Iphone core graphic, mask - iphone

I have a problem with the core graphic of iPhone. Below is a drawing which demonstrate this problem:
There is a mask with a human shape, I'm put the mask upon an image, I'm doing "something" (this is the part I need help with), I remove the mask, and finally the image became human-shape transparent.

finally I found the solution from the apple sample code called QuartzDemo.


Fade Image to Transparent in iOS

I am just starting out with iOS development. I'm trying to determine if this is possible in iOS and I'm new enough that I don't know what to search for, so please excuse my ignorance.
I'm going to be saving a few images in the application and the primary image will fade over another image like so:
Image A will still need to be a solid image, so my question "Is it possible to create a gradient mask that only fades for 50px from the bottom (transparent) of an image?"
Sorry if this is a basic question and since I don't know where to start I don't have any code to request help on. Any help would be appreciated! :)
Yes, it is definitely possible.
You will need to draw the images in a CGContext. Basically you would first draw image b first then draw image 'a' with an alpha mask using CGImageCreateWithMask.
It is very straight forward. See here for an example.

3D model over iPhone camera images. Transparent background?

I'm trying to make an augmented reallity app for iPhone where you can see, over the camera images, 3D models built using OpenGL ES. I've already made the part where I get the images from the camera and a GLView that inherits from UIView where I draw the model. My problem is that when I put the GLView over the camera images, you don't see only the model but a black rect covering all the view. I've tried to colour the background so it becomes transparent but I haven't got it. Do you know which one could be the problem?
Thanks a lot!!
I answer myself. Appart from using glClearColor when you draw the OpenGl View, you need to have in mind to things:
When you create your CAEAGLayer object, you have to assign its opaque property the value NO.
When you assign the drawableProperties, you have to choose a color format that admits transparency, for example kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8.
Hope this will be useful to someone else! Thanks Benjamin Andris for your answer anyway! :)
Have you set the 'opaque' property of your GLView to NO?

How to copy arbitrary path from one UIImage to another

I'm new to iPhone graphics and it's a bit daunting.
The problem: I have UIImageA, and UIImageB. Both are the same picture, except UIImageB has all the pixels values darkened.
I'd like to copy an arbitrary piece of UIImageA onto the top of UIImageB. The end result would be a dark image, with the part of the original image bright.
My guess is that I will need to:
Create a "path" that is the arbitrary shape to copy. I think I can figure this out.
Take UIImageA and somehow crop it or mask it to the path.
Copy the part of UIImageA onto UIImageB at the exact same position.
It's steps 2 and 3 that have me confused. I've seen many examples of cropping images to a rectangle, or masking images with another pre-defined image, but nothing that exactly does this.
Does anyone have any general pointers?
You could try Core Image.
You can do all that with CGImage in your environment. You can
use a bitmap or layer context and then later render it on whatever view
you wish.
There is a good Core Graphics Quartz tutorial at

iPhone transparent images rendering poorly

I'm developing an iPad application. I have been provided with a PNG image that contains some transparency - basically a drop shadow. The problem I'm having is that this is rendering poorly within the application, both on the device and in the sim.
I've made up some samples to illustrate. The first is how the image appears in the PSD (correctly that is). The second is how it appears on the device. You can see that the strip of shadow in the middle of the image is distinctly more yellow and poorly looking.
PDF http://www.aspyre.com.au/stackoverflow/photoshop.png On Device http://www.aspyre.com.au/stackoverflow/device.png
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Edit: Links to files:
Edit 2: I've also tried pngcrush to remove the gamma, in case that was causing a problem, but no luck. Directions I followed were here: pngcrush
The reason you're getting a colour in your shadow is because the PSD's shadow layer is set to Multiply and has a colour in it. When you export it without a background, Photoshop is unable to multiply it to anything and just uses the layer as is. You need to grab the selection of the shadow layer, create a new layer, and fill that selection with black. Then set that new layer's opacity to something that mimics the old shadow.
Also I recommend you use Save-For-Web if you don't already. The colour-profile you use isn't much of an issue then as it will be stripped. However the point is valid that you want to be in sRGB when making iPhone/iPad graphics.
Link to your PSD adjusted: PSD
Common mistakes:
Your color space is non-standard. Either use no color space, or specify sRGB (strongly preferred).
You didn't save the PNG with gamma information included.
Without access to the actual files we're grasping at straws.. Maybe you have an 8-bit instead of 24-bit png?
For your shadow, use black instead of gray. Then adjust the transparency. That should fix it.
I had a similar issue that I resolved by disabling compression for an image. This is done in XCode by removing the .png extension. You can disable png compression for an entire project by editing the 'Compress PNG Files' project setting, but it is not recommended.
More details about Xcode PNG compression: http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2008/10/iphone-optimized-pngs.html

iPhone UIImage overlap render bug

I've come across a strange render bug on iPhone OS 3.0...
I have two images. One is a non-transparent PNG that is predominately black with a white gradient fading upward.
The second is a transparent PNG with translucent clouds.
When I overlay the two using UIImageView, the intersection of the clouds and white gradient triggers a render bug that causes a rather odd looking graphical glitch that removes all opacity from the image on top (in this case the clouds), and causes the glitched portion of the image to render on top of all layers in the current view (including ones it is technically underneath).
It only occurs at the intersection of the two portions of the images. So typically only a very small block is experiencing the error while the rest of the images render normally.
Has anyone seen this and does anyone have a fix? I want to check before I move on to Core Animation which will hopefully address the problem (since I imagine that CA or even OpenGL is more apt to handle overlapping alpha channels).
Screenshot found here:
You can see the intersect of the two images at the lower right.
From your description, this seems to be a bug in Apple's code. I would report it to Apple and wait for a fix.
In the meantime, you can try to implement the same functionality in Core Animation or OpenGL in the hope that the bug is in the higher-level UIImageView, but since the UIImageView itself uses Core Animation, it's possible that this bug is simply unavoidable until it's fixed.
I assume you're displaying them using UIImageView? If so, have you set opaque to NO on the transparent view?