need to know steps to do hot deployment in Tomcat 6.X - deployment

I want to deploy the files (class files) without stopping the tomcat services. problem for me is as follows
I have one project with different domain names. which are running in one tomcat server. but if I deploy a class i need to stop tomcat each time this will effect for other domains.
So please suggest a solution to this problem.
Hi Romani,
Thanks for your reply
I'm using Tomcat manager to Stop the multiple application
I need,
1) Example "myapp" is application in tomcat
2) I'm now deploying class files in "myapp" but not stopping "myapp" tomcat service
3) Now "test.class" file has replaced in myapp
4) I'm opening http://localhost:8080/myapp
5) I need the changes of test.class file with no downtime of myapp application
Is there any possibilities that deploying class files "without stop" "myapp" "Tomcat service" in the Tomcat manager to reflect class file
No down time with the application

I don't know if you found the solution but I had the same issue and maybe this will help others. This is only recommended for development environments.
If you edit your context.xml file (for me that is located in [tomcat-root]/conf and add an attribute to the Context element: reloadable="true" like this:
<Context reloadable="true">
Then restart the server. You now have hot deployment on classes and libs as described here (without the need for manually restarting the application)
Hope this helps you or someone else.

Try out following solution. this way you will stop and start only your application.
Do u have access to 'Tomcat web application manager'?
1) Go to http://localhost:8080
2) click on Tomcat manager
3) Then stop your deployed application
4) Then replace the class file/s in tomcat deployment directory
for e.g. C:\tomcat6.0\webapps\yourapp\WEB-INF\classes\....
5) Then again come back to tomcat manager and start your application.


FAIL - Failed to deploy application at context path

Before I explain the problem, I just want to point out that I am completely new to NetBeans and Tomcat and I am doing a school project. That being said, the problem is exactly what the title says. Here is the output when I try to run a simple Hello World jsp:
In-place deployment at
Deployment is in progress...
FAIL - Failed to deploy application at context path [/Project3]
C:\Users\lostl\OneDrive\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Project3\nbproject\build-impl.xml:1058: The module has not been deployed.
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
I am using Apache NetBeans 11.2 and Tomcat 9 if it is relevant.
Here is what I tried:
I checked the server log and it displays absolutely nothing.
I tried setting the context path directly to Project3 (i.e. including the -C:/... before Project3) in the context.xml file under META-INF folder.
I tried restarting NetBeans and cleaning and building the project.
I tried running NetBeans under admin privileges.
I might seem like such an idiot for not knowing how to fix this since no one else seems to have this problem, but please help me out.
If you have installed the Apache Tomcat appart from Netbeans, maybe your apache service is already running and it conflicts with Netbeans. You may stop the apache service and then run the application in Netbeans.
Because Netbeans start the apache service in a diffent way, so you don´t need to install the aplication on apache´s folder.
Check out the Windows Services (Services App) and stop the Apache Tomcat if running, then from Netbeans menu select Run->Run Project. Netbean will start Tomcat and deploy your web app onto the Tomcat server.
I fixed it. All I had to do was restart my computer. I feel so dumb.
clean your project if clean project failed to delete some file then,
Just check there must be a java process running at background.
If you are using windows 10 then follow these steps
open command prompt and type below commands
tasklist | findstr java (hit enter now you can see a task list with pid number )
taskkill /F /PID "PID_OF_JAVA_PROCESS" (where PID_OF_JAVA_PROCESS--> task pid hit enter)
now run the project again
I faced this problem and found a solution. It is very simple. All you need to do is stop the Tomcat services or restart your computer and run your program.

How can I let Tomcat run a command after it finishes deploying web application's .war files

We know that during Tomcat startup, it will deploy the .war files of its web applications. My question is after the deployment I need to run a command to modify a file inside WEB-INF/ of the web application which is generated after deployment, and I need to let Tomcat do this automatically for me, is this possible to achieve ? Something like post_run command after deployment.
I found that CustomEventHookListener can probably do this How to run script on Tomcat startup?, but this involves in making a new Java class, and I'm not allowed to do so. I have to figure out way to modify the existing Tomcat configs like server.xml or tomcat.conf in TOMCAT_HOME/conf to do so.
The main issue about not using a Event Hook Listener is that there's no reliable way to tell if the application is ready or not, as Catalina implements it's own lifecycle for each of their components (as seen in
Your best shot is to use tail or some external program infer the component's state, but AFAIK there's no way to implement listeners directly in the configuration files.

