Typeface.js not rendering in Safari or opera? - typeface.js

Typeface.js not rendering in Safari or opera? i have uploaded files and tested but it is not working plz help.

Safari 2+ should be supported according to their page, but not Opera.


Rich Text editor for both desktop and mobile browsers

I need a rich text editor which works in both desktop and mobile browsers.
For example I am using CLEdior which works fine in desktop browsers but not safari or chrome in iOS and android.
Thanks in advance.
Check out this question Best wysiwig editor
I have used tinyMce. All the editors have had problems but all should work in the newer android/ios browsers as seen here.

Is there a web app that emulates the iPhone browser?

I'm trying to get an iPhone browser emulator to work on my website so it will work on all platforms. Are there any Javascript snippets that emulate the iPhone browser? I need it to zoom and browse the web, but the bookmark function is not required.
There isn't such a thing, as the iOS browser has a number of differences to any desktop browser.
The closest you could have is an iFrame surrounded by a picture of an iPhone, and instruct people to use Safari 5.
If you're on a Mac, you can use the iOS Simulator. Download Xcode from the App Store and with it comes the iOS Simulator, which also has the Safari app virtually exactly as is on the iPhone.
http://www.browserstack.com/ does exactly that. It ain't perfect, but it works..

Why is iphone Simulator not rendering HTML5 page correctly?

I have a page I am developing in .net using HTML5 intended for a WebView in an iphone App. The page looks just fine in Safari. When I load it in the iphone Simulator it is rendering as plain text, no styles or js loading. I thought it might be an issue with .net, but seeing as it works in Safari i am stumped. When I use the XHTML doctype it works just fine in the Simulator. Any ideas why this is occurring and what the fix may be? Thanks!
Do you have problems rendering on the device? If not, don't worry about the Simulator, because it's not guaranteed to represent perfectly how the hardware works.
well it seems that the lovely .net mobile.browser file was setting the mime type for the simulator as xml. set it to xhtml and all is rosy.

Why doesn't #contenteditable work on the iPhone?

Safari HTML Reference: Supported Attributes says:
If true, the element can be edited on
the fly; if false, it cannot.
Available in Safari 1.2 and later.
Available in iPhone OS 1.0 and later.
However, on my iPhone, I can't get it to work. Anyone have success with this?
You can try it with this document (admittedly not pure html, but that document works in desktop Safari, and Chrome and Firefox 3). I haven't been able to get even the simplest html document to be editable in mobile Safari.
contenteditable has been added to iOS 5 beta 2, according to one of the developer videos from WWDC 2011. I suggest signing up to Apple's Safari developer program and downloading that video from the WWDC videos page.
If you sign up to be a Safari dev, you also gain the privilege to submit your Website to their online iOS Web app gallery.
Edit: I've confirmed this works on my iPad running iOS 5.0.1. Try it out here: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/execCommand/
It works, kind of. I thought contenteditable doesn't work on iPhone before. When I set a div to contenteditable I couldn't move the cursor/pointer to where I wanted to move it. But, when I was fiddling around XHTML with contentEditable within iBooks.app on iPad, I found that "execCommand('insertText', null, 'foobar');" worked within Mobile Safari.
If you wanted to, you could make a virtual keyboard using
clever css and javascript, and make it into a bookmarklet.
If you cannot focus the contenteditable element try adding this to your css
[contenteditable] {
-webkit-user-select: text;
user-select: text;
The design mode and content editable are working fine in IOS 5.But in previous versions it is not working.There is post
I think this is because editing HTML requires quite an advanced user interface. That's why desktop Safari implements it, while Mobile Safari doesn't.

Problems with Opera and TinyMCE

I have been having some general problems with TinyMCE inside Opera. Some of these include:
the save button produces an error
when submitting to a popup with an entire form, including TinyMCE, nothing gets posted to the popup (when TinyMCE is removed it works fine)
Has anyone else experienced these errors and/or does anyone have a solution to make TinyMCE more compatible with Opera?
TinyMCE is not the only rich text editor for web. You could even try a what you mean editor or some Flash based solution.
I recommend CKEditor, it works like a charm on Opera and is also very configurable and powerful. I also had some issues with TinyMCE using the latest Opera to date (v12.15).
It depends on the version of Opera Mini you are using. The supported version is  v.50 and above. The Opera Mini version 52.3.21517  and above are the supported version for TinyMCE. You can get the version 50 of  opera mini mobile browser here https://press.opera.com/2019/02/19/opera-for-android-hits-version-50/