Problem accessing Eclipse source through - eclipse

I'm trying to access the eclipse source code in cvs, but unfortunately, the location I'm at blocks all non-standard tcp/ip ports. I spoke with a sysadmin on the phone, and he recommended that I try to find a way to download the source using the port 80 or port 443 proxy listed at:
The problem I'm having is that neither of the sites ( and do not seem to be available to connect to using either the CVS in eclipse or tortoiseCVS. I've been trying to connect using the following setup:
Repository Path: /cvsroot/eclipse
User: Anonymous
Pass: <blank>
Connection Type: pserver
Use Port: 80
I've also tried:
Repository Path: /cvsroot/eclipse
User: Anonymous
Pass: <blank>
Connection Type: pserver
Use Port: 443
Both of these give me the following exception when I try to fetch the module list:
Could not connect to:
I/O exception occurred: No response from server.
Thoughts on this? Perhaps there is a newer server to download the source that I'm missing?

Try contacting


How to set up email notifications in the Bug Tracker Redmine

We installed Redmine with Bitnami in Windows and can't set up email notifications. I am trying to edit the file C:\Bitnami\redmine-4.2.3-3\apps\redmine\htdocs\config\configuration.yml
delivery_method: :smtp
address: "localhost"
port: 25
authentication: :none
but get an error:
An error occurred while sending mail (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. - connect(2) for "localhost" port 25)
We are using the Microsoft Exchange server. Can anyone help me to properly set up email notifications in Redmine?

Keycloak is stripping the port from my redirect_uri in the Location header. Why?

I have the following allowed redirect uri set for my client: exp://
After a code exchange using the following URL:
GET /auth/realms/xxxxx/protocol/openid-connect/auth?code_challenge=m71Cl...D4hw&redirect_uri=exp%3A%2F%2F192.168.2.212%3A19000&client_id=3B03...
X-Forwarded-For: 178.84.x.x
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
X-Forwarded-Server: 09918a799a23
X-Real-Ip: 178.84.x.x
I get a HTTP/1.1 302 Found with the following Location field:
Location: exp://
The port is missing. My (Expo) client in android emulator then barfs about not being able to connect to port 80. Naturally.
I am using the docker hub images 11.0.0
How can I prevent this? Is it a bug?
(The iOS version of my app uses a different redirect_uri (exp://, but although Keycloak strips the port there as well and it receives a Location: exp:// it does connect to port 19000 and works fine for some reason.)
EDIT: Note that authentication works fine on iOS, and I run exactly the same Keycloak settings in iOS as Android (It's a React Native application).
Keycloak logs no error, and the following debug message:
13:24:33,365 DEBUG [] (default task-47) type=LOGIN, realmId=neemop, clientId=3B03FD35, userId=28619cd3-c51d-4756-9d06-fb47********, ipAddress=178.84.x.x, auth_method=openid-connect, auth_type=code, response_type=code, redirect_uri=exp://, consent=no_consent_required, code_id=a0faa4d4-6826-4c2f-9243-*******, response_mode=query,, authSessionParentId=a0faa4d4-6826-4c2f-9243-*******, authSessionTabId=-Pn******
shows the redirect_uri is parsed correctly. It's just that in the actual HTTP response the Location: header omits the port. Which imho should not happen.
Seems like a bug:
Tested on 12.0.4 and it still occurs. It appears to be an issue with any non-http(s) protocol
another bug has been submitted to keycloak team:
a fix is available in keycloak version >= 13.0.0

EAC Admin Console is not opening up?

When I try to hit my site, I am getting the following error:
Error Tue May 10 16:54:40 IST 2016 1462879480679
/atg/endeca/assembler/droplet/InvokeAssembler A problem occurred
assembling the content for content item /content/Web/Home Pages. The
response received was {previewModuleUrl=http://localhost:8006/ifcr,
ruleLimit=1, #error=com.endeca.infront.content.ContentException:
com.endeca.navigation.ENEConnectionException: Error establishing
connection to retrieve Navigation Engine request
Tried all: '2' addresses, but could not connect over HTTP to server:
'localhost', port: '15000' Check MDEX Logs and specified query
parameters. , contentCollection=/content/Web/Home Pages}. Servicing
the error open parameter.
When I try to access EAC Admin Console to restart MDEX Engine, it is not getting loaded. Why that might be?
Ensure your endeca servers are running. Try to access localhost:8500/cas?wsdl
Is the Dgraph port provided as 15000 in all configurations?

Alfresco smtp configuration for organisational mail

I am trying to configure smtp for organisational mail in alfresco 4.2e.
Here is my global configuration
I am unable to send the mail. Here is
org.springframework.mail.MailSendException: Mail server connection failed; nested exception is javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25;
nested exception is: Network is unreachable: connect. Failed messages: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25;
nested exception is: Network is unreachable: connect; message exception details (1) are:
Failed message 1:
javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25;
I am able to connect using
telnet smtphost.abcd.com25
and I am able to ping
Your network (most likely your gateway) is telling you it cannot reach the network of If you test, make sure to execute telnet from the server giving you the error. Telnet should give you same error message.
tcpdump -n -i any port 25
will show all outgoing traffic targeting SMTP and should give you further information about the problem at the network level (such as IP addresses used).
After so much search I found the issue of the problem. The problem occured because java using IPv6 by default. To fix,
I disabled IPV6 on windows
Set the Java property as setx _JAVA_OPTIONS

How to specify port for PostgreSQL?

I am lost. I have localhost database (PostgreSQL) and I have to add port for connection (in app.config -- connection string). I alredy tried:
None of this work, everytime I got error "The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found" thrown by System.Net.Dns.InternalGetHostByName with message "cannot open connection".
So how do you specify the port? I checked this on computer with just single instance of DB server, so port could be ommitted and then it works. But I need adding port.
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Server=localhost;
Database=XXXXXXX;Initial Catalog=XXXXXXXXX;
UserID=XXXXX;Password=XXXXX;Encoding=UNICODE;" />
Now it works with both "localhost" and "" (direct IP).
Use a separate keyword for the port:
Server=;Port=...;User Id=...;Password=...;Database=...;