Eclipse incoming synchronization view shows incoming new files as folders - eclipse

I hope it is okay to ask for strange behaviour/bugs in Eclipse here.
When I use the Eclipse synchronize view with Subclipse, I used to see all incoming files from other developers very nicely with blue arrows pointing to the left. Double click was perfect to open the compare editor and review all changes.
For some time now, whenever a colleague adds a new file it shows up as an incoming new folder in my synchronize view! Even if I update it, I sometimes need to restart Eclipse to have this folder disappear from sync view (or sync a different folder and sync the root again). Also double click to open the compare editor is broken then (It's nice to see the new file, even though the left side of the compare editor is empty, but that does not matter to me)
Does anybody know why this happens? I tried all kinds of preference settings and could not find anything on google. I think I use Granny made or whatever they call it, I can't find a sane version number anywhere. Thanks!


Checked out clearcase file but can't check in

Using RAD 8.5/ClearCase 7.x, I checked out many files. I made my changes and was able to check many of the files back in (using the GUI RAD interface). However I'm unable to check in many other files by right-clicking on them in Eclipse. When I do right-click on them, the check-in & out options are disabled but the 'Add to source control' is enabled - RAD/CC react like these files are not in source control, but they've been controlled for many years. I am able to do a 'Find checkouts' (using RAD) and it lists those files. If I start up CC Explorer and check those files in my view, they show as 'View-private file'.
I've tried deleting one of these files via CC Explorer and then try to "re-add" it via the RAD GUI but I still get a generic error at that point that doesn't tell me anything.
How do I at a minimum get these files back in a state that I can check them out?
After working w/ our inhouse CC support staff, we've gone the route of them going in and undoing the check outs of the remaining files and then creating a new view. Then delete the "bad" view from my RAD workspace (as well as from the VOB) and import the new view. Because of additional CC plugin issues, we're also uninstalling RAD, WAS, and Clearcase to reinstall them. So this current situation is now closed.
I was facing the same issue in clear case view, this may not be the proper answer as I am not doing through eclipse, but it may help others. Solution was
Go to version tree of the file, right click on the checked-out node and there check in option was enabled.

Mylyn opening unwanted files in editors from task context

I'm using Mylyn 3.12 for the first time with Eclipse Kepler. I am using subversive to manage SVN connection for team.
I doing web development, so no Java projects here. I'm having the craziest situation where Mylyn is always adding three files to every task I create after I deactivate and then reactivate the task. It's almost as though there is a hidden editor with these files open. I have no idea where they might be coming from. Why on earth it chooses these three files is beyond me. If I delete one of the files, it still tries to add the file to the context, but the editor opens with file does not exist. When I "clear all" from the task context, stop the task, and reactivate, the files still appear! I even clear the invisible section as well.
Does anyone have any idea what might be linking these files to the context?
Also, I'm using the ColdFusion builder plugin, so I don't know if was related to that.
Ok, on a hunch while dissecting this issue, I decided to go through the "Window->Navigation->Switch to Editor" Each of my three files had it's own editor listed here! However, I found no way to actually get to these editors. So, whenever a task was created, it would simply copy open files from these hidden editors. So, I had two copies of each file open. I have no idea what is going on with my "shared area."
Again, the only way I could get to the hidden editors was the Window menu item, so it beats me if this is a bug or a feature. It almost seems like it was split editor view gone terribly wrong.

How to know if a Scala file modified with IntelliJ Idea is saved and if it is checked into CVS?

I'm a long-time Eclipse user and I just now decided to try IntelliJ IDEA 9 (free edition) for Scala.
A couple of dumb questions:
How can I tell if a file I've modified has been saved?
How can I tell if I file I've saved has been checked into CVS?
I feel incredibly "exposed" to some sort of imminent danger when I don't see the familiar visual cues from Eclipse that indicate a file has been saved and/or checked in.
In IDEA 11:
Settings->Editor->Editor Tabs->Mark modified tabs with asterisk
In IDEA 15:
Settings->Editor->General->Editor Tabs->Mark modified tabs with asterisk
Under Settings -> IDE Settings -> General -> Synchronization you can control when files are saved. I save files on Frame Deactivation (that is, switching to another program), and after 60 seconds of idle time.
You should also look at the Local History feature, which is a local VCS for your project, capturing all the individual edits between commits. This allows you to roll back changes that were made by the auto-save feature, which some people find unnerving at first.
If a file is modified but not saved, there's an asterisk, *, in its tab.
If a file is newer than its VCS counterpart, its name is displayed in dark blue instead of black. If it is not under VCS at all, it is shown in dark red. This goes for the editor tab as well as other places such as the Project window.

