaks(1);
for i = 2:size(peaks,1)
if peaks(i) == plateauvalue
peaks(i) = peaks(i) - verysmallvalue;
plateauvalue = peaks(i);
[PKS,LOCS] = findpeaks(peaks);
hold on;
plot(LOCS, yourdata(LOCS), 'Color', 'Red', 'Line', 'None', 'Marker', 'o');
Hope this helps!

Use the second derivative test instead?

I ended up writing my own simpler version of findpeaks, which seems to work for my purpose.
function [pks,locs] = my_findpeaks(X)
M = numel(X);
pks = [];
locs = [];
if (M < 4)
datamsgid = generatemsgid('emptyDataSet');
error(datamsgid,'Data set must contain at least 4 samples.');
for idx=1:M-3
if X(idx)< X(idx+1) && X(idx+1)>=X(idx+2) && X(idx+2)> X(idx+3)
pks = [pks X(idx)];
locs = [locs idx];
Edit: To clarify, the problem arose, when I had a peak which was exactly between two sample points and those two sample points had coincidentally the same value. It only happend a couple of times in more than 10.000 cases.

The behavior that you describe is a known bug in versions of MATLAB prior to R2010b. The minimum example is
findpeaks([0 1 1 0])
which returns [], while
findpeaks([0 1 0])
returns the (position of the) peak.
The bug has been fixed in R2010b and later, see the official Bug Report. With that fix, findpeaks returns the rising edge of "peaks with repeated values" (which I would call plateaus).


Verify Law of Large Numbers in MATLAB

The problem:
If a large number of fair N-sided dice are rolled, the average of the simulated rolls is likely to be close to the mean of 1,2,...N i.e. the expected value of one die. For example, the expected value of a 6-sided die is 3.5.
Given N, simulate 1e8 N-sided dice rolls by creating a vector of 1e8 uniformly distributed random integers. Return the difference between the mean of this vector and the mean of integers from 1 to N.
My code:
function dice_diff = loln(N)
% the mean of integer from 1 to N
A = 1:N
meanN = sum(A)/N;
% I do not have any idea what I am doing here!
V = randi(1e8);
meanvector = V/1e8;
dice_diff = meanvector - meanN;
First of all, make sure everytime you ask a question that it is as clear as possible, to make it easier for other users to read.
If you check how randi works, you can see this:
R = randi(IMAX,N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudorandom
integer values drawn from the discrete uniform distribution on 1:IMAX.
randi(IMAX,M,N) or randi(IMAX,[M,N]) returns an M-by-N matrix.
randi(IMAX,M,N,P,...) or randi(IMAX,[M,N,P,...]) returns an
M-by-N-by-P-by-... array. randi(IMAX) returns a scalar.
randi(IMAX,SIZE(A)) returns an array the same size as A.
So, if you want to use randi in your problem, you have to use it like this:
V=randi(N, 1e8,1);
and you need some more changes:
function dice_diff = loln(N)
%the mean of integer from 1 to N
A = 1:N;
meanN = mean(A);
V = randi(N, 1e8,1);
meanvector = mean(V);
dice_diff = meanvector - meanN;
For future problems, try using the command
help randi
And matlab will explain how the function randi (or other function) works.
Make sure to check if the code above gives the desired result
As pointed out, take a closer look at the use of randi(). From the general case
X = randi([LowerInt,UpperInt],NumRows,NumColumns); % UpperInt > LowerInt
you can adapt to dice rolling by
Rolls = randi([1 NumSides],NumRolls,NumSamplePaths);
as an example. Exchanging NumRolls and NumSamplePaths will yield Rolls.', or transpose(Rolls).
According to the Law of Large Numbers, the updated sample average after each roll should converge to the true mean, ExpVal (short for expected value), as the number of rolls (trials) increases. Notice that as NumRolls gets larger, the sample mean converges to the true mean. The image below shows this for two sample paths.
To get the sample mean for each number of dice rolls, I used arrayfun() with
CumulativeAvg1 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,1)),[1:NumRolls]);
which is equivalent to using the cumulative sum, cumsum(), to get the same result.
CumulativeAvg1 = (cumsum(Rolls(:,1))./(1:NumRolls).'); % equivalent
% MATLAB R2019a
% Create Dice
NumSides = 6; % positive nonzero integer
NumRolls = 200;
NumSamplePaths = 2;
% Roll Dice
Rolls = randi([1 NumSides],NumRolls,NumSamplePaths);
% Output Statistics
ExpVal = mean(1:NumSides);
CumulativeAvg1 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,1)),[1:NumRolls]);
CumulativeAvgError1 = CumulativeAvg1 - ExpVal;
CumulativeAvg2 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,2)),[1:NumRolls]);
CumulativeAvgError2 = CumulativeAvg2 - ExpVal;
% Plot
subplot(2,1,1), hold on, box on
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvg1,'b--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 1')
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvg2,'r--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 2')
xlabel('Number of Trials')
ylim([1 NumSides])
subplot(2,1,2), hold on, box on
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvgError1,'b--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 1')
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvgError2,'r--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 2')
xlabel('Number of Trials')

