NetLogo scoring system for distance travelled - netlogo

I have a problem with my NetLogo scoring system. When a turtle goes over three square blocks I cannot get it to show the increments on my score monitor. Could someone please help?
My code so far:
breed [ defaults default ]
defaults-own [ new-heading ]
breed [squares1 square]
breed [squares2 square]
breed [squares3 square]
globals [
to setup-row [row colour segments]
foreach segments
if pycor = row * row-patches-width and
(pxcor >= col-patches-width * (item 0 ?)) and (pxcor <= col-patches-width * (item 1 ?))
[set pcolor colour]
to setup-col [col colour segments]
foreach segments
if pxcor = col * col-patches-width and
(pycor >= row-patches-width * (item 0 ?)) and (pycor <= row-patches-width * (item 1 ?))
[set pcolor colour]
to setup-arwels-maze
set score 0
ask patches
if (pxcor >= min-pxcor and pxcor <= max-pxcor and
pycor >= min-pycor and pycor <= max-pycor)
[set pcolor black]
setup-row 8 white [[-15 15]]
setup-row 6 white [[-15 -10][10 15]]
setup-row 3 white [[-15 -10][10 15]]
setup-row 6 white [[-4 4]]
setup-row 4 white [[-6 6]]
setup-row -1 white [[-2 2]]
setup-row -3 white [[-4 4]]
setup-row 1 white [[-3 3]]
setup-row 0 white [[-15 -10][10 15]]
setup-row -4 white [[-15 -10][10 15]]
setup-row -7 white [[-15 -10][10 15]]
setup-row -6 white [[-3 -2][2 3]]
setup-row -9 white [[-3 3]]
setup-row -11 white [[-11 11]]
setup-row -13 white [[-15 15]]
setup-col 15 white [[ 0 8][-13 -4]]
setup-col 10 white [[-7 -4][0 3]]
setup-col 12 white [[ 3 4]]
setup-col 7 white [[-7.5 2][6 8]]
setup-col 3 white [[-9 -6][1 4]]
setup-col 0 white [[-3 -1]]
setup-col -3 white [[-9 -6][1 4]]
setup-col -7 white [[-7.5 2][6 8]]
setup-col -10 white [[-7 -4][0 3]]
setup-col -12 white [[ 3 4]]
setup-col -15 white [[ 0 8][-13 -4]]
to setup-defaults
create-defaults 1
[ set color yellow
set shape "default"
set size 4
setxy 2 -48
set heading 0
to setup-squares1
create-squares1 1
set shape "square"
set color random 14 * 10 + 5
set size 3
setxy 38 28
set heading 0
to setup-squares2
create-squares2 1
set shape "square"
set color random 14 * 10 + 5
set size 3
setxy -5 -8
set heading 0
to setup-squares3
create-squares3 1
set shape "square"
set color random 14 * 10 + 5
set size 3
setxy 40 -45
set heading 0
to move-up
ask defaults[ fd 1.00 ]
to move-right
ask defaults [ rt 90 ]
to move-down
ask defaults [ bk 1.00 ]
to move-left
ask defaults [ lt 90 ]

To determine if there is a square1 in the same patch as a default you can do
ask defaults [ if (any? squares1-here) [...thenpart....][..elsepart...]]
if you want determine if there is a square1 within a distance of 5 of the default then use
ask defaults [if (any? squares1 in-radius 5) [....]]
I also note that your lines
breed [squares1 square]
breed [squares2 square]
breed [squares3 square]
are wrong. You cannot re-use 'square'. It should be
breed [squares1 square1]
breed [squares2 square2]
breed [squares3 square3]


Rules of use of chooser in Netlogo Model

I am writing a model and want to add a button of chooser to assess alternative management options. Model was working fine as some variables graphs disappeared as I have added chooser for around all of turtles. I have also tried changing parameters from Turtle-own to global and vice versa and not rectified the error. I couldn't figure out the issus. Problem arise when i add chooser in irrigate procedure. Codes are bit longer, please bear with me. I will be grateful for the solution. Please help me to get out of difficult situation.
