'Project' support for Emacs - emacs

A while ago I saw something go by for 'search in project' etc support in Emacs where the definition of a project was simply looking from the current directory up til a .git or other source control directory was found.
I unfortunately didn't bookmark the project as I was off in Smalltalk land and didn't need Emacs at the time. I'd really appreciate pointers to the specific project I'm vaguely referencing or one that does the same thing. I've looked at eproject which seems close, but isn't quite what I'm remembering.

So what I was looking for, I finally found.
Textmate minor mode:

Have a look at this SO question. It sounds like what you're looking for is find-file-in-project.el. The EMACS Wiki is usually a good source for this kind of question.

You are probably looking for eproject and its eproject-find-file and/or eproject-grep functions.

I use TAGS for my project, and recently wrote this answer for igrep-in-tags, which does a regexp search through all the files in the TAGS and gives the output in a compilation style buffer.


VS Code - File Explorer / Explorer change case

Sorry if the question is bit silly, but on Ubuntu 16.4 I am trying out code editors for Angular 2. VS Code appeals because of TypeScript. But when I open a location the directory name in File Explorer is in ALL CAPS even though I don't use CAPS in directory names? Googling didn't help. Perhaps I am missing something.
How can I change it show my directory name exactly as it is in Ubuntu please? I have tried to look into settings.json etc but no joy.
if you mean this (see the image below), that would be a standard behaviour and has nothing to do with actual size of the letters. As far as I can tell, you cannot change this.
Well I went to GitHub as suggested but they have sadly declined (click) to do anything about this as some "as designed" thing, whatever that means. Pretty bad, but okay whatever.
Use this to customise. https://gist.github.com/Hendrixer/7a250a2be529cda8939de8305c9a85a1
It's just another chromium based renderer. Open developer console and customise anything you like.

Emacs config script for Lisp

What are some of the choices for pre-made Emacs config scripts? e.g. Lisp-centric keybindings, auto-complete / "intellisense", bracket matching, code formattting, etc.
So far I've only found:
There is also Prelude, which I can recommend. It has clean structure and code, and is regularly updated to include new interesting and useful packages or settings.
Do not use configurations from EmacsWiki. Most of what is posted there is very old, has never been updated since, and is hence rather out-dated now. Many of them will not work in modern GNU Emacs versions.
Instead, also look at the Github accounts of people who write Emacs packages, and you'll find many Emacs configurations. Some of these are created to be re-used by other people, for instance https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d.
See http://emacswiki.org/emacs/CategoryDotEmacs, especially under "Some complete InitFiles" and below.
This is my configuration script:

Emacs automatically visit tag table

Is there a way to configure emacs so that whenever I open a file under a certain path it will automatically search (and in case load) a TAGS file in a part of the path? So for instance when opening
/usr/src/foo/baz/bar.c.It will load
/usr/src/foo/TAGS file?
I'd suggest you going through this wiki. There is a good example of doing the same with etags (Auto refresh of the tags file) (which I won't post here), but hopefully it's no so hard to make it work for ctags.
Check out this package http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EtagsTable It's available on MELPA and does exactly what you want.
The point is in this case, a little bit elisp code is more versatile, I've been using this solution for two years.

Automatically opening a file in emacs by specifying the file name

I created a TAGS file for emacs in my django project using the following command on my Linux machine
ctags -eR *
I can now jump to a symbol definition using M-. and specifying the symbol name.In my project i have py,html and css files so is there also a way i can make emacs automatically open a file, if i specify the file name ?.
Thank You
I think you are looking for project management. There are few packages to manage project directory in emacs. The best one may be ede. but Its not easy to setup. It does have some learning curve and its limitations.
Thankfully there are many easy ones. like eproject. https://github.com/jrockway/eproject/wiki
anyway you can also check out emacswiki page for more details. http://www.emacswiki.org/ProjectSettings
IDO (Interactive Do) mode does this. If you activate it, C-x C-f searches for files matching what you are typing, interactively. Beware though, it may take some time to get used to it.
[edit] The search is based on files or directories you've recently visited, and you can use M-s to force a search.
From the comments, I figured that you are looking for has nothing to do with tags, you just want a better find-file that makes good automatic guesses for the path given only the file name.
For this, I use the entirely awesome ido-mode: http://emacswiki.org/emacs/InteractivelyDoThings

Modern POD to HTML converter to produce results like search.cpan.org

Is there code available to convert POD to HTML in a similar manner as search.cpan.org? I'd like to run it over my CPAN distribution modules to see how they'll look before releasing.
The pod2html that comes with Perl seems rather outdated. It does quaint things like depositing temporary files in the current directory and creating links like "the so-and-so manpage", and the output is far inferior to the beautiful output of search.cpan.org. But not sure what other people are using.
Before I upload to CPAN, I check my POD by looking at it in a browser from http://search.cpan.org/pod2html.
Form there, I click on Browse...
I navigate to the directory containing my code and double-click on the .pm file.
Then click on Submit Query.
It's the closest I've seen to the real thing.
See also pod2cpanhtml.
I wrote pod2cpanhtml for exactly the reasons you describe.
It is only a tiny piece of code that makes use of Pod::Simple::HTML and the search.cpan.org CSS but I find it very useful.
Adding to mob's suggestions, I was quite happy with Pod::ProjectDocs. It needed few minor tweaks, but it looks more or less like CPAN.
According to this perlmonks thread, the trick is to use Pod::HtmlEasy. Or maybe the trick is to use Apache::Pod::HTML. Or Pod::Tree? I don't know, but there are a few suggestions there.