VS2005 - Automatically requesting checkout of form on open, with "View Designer"

I'm trying to integrate our Source Control(SourceAnywhere) with VS and are getting a lot of push back because of this one issue.
Almost every time we open some of our Windows forms using 'View Designer' it edits the file (* appears beside file name). Nothing has yet been changed, I've tried comparing the before and after files and they are exactly the same. If we have the solution bound it will check the file out, but even if its not bound it still 'edits' the file. When you try to check the file back in, it doesn't get a new version or anything.
I've done some searching and haven't been able to find any way to change this behavior.
This is a huge pain point for me as if someone already has the form checked out and someone else tries to open it, they just get told that it can't be checked out, and the form won't open. Or, someone who has no intention to edit the form, will now have the form checked out but hasn't made any changes.
This usually happens when there are controls within the form that have "Dock" set. If the IDE feels it needs to resize the form, then those controls will also be resized, and all of that information needs to get re-written to the source file. In the case where you're editing a form named "Form1" this source file is not Form1.cs, but rather Form1.Designer.cs - try comparing that file with the version from source control.
Alternatively, move to a source control system that doesn't use locking by default (for example, Subversion) or disable that feature in SourceAnywhere. This will require users to manage merge conflicts, but allows multiple users to work on a single file at the same time.

Where do I specify the text of a Pocket PC app's shortcut?

I'm unfamiliar with Pocket PC development, but I have to make a few minor changes to an VS2005, Pocket PC 2003 Device application. One of the changes (which I thought would be trivial) is changing the text of app's shortcut, but I can't figure out where this text is set. The solution includes a setup project, so I'm looking for it in there, but I can't find it. I know it's got to be in there somewhere because building the setup project generates an AppSetup.inf file that contains the shortcut information.
This can't be that difficult. Surly I'm suffering from what my wife refers to as "male vision" when I can't find the bottle of mustard in the refrigerator that's right in front of my face. Where do I specify this text?
It depends on exactly how the shortcut is generated. There are generally 3 mechanisms that are used.
Via the CEShortcuts section of the INF. For this, it's the text before the first comma
Via copying an LNK file via the CopyFiles section of the INF. With this mechanism, you create a physical LNK file on the desktop that gets rolled into the CAB and it's copied like any other file. The name on the device is again the first string before the comma.
Via a programmatic call (usually to SHCreateShortcut) in a custom CE Setup DLL.
You'll have to figure out which is being used in your deployment scenario to know exactly what needs to be changed.
Thinking more about this, are you trying to simply find where in the Studio UI of the installer project to change the shortcut? If so, this MSDN article may help. What is very non-intuitive is that there are little icons at the top of the Solution Explorer that change the view of the installer, allowing you to see things like files, registry entries, etc. It may be that you simply aren't looking at the right view and you need to select a different icon. There are no menu items that do what these icons do, and they are hard to notice the first time you start using an installer project.
Well, as I suspected, it was right in front of my face. We'll call this project PDAProject. In the solution explorer, under the PDAProjectSetup project is an item labeled Primary output from PDAProject (Active). If I double-click on this item two panes appear in the code editor window. The one on the far left shows a folder tree labeled File System on Target Machine. Under this are three folders labeled Application Folder, Program Files Folder, and Programs Folder. When I click on the Programs Folder, the application shortcut appears in the pane on the right and I can modify its text.
I don't know why I was never compelled to double click on that Primary output from PDAProject (Active) project item even though that's how you open any class or form for editing. I kept right-clicking and opening the Properties. Maybe it's time to give up programming and take up basket weaving.