I have also shared before and after image of interface.
and after
Globals [farmlocations farmers-list water eva IWR-perday ASW maxgwater usedflow wdemand wtdmean wtdsd av-wdischarge wdischarge wd totannual-wdischarge current-demand wtd canal-wdischarge water-right alpha beta]
Breed [Farmers farmer]
farmers-own [ irrigation-turn season1-profit swh season2-profit yield myflow DWT total-gw-cost watercosts total-sw-cost raqba sw benefits evapotrans totaldemand swcost gwateruse wneed logging gwcost salinity aw totalcosts dws resources irrigation-turn gw AGW mywaterloss] ;swh= surface water height aw= old surface water height
Patches-own [gw-level]
links-own [flow]
to setup
to setup-farmers
create-farmers 5 [ set irrigation-turn [0]
ask farmer 0 [ setxy min-pxcor + 1 2 set irrigation-turn 1]
ask farmer 1 [ setxy min-pxcor + 1 0 set irrigation-turn 2]
ask farmer 2 [ setxy min-pxcor + 1 4 set irrigation-turn 2]
ask farmer 3 [ setxy min-pxcor + 3 2 set irrigation-turn 3]
ask farmer 4 [ setxy min-pxcor + 3 0 set irrigation-turn 3]
set farmers-list sort turtles
set eva 0.3
ask farmers [set label who + 1
set size 1
set myflow 0
If land = "small farmers" [ set raqba random 5 + 3 ]
If land = "small and large farmers" [ ifelse random 3 = 1 [set raqba 10 + random 20 ] [ set raqba 5 + random 5]]
set total-sw-cost 500 * raqba
Set resources 1
set DWS 5 + 1 * (who)
set evapotrans 5 + 1 * (who)
set water-right 4.5 * raqba
Set logging 500 / DWS
Set salinity DWS / 5
set maxgwater 200
set wtdmean 10
set wtdSD 5
set sw 0
set swh 0
set aw 0
set gw-level 100 / dws
set gw 50000 + random 1000
set alpha 1
set beta 0.7
set av-wdischarge 4.5
to Depth-to-Water-Table
set DWT Water-Table-Depth + DWS / 10
to ground-water-travel
set gw gw + 10 / (random-float 1 + DWT) * DWS
set AGW gw + (sum [gw-level] of patches in-radius 2)
set pcolor scale-color blue AGW 1 max [gw-level] of patches in-radius 2
to water-losses
Set mywaterloss waterloss + 5 * DWS ; 5 + 1* who
to go
if ticks = 630 [ stop ]
ask turtles [set color scale-color blue swh 30 3]
let list-element floor ticks / 5
ask item (ticks mod 5) farmers-list [
set canal-wdischarge item list-element totannual-wdischarge
set wdischarge canal-wdischarge - (canal-wdischarge * discharge-reduction)]
to evaporate
let list-element floor ticks / 5
ask item (ticks mod 5) farmers-list [
set current-demand item list-element IWR-perday
set Aw swh
if aw >= current-demand [set wneed 0]
set wneed 0
set wneed wneed + current-demand - aw
ask farmers [ set totaldemand current-demand * raqba + evapotrans]
if wneed < 0 [set wneed 0]
set swh swh - swh * eva
if swh < 0 [set swh 0]
to irrigate
If water-use-mangement = "Business as usual" [
ask turtles with [irrigation-turn = (ticks mod count farmers)]
[ set color red
set shape "person"
set pcolor brown + who
set ASW (Wdischarge - myWaterloss)* raqba
if ASW < 0 [set ASW 0]
set myflow ASW
ifelse wneed > 0 [
set swh myflow / raqba + aw
ifelse swh > current-demand [set swh current-demand ] [use-gw]
ifelse swh > aw [set usedflow (swh - aw) * raqba
if usedflow < 0 [ set usedflow 0]
set ASW ASW - usedflow
if ASW < 0 [ set ASW 0]
update-gw-use ]
[set usedflow 0]] [
set myflow 0
set swh aw + ((myflow ) / raqba)
if swh > current-demand [set swh current-demand ]]]]
to use-gw
Ask farmers [ let excess-demand (current-demand - swh) * raqba
if AGW > excess-demand [ ;set excess-demand AGW
set gwateruse agw - excess-demand
set dwt dwt + (0.2 + who / 20)
Ifelse DWT > 8 [ set gwcost excess-demand * 17.5] [set gwcost excess-demand * 5]
set agw agw - excess-demand
If AGW < 0 [ set AGW 0]
Ifelse excess-demand > 0.5 * current-demand [ifelse random 4 = 1 [ set salinity salinity + 0.1
set logging logging - 0.05]
[set salinity salinity + .05
set logging logging + 0.05 ]] [set salinity salinity - 0.05
set logging logging + 0.1]]]
set gw gw - 1
to update-gw-use
set salinity salinity + .04
set logging logging + 0.01
set gw gw - 1
set total-gw-cost total-gw-cost + gwcost
to calculate-profits
