emacs - [control shift up] doesn't work - emacs

I tried to define hotkey as following
(global-set-key [(control shift up)] 'other-window)
but it doesn't work (no error, just doesn't work), neither does
(global-set-key [(control shift down)] 'other-window)
(global-set-key [(control shift right)] 'other-window)
(global-set-key [(control shift left)] 'other-window)
But because the last two key combinations are used by emacs (as default), I don't wanna change them for other functions.
So how could I make control-shift-up and control-shift-down work?
I have googled "(control shift up)", it seems that control-shift-up is used by other people, (but not very few results).

The reason for this is not an Emacs problem, but comes from the fact that your terminal cannot produce a key sequence for C-S-up.
You can verify this very easily. Open a terminal and then type:
Control-v Control-Shift-right
The Control-v part will make the control sequence for the next key be inserted verbatim into your shell. In our case, it will insert the sequence for Control-Shift right, and that'll look something like this:
Now, try the same thing for C-S-up:
Control-v Control-Shift-up
You'll see that no control sequence is entered, which hints at the fact that when you press C-S-up in Emacs, it will actually never receive anything, because the terminal is not able to produce anything to pass on to Emacs.
We can double-verify this if you just start a new emacs -nw and type C-h k to invoke Emacs' describe-key function. You'll get asked in the minibuffer to type a key to see what function it is bound to. If you now type C-S-up nothing happens - of course not, since the terminal in which your Emacs runs doesn't produce anything.
However, if you're just looking for an unused key-combination, how about just Shift-up (or even Shift-right) without Control? That one should work both in a terminal emacs and in the windowed version.

Finally, with the help from grawity on superuser.com, I got it working. Please this thread

This could well be a duplicate of:
Binding M-<up> / M-<down> in emacs 23.1.1
If this is the case, Gilles' answer should sort you out (undoubtedly with different escape sequences, though.)
edit (for better visibility -- see answer below):
It turned out that gnome terminal does not transmit these key combinations, so the solution relies upon the following: https://superuser.com/questions/230852/get-ubuntu-terminal-to-send-an-escape-sequence-controlshiftup


emacs key binding command affects another

Previously I used C-SPC to activate/deactivate mark, now I use expand-region package and set key binding to C-# like this:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-#") 'er/expand-region)
But this affected the C-SPC keybinding also, so it is also bound to expand-region.
What I need is C-# bind to expand-region and C-SPC to bind to old activate/deactivate mark.
Suggest you refer to:
set-mark-command not working emacs with C-SPC
Quoting from the latter:
"Footnotes [1] There is no C-<SPC> character in ASCII; usually, typing C-<SPC> on a text terminal gives the character C-#. This key is also bound to set-mark-command, so unless you are unlucky enough to have a text terminal that behaves differently, you might as well think of C-# as C-<SPC>."
I think you'll find that they are not separate keys; C-SPC sends a code that's the same as C-#. I think that means you'll have to find somewhere else to bind one of the functions, (even if you have to override expand-region)
Apologies for a second answer... I think the first was wrong because I have now been able to make separate definitions for C-SPC and C-#, as described below.
This works to define C-# and C-SPC separately:
(global-set-key [?\C-#] 'beginning-of-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-SPC") 'end-of-line)
To give credit, I derived the answer from here: Rebind C-space in Emacs
after googling "emacs control space"
(Regarding your question, "what key should I bind this expand-region to?", I ordinarily use C-h C-k and type some key I don't think I use. Then look at the function that that key is bound to by default. If it seems useful to me, I try another key and keep looking. If I feel like I will never use the default definition, I redefine it for my own purposes.)

How to bind Emacs key for delete whole word backword as the same in a shell?

