tomcat6 and drool rules reloading - drools

I have run into an issue where when I modify my drools rules(.drl) on the fileSystem it appears to work as a JUnit testcase but fails when try to test the same in the web application running under Tomcat6.
When I modify the drl file under Tomcat, I do see logs saying KnowledgeAgent is rebuilding the knowledgeBase and so on and I do see new a instance of KBase under KAgent in the debugger but still when I execute the rule it shows the original values.
Was wondering if there is any cache tomcat uses internally for rules and if yes whats the workaround?
Any help is appreciated.

As I understand your question, I think you have to reload your drl file when it gets changed.
Are you using ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource() method for loading your rule files? If yes, then use ResourceFactory.newInputStreamResource(stream) method. It always gets latest modified drl file.


How can I let Tomcat run a command after it finishes deploying web application's .war files

We know that during Tomcat startup, it will deploy the .war files of its web applications. My question is after the deployment I need to run a command to modify a file inside WEB-INF/ of the web application which is generated after deployment, and I need to let Tomcat do this automatically for me, is this possible to achieve ? Something like post_run command after deployment.
I found that CustomEventHookListener can probably do this How to run script on Tomcat startup?, but this involves in making a new Java class, and I'm not allowed to do so. I have to figure out way to modify the existing Tomcat configs like server.xml or tomcat.conf in TOMCAT_HOME/conf to do so.
The main issue about not using a Event Hook Listener is that there's no reliable way to tell if the application is ready or not, as Catalina implements it's own lifecycle for each of their components (as seen in
Your best shot is to use tail or some external program infer the component's state, but AFAIK there's no way to implement listeners directly in the configuration files.

Reload property file in Mule without restarting server

I have been struggling in this issue to reload a property file in a mule application.
My requirement is I am reading cron expression from a property file inside mule-config.xml. if i update cron expression without restart a server then it is not taking updated one still taking old one. I am using Quartz schedular for this purpose.Could you please help me. Thanx in advance.
Just go to your mule-config.xml ... do some changes (Like adding a comment etc ... which will not affect the flows) then save it... If your application is running on mule standalone server , open the mule-config.xml with any editor and do the same as mentioned above and save it ... Mule will automatically reload the property file without restarting the server .... hope this help

Debugging Drools inside an EJB in eclipse

I am currently debugging a web application which uses a drools ruleset inside an EJB to process business rules. It's deployed inside a JBoss server. I've configured eclipse to run the server so I could use Debug on Server functionality of eclipse.
When I reach the class that fires the drools ruleset, the server loses focus and returns after all the rules are fired. Is there a way where I could trace what rules are being fired? Right now, what I do is put logs inside the *.drl files so I know where the application is inside the rules engine.
you can get the generated java source code of any rule when you add a file with name drools.packagebuilder.conf to your %USERHOME% directory.
The file must contain the following instruction:
drools.dump.dir = d:/myDroolsJavaSourceCode
The directory d:/myDroolsJavaSourceCode - Directory (or any other given name) must exist otherwise the Drools Packagebuild will stop execution.
Then you can add this directory to your Eclipse Environment as new project (probably you have to remove the flag 'Default Location' to choose the 'myDroolJavaSourceCode').
Then you can open the file in Eclipse and set break points in the editor.
May be you must attach the directory also during debugging execution twice.
Best regards!
As far as I know you can't debug drl file. What we did was to encapsulate the logic of when and then in a method, so that you can at least debug that.
What I did is I downloaded the sources for drools-engine and compiled the drl files to their java sources. When you run the app, you'll have an option to attach sources when the break point reaches the engine. It's still hard to trace the rules that are fired (multiple rules from different drls can be fired) but it's better than just sysout logging.

Eclipse code change working explanation

If you are using Eclipse and your development server is running in the debugger, when you save your changes to this file, Eclipse compiles the new code automatically, then attempts to insert the new code into the already-running server. Changes to classes, JSPs, static files and appengine-web.xml are reflected immediately in the running server without needing to restart
plz any one can explain this ??????????
For classes like JSP-files:
Its debugging using JPDA.
The IDE attach via socket to the JVM your running app and hot-redeploy the not-permanent-code (aka PermGen).
There are different techiques and frameworks for that:
It doesn't happen automatically. Check Project --> Build Automatically option. It should have been checked.
If you un-check it; then project will not be build/deployed automatically.

How to run GWT RequestFactory Validation Tool on Eclipse project

I've got a Android AppEngine Connected Project I'm trying to build using GWT2.4 RequestFactory and Objectify on my Eclipse IDE.
Apparently I need to run the RequestFactory Validation Tool because I'm using ServiceName and ProxyForName annotations (these are required especially when working on the Android client side). My problem is the Eclipse can't validate it and the solution provided at is enough to make me rip my eyes out.
Since I'm working on a Windows machine, the shell script provided is not very useful. Trying to run Validation Tool from a cmd propt returns the error message:"This tool must be run with a JDK, not a JRE"
Can someone explain how this Tool is supposed to be run? Is there a way to use it as an External Tool in eclipse?
Normally if you follow carefully the instructions in the link you show, and run the GWT Development Mode from Eclipse, the Validation should be done automatically at the time you access the development URL with your browser.
For the record, I've actually had some problems with it, but launching the application several times maked it work.
Well, I ran into the same problem as well. When I tried annotation processing (under Java Compiler-> Annotation processing )was being disabled. So RequestFactoryDeobfuscatorBuilder was not being generated. Try enabling that and rebuilding your project.
I've just recovered from two days of hunting this bug down in a project that used to run validation properly but stopped.
In my case I had a new-ish generic BaseRequestContext and a specific sub-interface that extended it. My parent interface declared a method that didn't match the Locator's exactly (e.g. getThing(T) vs get(T)) and this wasn't reported as an error but did stop the validation tool from completing.
Apt is also removed in Java 8 : . So beware.
Switching back to Java 7 will fix the issue if you are using Java 8.
I understood why the error happens sometimes in a project: the compiler was complaining it cannot find the directory .apt . But when I tried to create it manually it was not possible (under windows). I think the validation tool mutes the exception of not being able to create the directory: try renaming .apt in your validation tool calls (do a text search in your project)