Plot distances between points matlab

I've made a plot of 10 points
10 10
248,628959661970 66,9462583977501
451,638770451973 939,398361884535
227,712826026548 18,1775336366957
804,449583613070 683,838613746355
986,104241895970 783,736480083219
29,9919502693899 534,137567882728
535,664190667238 885,359450931142
87,0772199008924 899,004898906140
990 990
With the first column as x-coordinates and the other column as y-coordinates
Leading to the following Plot:
Using the following code: scatter(Problem.Points(:,1),Problem.Points(:,2),'.b')
I then also calculated the euclidean distances using Problem.DistanceMatrix = pdist(Problem.Points);
Problem.DistanceMatrix = squareform(Problem.DistanceMatrix);
I replaced the distances by 1*10^6 when they are larger than a certain value.
This lead to the following table:
Then, I would like to plot the lines between the corresponding points, preferably with their distances, but only in case the distance < 1*10^6.
Specifically i want to plot the line [1,2] [1,4] [1,7] [2,4] etc.
My question is, can this be done and how?
Assuming one set of your data is in something called xdata and the other in ydata and then the distances in distances, the following code should accomplish what you want.
hold on
for k = 1:length(xdata)
for j = 1:length(ydata)
if(distances(k,j) < 1e6)
plot([xdata(k) xdata(j)], [ydata(k) ydata(j)]);
You just need to iterate through your matrix and then if the value is less than 1e6, then plot the line between the kth and jth index points. This will however double plot lines, so it will plot from k to j, and also from j to k, but it is quick to code and easy to understand. I got the following plot with this.
This should do the trick:
P = [
10.0000000000000 10.0000000000000;
248.6289596619700 66.9462583977501;
451.6387704519730 939.3983618845350;
227.7128260265480 18.1775336366957;
804.4495836130700 683.8386137463550;
986.1042418959700 783.7364800832190;
29.9919502693899 534.1375678827280;
535.6641906672380 885.3594509311420;
87.0772199008924 899.0048989061400;
990.0000000000000 990.0000000000000
P_len = size(P,1);
D = squareform(pdist(P));
D(D > 600) = 1e6;
hold on;
for i = 1:P_len
pi = P(i,:);
for j = 1:P_len
pj = P(j,:);
d = D(i,j);
if ((d > 0) && (d < 1e6))
plot([pi(1) pj(1)],[pi(2) pj(2)],'-r');
hold off;
Final output:
On a side note, the part in which you replaces the distance values trespassing a certain treshold (it looks like it's 600 by looking at your distances matrix) with 1e6 can be avoided by just inserting that threshold into the loop for plotting the lines. I mean... it's not wrong, but I just think it's an unnecessary step.
D = squareform(pdist(P));
% ...
if ((d > 0) && (d < 600))
plot([pi(1) pj(1)],[pi(2) pj(2)],'-r');
A friend of mine suggested using gplot
gplot(Problem.AdjM, Problem.Points(:,:), '-o')
With problem.points as the coordinates and Problem.AdjM as the adjacency matrix. The Adjacency matrix was generated like this:
Since the distances of 1*10^6 was the replacement of a distance that is too large, I put the adjacency there to 0 and all the other to 1.
This lead to the following plot, which was more or less what I wanted:
Since you people have been helping me in such a wonderful way, I just wanted to add this:
I added J. Mel's solution to my code, leading to two exactly the same figures:
Since the figures get the same outcome, both methods should be all right. Furthermore, since Tommasso's and J Mel's outcomes were equal earlier, Tommasso's code must also be correct.
Many thanks to both of you and all other people contributing!

