which rendering methode for facebook app is better , using fbml or iframe - facebook

in past I have used fbml rendering but now there is to many
update on facebook sdk
I Feel Old sometimes !

FBML will be deprecated soon so you should use iframe
Source: http://developers.facebook.com/roadmap
Also from this august post:
We will begin supporting IFrames for Page tabs in the next few months. Developers building canvas applications should start using IFrames immediately. By the end of this year, we will no longer allow new FBML applications to be created, so all new canvas applications and Page tabs will have to be based on IFrames and our JavaScript SDK. We will, however, continue to support existing implementations of the older authentication mechanism as well as FBML on Page tabs and applications.


What does this announcement by Facebook mean?

FBML has been deprecated. Starting June 1, 2012 FBML apps will no longer work as all FBML endpoints will be removed. If you are building a new application on Facebook.com, please implement your application using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can use our JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins to embedded many of the same social features available in FBML.
What does this mean to silverlight apps?
FBML is a Facebook-interpreted markup language that used to be how apps on Facebook worked - it hasn't been possible to create FBML apps for about a year now.
It's also unlikely that you'd have had silverlight content in an FBML app (but it's possible) - if your canvas mode on the app is 'iframe', you're not affected.
if its' 'FBML' - you'll need to reimplement your app using an iframe connection to your server instead of the Facebook-interpreted version

Iframes v FBML - Why transfer?

I have lots of Facebook Fanpages, and I have been told on many occasions to change to iFrames. Facebook developing isn't really my main thing so I havent kept upto date with the change as FBML worked for me.
I have asked a recent question about rotating images and it seems that iFrames will be able to handle this.
Can you tell me what are the good things about iFrames?
Is there an iFrame service without thirdpart branding (i.e WildFire logo at the bottom of page)
Thanks for your help
You should be switching as soon as possible from fbml fan pages to iframe fan page because the FBML pages have been deprecated (you can't create new fbml pages) and it is likely Facebook will start killing FBML page support for existing pages, with little to no notice.
The biggest benefits are almost all javascript code will run now and without making a user first click somewhere. Laying out pages is a lot cleaner. And you don't have to learn the fbml tags. You just make a web page like you normally would and it should run just fine, as long as you understand that iframe code is sandboxed due to cross domain limitations so you can't try to modify its parent (the Facebook page)
I don't know of any iFrame services, but iFrame pages are so simple - you just host a plain html file or webpage somewhere on a server anywhere and tell Facebook the url for it. Do note though that the site it is hosted on should have an SSL certificate for users that visit your page with HTTPS enabled on their Facebook account.

Is there any ajax slider which support facebook application

I am developing a facebook application. Is there any ajax slider which support facebook application.
According to facebook
We are in the process of deprecating
FBML. If you are building a new
application on Facebook.com, please
implement your application using HTML,
JavaScript and CSS. You can use our
JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins to
embedded many of the same social
features available in FBML. While
there is still functionality that we
have not ported over yet, we are no
longer adding new features to FBML.
My point is, if you want to use a fancy jQuery slideshow, you can use it, and even more, according to facebook, you should use it, and start forgetting fbml and fbjs.

What are the benefits of using FBJS vs. an iFrame with jQuery

I am looking into turning a JavaScript app (using jQuery) into a facebook widget, and am wondering what the benefit of using FBJS is over an iFrame with the app's current JavaScript code & libraries... Can any facebook app developers out there comment on this?
Facebook is actually moving away from FBML/FBJS and encouraging developers to use iframes for their pages and applications:

Deprecating FBML

As you probably already know (or read quote at the end of this post), Facebook is deprecating FBML in favor of iframes for developping applications.
I am currently launching a new browser plug in and need a landing tab on my facebook page with personalized install buttons and all the useful features one can wish to have on a fan page.
However, I cannot use an iframe in my page because Facebook forbids it (see SO related question here) and I am told not to use FBML because it is being deprecated.
Question is the following: What should I use then ?
(I did ask my question on the fbexchange website but got no answer so far (posted 3 days ago))
Quoted from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fbml/
We are in the process of deprecating
FBML. If you are building a new
application on Facebook.com, please
implement your application within an
iframe, using our JavaScript SDK and
Social Plugins. While there is still
functionality that we have not ported
over yet, we are no longer adding new
features to FBML.
Although Facebook are deprecating FBML they will continue to support it for applications that are currently built with it. What they mean by deprecation is that they will not allow any NEW applications to use FBML come 2011. You have two choices as far as I can see:
Facebook have confirmed that pages will have iFrames when FBML is deprecated. So you can wait for this change to happen and then use your iFrame.
Make your application with FBML NOW and it will be fine, however, obviously this is not a good long term solution.
If your launch is imminent then my advice would be to bite the bullet and create both the iFrame and FBML version and simply switch when iFrame's become activated for pages.
This should no loner be an issue -- iFrames are now supported on Page tabs: