UIInterfaceOrientation for default screen in iphone sdk - iphone

I am developing one iphone app, and i want to support all orientations.
The problem is that I want the default.png to be launched in the proper way according to the orientation at start up. Can someone post some method or proper name for default images so that I can rotate it?

Basically there is a landscape "default" image only for iPad. in iPhone you should suplly only one in the main orientation of your app.
anyway, if you want to do that, there is a workaround posted in this question:
Auto-rotate the default application image according to current landscape mode


Xcode Launch images screens for landscape app

I'm developing universal app (game) which working only in landscape modes. Can I do not specify Launch images for portrait mode for saving size?
Yes, adding "Default-Landscape.png" will be enough, if you need so.
"Universal apps must provide launch images for both the iPhone and iPad idioms".. BUT.. launch images for the iPhone are only accepted in portrait mode (link).
so.. for Default.png or Default-iphone.png .. to provide a landscape launch image you must create the image and rotate it 90 degrees in an image editor

Portrait vs Landscape Launch Images

An iPad app can support inclusion of launch images in both orientations; presumably, if your app supports auto-rotation, then this would suggest to me that if the user launches an app while the device is in Landscape mode, then the Landscape launch image is used.
But in all the apps I've built and released, this has never been the case. Never once has the Landscape launch image appeared, only the Portrait. After loading, the app will auto-rotate to whatever orientation the device is in, but at launch, it assumes you are in Portrait. Always.
I have seen many other apps in the store that behave this way, but then there are some seem to always automatically know immediately at first launch, from that first launch image, that you are in Landscape, if that's the case.
How is this done?
iPhone supports only portrait images (http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/IconsImages/IconsImages.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH14-SW5)
Apps that don't support portrait orientations, provide the same portrait oriented image. For example, Angry birds on iPhone has the same portrait oriented image but the guys painted rotated graphics on it.
As it would turn out, the issue was due to leaving out the supported orientations in the plist file for the app. You can add these manually or just select them in the Target page. More details here:
How to get a landscape launch image to actually appear when launched?

screen shots for app store submission

Do I have to submit both portrait and landscape screenshots?
Is it fine for my app to only support portrait mode?
Enough just a portrait screen shot - I submitted the app like that.
Yes, no worries about that :)
Best of all this document (perhaps you already saw it) tells about all of this.
Portrait mode only should be fine. I have app in app store that supports only portrait mode.
Your screenshots can be in any orientation you want. No specific requirement. Although I think now they have to be 640x960 for iPhone.
You can upload screenshots in what ever orientation you want, and yes its okay to only support portrait mode in your app.

How can I fix the webpage orientation to Portrait only for iPad and iPhone?

I have developed a web app/website for the iPad but I can not get it stay in a fixed portrait view only.
I do not want it to rotate and work in landscape mode, because of the way the app has been designed.
I've tried various configurations of the viewport settings but that still has not worked.
I'm not very good at JavaScript so a copy paste option would be best or something in CSS/HTML.
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately, there is no way to explicitly "lock" the orientation of a web-app in Mobile Safari, as you can also see from the link that Alex posted above in the comment:
How do I lock the orientation to portrait mode in a iPhone Web Application?
However, you can have multiple CSS files for different screen orientations. There's a handy JavaScript snippet that you can copy-paste here:
This should at least allow you to design around the rotation without having to use JS but just CSS.

The Default.png of size 480x320 in landscape mode in iphone

I am developing an application that is in landscape mode. I have Default.png with size 480x320.
But still when it launches the default image comes in portrait mode not in landscape mode.
However it should come according to the device oreintation.
If i take default.png with same size in allready rotated. then it comes as it was in rotated mode.
However it should come according to the device oreintation.
Please help me
There is an answer to question How to put Default.png in landscape mode? by #brentford that should help you.
There is also an article by John Muchow which outlines a different way one way to accomplish what you want to do.
Taken straight from here
"In iOS 3.2 and later, an iPad application can provide different launch images depending on whether the device is in a portrait or landscape configuration. To specify a launch image for a different orientation, you must add a special modifier string to the base file name of your standard launch image. Thus, the format of each file name becomes the following:
So in your example you could have:
(Default-Landscape#2x.png for iphone 4 and Default-Landscape~ipad.png for ipad and so forth...)
both have to be 320x480 and you'll have to ensure that your app's Info.plist contains all 4 UISupportedOrientation values (UIOrientationPortrait, UIOrientationLandscapeLeft etc etc). But see my above link for a better explanation.
I believe the splashscreen is loaded without checking for orientation.
Try to set UIInterfaceOrientation key in the info.plist file to UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft (iPhone home button will be on the left) or UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight (home button on right).
See this post:
How do I detect orientation on app launch for splash screen animation on iPad!