I just want to swap the first 64 characters of a file with the last 64 characters of the same binary file.
How can I do that?
I'm not sure if this can be done reliably with sed or awk. I can imagine a solution that would work on a specific file, or with certain odd conditions like where newlines might appear.
This is fairly easy to do in C. And if not restricted to sed or awk, it can be done with shell commands, too:
eval $(stat -s $f)
e=$(($st_size - $n))
dd bs=1 count=$n if=$f iseek=$e of=/tmp/last64
dd bs=$n count=1 if=$f of=/tmp/first64
dd bs=1 count=$n if=/tmp/first64 seek=$e of=$f conv=notrunc
dd bs=$n count=1 if=/tmp/last64 of=$f conv=notrunc
Using xxd:
len=$(wc -c < "$file")
offset=$((len - n))
len=$((offset - n))
xxd -s -$n "$file" | xxd -r -s -$offset > "$tmp"
xxd -s $n -l $len "$file" | xxd -r >> "$tmp"
xxd -l $n "$file" | xxd -r >> "$tmp"
mv "$tmp" "$file"
Another approach would be to use xxd and sed:
n=64; hd=$((n * 2))
xxd -c $n -p "$file" |
sed "1{x;d};:a;N;s/\n//;\${s/\(.*\)\(.\{$hd\}\)\$/\2\1/;G};ba" |
xxd -r -p > "$tmp"
mv "$tmp" "$file"
Instead of six calls to xxd, it's two to xxd and one to sed (and fewer file reads and writes, too).
Explanation of the sed command:
1{x;d} - Save the first line of hex digits in hold space. The length of the line is set to the number of bytes to swap using the -c option of xxd.
:a - Label "a"
N - Append the next line.
s/\n// - Remove the embedded newline
\${ - If it's the last line of input:
s/\(.*\)\(.\{$hd\}\)\$/\2\1/ - Swap the last $hd bytes to the beginning
G - Append the first $n bytes from hold space onto the end. Since it's the last line, the script ends.
} - end if
ba - Branch to label "a".
Additionally, sed could do some manipulation of the data.
I have a set of filenames in a directory, some of which are likely to have identical substrings but not known in advance. This is a sorting exercise. I want to move the files with the maximum substring ordered letter match together in a subdirectory named with that number of letters and progress to the minimum match until no matches of 2 or more letters remain. Ignore extensions. Case insensitive. Ignore special characters.
Starting from maximum length matches to minimum length matches will result in:
./8/AfricanElephant.jpg and ./8/elephant.jpg
./3/grant.png and ./3/ant.png
./2/snowbell.png and ./2/el_gordo.tif
Completely lost on an efficient bash or python way to do what seems a complex sort.
I found some awk code which is almost there:
while ( match($0,/elephant/) ) {
print count
where temp.txt contains a list of the files and is invoked as eg
awk -f test_match.awk temp.txt
Drawback is that a) this is hardwired to look for "elephant" as a string (I don't know how to make it take an input string (rather than file) and an input test string to count against, and
b) I really just want to call a bash function to do the sort as specified
If I had this I could wrap some bash script around this core awk to make it work.
function longest_common_substrings () {
shopt -s nocasematch
for file1 in * ; do for file in * ; do \
if [[ -f "$file1" ]]; then
if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
base1=$(basename "$file" | cut -d. -f1)
base2=$(basename "$file1" | cut -d. -f1)
if [[ "$file" == "$file1" ]]; then
echo -n ""
echo -n "$file $file1 " ; $HOME/Scripts/longest_common_substring.sh "$base1" "$base2" | tr -d '\n' | wc -c | awk '{$1=$1;print}' ;
done ;
done | sort -r -k3 | awk '{ print $1, $3 }' > /tmp/filesort_substring.txt
while IFS= read -r line; do \
file_to_move=$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $1 }') ;
directory_to_move_to=$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $2 }') ;
if [[ -f "$file_to_move" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$directory_to_move_to"
\gmv -b "$file_to_move" "$directory_to_move_to"
done < /tmp/filesort_substring.txt
shopt -u nocasematch
where $HOME/Scripts/longest_common_substring.sh is
shopt -s nocasematch
if ((${#1}>${#2})); then
long=$1 short=$2
long=$2 short=$1
for ((i=0;i<lshort-score;++i)); do
for ((l=score+1;l<=lshort-i;++l)); do
[[ $long != *$sub* ]] && break
subfound=$sub score=$l
if ((score)); then
echo "$subfound"
shopt -u nocasematch
Kudos to the original solution for computing the match in the script which I found elsewhere in this site
Can anybody help me please?
grep " 287 " file.txt | grep "HI" | sed -i 's/HIS/HID/g'
sed: no input files
Tried also xargs
grep " 287 " file.txt | grep HI | xargs sed -i 's/HIS/HID/g'
sed: invalid option -- '6'
This works fine
grep " 287 " file.txt | grep HI
If you want to keep your pipeline:
grep " 287 " "$f" | grep "HI" | sed 's/HIS/HID/g' > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" "$f"
Or, simplify:
sed -i -n '/ 287 / {/HI/ s/HIS/HID/p}' file.txt
That will filter out any line that does not contain " 287 " and "HI" -- is that what you want? I suspect you really want this:
sed -i '/ 287 / {/HI/ s/HIS/HID/}' file.txt
For lines that match / 287 /, execute the commands in braces. In there, for lines that match /HI/, search for the first "HIS" and replace with "HID". sed implicitly prints all lines if -n is not specified.