WAR doesn't get redeployed in Glassfish from autodeploy

I was able to deploy my WAR the first time I placed it under domains/domain1/autodeploy dir. However, after making some changes and redeploying the WAR to the autodeploy dir, the changes were not picked up. I even deleted domains/domain1/applications/myapp (where myapp corresponds to the myapp.jar being deployed) but the WAR was not redeployed. The server was started and stopped via asadmin:
asadmin start-domain
asadmin stop-domain
What am I doing wrong so that the app does not get redeployed?
UPDATE: I tried manually (re)deploying (also using --force option) the WAR but got the following error in server.log:
[#|2013-03-17T20:47:36.177-0400|SEVERE|glassfish3.1.2||_ThreadID=72;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|Application with name myprojectname is already registered. Either specify that redeployment must be forced, or redeploy the application. Or if this is a new deployment, pick a different name|#]
I do not know how to unregister/undeploy an app that's been once deployed. I tried removing all the references to my app in domain.xml but it didn't work. This seems like a very basic bug in the software.
I know this was answered long ago, but in case anyone else gets here via google like I did, I have another possible answer ...
After encountering this same issue, I found the following ... the autodeploy/.autodeploystatus directory still had a file referencing the application I was trying to redeploy by copying the war into the autodeploy directory. I had to delete the file in the autodeploy/.autodeploystatus directory, then my application was deployed when the war was copied into the autodeploy directory.
Hope that helps.
NOTE: Apparently, it is obvious to others who use glassfish that you have to delete all this stuff from the hidden .autodeploystatus directory to get your re-deploys to work. Why is it obvious to them? We may never know.
You can undeploy via asadamin with:
asadmin undeploy yourapplication
You can also visit the glassfish admin console http://localhost:4848 and undeploy via the graphical interface (look at Applications).
In general the re-autodeployment should work, but I would recommend using the normal deploy method or an incremental redeployment by some IDE like NetBeans...
Exactly the same problem reappears for an application running to be deployed in Payara 5.2021.10 (perhaps for other recent versions > 5.193) within a docker container.
The problem happens every time the docker container restarts - the deployment fails with a message:
Application with name {applicationName} is already registered. Either
specify that redeployment must be forced, or redeploy the application.
Or if this is a new deployment, pick a different name
The problem can be fixed by a forced redeploy. Place something like this into a Dockerfile of the application image:
ENV DEPLOY_PROPS="--force=true"
This environment variable allows to set custom parameters to asadmin's deploy command. How exactly is it applied can be seen in the script that generates the deploy commands, that is being run from within the container's entrypoint.

