How to use the Three20 for scrolling - iphone

i want to display many images and button on each image in a scroll view. and i want the images loaded which are only visible if the user scrolls i want do load the images dynamically. so can i use the Three20 code how to see the actual code for making tiles
in Three20

Yes, Three20 can do that. If I remember correctly, you need to subclass TTPhotoSource and implement code to load the image on-demand from the server.
Interesting classes regarding internet-aware TableViews are TTTableViewDataSource and TTTableViewController Sorry, can't post links for these. New users like me are limited to one link per post.
You find them on Github too. Just look at the "/src/Three20UI/Headers/"-directory


Lazy loading iPhone images

If I would like to have lazy loading like google+ or facebook app (maybe even 9gag), should I go with UITableView or UIScrollView?
The goal is to load whole new set of cells or scrollview pages (not just thumbnail like apple lazyloading tableview). If you have facebook app, try scrolling down fast and you will see what I mean.
Any example would be also helpful.
You should prefer table view for this. with tableview , You can use reusable customcell. tableview can be useful for Auto layout in landscape mode and if app is universal the tableview is more useful.
You can try this: This is a best example for loading images asynchronously. The library can also be used to load and cache images independently of a UIImageView as it provides direct access to the underlying loading and caching classes.
Using Grand Central Dispatch you can do this.
The following link might be useful.
Take a look at SDWebImage, really easy to use, it support caching and asynchronous loading.
I would use a uicollection view. Here is an example that uses uitableview, but you can take it and modify it a bit to work with a collection view.
If you would like to use a third party library, I would suggest looking at AFNetworking It's one of the most highly used and has a very easy to use function that extends UIImageView LINK
Also as an FYI, a scrollview is part of a tableview.

Navigation based iPhone app using thumbnails

I've been searching the internet for quite some time and didn't find anything useful.
I want to make a basic app for the iPhone using simple views and hierarchical data nothing too fancy. The only problem is that I can't seem to find any tutorial that makes the first/main view like a thumbnail gallery that leads to other views.
To clear it a bit up:
I want my first view to be a 2D array of thumbnails and a little text below each of these thumbnails. When I click on a thumbnail it takes me to a sub-view containing more detailed info and options.
So is there any relatively painless way to make something like this using Table Views or something like that or do I have to make a custom view with methods to populate it as my heart pleases.
Please take note that I want to avoid any third party libraries like Three20 or similar.
Just to make sure I understand, you want to make an application that acts similar to the Contacts on the iPhone? In other words, a list that when an item is clicked will take you to a new view with detailed information about the clicked item? But in your case, you want an image next to/above the text?
In either case, you will want to use a tableView. If you want an image beside the text, just set the imageView.image property of the cell to a corresponding image. If you want a different layout, however, you will need to create your own custom UITableViewCell, which is not a hard task at all. Here is a tutorial on how to create a custom cell using IB. It can also be done programmatically if you prefer to do it that way. I hope this helps to solve your problem.

How do you display a browseable list of images obtained from an RSS feed?

I have a requirement to grab images from an rss feed and display these images in much the same way as browsing your picture library and I really dont know where to start first.
I can get tutorials on the rss reader but I really dont know the component to use to allow the user to "swish" through the images on screen.
There is a an open source grid view called AQGridView
That will help you in laying out the images in a grid like the photo apps "Camera Roll".
As for swiping between images, you should look into using a UIScrollView.
The Three20 library has a photo view controller, but it's cumbersome and difficult to set up if you don't know the three20 library very well.

Generate View for iPhone application using interface builder.?

I wanted to generate one fix view using interface builder, but the size of that view is exceeding the size of iphone screen,and I am not able to maximize screen. I wanted to show table view in that screen.
I did enabled scrolling but that didn't work,
Update 1:
Actually I wanted to show thumbnail image inside cell and i want to show 5 cell so 5 thumbnail image,those images are static. So which is a better way to achieve this ,interface builder or programming?
Hope this is clear enough.
Your question is not terribly clear, so this is the question that I am attempting to answer here:
You want to have a table view which has five rows, each of which has a small image.
Short answer: you can't do this entirely in the Interface Builder. What you can do is define your table view, including the "look," scrolling abilities, etc. And then in the same XIB file you would define the table cells (which can include your pictures, captions and what have you).
You then have to connect the two together programatically. Apple provide plenty of examples in the SDK on how to do this.

Better way to have a photo slider/thumbnails on iPhone?

I have a probaly large list of images and want something like the photo app but with custom toolbar.
I wonder how do this. I see the sample of Apple but that not will work for a large set of images.
I have a product list and some of my customer need download as much as 12,000 products in the device (I have a solution for the PocketPC I'm porting to iPhone).
In this thread How make a view of thumbnails in landscape mode? somebody suggest is possible use a TableView, but then I'm not sure... mainly how hide the section caption then could be...
UPDATED correct the link
The "Scrolling" demo won't work as-is for a large image set, but some minor adjustments can easily fix that. The trick is to use UIScrollView delegate methods to load images on demand and then unload them after they disappear. For decent performance you'd want the central image and one or two on either side to be loaded-- meaning that you can extend that design to support as many images as you like but still never have more than 3-5 in memory at a time.
The Stackoverflow link you post doesn't actually mention table views, so I'm not sure what approach you have in mind there. If by "section caption" you're referring to section header and/or footer text, then just don't provide any. Table views don't have a default for this, so if you don't give one to a table view then it won't show one.