iOS Table Views and View Controller - iphone

I am trying to write my first iPad app, and I have a problem.
I have my Main view controller with a button. Once the button is pressed, it requests a list of information from a web server, and returns the data. This data, I want to put into a table view in a popover.
I have the main view controller, and the data is received back and put into a dictionary, then that is looped through to get a couple of arrays of data.
I also have a Popover view controller that can display a static table view.
My question is, how do I get the data (either the dictionary, or the arrays) from the Main view controller to the Popover view controller?
I am really lost.

There are two design patterns you have to keep in mind: delegation and notification. in a more general way also KVO is useful to update your view if the model changed. Of course the object listening for notifications or acting as a delegate is the controller of that view, NEVER the view itself.
There are two things you want to avoid at any time: storing stuff in global variables or in singletons and making "super objects" that act as let us say the model and the controller. Stick to the MVC paradigm and try to loose couple your objects and think about which object owns which other object. This is important for memory management and if you not implement it correctly it will come back to you later.
Check out session #116 - Model-View-Controller for iPhone OS from WWDC10 session videos and session #123 - iPhone View Controller Techniques from WWDC09.
The WWDC10 videos are available for free at apple's developer site.

Hey James, I suggest you first do your homework and try to get a taste on how so-called delegate structure works in most iOS apps.
To be more clear, your main view controller would become the delegate and your popover view controller would become the child of such a delegate. The delegate is responsible for presenting its child controller. At the same time, the child controller is responsible for asking for data from and reporting any changes to its delegate controller.
So in this way your popover controller can get the data it wants from your main view controller, and at the same time, when the user wants to dismiss the popover view, the popover view controller detects the user's instructions and informs the main view controller to dismiss it.

have described another possibility a few seconds ago:
Passing array between view controllers?


iOS Storyboard Modal Segues and Memory

My apps "short" description:
Basically an interactive storybook, I have a class that sets up a audio session and audio player which every other class(ViewControllers) in my app imports and calls a function or two to set the right sound to be played each time something happens(for instance.. user reads the story). Each ViewController has it's own .m and .h classes and uses them for animations and action handling. My app is only about 60 mb's in size (audio/images/code).
Now these ViewControllers are set up in a storyboard (they are 13 now) and are modal segued from one to the next one and then programmatically dismissed to go back.
When I run my app on my iPad now, I'm starting to get memory warnings and yes Instruments is showing me that my app is adding roughly about 40 Mb's for every ViewController that I segue to.
My questions are:
Do they reside in real memory no matter what I do? (I thought I wasn't holding any strong pointers to these view controllers).
Is there an easy way for me to dismiss one controller and still use a modal segue to get to the next one?(ran into troubles trying this)
Modal Segues are probably not the way I should be doing things in my App are they?!. They looked so nice and easy for my "storybook", but now they are giving me a very rough time.
Any other tips you can give me from what I described are appreciated.
Thank you.
Yes, as long as you present it modally. The presenter view controller keeps a strong pointer to the presented view controller. What you could do here is in the viewWillDisappear: release all the images and other views that might use memory !
You could instantiate your view controller using the method instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: and then presentViewController:animated:completion: like you would do with any view controller
It's up to you to decide. But you could easily mimic the animation if you wanted to.
If I understood everything correctly I would go with a singleton class kinda like 'AudioEngine' which is accessible from anywhere in any class. Then I would design all my viewcontrollers in my storyboard like you did. When I need to present modally another view controller, I'll do it using the answer of your 2nd question. If I still had a memory issue, I would try to cheat and keeps always 3 view controllers (like we do with the UIScrollView's infinite scroll) that I would reuse and I'll mimic the modal presentation using UIView's animation blocks.

How to show modalView from non UIViewController

I have created a seperate class to handle loading data from a SqlServer. Right now I pass a search term to the object and it searches for the items in a database.
If it finds more than one item it needs to present a modalviewcontroller. The problem is that this is a NSObject and doesn't know about presenting modal views.
How can I present a modalviewcontroller from a NSObject?
Try to delegate presenting the modal to a view controller - either by posting notifications on duplicates (gives you flexibility in which view controller presents) or defining a delegate protocol. This will keep your model separate from your view, preserving the MVC architecture of your app.
EDIT: using blocks for delegation is a fine approach in my view. I would just adjust your API to take a block to be performed in case of a duplicate, and have your modal take another block to handle the selection from many. That will probably give you maximum flexibility.
EDIT2: Based on understanding of your current API, I'd recommend this:
- (void)searchForItemWithString:(NSString *)searchString completionBlock:(librarianDidSelectItemBlock)block multiSelectBlock:(librarianMultiSelectBlock);
Furthermore I'd design your modal view controller to take a completion block as well.