Play framework weblogic deployment

I built a Play app and tried to deploy on weblogic using the following commands:
play war -o myApp myApp
Later I just deployed the exploded war directory to weblogic, everything worked fine but everytime I try to access a route. I get the following error:
Not found
GET /myApp/params
This is a rest service not an application with UI's. I tried to deploy on tomcat and everything worked fine but I had to make the application context root to be /. I tried the same thing with weblogic but it did not work.
Here is my route file:
GET / Application.index
GET /sectorinformer/{telephone}
GET /sectorinformer/public/ staticDir:public
* /{controller}/{action} {controller}.{action}
And here is my controller code:
package controllers;
import models.InstalAddress;
import models.SectorInfo;
import play.Logger;
import play.mvc.Controller;
public class Application extends Controller {
public static void index() {
public static void show(String telephone) {
Logger.debug("Starting request");
Logger.debug("domain: '%s'", request.domain);
String instalAddressId = InstalAddress.getInstalAddressId(telephone);
SectorInfo si = new SectorInfo();
Thanks in advance for any help.
Weblogic 10 is a fully compliant J2EE 5 application server, as a consequence it is bundled with JPA 1.0.
There are two little issues to get Play running on weblogic.
Applying an Oracle patch to have weblogic support JPA 2.0
Adding a deployment descriptor property to prioritize class resolution from web-inf
Both are trivial and the Play documentation should probably mark weblogic 10 as a working deployment target.
To fix #1, open to following oracle link.
For the lazy readers, add this declaration at the top of wlserver/common/bin/
export PRE_CLASSPATH=$MW_HOME/modules/javax.persistence_1.0.0.0_2-0-0.jar:$MW_HOME/modules/
for windows, the file is wlserver/common/bin/commEnv.bat
set PRE_CLASSPATH=%MW_HOME%/modules/javax.persistence_1.0.0.0_2-0-0.jar;%MW_HOME%/modules/
To fix #2, create the file weblogic.xml at the following location myplayapp/war/WEB-INF/weblogic.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The war folder is automatically picked up by play war when the web archive is built.
That's it!
I personally believe Play should create weblogic.xml itself, but that's not how it works as of 1.2.1
Unfortunately I don't have either weblogic know nor time to investigate in you interesting problem. I can only can give you some hints what I would do:
Try to connect the app with a debugger or if this doesn't work checkout the Code and build your own version, with a lot of log-statements.
As far as I know every request will handled by ActionInvoker. invoke. Look how the argument comes in. The other point is the Router, which has still a lot of trace-logs. So perhaps you start first and let the whole stuff run on trace-level. Perhaps that give you some hint's where to look in more detail.
To do this start with a clean app and make no configuration tricks, specially don't run it in ROOT-Context. Just create play war myapp -o myapp.war --zip and deploy it (Don't forget --zip). Then analyze the log.
Good look.
I deployed my Play app (play 1.1.1) to Websphere 6.1 and I encountered some issues. Not sure you have the same issues but here there are (hope it can help you):
1- JDK version: My "play war xxxx --zip" use a JDK 1.6, and Websphere 6.1 uses a JDK 1.5. When I tried to launch my webapp an UnsupportedClassVersionException was thrown. I regenerated my war file using the correct JDK et voilà !
2- When you deploy a war aplication to Websphere, you can specify the context's name. I don't know how to do it with Weblogic, but did you set the correct value ?
As Niels said, analyze logs files: you should find what happens !
Unfortunately, Play! doesn't support Weblogic.

JBoss Application Server redeploy

I need a windows shell script which will redeploy my .ear file. I wrote one:
net stop "JBAS50SVC"
copy /y O:\TEMP\app.ear C:\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\deploy\app.ear
net start "JBAS50SVC"
But the problem is that when I try to stop the JBoss service it does not fully unload itself (my suggestion), so when I start it there's no app deployed in JBoss.
You mentioned that JBoss becomes very slow when you use autoDeploy and keep the server running for a month or more. That's likely to be because your permanent generation memory is filling up over time. See this related question.
I think you'd be best served by using the autoDeploy feature as other suggest, and restarting the entire server periodically to clear out PermGen. There's several ways to track PermGen utilization; I add the following to JAVA_OPTS in run.conf:
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -Xloggc:$LOGDIR/gc.log
Typically to redeploy an application that is self-contained in an ear in jboss just requires replacing the ear. If there is more to the application (such as classes that have to go in the jboss lib directory) then it may require a restart.
In terms of how to restart it, it depends what you are using to start jboss as a service. Some service starters do not actually control the jvm after they start it, so restarting the service just starts a second instance. You can shutdown jboss with the shutdown script in the JBOSS_HOME/bin directory (shutdown.bat) and then deploy and restart the service. Be sure to pause when you do this, as the shutdown command will issue the shutdown request, the server may still be running.
You can just COPY/RENAME the EAR file to deploy directory. JBoss will automatically take care of re-deployment for you.
As mentioned earlier jboss automatically deploys everything you copy into the deploy directory by default.
If not, check if you are working on a vhost that doesnt autodeploy ear files.
<Host name="vhost2" autoDeploy="false" .... />
other than that, I feel like this is a totally different error due to the fact that jboss takes care of deployment for you. Please check the log files for startup errors of your application.
You might want to check the JBoss community wiki on this, there are undoubtedly easier and more reliable methods than a batch file.
Stopping the server should not undeploy the application - that wouldn't make much sense.