Selecting the right essential matrix

I want to code myself the sfm pipeline using Matlab because I need some outputs that opencv functions don't provide. However, I'm using opencv for comparison.
The Opencv function [E,mask] = cv.findEssentialMat(points1, points2, 'CameraMatrix',K, 'Method','Ransac'); provides the essential matrix solution using Nister's fivepoint algorithm and RANSAC.
the inlier indices are found using :InliersIndices=find(mask>0);
I used this Matlab impelmentation of Nister's algorithm:
The call to the function is as follows:
[E_all, R_all, t_all, Eo_all] = five_point_algorithm( pts1, pts2, K, K);
The algorithm outputs up to 10 solutions of essential matrices. However, I encountered the following issues:
The impelmentation stated above is only for perfect correspondances (without Ransac) and I'm providing to the algorithm 5 correspondances using InliersIndices, the outputted essential matrices (up to 10) are all different from the one returned by Opencv.
All the returned essential matrices should be solutions so why when I triangulate for each one using the below function, I don't obtain the same 3D points?
How to choose the right essential marix solution?
I triangulate using the function of matlab toolbox
Projection matrices:
P1=K*[eye(3) [0;0;0]];
P2=K*[R_all{i} t_all{i}];
[pts3D,rep_error] = triangulate(pts1', pts2', P1',P2');
The returned E from [E,mask] = cv.findEssentialMat(points1, points2, 'CameraMatrix',K, 'Method','Ransac');
E =
0.0052 -0.7068 0.0104
0.7063 0.0050 -0.0305
-0.0113 0.0168 0.0002
For the 5-point Matlab implementation,5 random indices from inliers are taken so:
pts1 =
736.7744 740.2372 179.2428 610.5297 706.8776
112.2673 109.9687 45.7010 91.4371 87.8194
pts2 =
722.3037 725.3770 150.3997 595.3550 692.5383
111.7898 108.6624 43.6847 90.6638 86.8139
K =
723.3631 7.9120 601.7643
-3.8553 719.6517 182.0588
0.0075 0.0044 1.0000
and 4 solutions are returned:
E1 =
-0.2205 0.9436 -0.1835
0.8612 0.2447 -0.1531
0.4442 -0.0600 -0.0378
E2 =
-0.2153 0.9573 0.1626
0.8948 0.2456 -0.3474
0.1003 0.1348 -0.0306
E3 =
0.0010 -0.9802 -0.0957
0.9768 0.0026 -0.1912
0.0960 0.1736 -0.0019
E4 =
-0.0005 -0.9788 -0.1427
0.9756 0.0021 -0.1658
0.1436 0.1470 -0.0030
pts1 and pts2 when triangulated using the essential matrix E, R and t returned [R, t] = cv.recoverPose(E, p1, p2,'CameraMatrix',K);
X1 =
-0.0940 0.0478 -0.4984
-0.0963 0.0497 -0.4987
0.3033 0.1009 -0.5202
-0.0065 0.0636 -0.5053
-0.0737 0.0653 -0.5011
R =
-0.9977 -0.0063 0.0670
0.0084 -0.9995 0.0305
0.0667 0.0310 0.9973
t =
When triangulated with the Matlab code, the chosen solution is E_all{2}
-0.8559 -0.2677 0.4425
-0.1505 0.9475 0.2821
-0.4948 0.1748 -0.8512
X2 =
0.1087 -0.0552 0.5762
0.1129 -0.0578 0.5836
0.4782 0.1582 -0.8198
0.0028 -0.0264 0.2099
0.0716 -0.0633 0.4862
When doing
ans =
-0.8644 -0.8667 -0.8650
-0.8524 -0.8603 -0.8546
0.6343 0.6376 0.6346
-2.3703 -2.4065 -2.4073
-1.0288 -1.0320 -1.0305
There is an almost constant scale factor between triangulated 3D points.
However, rotation matrices are different and there is no scale factor between translations.
which makes the plotted trajectory wrong
Answering your numbered questions:
Beware that Nister's 5 point algorithm has many implementations, but most of them don't work well. Personal experience and unpublished work by colleagues show that OpenCV does not have a good implementation. The open implementation in Bundler and other working SfM pipelines work better in practice (but there is a lot of room for improvement).
The 10 solutions are simply zeros of a certain polynomial equation. As far as the polynomial equation can describe the problem, these 10 solutions all zero the equation. The equation does not describe that these 10 points are real, or that the 3D points corresponding to the 5 point correspondences have to be the same for each solution, but only that there are some 3D points (for each solution) that project to the 5 points, without even considering if the 3D points are in front of the respective cameras. Moreover, there may well be two sets of 3D points and cameras that happen to generate the same images of 5 points, so you would have to weed them out with some other procedure (below).
The choice of the right solution among the 10 complex solutions is usually done by many techniques:
Discard solutions that would lead to purely complex points or 3D points with negative depth (currently Bundler does not do this last check)
Discard solutions that are not physical for some other reason (you may have to do some of that yourself for your application)
The more usual procedure: For each remaining solution, check which one is more consistent with additional correspondences. In a real system you don't know which additional correspondences are right and which are pure trash. So run RANSAC for each of the solutions and keep the one with the most inliers. This is computationally heavy so should be used as a last resort.
You can see how Bundler does this at file 5point.c line 668:
generate_Ematrix_hypotheses(5, r_pts_inner, l_pts_inner, &num_hyp, E);
for (i = 0; i < num_hyp; i++) {
int best_inlier;
double score = 0.0;
double E2[9], tmp[9], F[9];
memcpy(E2, E + 9 * i, 9 * sizeof(double));
E2[0] = -E2[0];
E2[1] = -E2[1];
E2[3] = -E2[3];
E2[4] = -E2[4];
E2[8] = -E2[8];
matrix_transpose_product(3, 3, 3, 3, K2_inv, E2, tmp);
matrix_product(3, 3, 3, 3, tmp, K1_inv, F);
inliers = evaluate_Ematrix(n, r_pts, l_pts, // r_pts_norm, l_pts_norm,
thresh_norm, F, // E + 9 * i,
&best_inlier, &score);
if (inliers > max_inliers ||
(inliers == max_inliers && score < min_score)) {
best = 1;
max_inliers = inliers;
min_score = score;
memcpy(E_best, E + 9 * i, sizeof(double) * 9);
r_best = r_pts_norm[best_inlier];
l_best = l_pts_norm[best_inlier];
inliers_hyp[i] = inliers;

