Control iPad with other iOS device - iphone

I am working on an app for the iPad and would like to be able to include the option to use a separate iOS device to control it. I have seen examples of this with games (notably Chopper 2), but have no idea how it is done.
Can anyone point me in the direction of the iOS frameworks that back this feature? I have looked through the SDK but cannot find the relevant sections.

Im sure they use Game Kit or you could use the lower level Bonjour discovery.
Read through the GameKit docs.
You can start there. I guess the controller is actually a separate feature of the app that just sends messages over the network, using sockets to send and receive the data.
Send over the network from the controller. Receive them on the ipad in a running thread or however the service you use handles it. process the received messages.

Agreed with #alJaree. I'm working on something similar, though I've found it much easier to implement through Unity. Prime31 has a number of sweet plugins that allow you to implement things like Bluetooth through gamekit in a single line of code. I'm on my ipad right now so I cant be sure of the exact URL, but I think it's just, in their 'unity' section.


watchOS LTE communication with iPhone app

I can let my WatchKit app interact with the iPhone app using WCSession but this doesn't seem to work over LTE. How can I make that work? Does Apple provide anything for this?
I need to communicate with the app about once per minute.
I found this on Google: from
Something like this would be nice but doesn't look as instant as WCSession
The WatchConnectivity framework, which contains WCSession uses Bluetooth for communication between an iPhone and an Apple Watch, so it cannot be used for obvious reasons if you'd want to use a watch on LTE.
Currently, there is no direct method for what you are trying to achieve and probably there won't be one in the foreseeable future. The point of the LTE Apple Watch is so that you can access the internet even when your phone is not with you. However, in this situation it wouldn't really make sense to synchronise your data between the two devices until they are physically located close to each other.
You have to upload the data you want to synchronise to a server, from which the iPhone can download it, but I really would advise against this, since it seems to be a waste of resources (both battery capacity and data).

Getting notification of iOS device usage in background

Might be i am using a wrong title but i will try to explain here what i want.
In iOS i need to implement a functionality to get notify if the user is using their iOS device.
My app will be running in background using location services and i need to find out if the the user is using their device. It is doable as i have looked into this application which is sending notifications in background to the drivers who is suing their devices while driving.
So i need similar kind of functionality to find out if a user is using iOS device or not. If anyone of you can suggest me any approach then it would be great for me to start.
Thank you!
Note: I have tried to find out touch events in background but that is not possible as i have done some research on this.
You won't be able to receive touch events when the app is in background using public API's. However, you can do that with the help of mobileSubstrate library ( - The MobileHooker component is the one that would be used). by hooking your process to the OS. As an example, the display recorder app in Cydia tracks global gestures while recording the screen. This will be a cydia tweak and you will need to jailbreak your device to do all that.
Coming to your specific use-case, the example app you cited should be using one of the exceptions for background applications mentioned in (see the section - "Implementing Long-Running Background Tasks"), probably the one to receive updates from external accessories.

How to implement Bayeux Protocol in iOS Application

I am doing a interactive iPad app where there will be a scenario when my app will be opening in multiple iPad devices at the same time,and they can join a group photo share, where one user selects a photo of his choice and that selection will be seen live by other users in their devices too who are joined to same group.
I have just got to know that this kind of behaviour can be achived through Bayeux Protocol using Javascript,Dojo for Web application. So, is there any framework that can achieve this feature in iOS platforms or is anyone know how to integrate Bayeux Protocol in xcode.
I have no idea about it, so any help and suggestions will be appreciated so that i can atleast get started with this feature.
Forget about Bayeux Protocol and implementation details.
For stuff like that, such as connecting people that use the same app on similar device, and share their actions and so on, I think that considering GameKit (even if you application is not a game, as you still connect people that will use the application on different devices at the same time, and actions of one user will be refered on other user's devices) might be a good option.
See for example the GKPeerPickerViewController to connect users to each others, the GKTank example and so on.

Using Remote Notifications In My Application

I am currently starting my way on developing iPhone applications, and I have recently encountered a problem which I could not find a proper answer to.
In my application, I want one iPhone to send a request and another, far iPhone respond to that request using an Alert View, almost like the way Game Center works when you invite someone to play with you.
Do I do that with Push Notifications? Some server? Or what?
Thanks ahead,
A Newbie Developer.
Not the simplest things to try and do when you are new - but have a look at GameKit.
There is a sample application called GKTap which shows how to hook up two iPhones.
Don't be fooled by the word Game. This framework makes it easy to set up communication between phones, even using Bluetooth.
It depends on what you mean by "far". If you mean in another room, but within Bluetooth range or on the same local network, then there is GameKit. If you mean on a different network, or a long distance away, then you are looking at needing to have a server that keeps track of the devices and the connections between the devices so you can use Push Notifications. If you are thinking of something like Words With Friends where it sends a message to another user to tell them it is their go, then you would need the server.

which features do you look forward to the most in iPhone SDK 3?

Which of the new features are you looking forward to the most in iPhone SDK 3.0?
Is it one of the main advertised six new things, or something smaller? Something in the "1,000 new APIs", perhaps?
Phone to phone communication via bluetooth seems like it will terribly useful for some apps I am writing. No longer do you have to input all the data you want to store yourself, you can share some of it with other iPhone users.
not really a feature, but the best thing about developing the iPhone SDK further is the great frameworks that arise. there are some really, really great frameworks out there already (like the Three20 project) which will become even better with the new 3.0 SDK.
my real excitement will take over once they let us run background processes. maybe in 4.0?
Video! The ability to write decent tools for mobile video uploads is a big draw.
MapKit by far will bring the biggest change sweeping across the app space.
My personal favorite is that we can finally easily track upload progress of large files (like images).
I really, really want to see fixes in the camera API so that it isn't either broken (2.2.1) or forcing a switch to portrait (3.0).
Apart from that, the most useful features to me are:
push notifications. Great for making an app more sticky - you can let the user know that something of interest to them has happened.
CoreData - I've been using a third-party SQL layer, but it's a little buggy and no longer supported.
Peer-peer bluetooth, as the poster above said, is also useful for local data exchange.
And the least useful? Cut and paste. I actually want to disable it in my app (to discourage people from copying content) - and it doesn't look as though you can (yet).
Bluetooth phone-to-phone communication with GameKit will enable a host of currently impossible applications. Multiplayer games with no WiFi network needed and data exchange between two phones are obvious use-cases.
I'd also like to see - not currently included in the betas - a decent camera API that allowed us to customize the appearance of the capture screen, and as another poster said, have it work properly in landscape and portrait mode.