iphone uitablecellview overflow - iphone

Is there a way to hide the overflow in a UITableViewCell? I have a custom cell view, that I load into the table, where some of the information is supposed to be hidden on load, and then each row will expand when clicked.
Right now, I'm returning height 30 for my row, which is the height of the cell header, but the buttons and text that are supposed to be hidden just overflows and is placed on top of the headers below.

While you can use clip subviews(cell.contentView.clipsToBounds = YES), it's probably best if you add the subviews when you need to expand and remove the subviews the cell collapses. It should increase performance.

There's a property on UIView "clips subviews?".
If you set this value TRUE for the cells, it should stop the buttons from overflowing - you can do it either in IB, or in code programmatically (slightly different name in code).
HOWEVER ... this may NOT be what you want. Depends on the effect. Last time I did what you're doing, I used clipsubviews.
Usually, the correct way to hide your buttons etc is the UIView property "hidden" (or the other one - "enabled").
But that might mess with your animations - depends how you're animating the click-to-expand.


Drawing really long text on iPhone

Currently I have UITableViewCell's that hold sometimes really long text (up to 50,000 pixels in height after drawing). However the UITableView delegate documentation says that cells shouldn't be higher than 2009 pixels in height (any ideas why?).
It's only the first section in my table view that has the really long cell, so instead of using a cell for the first section, I thought I'd create a UIScrollView, put a UITextView as the first "cell" and add it to the scrollView, and then add the tableView to the scroll view as well (under the textView). However, having a 50,000 px high UITextView is causing huge memory problems.
What are my options? I know I could use a UITextView that scrolls, but to have a scrollable UITextView with a tableView just causes complicated scrolling behavior. I want to mimic the scrolling of a tableView.
I didn't know it would be an issue to have a 50,000 px high view in a UIScrollView. I thought that's what UIScrollView's are for? Do I have any alternatives?
I would seriously question the UI design where you must render text that large as part of a table cell. The best option would be to put a reasonably-sized summary in a cell with cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;, build a separate view for the long text, and let the user navigate to that view by clicking the disclosure indicator.
As a side note, you could also put a scroll view inside the initial table cell (not all cells must be of the same type; you can make one with a scroll view in it, and use it for the cell at index zero). It's not going to be as usable as the regular cell with a disclosure indicator, though.

UITextView hiding some text

I have a UITextView with the Height of 150. I fill up the content dynamically. So, sometime I need to scroll to see the text. But last 3 lines of the content is hidden, it only shows when I scroll the content up. It will hide once I leave the scroll.
Any help to see all the content on the screen with UITextView?
Are you setting the text programmatically after the view is loaded? If so, you may need to resize the content view.
You can also check your nib to make sure the textview isn't hanging off the edge of its parent view ever so slightly.
Finally, you can try resizing the content view to be about 15 pixels higher than it already is.
I would put 2 UITextView inside a UIScrollView. I would then place then accordingly: first the one you want always to be visible and secondly the one you want to stay hidden unless the user scrolls up. To do that, just add then to the UIScrollView and then tweak with the contentSize until you find what you need.

Automatically reposition views after UITextview resizes - iOS

For a simple example lets say I have a UITextView with a Button underneath it. These two controls are siblings both embedded in a parent UIView.
I now change the text within the UITextView and resize it accordingly. Is there a way to make the button automatically move to have the same relative distance to the bottom of the UITextView? This may seem trivial for this case, but I will have a longer hierarchy with multiple UITextViews that change and it would be nice not to have to calculate the height of every object manually.
One way to approach this would be with a table view: if you place each of your text views within its own table view cell, the table view will automatically calculate its total height from individual calls to its delegate’s -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: method and lay itself out accordingly. Whenever the height of one of your text views needs to change, you can call -reloadData on the table view to make it lay itself out again. A disadvantage of this approach is that it’s really difficult to animate the height changes; if that’s essential to the effect you’re going for, I’m afraid you’re stuck with doing the entire layout manually.
Try the autoresizingMask property of UIView.

How to arrange labels in a flowlayout manner?

