List of Facebook error codes - facebook

I'm looking for a list of all Facebook can return when you try to fetch infos using Graph API. Can anyone help?
Facebook returns a 400 HTTP error, and a JSON content like:
"error": {
"type": "OAuthException",
"message": "Invalid OAuth access token signature."
I'm searching the different returns of the same kind it is possible to get.

Facebook used to have this published somewhere, but for whatever reason it was removed. But you can find the full list here:

There seems to be a list now for the errors.
I posted answer for the same question here: Facebook Graph API error code list
(I found the list here

In case Takwing's copy ever comes down, here's another copy:
These codes were primarily for the REST API, but they do also come up with the Graph API. Some of the Graph API calls have underlying FQL calls that return the FQL error codes. And the direct FQL queries are still part of the currently accepted API.
Update: I'm trying to keep this list up-to-date. Please feel free to make changes as you encounter new errors.

I am trying to keep an updated list of error codes based on previous outdated information.
You can find the repo here and it has been updated with Test User and Credit Error codes from the Facebook Documentation.
Currently looking for the constant name for "Error Code 2500" and some error descriptions may have changed. I hope to keep on top of this.

There is an official error code page, now:
It still doesn't look comprehensive...


An unknown error has occurred on Graph Facebook

I tried to get Data from Facebook Page with the graph of Facebook but I have a problem.
When I try to go on link like:
I always do this to have the Data from a Page but since today I have the error Message: "An unknown error has occurred".
Thanks for help.
The bug is fixed :
Have a look at my answer at
How to get user email and birthday from Facebook API Version v2.4
You have to specify each field you want to query now with v2.4. If you want to explicitly use v2.3, you need to prepend your calls by /v2.3 like this:
Seems like there's currently a bug regarding requests made with app access tokens instead of user access tokens:
At this moment, I pretty much figured out what is happening, and it looks like a bug in the Facebook API.
For v2.3 and lower:
The /PAGE-ID call will return an Unknown server error when you don't pass ?fields=username (for example). If you do pass the fields option, it will work. You can get it out of the docs.
For v2.4:
This will work, but you will miss a lot of data, so you'll also have to pass the fields options. But if you don't pass that, this version will give you back only the most basic of details. This is as described in the version release:
So the solution for now, would be to add the ?fields= everywhere you need, or to wait for Facebook to maybe ever solve it.
(And while you're at it, you might as well upgrade to v2.4 ;-)

Empty response to API call to Facebook Graph

I have been hammering away at this problem for the last day. I really hope someone can help me out. I would be very grateful.
What I am trying to do is fetch event data from a Facebook Page. I looked over the documentation, which says this about reading Pages data:
A Facebook page
For pages that are published, you need:
An app or user access token to view fields from fully public pages.
So what I did was I obtained an app access token via:
which then returned
After this I followed the documentation and made the following call,cover,name,venue,description&access_token=MY_APP_ID|MY_APP_ACCESS_TOKEN
This returned:
"data": [
So after some fiddling around I was able to make the call by switching to version V2.2 and by creating an access key with Facebook API Graph explorer tool(no permissions granted).
The page I am trying to retrieve data from is public and so are the events, so I can't figure out what is going on. I know I am super close since I am able to retrieve the data with the token provided by the Facebook API Graph Explorer Tool. The thing with using this token is that it only last a few hours and I need something that is going to last longer such as an app access token. I have done some research on Stackoverflow and found similar questions, but none of them solve my problem. Any help will be appreciated to the max! Thanks.
Looks like a bug of v2.4 to me. It works with v2.3 if you remove the deprecated venue field:
If the version is changed to v2.4, it returns an empty result.
There's no documentation about this in the changelog at
so I guess it's a bug. There's already a bug report at
with status assigned. If you have an app that supports v2.3, I'd suggest you prefix your request like this:
GET /v2.3/129511477069092/events?fields=id,cover,name,description

facebook graph api returns empty data array

I wanted to get the events for a closed group (which has tons of events) via the facebook graph api, but I only got
"data": [
in the Graph API Explorer even though I was using an auth token with user_events enabled. Just to be sure, I enabled every single permission for the token but got the same result.
what am I doing wrong?
I think I just found the answer to my problem; there was nothing wrong!
What I thought were events coming up were actually events that happened in the past, shown in the group/events page; I guess those aren`t aren't accessible.
I think I'll settle with using FQL as offered as a solution in this question.

Facebook Graph API: /id/picture returns "Invalid response"

I have a Facebook application that has been retrieving pictures using the guidance found here: Using Pictures
This has been working up until recently, where now if I retrieve an item picture using the following:
I get this response:
"error": "Invalid response"
Is this a known issue? This has been working up until around this week.
Instead of picture, you should use profile_picture if you want the URL of the pic, just like-
And if you want to use the image directly you can use:<ID>/picture
Using the /ID?fields=picture does not help when you'd like to get an arbitrarily large image. I have experienced Invalid Response when calling /ID/picture in the Graph API and found a solution that fixes it.
Try /ID/picture?redirect=false&width=800. The redirect=false option seems to fix the problem with invalid response from the API.

fbgraph error code

Does anyone know where can I find all the error code and error type for FBGraph? While handling error, I want to check what error FBGraph throws (like: duplicate post error, access token expire error) and take action accordingly. (I a working on Ruby On Rails 3)
I referred the documentation, but it doesn't list out the code and type of all the errors. Where can I find these error codes?
Thanks... :)
This has long been a problem with using the Graph API. There's no documentation anywhere as to all the possible errors that you can receive. Additionally there are errors that you receive randomly that don't occur when you make the same request again (ie bugs).
A lot of the Graph API seems to have an underlying structure that makes FQL queries. So, when those FQL based queries throw an error you can find the code here: