is it possible to add a a-href link to a user in a facebook wall post? - facebook

when you post a message using the facebookSDK, i was wondering if it is possible to add a link to another user profile?.
Something like:
Carl has left a message to Julian, Ana using the "Send Message" application
where Carl, Julian and Ana are links to their respective profile pages.

No, unfortunately you cannot tag people (friends) in that way using the api. I searched for ever to find a way for doing it, but it cannot be done.

Yes.I too tried the same . But facebook allows only plaintext to be posted as message to the wall.
Its better to drop the idea

Facebook now allows to tag poeple inside actions :


How to make a comment in facebook with attached picture

In facebook site you able to make a comment and attach image to it. Is it possible to do the same things with facebook api?
I have read this facebook for dev link and there is no answer to my question.
If you read the documentation properly, it says-
message is the only parameter in this API call. It should be a string containing the comment text.
So, using the API you can just comment a message to the object using-
POST /{object-id}/comments?
message='This is my message'
, no link/picture could be attached alongwith.
I don't know if it is a recent change in the way Facebook handles this, but if I put the complete url in the comment, Facebook detects it as an image and shows it there (along with the url).
Maybe it's not the cleanest way, but it's a way.

Post on the active user's wall

I want my app/website to post on the active user's wall (likely as the status) that should look like the following image:
If I use the "feed dialog", i am not able to post custom header like USER gave a gift on APP
as in this image.
Also, after about an hour ago , i am getting via APP_NAME if I use Feed Dialog
Pls help :)
This isn't possible via feed dialog. You need to use Open Graph actions to accomplish this.

On a quest for the super ultimate facebook share link

Facebook offers two simple methods for pre-poulating someones status for posting.
1) For sharing a LINK:
2) For sharing a message: rocks!
My question: is it possible to combine these. So if someone clicks your pre-populated link, they get both an attached LINK and a personalized message to go with it?
Facebook moved to Open Graph and realized it by introducing the Like Plugin. They removed the share documentation for a reason!
For you to use the Like plugin.

Posting with facebook api a message containing friend's names as links

I want to do a simple thing yet it seems none of the FB api options (Graph/others) seem to be able to solve it.
Say "Johny Brown" is my friend and I want to include his name in a wall post. What I can do is type #Johny Brown then facebook shows a nice dropdown from which I can select his name.
However the same behavior cannot be mimicked using Facebook API.
Any tips will be greatly appreciated. I tried "#" before name, using full url, using "Name" etc. None of them work.
yup you're correct. in the new graph api facebook simply removed this feature (possibly due to too much spamming).

wall posts and fb:multi-friend-selector

Firstly i know that the documentation provided by Facebook says that fb:multi-friend-selector can be used in pair with fb:request-form and that it could only sends inviations or requests.
I have more specific need and that is not only to make invitations/requests but also along with the previous to post something on selected friends walls.
I've tried everything but i cant take the id's selected from the fb:multi-friend-selector, so i'm unable to make this posts.
The doucmentation for fb:multi-friend-selector says: This interface includes a series of which are included for selected users in the form that gets submitted to your action URL.
Is it somehow possible to catch this id's?
I'm working on my app in C# .net.
I read in some of the previous posts that is treating problematics similar to mine that is impossible to do this, but i found application that works perfectly in way that i want to make my application.
Thanks in advance,
You can access the selected friend's id in the page that you are providing in "action" of fb:request-form.I am working with PHP so i am able to get those selected friend's id as $_REQUEST['ids'].So try some equivalent methods in c# for this.And if you get the friend's id you can publish to their wall.