is there any limitation for ipa file - iphone

i am trying to syink 300MB ipa file to test my app through itunes but it is not loading total is loading upto 200MB. so my doubt here is any limitation have for ipa.i searched many links but it wont work for me.please tell me.
Thank you all,

Check that all the books are included in your distribution/adhoc target too.
Copy the ipa file. Change the extension to .zip and extract. Find your .app file then right click and select show package contents. Verify that everything is there.
If there are files missing then expand the Target node in Xcode project and check they are included for your distribution build.


Not loading all content of ipa file into device while using itunes

i developed an app which is meant to read books(pdf book reader).i loaded 25 books(total size of 320MB) into the app using absolute path.all the books are been seen in the simulator and also i can load all the books into my device through xcode(build and run).
my requirement:
when i loaded the above obtained ipa file into the same device or other device which are in ad-hoc distribution using itunes , it is strange that only few books are being seen in the device.
note: i made sure that all the books are present in the .ipa file,i deleted old app in the device which i run via xcode. the device is in ad-hoc distribution.
while code signing i used the iphone developer certificate.
is it necessary to use distribution certificate instead iphone developer certificate which i feel that might be one reason for my problem?
plz anyone suggest me with exact solution to the scenario.
tnx in advance
I know I have seen problems going from simulator to live device. The simulator is not case sensitive, but the device is. Recheck all your actual files in bundle vs what you are requesting when you open the file. They need to match exactly for device, but not so much for simulator.
I would also try seting the apps-Info.plst to have "Application supports iTunes file sharing" on so you could see what is in the documents folder (this is if your moving files in that area).
One problem might be as RAZ suggested that iPhone is case sensitive, but there could be other problems.
For starters I would check the that ipa does contain everything you think should be there. Take the ipa, change the extension to zip and open it. You'll get a folder containing you're app. Right click the .app and choose show package. You'll now see all the files/resources included in your app. If the files that won't load in the app are there then you'll need to provide more information about the problem.
If they're not you need to make sure xCode knows to copy them to the app resources.
You might have resources that you haven't copied into the project, and you're only referencing the files on your hard disk. Then when you make the .ipa file it's not included. Try re-importing all your resources and select "copy to project".

which files are need to create .ipa for my application which is done in xcode

I am creating a simple application in xcode
Now i need to create ipa for that file.
By google i found some info regarding this.
create a folder named Payload and copy the app file,Zip the fine and rename zip to .ipa.
But i have a doubt in the this path users/username/library/application support/iphone simulator/4.1/Applications
i found a folder named with random alphabets and numbers.
In that i found documents,library,tmp folders along with my
is i need to copy all the 3 folders into payload or just my is enough.
And i did n't get my icon in over the .ipa.
How can i get it.
can any one pls help me.
Thank u in advance.
If you go to Build and Archive in Xcode, it will package your app into an .ipa for you.
When in Organizer, click on your app, then click on the Share... button, then choose Save to Disk...
Also, I wouldnt suggest manually creating your .ipa files.
Apart from using Build and Archive, you can also try dragging and dropping your .app file onto iTunes. Then when you do 'reveal in finder' for the app, you'd see the IPA.

What is the easiest way to determine an iOS .app bundles size while developing?

It is important to make sure every iOS application submitted to the AppStore is under 20MB in size so that it can be downloaded over-the-air.
I am working on an app that may be getting close to that limit, and I've discovered that there does not appear to be an easy way to tell the current output .app bundle size from within XCode.
In XCode4 in particular - by default every build is tucked away in a hard to get at and cryptically named temp directory. I don't want to override this default behavior unless I have to.
I know I can track down the .app bundle by looking at the build logs, opening a shell window, changing to that directory, and using 'du' - but I am hoping to find a quicker and easier way to keep track of the .app file size after each new build.
There isn't even an easy way directly on an iPhone or iPad to determine the size of an application. Mostly I appreciate this - but not when I am in the midst of optimization.
Any thoughts on best practices?
UPDATE: I am using XCode 4 now for most of my day-to-day development, and it seems that every solution so far doesn't work on XCode 4 either because functionality has changed or features (such as Archiving) are still coming soon. I think the ultimate answer may be "use XCode 3" for the particular phase of development. I know I will still need to use XCode 3 for the final build and submission anyway...
Where I work, we make an archive form Xcode (Build and Archive) and then we export that archive on the disk from the Organizer Window (using the Share button).
This will generate an .ipa file. The size of that file is what you're looking for.
There should be a 'Products' folder in your Xcode project. Inside that folder will be your .app files. Right click on your file and select 'Reveal in Finder'.
Create a script (perl, bash, AppleScript, whatever...) and add it to your Build Scripts. The script can then cd to magic location, zip the .app to /tmp, du -s -h the resulting zip, and pipe the output to some log file... maybe even flash bright red warning lights hooked to a USB parallel port relay to warn you of exceeding some file size limit.
Actually, it is the size of the .ipa, not the .app, that has to be under 20MB. Since .ipa is a zip archive, you get a little more space to work with. The only way of finding the size that I know of would be to do a Build and Archive in XCode and look at the file size in Finder.
The file you send to Apple is a .zip file, it's your compressed binary file. For example I'm working on an app that's over 120mb uncompressed but compresses to about 19mb as it's mostly data. I'd guess you have plenty of slack is most of your files aren't a compressed format.

iPhone App using MonoTouch - which files/folder binaries do I upload to the AppStore?