ask farmers [ if ticks mod 630 = 252 [ set total-sw-cost raqba * 500
set watercosts total-gw-cost + total-sw-cost
ask farmers [ if ticks mod 630 = 0 [ set total-sw-cost raqba * 500
set watercosts total-gw-cost + total-sw-cost
to calculate-season1-profit
ask farmers [ set yield yield + ((usedflow / totaldemand ) * alpha + ( gwateruse / totaldemand)* beta) * 55 - 0.1 * (55 * salinity / 12) - 0.1 *(55 * logging / 12) ; 55mon/acre market price
let price 1350 ; price/ maund
set season1-profit yield * price - watercosts
to calculate-season2-profit
ask Farmers[ set yield yield + ((usedflow / totaldemand ) * alpha + (gwateruse / totaldemand)* beta ) * 100 - 0.1 * (100 * salinity / 18) - 0.1 * (100 * logging / 18) ; 100 mauns/acre market price
let price 2500 ; price/ maund
set season2-profit yield * price - watercosts]
to update-output
set-current-plot "Available-surface-water"
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "Farmer 1" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [swh] of turtle 0] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 2" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [swh] of turtle 1] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 3" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [swh] of turtle 2] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 4" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [swh] of turtle 3] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 5" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [swh] of turtle 4] [plot 0]
set-current-plot "Logging"
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "Farmer 1" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [logging] of turtle 0] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 2" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [logging] of turtle 1] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 3" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [logging] of turtle 2] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 4" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [logging] of turtle 3] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 5" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [logging] of turtle 4] [plot 0]
set-current-plot "Salinity"
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "Farmer 1" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [salinity] of turtle 0] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 2" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [salinity] of turtle 1] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 3" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [salinity] of turtle 2] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 4" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [salinity] of turtle 3] [plot 0]
set-current-plot-pen _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name "farmer 5" ifelse ticks > 0 [plot [salinity] of turtle 4] [plot 0]
to import-data
ifelse ( file-exists? "totannual-wdischarge.txt" )
set totannual-wdischarge []
file-open "totannual-wdischarge.txt"
while [ not file-at-end? ]
set totannual-wdischarge sentence totannual-wdischarge (list file-read)
[ user-message "There is no totannual-wdischarge.txt file in current directory!" ]
;; Import water demand
ifelse ( file-exists? "IWR-perday.txt" )
set IWR-perday []
file-open "IWR-perday.txt"
while [ not file-at-end? ]
set IWR-perday sentence IWR-perday (list file-read)
[ user-message "There is no IWR-perday.txt file in current directory!" ]
to-report _clarify-duplicate-plot-pen-name [ name ]
let name-map [["Min" "Min"] ["MIn" "MIn_1"]]
let replacement filter [ rename -> first rename = name] name-map
let reported-name name
if not empty? replacement [
set reported-name item 1 replacement
report reported-name
The plots are working, it's just that they are showing 0. My best guess is that the text you have inside the chooser for the options is different than the text you are testing in your if statement, so the if statement is always false.