How do I arrange some UILabels and/or UIButtons of a variable length? I just want to add them to a UITableViewCell and they should arrange in a left-to-right flow, much like lines of text in a paragraph.
I only found possibilities to create lables with a fixed size and position using "initWithFrame:...". Same seems to be true for Interface Builder, as far as I can tell. Any solution is appreciated no matter if it's done in code or using a custom cell XIB-file.
UITableViewCell, UILabel, and UIButton are all subclasses of UIView and the documentation for UIView says:
Layout and subview management
A view may contain zero or more subviews.
Each view defines its own default resizing behavior in relation to its parent view.
A view can manually change the size and position of its subviews as needed.
So, it is certainly possible to do.
You can create your labels and buttons using initWithFrame: with the argument CGRectZero and then resize them (based on the text or whatever) using setBounds: or setFrame: (because right now you're just going to set the size of the view). Then, add these views as subviews of the cell's contentView.
Then, in a custom subclass of UITableViewCell you can implement your solution by overriding the default behavior (which does nothing) of layoutSubviews: to set the origin field of the subview's frames (i.e., CGRect) that will position the subviews in the cell's content view (the size has already been set). You may need to call setNeedsLayout: or layoutIfNeeded:.
This is really a rough outline of how it is possible to implement a solution because there are a lot of details left out. For example, if you resize a button based on the the text of the titleLabel you'll probably want to pad some to the width and height otherwise the button will be the size of the label and will look odd. In the layoutSubviews: method there could be a fair amount of logic to layout the labels and buttons the way you want (e.g., it would be simpler if all the subviews of a cell where of the same type such as all labels) esp. if the subviews could wrap to a new line.
For multiline UILabels to get the width and height you should use the NSString method sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: you can then use the sizes you get to lay everything out where it needs to be.
I want to do the same thing to allow users to enter tags into a text field - a bit like how when you type in an email address, the address gets converted into a blue tag (the the users name in when that users email address is already in your contacts list). Haven't written it yet, but will be happy to share with you once I do. I can't commit to how long it I will take to write this unfortunately. However if no one else has code they can share and you need to get the job done quickly - Just as a tip, consider this:
Create tag view objects where each object knows the size of the parent text field/tag container view and where each tag object has a utility method which a further tag object can use to insert itself at the right position. This approach makes it easy to manage the view and relayout tags using a simple iteration flow.
If you still need an answer...
To get the size of text (and to then calculate the frame of the UILabel/UIButton etc) use the sizeWithFont: NSString function which will give you the width/height of a string of text using a specified font.
There is a little bit of maths that you'll need to do to work out the best fit, where to place the UILabels, and the spacing, but you will have the data that you need to do it.
Hope this helps!

Can a UITableView (not UITableViewCell) have variable size?

I have a UIView (created in IB) with a grouped UITableView as a subview. Below this table view is a UIButton. The XIB containing the view will be loaded by a few different viewcontrollers, and so the contents of the table view can vary between one and four cells.
Here's what I want to achieve: when the view loads, the height of the tableview (tableView.frame.size.height) should be adjusted depending on the number of cells, and the button should be placed just beneath the table view.
Can this be done? Could it somehow be done if the view is created programmatically?
Thanks in advance
Edit: Pxl's suggestion was just what I was looking for. A while later, the need arose to have more than just a button below the table view - this was accomplished by creating a separate view containing everything I needed, and implementing the tableView:viewForFooterInSection: and tableView:heightForFooterInSection: functions.
A note for those of you trying to do the same thing: the tableview has to be programmatically created if you want different heights for the footers, or footers for only some of the sections. This is because the footer height set in IB will override the one returned from the tableView:heightForFooterInSection: function.
if there are only a handful of rows, may i suggest that you create a special UITableViewCell that contains just a button?
then make that button cell the bottom row of the last group all the time. make the group so that it will be unlabeled and appear as if the button is sitting at the bottom of your tableview. this way you won't have to muck around with recalculating the tableview's frame and redrawing it.
if the tableview will scroll due to there being many rows, then you'd be calculating the height of the tableview up to a set max (at which point the tableview will need to scroll to show more rows).
once you've determined the height of the tableview you'll need to display your rows, make a frame of the appropriate size, set the tableview's frame to it, position the button just under the tableview, and then redraw the view.
the layout and positioning in this case will need to be done programmatically.
UITableview is a subclass of UIView, so you can change its frame to suit your needs just like a UIView, and UITableView will manage drawing itself to whatever frame you give it.
Just use the methods UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate provides you.
height = [self tableView:numberOfRowsInSection]*[self tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:] + A_CONSTANT_FOR_HEADER_AND_FOOTER_HEIGHT
I agree with pxl that adding a cell with the button in it may be the easiest way to accomplish what you want.
Whether or not you do that, the table view's sizeToFit method should resize the view to (just) fit its contents. If that doesn't work, you can use numberOfSections and rectForSection: to build a loop that determines the height of the table's contents, and reset its frame manually. (And then position the button underneath.)