MATLAB: interpolate vector - matlab

How can I interpolate a vector in MATLAB?
For example, I have the following matrix:
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
The first column of M denotes the independent parameter of x coordinate while the second column of M denotes the output or y coordinate.
I also have the following input vector:
a =
For each value of a, I wish to determine what the output interpolated result would be. In this case, given a, I wish to return

Here's the answer to the question after the edit, i.e. "how to interpolate"
You want to use interp1
M = [1 10;2 20;3 30;4 40];
a = [2.3;2.1;3.5;1.2];
interpolatedVector = interp1(M(:,1),M(:,2),a)
interpolatedVector =
Here's the answer to the question "find the two closest entries in a vector", i.e. the original question before the edit.
x=[1,2,3,4,5]'; %'#
a =3.3;
%# sort the absolute difference
[~,idx] = sort(abs(x-a));
%# find the two closest entries
twoClosestIdx = idx(1:2);
%# turn it into a logical array
%# if linear indices aren't good enough
twoClosestIdxLogical = false(size(x));
twoClosestIdxLogical(twoClosestIdx) = true;
twoClosestIdxLogical =


find indices of subsets in MATLAB

This question is motivated by very specific combinatorial optimization problem, where search space is defined as a space of permuted subsets of vector unsorted set of discrete values with multiplicities.
I am looking for effective (fast enough, vectorized or any other more clever solution) function which is able to find indices of subsets in the following manner:
t = [1 1 3 2 2 2 3 ]
is unsorted vector of all possible values, including its multiplicities.
item = [2 3 1; 2 1 2; 3 1 1; 1 3 3]
is a list of permuted subsets of vector t.
I need to find list of corresponding indices of subsets item which corresponds to the vector t. So, for above mentioned example we have:
item =
2 3 1
2 1 2
3 1 1
1 3 3
t =
1 1 3 2 2 2 3
ind = item2ind(item,t)
ind =
4 3 1
4 1 5
3 1 2
1 3 7
So, for item = [2 3 1] we get ind = [4 3 1], which means, that:
first value "2" at item corresponds to the first value "2" at t on position "4",
second value "3" at item corresponds to the first value "3" at t on position "3" and
third value "1" at item corresponds to the first value "1" at t on position "1".
In a case item =[ 2 1 2] we get ind = [4 1 5], which means, that:
first value "2" at item corresponds to the first value "2" at t on position "4",
second value "1" at item corresponds to the first value "1" at t on position "1", and
third value "2" at item corresponds to the second(!!!) value "1" at t on position "5".
item = [1 1 1]
does not exist any solution, because vector t contains only two "1".
My current version of function "item2ind" is very trivial serial code, which is possible simple parallelized by changing of "for" to "parfor" loop:
function ind = item2ind(item,t)
[nlp,N] = size(item);
ind = zeros(nlp,N);
for i = 1:nlp
auxitem = item(i,:);
auxt = t;
for j = 1:N
I = find(auxitem(j) == auxt,1,'first');
if ~isempty(I)
auxt(I) = 0;
ind(i,j) = I;
error('Incompatible content of item and t.');
But I need something definitely more clever ... and faster:)
Test case for larger input data:
t = 1:10; % 10 unique values at vector t
t = repmat(t,1,5); % unsorted vector t with multiplicity of all unique values 5
nlp = 100000; % number of item rows
[~,p] = sort(rand(nlp,length(t)),2); % 100000 random permutations
item = t(p); % transform permutations to items
item = item(:,1:30); % transform item to shorter subset
tic;ind = item2ind(item,t);toc % runing and timing of the original function
tic;ind_ = item2ind_new(item,t);toc % runing and timing of the new function
isequal(ind,ind_) % comparison of solutions
To achieve vectorizing the code, I have assumed that the error case won't be present. It should be discarded first, with a simple procedure I will present below.
Method First, let's compute the indexes of all elements in t:
t = t(:);
mct = max(accumarray(t,1));
G = accumarray(t,1:length(t),[],#(x) {sort(x)});
G = cellfun(#(x) padarray(x.',[0 mct-length(x)],0,'post'), G, 'UniformOutput', false);
G = vertcat(G{:});
Explanation: after putting input in column vector shape, we compute the max number of occurences of each possible value in t using accumarray. Now, we form array of all indexes of all numbers. It forms a cell array as there may be not the same number of occurences for each value. In order to form a matrix, we pad each array independently to the max length (naming mct). Then we can transform the cell array into a matrix. At this step, we have:
G =
1 11 21 31 41
2 12 22 32 42
3 13 23 33 43
4 14 24 34 44
5 15 25 35 45
6 16 26 36 46
7 17 27 37 47
8 18 28 38 48
9 19 29 39 49
10 20 30 40 50
Now, we process item. For that, let's figure out how to create the cumulative sum of occurences of values inside a vector. For example, if I have:
A = [1 1 3 2 2 2 3];
then I want to get:
B = [1 2 1 1 2 3 2];
Thanks to implicit expansion, we can have it in one line:
B = diag(cumsum(A==A'));
As easy as this. The syntax A==A' expands into a matrix where each element is A(i)==A(j). Making the cumulative sum in only one dimension and taking the diagonal gives us the good result: each column in the cumulative sum of occurences over one value.
To use this trick with item which 2-D, we should use a 3D array. Let's call m=size(item,1) and n=size(item,2). So:
C = cumsum(reshape(item,m,1,n)==item,3);
is a (big) 3D matrix of all cumulatives occurences. Last thing is to select the columns that are on the diagonal along dimension 2 and 3:
ia = C(sub2ind(size(C),repelem((1:m).',1,n),repelem(1:n,m,1),repelem(1:n,m,1)));
Now, with all these matrices, indexing is easy:
ind = G(sub2ind(size(G),item,ia));
Finally, let's recap the code of the function:
function ind = item2ind_new(item,t)
t = t(:);
[m,n] = size(item);
mct = max(accumarray(t,1));
G = accumarray(t,1:length(t),[],#(x) {sort(x)});
G = cellfun(#(x) padarray(x.',[0 mct-length(x)],0,'post'), G, 'UniformOutput', false);
G = vertcat(G{:});
C = cumsum(reshape(item,m,1,n)==item,3);
ia = C(sub2ind(size(C),repelem((1:m).',1,n),repelem(1:n,m,1),repelem(1:n,m,1)));
ind = G(sub2ind(size(G),item,ia));
Results Running the provided script on an old 4-core, I get:
Elapsed time is 4.317914 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.556803 seconds.
ans =
Speed up is substential (more than 8x), along with memory consumption (with matrix C). I guess some improvements can be done with this part to save more memory.
EDIT For generating ia, this procedure can cost a lost of memory. A way to save memory is to use a for-loop to generate directly this array:
ia = zeros(size(item));
for i=unique(t(:)).'
ia = ia+cumsum(item==i, 2).*(item==i);
In all cases, when you have ia, it's easy to test if there is an error in item compared to t:
A simple solution to get items in error (as a mask) is then