Matlab stepwise fit wont run through loop

I am a relatively new Matlab user and possibly biting off more than I can chew with this code. Basically it loops through a stepwise regression time in all of the 1505 columns that have data (it is important that the columns without data are kept)
At the start of the code, the length of some columns is changed due to a lag (predetermined in another code). I think this is causing the problem as I get a dimension mismatch further down in the code (indicated below by a comment). I am quite stuck and not sure how to fix the problem. I would really appreciate anything that is obvious being pointed out to me.
Thanks in advance for any help!
for j = 1:1505
m = lag (1,j) %this is a number between 1 and 6 indicating the best lag
A1c=Approx1 (1:end-m,j);
A2c=Approx2 (1:end-m,j);
A3c=Approx3 (1:end-m,j);
A4c=Approx4 (1:end-m,j);
D1c=Det1 (1:end-m,j);
D2c=Det2 (1:end-m,j);
D3c=Det3 (1:end-m,j);
D4c=Det4 (1:end-m,j);
xx=[A1c, A2c, A3c, A4c, D1c, D2c, D3c, D4c];
yy = Nc;
%Begin Stepwise Regression
if isnan(Nc)
sstotApprox1(j)=STATS.SStotal; %calculate R^2
rsq = 1- ssresidApprox1./sstotApprox1
rsq(rsq==Inf) = NaN %Set Inf to NaN
rmse(j)=STATS.rmse; %Extract rmse
rmse(rmse==Inf) = NaN; %Set Inf to NaN
% repeat regresson only on the sigificant variables
if sum(INMODEL,2)>0
for k=1:8 %8 refers to previous 8 variables including intecept
if INMODEL(1,k)==1
rmsen(j)=STATSn.rmse; %Extract rmse
rmsen(rmse==Inf) = NaN; %Set Inf to NaN
Your code bombs because you are not clearing your xxn variable for each new lag. Instead, because your xxn is persisting, I believe that it will end up having the wrong size (the wrong number of rows) the next time you go through the big outermost loop.
In my opinion, you should initialize your xxn variable to zeros of the right size. You could do it in this section of your code...
% repeat regresson only on the sigificant variables
if sum(INMODEL,2)>0
xxn = zeros(size(xx,1),8); %ADD THIS LINE! Initializes to zero.
for k=1:8 %8 refers to previous 8 variables including intecept
if INMODEL(1,k)==1
xxn(:,xip)=xx(:,k); %these should now be the correct dimension