I have just started learning Linux and Emacs. It was pleasant to have the same key bindings in both Emacs and a shell (bash/tcsh) for the most frequently used cursor movements, so that I do not have to consciously think which one I have to use. Still worse, use the wrong command and undo the mistake. There were two exceptions, though.
One often used command was the equivalent of backspace, delete a character backwards. In a shell, it was C-h. I got the same behaviour in Emacs, thanks to this tip from Janos, who probably felt the same way.
Now the mistake I do often in Emacs is trying to delete words backwards with the command M-C-h, as in a shell.
Can somebody please give a binding that will make Emacs delete words backwards with 'M-C-h'? Currently, this command selects the whole of the text in a buffer, which is quite an useful thing (C-a in windows), but not so frequently used as deleting words backwards.
Moreover, any binding to replace the current binding of M-h (from the link above) to help will be appreciated.
Thank you,
Below binds C-M h to backward-kill-word. You can put it in your .emacs file.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-h") 'backward-kill-word)
You can use M-<backspace> in terminal and emacs to delete word backward.
It's best to use key translation so C-M-h works exactly the same as M-backspace would in any minor mode (regardless of whether M-backspace is bound to backward-kill-word or not).
;; bind C-h to <backspace>
(define-key key-translation-map [?\C-h] [?\C-?])
;; bind C-M-h to M-<backspace>
(define-key key-translation-map [?\C-\M-h] [?\C-\M-?])

Emacs define-key, Viper-mode key binding

I'm trying to learn emacs, getting vi custom key bindings.
Using Viper-mode, what is the correct way to re-bind a key? (I'm using Colemak keyboard layout(instead of qwerty) so have to change things like n->j) But would like it to work in viper-mode.
From this key binding guide on GNU.org:
It says the command to put in your .viper file is:
(define-key viper-vi-global-user-map "\C-v" 'scroll-down)
It doesn't work for me... in fact not sure I even have the function "define-key"...
M-x define-key [No match]
I'm not sure if 'define-key' is available on my version of emacs?
This works, but not in viper-mode
(global-set-key "n" "j")
Any help would be much appreciated. This is my first day using Emacs, to it's a pain getting Colemak & Viper-mode to work properly.
Thank for any help...
Hopefully some useful answers here:
First, having that line in the .viper works for me. Note that the viper-vi-global-user-map applies when you're in command mode, not insert mode.
Secondly, define-key isn't a command, it's a regular function, which just means that it cannot be called using M-x. See this Emacs wiki page for a little more detail on that distinction. But that was a good attempt.
Third, the global-set-key is a command, you could have tried making a change using M-x global-set-key. But, that sets the key in the current global map, which isn't the same as viper-vi-global-user-map. Viper-mode uses a bunch of different keymaps to make Emacs behave like vi, but all of the maps are overlaid on top of the global map.
I'm guessing that you found that C-v wasn't bound like you want when you're in insert mode. And that can be solved by adding this to your .viper:
(define-key viper-insert-global-user-map "\C-v" 'scroll-down)
Lastly, scroll-down may not be what you want. The down refers to the text moving down (given the perspective of a fixed window). C-v is generally bound to 'scroll-up. But,maybe it is exactly what you want.
Caveat: I'm not a viper-mode user, I don't even know how to use vi. So my terminology may be off. But I find the challenge of changing things in viper-mode very interesting.
Edited to add
From your comment it sounds like you want n to be the same as what j is bound to by default. Try adding this:
(define-key viper-vi-global-user-map "n" 'viper-next-line)
In "normal" mode I did M-x describe-key j, which told me that j is bound to 'viper-next-line, and the above line will bind n to the same routine. Repeat for the rest of the bindings you want to shift around.
in modern times evil-mode is the vim emulation layer for emacs, and to tweak it for colemak, my https://github.com/wbolster/evil-colemak-basics package helps a lot.

