Database portable Jasper reports - jasper-reports

I use iReport designed jrxmls for Jasper reports
I have done database specific functions and DML queries like date format, string concatenation, concatenate symbol(||) etc.
My Question is, "Is there any way or plug-in to make the jrxml files to be database portable?".
Thanks in advance,

You are using JDBC, so your reports are already kind of portable unless you use some vendor-specific SQL functions or features.
You could write your OWN datasource in JasperReports (do implement JRDataSource interface), and provide your own layer of database independence. It shouldn't be that hard.

Each report is filled from a data source like a database, but you knew that. Since the report is filled by fetching data from a specific database with queries to specific rows, if you want to make your .jrxml files database portable (or your .jasper files for that matter) you will need to make your data source and sql queries parameters which are fed into your report file from your program. It is pretty straight forward to make the data source and SQL query a parameter using iReport.


Converting Datasets and Shared Datasets to t-sql stored procedure

Is there a way to automatically generate stored procedures out of the t-sql in the datasets found in an ssrs project?
There's not an automatic way to do this. You might be able to cobble something together to do it though. SSRS reports are in an XML format. The Datasets are in a < DataSets > element.
Unfortunately, I don't know how helpful it would be since the parameters would need to be resolved.
Someone created a Powershell to retrieve the dataset definitions from a report if you want to try to automate something. I think it would still need manual work to convert them - especially if they use parameters or have calculated fields.

jasper report: generation of simple jrxml to display db table

I have very large number of db tables in pracle database. I would like to somehow generate simple jasper report (version 6.0.3) for each of them.
One line with the name of table as header and under it common table displaying all columns of table. Option to exclude some columns from predefined list is welcome.
Any advise? Has someone any experience with this issue?
Thank in advance
My idea is use some ETL tool for extract specification of tables directly from database and map it somehow into xml files
There is a cloud based tool that generates the JRXML transparently based on the data structure, you can check it out at
It supports simple XML and JSON as input, but does not allow excluding specific columns. You would have to do that in your ETL tool.
You can use iReports, which is a designing tool for generating jrxml files (which are jasper-reports xml files): iReports tutorial. You have just to create a data-source (in this case you can create a connection to your DB), and construct your report design by dragging and dropping the tables/columns into it (mapped from the underlying data-source).
I've personally been working this iReports, but nowadays the jaspersoft community is putting it's efforts into another tool: Jaspersoft Studio, which seems to be the future replacement for iReports

ORacle Forms Utility

Is their any utility through which we can determine the list of database objects an Oracle Form or Report uses or the list of Forms and Reports that use a specific database object.
For Oracle forms/Reports 10g
There used to be a tool made by Quest Software "SQL Impact" but it is not supported any more.
The easiest way to do this kind of analysis is to convert all your fmb/rdf to xml and then write a script in Ruby searching for db object names.
Alternatively you can use JDAPI to iterate over forms objects, but there is no JDAPI for reports. Using JDAPI is much easier using JRuby, you can find sample scripts there:

Regarding Excel object

i am using ADO.Net oledb for inserting and fetching data from Excel database. I want to make first column in the excel sheet to bold and i want to add comments. I am achieving this thru Interop.Excel Application class.
i dont want to use interop. is there anyway to achieve through query itself ? or some other way? My application is c# windows application
No way through ADO.NET, any more than there is of making a SQL Server column bold. ADO.NET treats Excel as a data source - formatting is something quite different and requires knowledge of the Excel spreadsheet format, such as you'd get via Interop. There are probably other libraries you can use if you search...

Performance issues with ADO.Net Datasets

I really want to know your experience at working with ADO.Net datasets (calling stored procedures from SQL) and Crystal Reports, I know about the 2-4 seconds to
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument document = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument();
but what about the load of each tableadapter is there another way to work with Crystal Reports? Maybe with LINQ
Thanks in advance
I have used DataSets with Crystal. In general I do not like to allow Crystal Reports to fetch its own data as we have had errors with it opening too many connections to the Database. I usually create a DataSet and serialize it to XML with the schema and use the xml file as the ADO.Net "DataBase" for design purposes and then at runtime I assign the DataSet to the Report
Dim rd As New ReportDocument