scala either pattern match - scala

what is wrong in this piece of code?
(Left("aoeu")) match{case Right(x) => ; case Left(x) => }
<console>:6: error: constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type;
found : Right[A,B]
required: Left[java.lang.String,Nothing]
why the pattern matcher just doesn't skip the Right and examine Left?

Implicit typing is inferring that Left("aoeu") is a Left[String,Nothing]. You need to explicitly type it.
(Left("aoeu"): Either[String,String]) match{case Right(x) => ; case Left(x) => }
It seems that pattern matching candidates must always be of a type matching the value being matched.
scala> case class X(a: String)
defined class X
scala> case class Y(a: String)
defined class Y
scala> X("hi") match {
| case Y("hi") => ;
| case X("hi") => ;
| }
<console>:11: error: constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type;
found : Y
required: X
case Y("hi") => ;
Why does it behave like this? I suspect there is no good reason to attempt to match on an incompatible type. Attempting to do so is a sign that the developer is not writing what they really intend to. The compiler error helps to prevent bugs.

scala> val left: Either[String, String] = Left("foo")
left: Either[String,String] = Left(foo)
scala> left match {
| case Right(x) => "right " + x
| case Left(x) => "left " + x }
res3: java.lang.String = left foo


How to explain these pattern matching examples?

I wrote some events in FSM, and discovered something I can not explain when pattern matching. I thought the following was completely legal, that is that I can send this actor either a message which is a vector[A] or vector[B].
when(State) {
case Event(content: Vector[A], _) => {
println("matched A")
case Event(content: Vector[B], _) => {
println("matched B")
if I send the actor a vector[B] message it leads to
java.lang.ClassCastException: B cannot be cast to A
So basically it tries to match the first event eventhough the next would match.
I tried to make an even simpler pattern match example;
object Pattern extends App {
val n = Vector(1,2,3)
val s = Vector("S", "S", "S")
n match{
case e:Vector[String] => println("matched string")
case v:Vector[Int] => println("matched int")
This is actually not legal;
Error:(8, 12) pattern type is incompatible with expected type;
found : Vector[String]
required: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int]
case e:Vector[String] => println("matched string")
However, I am allowed to run my code if I do the following cast;
object Pattern extends App {
val n = Vector(1,2,3).asInstanceOf[Vector[Any]]
val s = Vector("S", "S", "S")
n match{
case e:Vector[String] => println(n(0).getClass)
case v:Vector[Int] => println("matched int")
The thing I find strange then is that I apparently say that Any could match a String, but the print is java.lang.Integer. So should I think of it as I have an vector[Int] that I say is a Vector[Any], since Vector[Any] could be a Vector[String] it matches that pattern, and again since it really is a vector[Int] I mask as Vector[Any] the print is fine too.
Could someone explain these pattern matching observations?
and how should I set up the messages so my state can handle both messages of Vector[A] and Vector[B]?
Due to type erasure of jvm type information is lost at runtime this kind of pattern matching (pattern matching with higher kinded types) is not supported directly.
Here are the ways to get around this problem
Instead I recommend you to wrap the vector in another container.
sealed trait Vectors
case class VectorString(vs: Vector[String]) extends Vectors
case class VectorInt(vi: Vector[Int]) extends Vectors
def doStuff(v: Vectors) = v match {
case VectorString(vs) => //be sure that vs is Vector[String]
case VectorInt(vi) =>
Ways to pattern match generic types in Scala
Using TypeTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def handle[A: TypeTag](a: A): Unit =
typeOf[A] match {
case t if t =:= typeOf[List[String]] =>
// list is a string list
val r = a.asInstanceOf[List[String]].map(_.length).sum
println("strings: " + r)
case t if t =:= typeOf[List[Int]] =>
// list is an int list
val r = a.asInstanceOf[List[Int]].sum
println("ints: " + r)
case _ => // ignore rest
val ints: List[Int] = Nil
handle(List("hello", "world")) // output: "strings: 10"
handle(List(1, 2, 3)) // output: "ints: 6"
handle(ints) // output: "ints: 0" it works!

How do you determine the type of the catch all in a scala pattern match case?