Randomly select subset from vector in order (Matlab)

I want to select a random subset of a vector, much like datasample(data,k), but I want them in order.
I have an ODE which has [t,y] as output and it's the y that I want a subset of. I cannot just do a sort because y is not linear and so I somehow have to sort it with respect to t.
Any ideas how I can to this?
If I understand correctly, you want to sample the elements maintaining their original order. You can do it this way:
randomly sample the indices rather than the values;
sort the sampled indices;
use them to access the selected values;
that is:
result = data(sort(randsample(numel(data), k)));
The above uses the randsample function from the Statistics Toolbox. Alternatively, in recent Matlab versions you can use the two-input form of randperm:
result = data(sort(randperm(numel(data), k)));
For example, given
data = [61 52 43 34 25 16];
k = 4;
a possible result is
result =
61 43 34 25
This can be solved using a combination of randperm and intersect:
function q40673112
% Create a vector:
v = round(sin(0:0.6:6),3); disp(['v = ' mat2str(v)]);
% Set the size of sample we want:
N = 5;
% Create the random indices:
inds = intersect(1:numel(v), randperm(numel(v),N)); disp(['inds = ' mat2str(inds)]);
% Sample from the vector:
v_samp = v(inds); disp(['v_samp = ' mat2str(v_samp)]);
Example output:
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
v = [0 0.565 0.932 0.974 0.675 0.141 -0.443 -0.872 -0.996 -0.773 -0.279]
inds = [4 6 9 10 11]
v_samp = [0.974 0.141 -0.996 -0.773 -0.279]

How to reshape vector into sqare matrix?

I have a vector of certain size and I want to reshape it into a square matrix. Here is an example: Let's say the vector is of size 784. Then I would create a matrix of size 28x28. In Matlab I would do it with the following command:
Of course it can be possible that it is not possible to have an exact square matrix. In this case the matrix should as squarish as possible.
How can I do this calculation? That means how can I calculate the values a and b in reshape(x,a,b)?
Start with a equal to the square root of numel(x) rounded down. If that number doesn't divide numel(x), subtract 1 and try again. That way you end with a equal to the closest integer to sqrt(x) (from below) that divides numel(x). b would then be numel(x)/a, but you can simply use [] as the third argument to reshape:
a = floor(sqrt(numel(x)));
while mod(x,a)
a = a-1;
result = reshape(x,a,[]);
x = 1:20;
result =
1 5 9 13 17
2 6 10 14 18
3 7 11 15 19
4 8 12 16 20
One possible approach:
x = rand(1, 784);
divisors = find(rem(numel(x), 1:numel(x)) == 0);
[~, idx] = min(abs(divisors - sqrt(numel(x))));
x = reshape(x, divisors(idx), numel(x) / divisors(idx));
Let me explain:
Suppose you have a vector named x:
x = rand(1, 784);
First, you find the divisors of the size of x:
divisors = find(rem(numel(x), 1:numel(x)) == 0);
Then, you proceed to choose the divisor which is closest to the square root of x's size:
[~, idx] = min(abs(divisors - sqrt(numel(x))));
Finally, you reshape x using that divisor (and the corresponding multiple):
x = reshape(x, divisors(idx), numel(x) / divisors(idx));
It is not a simple problem to find closest factors of an integer. You need to use the MATLAB answers to the question Input an integer, find the two closest integers which, when multiplied, equal the input. From that question if you use the answer that provides the function findIntegerFactorsCloseToSquarRoot, you can use the following code to reshape.
[a, b] = findIntegerFactorsCloseToSquarRoot(numel(x));
reshape(x, a, b);
I suggest you to first check whether the number is prime or not by isprime(784).
Then you can use prime_factors = factor(784) to get the integer factorization of the number. (Depending on the MATLAB version you may use ifactor(784))
The rest needs just a little more work on prime_factors.