Try something like this:
ifelse water-use-mangement = "Business as usual"
[ ; all your irrigation code that you already have
[ print "ERROR: Management case not found"
This will print an error message if the text doesn't match.

expected input to be a number but got the TRUE/FALSE true instead

I want to write an evacuation with leader code in net-logo but i have this error (AND expected input to be a TRUE/FALSE but got the number 0 instead.)the error came from function (follow_leader). my project is that i evacuate an environment and evacuate it with the nearest leader from the crowd . the code is not perfect that because iam knew to netlogo .
this is my code
globals[ goal-x goal-y n number leader
percent_of_leader wall
door largecircle]
patches-own [path?
turtles-own [direction
to setup
set-default-shape turtles "person"
;create-turtles 50 [ set color yellow ]
;ask turtles [fd random 13 ]
ask n-of population patches with [ pcolor = black]
[sprout 1
[ set color white
set size 0.9
set shape "person"
set leader? false
;set follower self
if xcor < 9 and ycor > 9 [set heading 0]
if xcor >= 9 and ycor >= -10[set heading -90]
if xcor > -12 and ycor < -10 [set heading 90]
if xcor <= -8 and ycor > -10 and ycor < 0 [set heading 180]
to choose-leaders
ask turtle 6
set leader? true
set color yellow
set size 1
set shape "default"
set leader self
set xcor 3
set ycor 10
set heading 0
to go
ask turtle 6[move-to-exit1
fd 1 ]
ask turtles with [shape = "person"][
ifelse (xcor < 9 and ycor > 9 ) [follow_leader] [move-to-exit1]
if xcor >= 9 and ycor >= -10 [move-to-exit2]
if xcor > -12 and ycor < -10 [move-to-exit3]
if xcor < -12 and ycor < -10 [move-to-exit3]
if xcor <= -8 and ycor > -10 and ycor < 0 [move-to-exit4]
;avoid obstcao
; avoid_obstacles
;ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue
; [ lt random-float 360 ] ;; We see a blue patch in front of us. Turn a random amount.
;[ fd 1 ] ;; Otherwise, it is safe to move forward.
; ifelse not is-patch? patch-ahead 3 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 3 =
;blue or not is-patch? patch-ahead 2 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 2 =
;blue or not is-patch? patch-ahead 1 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 =
;[lt random-float 360 ]
;[fd 1]
; while [patch-ahead 1 = nobody]
;lt random-float 360
;ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue
; [ lt random-float 360 ] ;; We see a blue patch in front of us. Turn a random amount.