Other commands that do the same thing:
awk '/ 287 / && /HI/ {sub(/HIS/, "HID")} {print}' file.txt > new.txt
perl -i -pe '/ 287 / and /HI/ and s/HIS/HID/' file.txt
awk does not have an "in-place" option (except gawk -i inplace for recent gawk versions)
I have a example cut down from a log file.
112 (ssl.bing.com):
I would like some how to remove the # and numbers after and (): from the url.
Would like the result.
112 ssl.bing.com
Here is the sed oneliner I have been working on.
cat newdns.log | sed -e 's/.*query: //' | cut -f 1 -d' ' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k2 > old.log
Using sed, you could say:
sed 's/#[0-9]*//;s/(\(.*\)):$/\1/' filename
or, in a single substitution:
sed 's/#[0-9]* *(\(.*\)):$/ \1/' filename
Another sed:
sed -r 's/#[^ ]+|[():]//g'
$ echo '112 (ssl.bing.com):' | sed -r 's/#[^ ]+|[():]//g'
112 ssl.bing.com
I'm trying to turn a big list of data into a CSV. Its basically a giant list with no spaces, and the rows are separated by newlines. I have made a bash script that basically loops through the document, awks out the line, cuts the byte range, and then adds a comma and appends it to the end of the line. It looks like this:
awk -v n=$x 'NR==n { print;exit}' PROP.txt | cut -c 1-12 | tr -d '\n' >> $x.tmp
awk -v n=$x 'NR==n { print;exit}' PROP.txt | cut -c 13-17 | tr -d '\n' | xargs -I {} sed -i '' -e 's~$~,{}~' $x.tmp
awk -v n=$x 'NR==n { print;exit}' PROP.txt | cut -c 18-22 | tr -d '\n' | xargs -I {} sed -i '' -e 's~$~,{}~' $x.tmp
awk -v n=$x 'NR==n { print;exit}' PROP.txt | cut -c 23-34 | tr -d '\n' | xargs -I {} sed -i '' -e 's~$~,{}~' $x.tmp
The problem is this is EXTREMELY slow, and the data has about 400k rows. I know there must be a better way to accomplish this. Essentially I just need to add a comma after every 12/17/22/34 etc character of a line.
Any help is appreciated, thank you!
There are many many ways to do this with Perl. Here is one way:
perl -pe 's/(.{12})(.{5})(.{5})(.{12})/$1,$2,$3,$4,/' < input-file > output-file
The matching pattern in the substitution captures four groups of text from the beginning of each line with 12, 5, 5, and 12 arbitrary characters. The replacement pattern places a comma after each group.
With GNU awk, you could write
gawk 'BEGIN {FIELDWIDTHS="12 5 5 12"; OFS=","} {$1=$1; print}'
The $1=$1 part is to force awk to rewrite the like, incorporating the output field separator, without changing anything.
This is very much a job for substr.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #widths = (12, 5, 5, 12);
my $offset;
while (my $line = <DATA>) {
for my $width (#widths) {
$offset += $width;
substr $line, $offset, 0, ',';
print $line;
I'm very new to some of the command line utilities and have been looking for a while for a command that would accomplish my goal.
The goal is to find files that contain a string of text, replace it with a new string, and then write the results to a file that is named the same as the original, but in a different directory.
Obviously this is not working, so I am asking how you who know about this stuff would go about it.
grep -rl 'stringToFind' *.* | sed 's|oldString|newString|g' < fileNameFromGrep > ./new/fileNameFromGrep
Thanks for your input!
for f in "`find /YOUR/SEARCH/DIR/ROOT -type f -exec fgrep -l 'stirngToFind' \{\} \;`" ; do
sed 's|oldString|newString|g' < "${f} > ./new/"${f}
Will do it for you.
If you have spaces in filenames:
find /PATH -print0 -type f | while read -r -d $'' file
fgrep -l 'stirngToFind' "$file" && \
sed 's|oldString|newString|g' < "${file} > ./new/"${file}
for file in *; do
if grep -qF 'stringToFind' "$file"; then
sed 's/oldString/newString/g' "$file" > "./new/$file"
for file in path/to/dir/*
grep -q 'pattern' "$file" > /dev/null
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
sed 's/oldString/newString/g' "$file" > /path/to/newdir/"$file"
You try:
sed -ie "s/oldString/newString/g" \
$(grep -Rsi 'pattern' path/to/dir/ | cut -d: -f1)
i in_place
e exec other command or script
R recursive
s Suppress error messages
i ignore case sensitive