GWT Time Picker? - gwt

Does anyone know if in GWT we have a good TimePicker ?
In fact I want a widget in order to select hour and minute for GWT.

AFAIK there's no such a widget. Also "a good TimePicker" is a bit suggestive. I've been looking for such a widget for a long time and I found some javascript examples that were completely awful, but some people is using.
Finally I decided to do my own, based in a TextBox with value control.
The source code is available, you can find more info here and on github I hope you like it.
I have seen some TimePicker that are simple ComboBoxes.

I know this question was asked a while ago, but I came across it during my search for a GWT time picker and I decided to write my own.
It supports many different input formats (4p => 4:00pm, 745 => 7:45am, etc) and has a drop-down menu with times at fixed intervals.
On iOS, it automatically uses an HTML5 input type="time"
Blog article describing the implementation
Demo of the UTCTimeBox
Demo of the UTCDateBox and UTCTimeBox being used together
Download at Google Code

I created gwt-timepicker which is using the concept of jquery timepicker. It does exactly what you need (hour/minute). Take a look:
check this post:

GWT Bootstrap GWT widget library has a nice date+time widget, along with many other solid widgets.
Edit: Looks like there is newer version available for bootstrap 3.

The gwt incubator has an alright time picker
The code would be something like the example given:
// A TimePicker with no "AM/PM" and no "seconds" field and using 24H formatting for "hours" field
TimePicker timePicker = new TimePicker(new Date(), null, DateTimeFormat.getFormat("HH"), DateTimeFormat.getFormat("mm"), null);

I wrote a Time Picker recently. I wrote it in a hurry, so it's not the best out there, but it works fine.
It attempts to create a HTML5 <input type="time"/> and if it's not supported by the browser, it parses manually. I have tested it on Chrome and Firefox on PC, and iOS.
Accepted formats are:
12:59 AM
5 - assumed to be 5 AM
5p - 5:00 PM
13 - 1 PM
345 - 3:45 AM
1534 - 3:34 PM
111p - 1:11 PM
it implements HasValue<Long> to return the picked time as milliseconds. It also has a method to return the time combined with a given Date object.
Here's the source:
If you have modifications to contribute to this class, please feel free to send me a request on github.

DatePicker and DateBox
DatePicker datePicker = new DatePicker();
DateBox dateBox = new DateBox();
Here is GWT DatePicker example
and you can format the datetime to your needs with DateTimeFormat and here is example

GXT has a TimeField widget Example Good or not it's your choice :)
Maybe you can give an eye to DateTimePicker


SwiftUI Widget DateStyle Custom Format

Just wondering if there is a way to apply a custom format for the DateStyle comp within SwiftUI's Text UI. For Example just the minutes or seconds like you would when using a DateFormatter. I want to display the dynamic dates for a Widget but it only offers a limited number of options. Why is this and has anyone found a way around this?
Apple talk more about Displaying Dynamic Dates here:
You won't like this answer, but as of iOS 14, the answer is there's no way to customize the relative style for Text. The relative style is new in iOS 14, and as always, Apple provide the bare minimum feature.
For now, you have only these choices:
Use other Text.DateStyle, if they work for you
Fallback to DateFormatter (and other formatters) with the tradeoff that widget can only refresh couple of times in a day
Hopefully this won't be the answer with iOS 15 or later.

Custom DatePicker with just two components

I want to to use custom datePicker in my project. In Mode date it shows Month,Day and Year, in my case I don't need Year, I just want to display Month and day.
The API does not provide a way to do this. If you want to be able to, please file a report requesting this ability, and it'll hopefully get included in a future release of iOS.
In the meantime, you can make a pretty convincing replica yourself using a UIPickerView.
Im sorry but following the reference of the PickerView
It says that is not possible to do that, so your only option is to implemente yourself the delegate and the datasource, and create the pickerview with the data you need.

Iphone Calendar without marking etc just basic calendar

Could someone possibly show me how to do a basic calendar display that gets the date from date selected in a calendar? The Kal examples and code does way more than I need and is not set for the type of app im making. All I really need is a calendar with the dates, and then from there something to retrieve the date so i can pass it to my other functions. I feel like the UIDatePicker is trashy looking and would like the calendar view if its possible.
Hii Casey,
For simplest / Easy Calender Integration - use Tapku Library
Its simple than compared to Kal.
Tapku Calendar is a solid calendar implementation, I've used it in past iPhone projects. You can check out a blog post I wrote about it earlier this year here:
I've recently updated it to include example code showing it's integration into a Tab Bar application. Scroll down the bottom of the post to get that Tab Bar application code. If you run into any difficulties, let me know.

iphone : customize the calendar pick up date

My client would like that the user could pick up a date in an iphone app.
He wants that all the days of the month appear. Moreover he would like to switch to the next or previous month. How would it possible to do that ?
Moreover he would like that in the calendar some days of the month (for ex. the 1rst, the 9th and the 15th) appear in a different color.
If it's possible, how could this be done ?
Thank you in advance for your help
Currently there isn't a calendar object exposed in the 3.x iPhone SDK.
You can however implement your own. One way would be to implement your own UIView object and handle the painting and reaction to touching manually. Another way would be to implement a calendar as an HTML page and either create a full web application or embed a UIWebView.

jQuery UI datepicker translation

How can I translate the datepicker from jQuery UI into an other language (german for exaple)?
There are already localized versions of the jQuery Datepicker. The demo doesn't appear to work as intended, but if you take the source code and build a page, you can see that it works
You can see the working versions here