writing lisp emacs key binding and cannot specify the <delete> character

For some reason I got the default M-del key binding for backward-kill-word mapped to a scan for matching brackets and resetting is not working, so I am trying to set the global key binding in lisp. So I wrote in ~/.emacs.d/init.el the lisp commands:
(global-set-key (kbd "M-h") 'backward-kill-word)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-<\delete>") ‘backward-kill-word)
I tried them with C-x C-e and they both give the 'backward-kill-word output but only the first key-binding works "M-h", the other is ignored and M-del still trying the strange scanning action. The delete key works in emacs elsewhere, so it seems like "delete" is not being mapped to the physical key in lisp (and the backslash is there to show in this text only as the word was being commented out). Any idea what keyword to use or special character?
(I looked for libraries that may have overrided this command but I cannot find them)
On some systems, the delete key is defined as an alias to C-d. This is done through function-key-map on GNU Emacs <23 and local-function-key-map on GNU Emacs 23. (I've observed this behavior on Debian and Ubuntu 10.04 under X.) The purpose of such translations is to isolate people who code modes from the terminal intricacies: a mode that wants to shadow the delete command only needs to rebind C-d and not wonder if it should rebind delete (is that a delete left or delete right?) or deletechar or something else.
If there is a global or local binding for delete, it shadows this translation to C-d. However, if you press ESC delete, if there is no global or local binding for ESC delete, the second key is translated to C-d. This translation has precedence over the interpretation of ESC delete as M-delete. So ESC delete becomes equivalent to C-M-d.
This is arguably a bug in Emacs: the effect of ESC delete should be the same as M-delete, and there is no reason why ESC delete would run down-list which has nothing to do with deletion.
There are several possible fixes; I don't know which is best. One that should work with any version of Emacs is
(global-set-key [?\e delete] 'backward-kill-word)
The really nice thing about kbd is that what you type there is the same string that Emacs displays. So, try the following
C-h k M-<\delete> (to use your syntax)
M-x describe-key M-<\delete>
Emacs (for me) responds with:
M-DEL (translated from <M-delete>)
runs the command backward-kill-word,
which is an interactive compiled Lisp
function in `simple.el'.
It is bound to , M-DEL.
(backward-kill-word arg)
Which you can see shows that the representation for the key you want is M-DEL or M-delete.
Which is a long way of getting to the point that what you want is
(global-set-key (kbd "M-delete") 'backward-kill-word)
Of course, if you have something in your .emacs that overrides it, the above won't help. You'll need to find that included library and stop using it (or customize its behavior).
You might want to call global-set-key interactively to see how it interprets meta-delete. Also try local-set-key to ensure the strange binding is not mode-specific.
After not being able to find the library holding the conflict I found this webpage
Changing Key Bindings Interactively...
`M-x global-set-key KEY CMD '
Define KEY globally to run CMD....
Normally, C-z' is bound to the function
suspend-emacs' (when not using the X Window System), but you can
change C-z' to invoke an interactive subshell within Emacs, by binding
it toshell' as follows:
M-x global-set-key <RET> C-z shell <RET>
`global-set-key' reads the command name after the key. After you
press the key, a message like this appears so that you can confirm that
you are binding the key you want:
Set key C-z to command:...
And now the standard default is returned to by doing
M-x global-set-key M-del ...
But this is transient and must be done on each reload, any way to make this permanent?
Putting a command into the init.el is not overriding the other effect

How to make Emacs (without GUI) differentiate between Ctrl+Shift+S and Ctrl+S?

I'm trying to teach Emacs standard shortcut keys. I use emacs23-nox version from Debian, often through SSH connection. One of those is CTRL+SHIFT+S for SaveAs. The relevant part of configuration looks like this:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S") 'write-file)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-s") 'save-buffer)
but causes either both CTRL+SHIFT+S and CTRL+S invoke 'save-buffer (or 'write-file, depending on which line comes last). I also tried "C-S-s" instead of "C-S".
No Use of Shift Key section of Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts Are Painful says it's not possible. I read this answer, but the accepted solution doesn't work for me (C-h k CTRL+SHIFT+S prints C-s).
Is there a way to make Emacs (the no GUI version) differentiate between CTRL+SHIFT+S and CTRL+S?
You can't, there isn't any provision in the character sets for uppercase control characters. The only way you can get shift and control is by going direct to the windowing system, so you need the GUI version.
To clarify a bit: If you are using Emacs with a window manager, then you can bind the key [(control shift ?s)], which is C-S-s (aka C-S, but not written this way in Emacs). This key is definitely different from the ASCII control character C-s, which has no lowercase/uppercase versions.
So the answer is (a) you have to be using a graphics terminal; (b) bind [(control shift ?s)] to get the uppercase version.