How to get a random friend of friend of someone in a facebook application using fql? - facebook-fql

How to get a random friend of friend of someone in a facebook application using fql?
here is some documentation but I cant find what im looking for :s
somebody can help me?

This would require permissions to access friends lists of friends of app. It's impossible for a user to grant privileges on behalf of friends, so you're out of luck.


Still can get friend list from facebook api?

I want to get friend list from facebook by using facebook api. Is it working or not. Can you help me by giving accurate information ?
You are only able to get the friends list who are using your facebook application.

Is there any way to reach my friends' photos in Facebook using the API?

I am trying to reach my friend's photo in an application. I gave all permissions to this application but Facebook needs friend's permission for access to photos.
So is there anyway to fix this? Can I take a special permission from Facebook?
As mentioned in the comments, your friends need to login to your application and grant the necessary permissions to access their photos.
So, no, there is no way to do it with a special permission.

Facebook Graph Api: trying to get logged user all friends list is failed

I'm trying to get logged user friends list, through Facebook Login with accepted permissions. As i understand it returns only those users who are accepted permission of the same app.
But, when i'm just opening , choosing "Graph API explorer" and entering -> /me/friends i get just three random friends. Why is it so?
Can someone help to understand how to get all friends of a logged user throug facebook login? Or it's not possible anymore?
It's all in the docs at, and there are multiple questions/answers about the same topic during the last days available via the search of Stackoverflow, e.g. retrieve full list of friends using facebook API
If you are using Facebook API v2.0 /me/friends will only return friends that are using the app and not all friends. And there is nothing you can do to get all friends
If you created your app after 4/30/2014 you have to use v2.0.

Fetch friend list from Google Plus

I have login successfully with Google plus API in my iPhone App.Now i want to fetch my all friends with name ,id and birthday.
Can anyone please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Bad luck.. With my current experience google doesn't have any API's to retrieve data related to friends.
Refer these.
How to fetch Google+ friends in Android
google+ api person's friends
Get google plus user friends
Have you tried this API method?

Issue with getting Facebook pages like count in my account

Requirement: Get like count of all pages under my FB account.
Problem Every time i hit this FQL, i get the following ERROR:
"Querying like on user_id requires the read_stream extended permission."
Get Facebook "Like" count for every page on my domain
Please help me to solve this issue.
Best Regards,
You need the read_stream extended permission.
Grant this to your app and that query should work fine.