If you have a pattern matching (case) in Scala, for example:
foo match {
case a: String => doSomething(a)
case f: Float => doSomethingElse(f)
case _ => ? // How does one determine what this was?
Is there a way to determine what type was actually caught in the catch-all?
case x => println(x.getClass)
Too easy :-)
Basically, you just need to bind the value in your catch-all statement to a name (x in this case), then you can use the standard getClass method to determine the type.
If you're trying to perform specific logic based on the type, you're probably doing it wrong. You could compose your match statements as partial functions if you need some 'default' cases that you don't want to define inline there. For instance:
scala> val defaultHandler: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
| case x: String => println("String: " + x)
| }
defaultHandler: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = <function1>
scala> val customHandler: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
| case x: Int => println("Int: " + x)
| }
customHandler: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = <function1>
scala> (customHandler orElse defaultHandler)("hey there")
String: hey there
foo match {
case a: String => doSomething(a)
case f: Float => doSomethingElse(f)
case x => println(x.getClass)

Auto-unboxing in Scala pattern-match

In the following code, I am getting a compilation error stating that I have a type mismatch on 'x':
val someRef: java.lang.Long = 42L
someRef match {
case x: Long => println("The answer: " + x)
case _ => println("Unknown")
How do I get Scala to auto-unbox someRef in the match statement?
The type system doesn't know about boxing at this level. But it does know that if there is an Any, a boxed Long is really (presumably) supposed to be just a Long (from the AnyVal part of the class inheritance tree). So:
val someRef: java.lang.Long = 42L
(someRef: Any) match {
case x : Long => println("The answer is " + x)
case _ => println("What answer?")

How can I match classes in a Scala "match" statement?

How can I use a "match" statement to identify the value of a class variable? The following is invalid, and I can't find an acceptable variant -- other than if ... else if ... else ...
val c: Class[_] = classOf[Int]
val what = c match { case classOf[Int] => "int!"; case classOf[Float] => "float!" }
The compiler complains: error: not found: type classOf
And of course, I can't use Class[Int] because that type information is erased:
c match { case Class[Int] => "int!"; case Class[Float] => "float!" }
error: type Class of type Class does not take type parameters.
I've also tried variants like Int.class, all to no avail. (And I don't really want to convert to strings: I feel it's important to have the compiler catch renamed/moved classes.)
Am I being dense, or have I stumbled into a Scala blind spot?
The verbose case comparison works:
val what = c match {
case q if q == classOf[Int] => "int!"
case q if q == classOf[Float] => "float!"
Of course, being a lower-case identifier, classOf should not work directly in a case statement anyway. However, neither does an escaped
case `classOf`[Int]
work in this case, so you’ll have to go with the if-guard.
You can match on class values if you create a stable identifier (ie. a val) for them,
scala> val c: Class[_] = classOf[Int]
c: Class[_] = int
scala> val ClassOfInt = classOf[Int]
ClassOfInt: java.lang.Class[Int] = int
scala> val ClassOfFloat = classOf[Float]
ClassOfFloat: java.lang.Class[Float] = float
scala> val what = c match {
| case ClassOfInt => "int!"
| case ClassOfFloat => "float!"
| }
what: String = int!
Note that you can't match on type (ie. Class[Int]) because erasure means that the different type instantiations of Class[T] are indistinguishable at runtime ... hence the warning below
scala> val what = c match {
| case _: Class[Int] => "int!"
| case _: Class[Float] => "float!"
| }
warning: there were 2 unchecked warnings; re-run with -unchecked for details
what: java.lang.String = int!
I encountered the same problem and placing the class in a 'stable identifier' wasn't that practical. I found the next best thing was to have tidy 'else if' statements.
Using this method:
private def is[T <: AnyRef : Manifest](implicit cls: Class[_]) =
cls == manifest[T].runtimeClass
I can write:
implicit val arg = cls
if (is[ClassA]) ...
else if (is[ClassB]) ...
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown class: " + cls)
To consider inheritance:
val what = c match {
case q if classOf[Int].isAssignableFrom(q) => "int!"
case q if classOf[Float].isAssignableFrom(q) => "float!"

Nested Scala matchers why Some(Some(1),1) can't match?

It seems that nested matching doesn't work, which is a strange limitation.
An example of the behaviour follows:
Some(Some(1),2) match {
| case Some(Some(a),b) => a
| case e => e
| }
<console>:9: error: wrong number of arguments for <none>: (x: (Some[Int], Int))Some[(Some[Int], Int)]
case Some(Some(a),b) => a
<console>:9: error: not found: value a
case Some(Some(a),b) => a
This works:
Some(Some(1),2) match {
case Some(a) => a match {
case (Some(a),b) => "yay"
case e => "nay"
Now, am I just being a twit or is there a better way to achieve this?
What is Some (Some(1),2)? An Option of Tuple of (Option (of Int) and Int)? This works:
scala> Some ((Some (1), 2)) match {
| case Some ((Some (a), b)) => a
| case e => e }
res13: Any = 1
Note the additional parenthesis around the tuple - it's a common mistake to have too few of them.