;[ fd 1 ]
; ifelse not is-patch? patch-ahead 3 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 3 =
;white or not is-patch? patch-ahead 2 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 2 =
;white or not is-patch? patch-ahead 1 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 =
; [lt random-float 360 ]
; [fd 1]
;ifelse not is-patch? patch-ahead 3 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 3 =
;green or not is-patch? patch-ahead 2 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 2 =
;green or not is-patch? patch-ahead 1 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 =
;[lt random-float 360]
; [fd 1]
to rt-random
while [patch-ahead 3 = nobody]
rt random 360
to avoide
ask turtles [
if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = green
[lt random 360 fd 1]
to avoid_obstacles ;; all obstacles set as green patches
let i 1
while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead i != blue ]
[set i (i + 1) ]
if ([pcolor] of patch-ahead i = blue)
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance (heading - 20) i + 1 = blue
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance (heading + 20) i + 1 = blue
ifelse random 1 = 0
[ rt 360 ]
[ lt 360]
[ rt 360 ]
[lt 360]
to bounce
if [pcolor] of patch-at dx 8 = blue [
set heading (90)
if [pcolor] of patch-at 0 dy = blue [
set heading (-90)
to move-for
ask turtles with [shape = "person"][fd 1]
to drwa-walls
;rows x
ask patches with [pxcor <= 30 and pxcor >= 0 and pycor = -10]
[set pcolor blue]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -30 and pxcor <= 0 and pycor = 9]
[set pcolor blue]
;ask patches with [pycor <= 9 and pycor >= -10 and pxcor = 0]
;[set pcolor green]
;ask patches with [pycor <= 4 and pycor >= 0 and pxcor = 0]
;[set pcolor green]
;circle shape
ask patch -14 -9 [
set largecircle patches in-radius (2)
;set color of largecircle patches green
ask largecircle [
set pcolor green
ask patch 16 16 [
set largecircle patches in-radius (2)
;set color of largecircle patches green
ask largecircle [
set pcolor white
to draw-exit1
;exits at top of concourse area, where turtles will leave
set goal-x -1
set goal-y -30
ask patch goal-x goal-y [
sprout 1 [ set pcolor red
set shape "square"
to draw-exit2
set goal-x -1
set goal-y 30
ask patch goal-x goal-y [
sprout 1 [ set pcolor red
set shape "square"
to draw-exit3
set goal-x -30
set goal-y -6
ask patch goal-x goal-y [
sprout 1 [ set pcolor red
set shape "square"
to draw-exit4
set goal-x 30
set goal-y 4
ask patch goal-x goal-y [
sprout 1 [ set pcolor red
set shape "square"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;exit goals;;
to move-to-exit1
facexy -1 30
to move-to-exit2
facexy 30 4
to move-to-exit3
facexy -1 -30
to move-to-exit4
facexy -30 -6
;to follow-leader
;if not leader? ;; we only want to ask non-leaders
;[let nearby-leaders turtles with [leader? and distance myself < 3] ;; find nearby leaders
;if any? nearby-leaders ;; to avoid 'nobody'-error, check if there are any first
; [ set heading (towards min-one-of nearby-leaders [distance myself]) ]] ;; then face the one closest to myself
; end
to follow_leader
let nearby-leaders turtles with [is-leader? and distance myself < 10] ;; nearby leaders
if any? nearby-leaders[
face min-one-of nearby-leaders [distance myself]
fd 0.5]
In the future, please only provide relevant code. For NetLogo, that is usually the procedure that throws the error (or doesn't work correctly etc) and whichever procedure calls it.
In your case, this is the procedure you mentioned:
to follow_leader
let nearby-leaders turtles with [is-leader? and distance myself < 10]
if any? nearby-leaders[
face min-one-of nearby-leaders [distance myself]
fd 0.5]
So the and that is throwing the error must be [is-leader? and distance myself < 10] (also, please state which line if you know it). My guess would be that you haven't initialised the variable is-leader? so it is 0 (the default value) instead of either true or false.
If this is the problem, wherever you creates turtles, initialise with set is-leader? false

How to make turtles move around patches with specific rules?

I am new to Netlogo, and have some questions. That would be great if you could help me.
I would like to create some fruit flies moving around a tree that is made up by green patches. Fruit flies are attracted to the tree. They will turn back to the tree if fruit flies move away certain distance (such as 5 grids) from the tree.
In the beginning, they will not stop on the green patches because they have enough energy. As time passed, they will loss their energy. They will find the closest green patch, and stay on it for certain time once their energy reaches 0. They gain energy after that, and they only can do short hops from the bottom branch to the top one (3 hops). Flies will move back to the bottom branch when they are on the top part of tree. I think I need to do a WHILE loop, but I have no idea how to do that. Please look at my codes.