Finding maxima in 2D matrix along certain dimension with indices

I have a <206x193> matrix A. It contains the values of a parameter at 206 different locations at 193 time steps. I am interested in the maximum value at each location over all times as well as the corresponding indices. I have another matrix B with the same dimensions of A and I'm interested in values for each location at the time that A's value at that location was maximal.
I've tried [max_val pos] = max(A,[],2), which gives the right maximum values, but A(pos) does not equal max_val.
How exactly does this function work?
I tried a smaller example as well. Still I don't understand the meaning of the indices....
>> H
H(:,:,1) =
1 2
3 4
H(:,:,2) =
5 6
7 8
>> [val pos] = max(H,[],2)
val(:,:,1) =
val(:,:,2) =
pos(:,:,1) =
pos(:,:,2) =
The indices in idx represent the index of the max value in the corresponding row. You can use sub2ind to create a linear index if you want to test if A(pos)=max_val
A=rand(206, 193);
[max_val, idx]=max(A, [], 2);
A_max=A(sub2ind(size(A), (1:size(A,1))', idx));
Similarly, you can access the values of B with:
B_Amax=B(sub2ind(size(A), (1:size(A,1))', idx));
From your example:
H(:,:,2) =
5 6
7 8
[val pos] = max(H,[],2)
val(:,:,2) =
pos(:,:,2) =
The reason why pos(:,:,2) is [2; 2] is because the maximum is at position 2 for both rows.
max is a primarily intended for use with vectors. In normal mode, even the multi-dimensional arrays are treated as a series of vectors along which the max function is applied.
So, to get the values in B at each location at the time where A is maximum, you should
// find the maximum values and positions in A
[c,i] = max(A, [], 2);
// iterate along the first dimension, to retrieve the corresponding values in B
C = [];
for k=1:size(A,1)
C(k) = B(k,i(k));
You can refer to #Jigg's answer for a more concise way of creating matrix C

Find extremum of multidimensional matrix in matlab

I am trying to find the Extremum of a 3-dim matrix along the 2nd dimension.
I started with
[~,index] = max(abs(mat),[],2), but I don't know how to advance from here. How is the index vector to be used together with the original matrix. Or is there a completely different solution to this problem?
To illustrate the task assume the following matrix:
mat(:,:,1) =
23 8 -4
-1 -26 46
mat(:,:,2) =
5 -27 12
2 -1 18
mat(:,:,3) =
-10 49 39
-13 -46 41
mat(:,:,4) =
30 -24 18
-40 -16 -36
The expected result would then be
ext(:,:,1) =
ext(:,:,2) =
ext(:,:,3) =
ext(:,:,4) =
I don't know how to use the index vector with mat to get the desired result ext.
1) If you want to find a maximum just along, let's say, 2d dimension, your variable index will be a matrix having dimensions (N,1,M), where N and M are number of elements of your matrix in the first and third dimensions respectively. In order to remove dummy dimensions, there is function squeeze() exist: index=squeeze(index) After that size(index) gives N,M
2) Depending on your problem, you probably need matlab function ind2sub(). First, you take a slice of your matrix, than find its maximum with linear indexing, and than you can restore your indicies with int2sub(). Here is an example for a 2D matrix:
M = randn(5,5);
[C,I] = max(M(:));
[index1,index2] = ind2sub(size(M),I);
Same method allows to find the absolute maximal element in whole 3D matrix.
Use ndgrid to generate the values along dimensions 1 and 3, and then sub2ind to combine the three indices into a linear index:
[~, jj] = max(abs(mat),[],2); %// jj: returned by max
[ii, ~, kk] = ndgrid(1:size(mat,1),1,1:size(mat,3)); %// ii, kk: all combinations
result = mat(sub2ind(size(mat), ii, jj, kk));
A fancier, one-line alternative:
result = max(complex(mat),[],2);
This works because, acccording to max documentation,
For complex input A, max returns the complex number with the largest complex modulus (magnitude), computed with max(abs(A)).