Matlab inverse operation and warning

Not quite sure what this means.
"Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision."
I have a 3x4 matrix called matrix bestM
matrix Q is 3x3 of bestM and matrix m is the last column of bestM
I would like to do C = -Inverse matrix of Q * matrix m
and I get that warning
and C =[Inf Inf Inf] which isn't right because i am calculating for the camera center in the world
bestM = [-0.0031 -0.0002 0.0005 0.9788;
-0.0003 -0.0006 0.0028 0.2047;
-0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0013];
Q = bestM(1:3,1:3);
m = bestM(:,4);
X = inv(Q);
C = -X*m;
A singular matrix can be thought of as the matrix equivalent of zero, when you try to invert 0 it blows up (goes to infinity) which is what you are getting here. user 1281385 is absolutely wrong about using the format command to increase precision; the format command is used to change the format of what is shown to you. In fact the very first line of the help command for format says
format does not affect how MATLAB computations are done.
As found here, a singular matrix is one that does not have an inverse. As dvreed77 already pointed out, you can think of this as 1/0 for matrices.
Why I'm answering, is to tell you that using inv explicitly is almost never a good idea. If you need the same inverse a few hundred times, it might be worth it, however, in most circumstances you're interested in the product C:
C = -inv(Q)*m
which can be computed much more accurately and faster in Matlab using the backslash operator:
C = -Q\m
Type help slash for more information on that. And even if you happen to find yourself in a situation where you really need the inverse explicitly, I'd still advise you to avoid inv:
invQ = Q\eye(size(Q))
Below is a little performance test to demonstrate one of the very few situations where the explicit inverse can be handy:
% This test will demonstrate the one case I ever encountered where
% an explicit inverse proved useful. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose
% the full details without breaking the law, but roughly, it came down
% to this: The (large) design matrix A, a result of a few hundred
% co-registrated images, needed to be used to solve several thousands
% of systems, where the result matrices b came from processing the
% images one-by-one.
% That means the same design matrix was re-used thousands of times, to
% solve thousands of systems at a time. To add to the fun, the images
% were also complex-valued, but I'll leave that one out of consideration
% for now :)
clear; clc
% parameters for this demo
its = 1e2;
sz = 2e3;
Bsz = 2e2;
% initialize design matrix
A = rand(sz);
% initialize cell-array to prevent allocating memory from consuming
% unfair amounts of time in the first loop.
% Also, initialize them, NOT copy them (as in D=C,E=D), because Matlab
% follows a lazy copy-on-write scheme, which would influence the results
C = {cellfun(#(~) zeros(sz,Bsz), cell(its,1), 'uni', false) zeros(its,1)};
D = {cellfun(#(~) zeros(sz,Bsz), cell(its,1), 'uni', false) zeros(its,1)};
E = {cellfun(#(~) zeros(sz,Bsz), cell(its,1), 'uni', false) zeros(its,1)};
% The impact of rand() is the same in both loops, so it has no
% effect, it just gives a longer total run time. Still, we do the
% rand explicitly to *include* the indexing operation in the test.
% Also, caching will most definitely influence the results, because
% any compiler (JIT), even without optimizations, might recognize the
% easy performance gain when the code computes the same array over and
% over again. It probably will, but we have no control over when and
% wherethat happens. So, we prevent that from happening at all, by
% re-initializing b at every iteration.
% The assignment to cell is a necessary part of the demonstration;
% it is the desired output of the whole calculation. Assigning to cell
% instead of overwriting 'ans' takes some time, which is to be included
% in the demonstration, again for cache reasons: the extra time is now
% guaranteed to be equal in both loops, so it really does not matter --
% only the total run time will be affected.
% Direct computation
start = tic;
for ii = 1:its
b = rand(sz,Bsz);
C{ii,1} = A\b;
C{ii,2} = max(max(abs( A*C{ii,1}-b )));
time0 = toc(start);
[max([C{:,2}]) mean([C{:,2}]) std([C{:,2}])]
% LU factorization (everyone's
start = tic;
[L,U,P] = lu(A, 'vector');
for ii = 1:its
b = rand(sz,Bsz);
D{ii,1} = U\(L\b(P,:));
D{ii,2} = max(max(abs( A*D{ii,1}-b )));
time1 = toc(start);
[max([D{:,2}]) mean([D{:,2}]) std([D{:,2}])]
% explicit inv
start = tic;
invA = A\eye(size(A)); % NOTE: DON'T EVER USE INV()!
for ii = 1:its
b = rand(sz,Bsz);
E{ii,1} = invA*b;
E{ii,2} = max(max(abs( A*E{ii,1}-b )));
time2 = toc(start);
[max([E{:,2}]) mean([E{:,2}]) std([E{:,2}])]
speedup0_1 = (time0/time1-1)*100
speedup1_2 = (time1/time2-1)*100
speedup0_2 = (time0/time2-1)*100
% |Ax-b|
1.0e-12 * % max. mean st.dev.
0.1121 0.0764 0.0159 % A\b
0.1167 0.0784 0.0183 % U\(L\b(P,;))
0.0968 0.0845 0.0078 % invA*b
speedup0_1 = 352.57 % percent
speedup1_2 = 12.86 % percent
speedup0_2 = 410.80 % percent
It should be clear that an explicit inverse has its uses, but just as a goto construct in any language -- use it sparingly and wisely.