breed [flies fly]
breed [suns sun]
turtles-own [energy]
flies-own [count-down]
to setup
to setup-suns
;; Create the sun
set-default-shape suns "sun"
create-suns 1 [
setxy max-pxcor - 3
max-pycor - 3
set color yellow
set size 7
to setup-flies
set-default-shape flies "bee 2"
create-flies number-fly [ set color white setxy random-xcor random-ycor set count-down 15]
to setup-patches
;; Create sky and grass
ask patches
[ set pcolor blue ]
ask patches with [pycor < min-pycor + 2]
[ set pcolor 66 ]
;; Create trunk and branches
ask patches with [ pxcor = -15 and pycor <= 0 ] [ set pcolor brown ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = -15 and pycor < 8 and pycor > 0] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = pycor - 15 and pycor <= 5 and pycor > 0 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = (- pycor) - 15 and pycor <= 5 and pycor > 0 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = pycor - 8 and pycor <= 2 and pxcor > -15 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = (- pycor) - 22 and pycor <= 2 and pxcor < -15 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = pycor - 1 and pycor <= -1 and pxcor > -15 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = (- pycor) - 29 and pycor <= -1 and pxcor < -15 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = 15 and pycor <= 0 ] [ set pcolor brown ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = 15 and pycor < 8 and pycor > 0] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = pycor + 15 and pycor <= 5 and pycor > 0 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = (- pycor) + 15 and pycor <= 5 and pycor > 0 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = pycor + 22 and pycor <= 2 and pxcor > 15 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = (- pycor) + 8 and pycor <= 2 and pxcor < 15 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = pycor + 29 and pycor <= -1 and pxcor > 15 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = (- pycor) + 1 and pycor <= -1 and pxcor < 15 ] [ set pcolor lime ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = -26 and pycor = -3 ] [ set pcolor red ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = -10 and pycor = 5 ] [ set pcolor red ]
ask patches with [ pxcor = 21 and pycor = -1 ] [ set pcolor red ]
to go
to move-flies
ask flies [
set energy 6
ifelse energy > 10 [
;rt random 50 lt random 50 jump random-float 1 ;
let nearest-leaf min-one-of (patches with [pcolor = lime] ) [distance myself] ; Find the closest leaf within 5 grids - long range search.
if is-patch? nearest-leaf [ ; If it is a leaf, and flies will be attracted to the leaf.
face nearest-leaf
;set heading 45
;fd distance nearest-leaf
rt random 50 lt random 50 jump random-float 5 ; Protential resources make flies move actively (fast movement).
;move-to nearest-leaf ;
ifelse pcolor != lime
[ rt random 50 lt random 50 jump random-float 1 ; Initialization - flies fly around to search their resources.
[ stay ]
to continue
let nearest-leaf min-one-of (patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = lime] ) [distance myself] ; Find the closest leaf within 2 grids - short hops.
ifelse is-patch? nearest-leaf [ ; If it is a leaf, and flies will be attracted to the leaf.
face nearest-leaf
fd random distance nearest-leaf
;ask patches in-radius 1 [set pcolor red]
;rt random 50 lt random 50 jump random-float 5 ; Protential resources make flies move actively (fast movement).
;move-to nearest-leaf ;
let turn-back min-one-of (patches with [pcolor = lime] ) [distance myself] ;
;set heading 180
face turn-back
jump random-float 5 ]
move-up ;Flies tend to move up through all branches by short hops. Need a while loop.
; Move down if they reach the top of tree
let canopy patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1
let canopy-left patch-left-and-ahead 45 1
let canopy-right patch-right-and-ahead 45 1
if canopy != lime or canopy-left != lime or canopy-right != lime
to move-up
ask flies [
set heading one-of [0 30 -30]
to move-down
ask flies [
set heading one-of [180 120 -120]
to stay
set count-down count-down - 1 ;;decrement timer
set label count-down
if count-down = 0
rt random 50 lt random 50 jump random-float 1
set label ""
reset-count-down ;;it's another procedure
to reset-count-down
set count-down 30
I am sorry if you are confused by my codes. I appreciate your help. Thanks.
