CodeIgniter email error - email

I use codeigniter to send email
but i have this error
Fatal error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object in /home/brokarsi/public_html/test/system/libraries/Email.php on line 1922
what is this error?

In my version of CodeIgniter (1.7.2) this corresponds to the following line :
I would guess the problem is that the Language library is not loaded but is required by the Email library. Could you try auto-loading the Language library?
$autoload['libraries'] = array(...., 'language');


cleverreach error Call to a member function

After sending the newsletter registration (with powermail form), you will get an error message:
Call to a member function isReceiverOfGroupAndActive() on null
Error thrown in file
/html/typo3/typo3conf/ext/cleverreach/Classes/Powermail/Validator/OptinValidator.php in line 37.
What is causing this?
You need to downgrade the cleaverreach Extension to 0.1.5, they have added the new inject annotation

"Access to an object's fields is only permitted within its methods" using callSoapService in Matlab

I am using SOAP protocol to get response from a website using Matlab codes. my code is as below
obj = PaymentGatewayImplementationService;
PaymentRequest(obj,'9b9eef82-7cde-11e7-b794-000c295eb8fc', 100 ,'comment','','','')
when I Run this code, an error occured as below:
'Access to an object's fields is only permitted within its methods'
How can I solve this problem ?
when I replace obj.endpoint in PaymentRequest with '', another error occures as follow:
' Connection reset'

Call to undefined method Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Router::where()

How can I use where method in Lumen
Route::get('/talent/{id}', 'TalentController#talent')->where('id', '[0-9]+');
Gives me this error:
(1/1) FatalThrowableError
Call to undefined method Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Router::where()
Using php 7 and "laravel/lumen-framework": "5.5.*"
Lumen uses a different router than Laravel does.
For Lumen, the regex constraint is directly in the route parameter defintion. Your code would look something like:
$router->get('/talent/{id:[0-9]+}', 'TalentController#talent');
You can read more about Lumen routing and the constraints in the documentation here.

Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). error CS0030:

I am trying to paypal express checkout i used
when i call use
PayPalAPIAASoapBinding paypal = new PayPalAPIAASoapBinding();
i am getting error
Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). error CS0030:
Cannot convert type
'[]' to
'paypal.sandbox.TupleType' error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert
type 'paypal.sandbox.TupleType' to
how to over come this
Just hit this myself when updating to version 119. In your generated Web service file, do a find for [][] and replace all occurrences with []. The bad guy seems to be the merchantDataField in the PaymentDetailsType.
It seems to be a bug in the Microsoft WSDL tools when interacting with services that have "nested nodes with the maxOccurs attribute set to unbounded"; I've encountered it before when interacting with FedEx SOAP APIs as well.

Call to undefined function bp_core_get_user_email() - Buddypress issue

I am having a issue where I am trying to retrieve the email of the user who is logged in using Buddypress. Here is my code:
global $bp;
echo bp_core_get_user_email($bp->loggedin_user->id);
Here is the error message that pops up when I open the php page:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_core_get_user_email() in /home/user/public_html/useremail.php on line 4"
Have you loaded WordPress & BuddyPress in your file useremail.php?
I see that it's the same level as wp-config.php. To make it know anything about WP/BP functions you need to do at least this:
include ('./wp-load.php');
Otherwise in your situation that php file will through errors everytime you will use non-standard php functions.
But the true way is to use WP - create:
1) a plugin that will handle all requests to a specific url
2) create a page in WP dahsboard with a specific page template, and in its template file you can write whatever code you need or want.
Other option to get the email:
$user_active = wp_get_current_user();
$user_mail = $user_active->user_email;