I have created a small iPhone app using MonoTouch - got all provisioning files etc set up etc and I have done a Distribution build which has created a Distribution folder (under the bin\iPhone folder).
Now in this Distribution folder I can see two more folders called, and two files MyGame.exe and MyGame.xcent.
Which of these files or folders do I need to zip and upload to the App store??
My guess is it is the folder which is full of files, images, Info.plist, embedded.mobileprovision but it also seems to contain monotouch.dll's and Microsoft's System.Core.dll etc. ??
There is a good tutorial in MonoTouch website
the last lines are
navigating to the bin/Distribution/iPhone directory. Zip the app bundle, and submit it to Apple.
The file with the .app extension is the application bundle. It's really a "folder" disguised as a file. You need to zip it up before you can submit it. Curious, what is the name of your game? I'm interested in seeing one of these "ported" applications.
Good luck, sir

Changing the .ipa file artwork of compiled iPhone application [duplicate]

I've got an iPhone app with icon file Icon.png.
This icon shows up properly when the app is on the phone itself, but it doesn't show up in the applications pane in iTunes.
What do I need to do to get it to show up properly?
The cleanest way to do this is described in the official Apple documentation, in a section called Publishing Applications for Testing. Below is the exact instructions given to you on that page:
The iTunes artwork your testers see should be your application’s icon. This artwork must be a 512 x 512 JPEG or PNG file named iTunesArtwork. Note that the file must not have an extension.
After generating the file of your application’s icon, follow these steps to add it to your application:
Open your project in Xcode.
In the Groups & Files list, select the Resources group.
Choose Project > Add to Project, navigate to your iTunesArtwork file, and click Add.
In the dialog that appears, select the ”Copy items” option and click Add.
Note that the PNG or JPEG file is just 'iTunesArtwork', with no suffix.
If you try to copy the file into the application bundle after you have built it, it will break the app signing, and you will get a verification error when trying to sync it to your device. Ensure that the artwork file is included in the "Copy Bundle Resources" folder, within your project's target in XCode (step 4, above).
Create a 512x512 png of your icon, name it "iTunesArtwork" (no extension, no quotes) and add it to your project under Resources. Then build.
More details here:
In order to make it easier for those arriving at this post, here are the actual instructions (straight from the blog post linked from the accepted answer).
There has been some talk on twitter about how to create your own IPA file for your iPhone app, so I thought I would give the instructions that I have used to build an IPA before. Enjoy.
Create a folder on your desktop called “working”. Open that and create another folder inside of it called “Payload” (case-sensitive)
Move your iTunesArtwork file into the “working” folder and your .app into the Payload folder.
Open Terminal and run the following command: chmod -R 775 ~/Desktop/working/Payload
Go into your folder within Payload.
Double-click the Info.plist file. Make sure there is a item called: SignerIdentity with a value of: Apple iPhone OS Application Signing. If there is not, add it.
Zip it all up. Zip the iTunesArtwork and Payload folder. (So zip up what is inside of the working folder)
Rename the zip file to have the name you want, and the extension of ipa.
Double click to install with iTunes
Actually, it is possible to provide iTUnes icons for iPhone software released as ad-hoc. See this blog post for more information.
I'll just add my recent experience. I had fooled around trying to get my ad hoc app to show up in iTunes with an icon (strictly, iTunesArtwork). Finally, I was convinced I had followed the instructions to a 'T' but it still wouldn't show up in the grid view. However, my artwork was properly displayed in the Cover Flow view. I deleted and reinstalled my app from/to iTunes to no avail. Then I quit iTunes and restarted - and, voila! - my artwork was correct in all places. It appears there is some kind of caching that is not reset in Grid view.
If you see a black square instead of you icon in iTunes, be sure that file type of iTunesArtwork in Xcode isn't "image.png". If so, in the copy resource build phase, CopyPNGFile will crash the file which invalid save for iOS divices.
Open your project in Xcode.
Copy iTunesArtwork.png file into project folder.
Edit iTuneArtwork.png file and remove .png from iTunesArtwork.
Generate build.
You can see image on iTunes.
The application icon only shows up in iTunes if your app is distributed through the app store.
I assume you are asking about a developer or ad hoc build. Those get the default black "A" icon.