Kind Regards,
From your description, I think you almost certainly don't want a while loop. In a NetLogo model's go procedure, you're only specifying what happens in a single tick. So you would only use while if need it to express something that happens all in a single instant, not a process that unfolds over multiple ticks.
(Agree with Frank this is too much code to post to have a good chance of getting help. It would take quite a while for me to read and study this much code, let alone try to help you with it. In this answer I've tried to extract and address a single aspect.)

NetLogo: Error in avoiding walls and closed gates

I have this code in which turtles are suppose to change direction when they encounter walls and closed gates.
It is okay at the beginning but then it will give this message.
OF expected input to be a turtle agentset or patch agentset or turtle or patch but got NOBODY instead.
error while turtle 259 running OF
called by procedure GO
called by Button 'Go'
I can send the whole model.
if state = 1 [fd speed
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1 = black or [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1 = red
[ lt random-float 90]
[fd 1]
; ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue
; [ lt random-float 360 ] ;; We see a blue patch in front of us. Turn a random amount.
; [ fd 1 ]
if (pxcor >= 89 and pxcor <= 90) and (pycor > 5 and pycor < 10) [facexy (87 + random 3) 25 fd speed]
;if (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= 1) and (pycor >= 6 and pycor <= 23 ) [facexy ( 7 + random 3) (26 + random 3) fd speed]
if (pxcor >= 85 and pxcor <= 90) and (pycor = 26) [
let choice random 2
fd speed
if choice = 1 [leftbench]
if choice = 0 [facexy (87 + random 3) 76]
if (pxcor >= 83 and pxcor <= 92) and (pycor >= 75 and pycor <= 77) [rightbench fd speed]
if pcolor = brown and not any? other turtles-here
[ move-to patch-here
set seated? true
set pcolor orange
Does your model have wrapping at the world edges turned off in one or both directions?
If so, then your code has to handle the possibility that sometimes this patch:
patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1
won't exist, if the turtle is near a world edge. If that happens, then patch-at-heading-at-distance will return nobody, and when you try and do:
[pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1 = black
you get the error, because no pcolor can be retrieved from a nonexistent patch.
The typical way to code around this is to do something like:
let target patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1
if is-patch? target and ...
Finally, I wonder whether you really mean patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1. It's equivalent to patch-at 0 1, which refers to the patch north of the turtle; not sure why you'd want that. If you want to test the patch ahead of the turtle (the patch the turtle will land in if it uses fd), use patch-ahead.

How to let some of the turtles move again?

In this model all it does is turtle will find a seat(red patch for available and yellow for taken). And once the seats are all occupied it all will stop.
Now how to make some of the turtles move again? Like if it is seated it will move again and try go another place or it will go out.
breed [kids kid]
breed [adults adult]
breed [oldies old]
kids-own [step]
adults-own [step]
oldies-own [step]
turtles-own [seated?]
to setup
ask patches [setup-world]
ask patches with [pcolor = red ][set plabel count turtles-here]
set-default-shape turtles "person"
create-kids number-of-kids
create-adults number-of-adults
create-oldies number-of-oldies
ask kids[
set color green
set size 1
setxy -10 0
set heading random-float 90
rt 45 - random-float 90]
ask adults[
set color orange
set size 1
setxy -10 0
set heading random-float 45
rt 45 - random-float 90]
ask oldies[
set color blue
set size 1
setxy -10 0
set heading random-float 45
rt 45 - random-float 90]
to setup-world
set pcolor white
if ( pxcor = 10 ) and ( pycor < 10 and pycor > -11 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pxcor = -10 ) and ( pycor < 10 and pycor > 1 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pxcor = -10 ) and ( pycor < -1 and pycor > -11 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pycor = 10 ) and ( pxcor < 11 and pxcor > -11 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pycor = -10 ) and ( pxcor < 10 and pxcor > -11 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pxcor = 8 ) and ( pycor < 8 and pycor > 2 ) [ set pcolor red ]
if ( pxcor = 8 ) and ( pycor < -2 and pycor > -8 ) [ set pcolor red ]
to go
if count patches
with [pcolor = yellow and any? other turtles-here] = 10
ask kids with [seated? = 0][
rt random 10
fd 2
if pcolor = red and not any? other turtles-here [
move-to patch-here
set seated? true
set pcolor yellow
ask adults with [seated? = 0]
rt random 10
fd 1.5
if pcolor = red and not any? other turtles-here[
move-to patch-here
set seated? true
set pcolor yellow
ask oldies with [seated? = 0]
rt random 10
fd 1
if pcolor = red and not any? other turtles-here[
move-to patch-here
set seated? true
set pcolor yellow
Just the way you asked non-seated turtles by ask ... with [Seated? = 0] you can ask others by ask ... with [Seated? = 1]
However, I will suspect that they will go in a loop, because they are close to the bench ans bench is empty, so as soon as they stand up they will sit on the same spot again. Maybe you can have a memory [] which stores last few moves and if there is a seated position, say in last 10 items it will choose not to sit. I am not sure what are your requirements, this is just an example.