Why is it incorrect to insert the view from one view controller into another?

In an iPad application I have a tab Controller containing several view controllers. One of these view Controller (call it MainViewController) needs 2 table views side by side.
So I wrote 2 UITableViewController subclasses and from MainViewController, I alloc/init both subclasses of UITableViewController, and add the tableview from each to the MainViewController's view.
This means that UITableViewController subclasses's views are subviews of MainViewController's view.
This answer: says that doing that is incorrect and it seems Apple are starting to cut down on it.
I really do not want to have to put all the code from both UITableViewControllers in MainViewController, as it will make it much harder to read and in future could create duplicate code, if I want to use one of the tableview elsewhere in the app by itself.
Is this actually a problem, if it is how do I do it properly?
Apple isn't cutting down on it. This is the only way to create custom container view controllers prior to iOS 5. Apple actually listened to the developers and made it easier to do this sort of thing in iOS 5 with child and parent view controller methods, not to mention they made it so it worked hierarchically.
In most cases, this wouldn't actually be a problem in terms of applications crashing or performance or anything. It can be a problem in some cases, because let's say you have a child view controller. You add the view controller's view to your root view controller. Prior to iOS 5, child view controllers were things like navigation controller view controllers, tab bar controller view controllers, and modal view controllers. What happens when you have a button that calls [self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];? Technically, the view controller isn't being presented as a modal view controller, you added the view to the root view controller view.
In iOS5, you're able to add child view controllers to view controllers and are able to transition from one child view controller to another.
Now even if your view controller doesn't have a different parent, adding a "root" view controller to another root view controller isn't the best way to do it (especially since you don't get access to the parent view controller unless you explicitly create a parentViewController pointer in the child view controller). So in the end, Apple just made it easier and more decoupled.
It is OK to do it so long you take the responsibility of managing the viewController life cycle events
orientation changes
So if you create a custom "container view controller" it becomes your responsibility to call all these methods on child viewControllers at the appropriate time. Think of it as "If you were to implement UITabBarController" what all will you have to manage regarding the children ??"
It quickly gets complex. Adding another viewController's view as subview is childs play.
iOS 5 does some of this stuff for you by specifying parent child relationship, however I still haven't seen any sample code anywhere yet to point to.
I'd say it is not incorrect or wrong to create view controller containers, especially when Apple engineers do that themselves. UITabBarController, UINavigationController or UISplitViewController - they are all view controller containers. More over many great apps with unique UX do that more common than you think. However the real issue is that it's quite hard to do it the right way, so e.g. view lifecycle, memory management and rotation handling is done properly along the hierarchy of views. Fortunately Apple guys did a decent job and iOS5 introduced lots of functionalities regarding controller containers:
UIViewController class reference
View Controller Programming Guide for iOS
If you're interested how above problems had to be addressed before iOS5, read these two very good blog posts:
Writing high-quality view controller containers
Using view controllers wisely

How do I access the view that is one level up from my current view in a navigation-based iOS app?

I'm diving into iOS development and am getting familiar with navigation view controllers. I'm trying to build a simple app with a table view that allows me to add objects to it. So far, I have a table view with an add "+" button in the nav bar that allows me to load my CreateObjectView and display it modally so the user can define the new object, but when they click the save button, I don't know how to send that object data back to the parent view that created the CreateObjectView that contains the object data.
When I create the child view (CreateObjectView), I could pass into it a pointer to the current view before I push it onto the nav stack, but this just feels dirty and circular.
I was reading about protocols and delegates and I could use that approach as well, but it also feels circular.
This question seems like it would be a common design issue to any tableview-based or nav-based app, how should I probably access the view that is one level up from my current view in a nav-based iOS app?
Thanks so much in advance for all your help!
It feels circular at first, but it is the right way. Before the UINavigationController pushes the new view controller you should set the delegate to the current view controller - assuming that's the object you wish to communicate with. Of course you could set it somewhere else instead, such as to a central Core Data handler. Then when you need to communicate call the delegate with the method you have defined. I've done several navigation apps like this after seeing Apple's cookbook example, and it really works well.

Invoke a method from a different view controller. iPhone SDK

So I have an application with two view controllers one is the main controller that launches when the app launches. This view controller Has two buttons on opens a uiwebview to the other opens that same uiwebview but loads a different page.
How can I change the nsurl that is loaded in the other view controller from the original view controller.
I'm not completely sure of what you're asking, but generally, if you ever need to communicate between related views (or even views and modal views), most of the time your best bet is to set up a protocol in one view and become a delegate in another by conforming to that protocol. You'll then be able to fire off methods in the first view which your second view can customize.
If you've ever created a table view then you're already loosely familiar with the delegate pattern. For a nice and simple introduction to delegates and protocols, I found this blog post to be one of the best out there.