ask adults with [seated? = 1]
; Stand up set seated? = 0
; go around
ask kids with [seated? = 1]
; Stand up set seated? = 0
; go around
ask oldies with [seated? = 1]
; Stand up set seated? = 0
; go around
I have changed your code, its not much different from your code, but it has memory function to make sure turtles move around after leaving a bench and are not going to sit on same bench again and to some degree avoid walls (you need to improve the avoiding since step size is different for each agent):
breed [kids kid]
breed [adults adult]
breed [oldies old]
Globals [out-of-boundry]
turtles-own [seated? memory step]
to setup
ask patches [setup-world]
ask patches with [pcolor = red ][set plabel count turtles-here]
set out-of-boundry patches with [ pycor > 10 or pxcor < -10 or pxcor > 10 or pycor < -10 or pcolor = brown]
set-default-shape turtles "person"
create-kids 5 [
set memory []
set seated? false
set color green
set size 1
setxy -10 0
set heading random-float 90
rt 45 - random-float 90
set step 2
create-adults 5 [
set memory []
set seated? false
set color orange
set size 1
setxy -10 0
set heading random-float 45
rt 45 - random-float 90
set step 1.5
create-oldies 5 [
set memory []
set seated? false
set step 1
set color blue
set size 1
setxy -10 0
set heading random-float 45
rt 45 - random-float 90
to setup-world
set pcolor white
if ( pxcor = 10 ) and ( pycor < 10 and pycor > -11 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pxcor = -10 ) and ( pycor < 10 and pycor > 1 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pxcor = -10 ) and ( pycor < -1 and pycor > -11 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pycor = 10 ) and ( pxcor < 11 and pxcor > -11 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pycor = -10 ) and ( pxcor < 10 and pxcor > -11 ) [ set pcolor brown ]
if ( pxcor = 8 ) and ( pycor < 8 and pycor > 2 ) [ set pcolor red ]
if ( pxcor = 8 ) and ( pycor < -2 and pycor > -8 ) [ set pcolor red ]
to go
if count patches with [pcolor = yellow and any? other turtles-here] = 10 [stop]
ask turtles [
set memory lput Seated? memory
ifelse seated?
[stand-up ]
[ move-in-the-brown-area step
to move-in-the-brown-area [step-size]
ifelse not member? patch-ahead step-size out-of-boundry [
fd step-size
rt random 10
[ face one-of patches with [pcolor = white]
fd step-size
If member? patch-here out-of-boundry[
let target patch -10 0
face target
fd step-size]
to restrict-memory
;assume your memory-limit is 5
let memory-limit 5
if length memory >= memory-limit
[ set memory but-first memory ]
to stand-up
if seated?
[ set seated? false
set pcolor red
fd 1
to sit
if pcolor = red and not any? other turtles-here with [not member? true memory][
move-to patch-here
set seated? true
set pcolor yellow