how do I transfer my iPhone application to my real iPhone? - iphone

I am a registered iOS developer. How do I get my iPhone application transferred to my personal iPhone?

For testing? Just select your device instead of the simulator.

You use Build and Archive in Xcode to create an ipa file that you can drag into iTunes. The chosen answer to this question explains it with a screenshot.

Follow Apple's guide here:

For ios7 and Xcode 5 and for testing it, follow the below steps:
You need to request a certificate (if this is your first time)
Connect you iPhone to your Mac and then click on "Development in Xcode's Organizer window"
Sign in with the Apple ID associated with your iOS Developer Program membership and Xcode will automatically generate your certificates.
in Xcode, Click on "Product" -->"Destination" --> you should see the name of your iPhone list there so click on it :)
in Xcode ,Click "Product" --> "Build for Running" --> "Allow"
in Xcode ,Click "Product --> "Run" --> "Allow"

After you login into iOS Dev Center, you will be able to reach the iOS Provisioning Portal.
There, you will have all procedures and step-by-step guides on how to create your development certificate, register your device, create a mobile provisioning, etc.


Deploy an iphone app from xcode to iphone

I am doing a school project and I am required to deploy an iphone app to my phone. I have some really noob questions to ask. I have tried to read some solutions from this website but I dont understand! like from these questions: iPhone app minus app store and How can I deploy an iphone application from xcode to real iPhone device.
Can anyone here give me an easier way to understand please?
Sign up for an iOS Developer account. This includes signing up for an Apple ID, enrolling as an Apple developer, then opting that dev account into the Developer Program. That link walks you through the process.
Hook up your device to your machine and look at it in the Xcode organizer (Window > Organizer).
Tell Xcode your want to use it for development.
I believe Xcode will now help you out more than it used to. If it doesn't, then Apple has step-by-step instructions. In short, you need to:
Use Keychain Access to generate a CSR (certificate signing request)
Submit that to Apple via the dev portal
Download the resulting development signing certificate and install it along with Apple's intermediate certificate in your keychain by double-clicking on the files.
You then need to create a provisioning profile.
Add your device ID to it.
Download it and stick it on your device, e.g., by dragging it to your device in iTunes.
Then, you can build and run your app on the device. It's a pain to explain, but pretty easy to feel your way through once you get started.
My fuller answer with pictures is available here.
With Xcode 7 for an iOS 9 target device there is now free provisioning. You don't have to sign up for the Apple Developer Program in order to test an app on a real device.
Summary from the Apple docs:
If you don’t join the Apple Developer Program, you can still build and
run your app on your devices using free provisioning....
In Xcode, add your Apple ID to Accounts preferences
In the project navigator, select the project and your target to display the project editor.
Click General and choose your name from the Team pop-up menu.
Connect the device to your Mac and choose your device from the Scheme toolbar menu.
Below the Team pop-up menu, click Fix Issue.
Click the Run button.
When you run your app on a device, you will also have to trust the developer first. On your device go to Settings > General > Profile > developer account name > Trust.
Related articles:
Xcode 7 allows anyone to download, build and ‘sideload’ iOS apps for free
iOS Untrusted Developer error when testing app
iOS9 Untrusted Enterprise Developer with no option to trust
This SO question here gives detailed steps of how to do what Jeremy suggests.
How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to a real iPhone device?
Take note that /Developer was moved to /Applications/ in Xcode 4.3.
And, this SO question says what to do if you get an [sed: RE error : Illegal byte sequence].
RE error: illegal byte sequence on Mac OS X
But in XCode-5.1/MacOS-10.9, this still didn't work - I lost the devices tab in XCode-Organizer after editing the plist file!

Deploying iPhone Apps to Real Devices

I bought developer account,now how can i register my app and install it in real iphone ?
After login to your developer account, you will get "iPhone developer program user guide" (the name might be changed a little. I don't have a developer access right now). This is a long guide and describes everything that you need step by step, from creating a certificate to make a submission build. You really need to read this. There are lots of things to do and it's difficult to explain everything correctly in short notes.
1.Log in to the iPhone developer center
2.Click on "iPhone provisioning portal"
3.Click on "launch assistant"
4.Follow the steps
From XCode, click Menu Window/Organizer, right click your device in Device List on the left and select "Add Device to provisioning portal" and do what it says. That will automatically do all the stuff that needs to be done for you.

distributing an iPad app during development?

So I got my app up and running on my iPad so I can test it before submitting it for provisioning in the app store. Sweet. Is it possible for me to get the app installed on other iPad's for testing during this phase of development? I have a client who will be using the app and I'd like them to be able to run through it while we iron out the kinks.
Apple call this "ad hoc distribution".
There are many guides around, eg: As Marcelo said, you'll need the udid from the ipad - this can be seen in itunes, connect the device and click on the 'serial number' field under the device summary.
It is a lot easier using the most recent versions of xcode - once you have the certificates sorted out, there's a "build and share" feature in xcode that'll build the necessary .ipa file and automatically attach it to an email. To get to this, use the "build and archive" entry in the 'build' menu, then in the organizer window, select 'archived applications', then the date you just built, then 'share application....', then 'email...'.
Add their device(s) to your provisioning portal, then send them the app along with the provisioning certificate. They'll need to supply you a UDID, which they can do via the free UDID app on the App Store.

Is it possible to Test iPhone Application on Actual Device rather than Simulator?

I wants to test my own application to my actual iPhone Device rather then simulator.
So, is there any chance to do so with ?
I have an apple developer account.. But don't know the procedure, Please help me if u have any solutions..
Thanks in advance...
Log in to with your developer id and password.
Then: and set up your team. to create your certificate
Download the certificate you just created and double click on it to run Keychain Access and install it. to enter your iPhone's id create an appID to download a provisioning profile
Drop that provisioning profile onto Xcode
Go into your project's info.plist and change your Bundle identifier to be the same as you used for the provisioning profile, minus everything up to the first "."
Go into your project's Build Info, and select the appropriate Code Signing Profile
I think now you're ready to go. Select an iPhone Device from the pop-up menu in your main project browser window, plug your iPhone in and let Xcode see it, and then Build and Run.
You can, but as iPhone applications need to be signed - you need to be a paid developer. It is then a case of logging into the portal, assigning a test device, application settings and then downloading a provisioning certificate.
The procedure is cumbersome, however it is very well documented.
You need to create your Developer Certificate and a Certificate for your software projects.
Go to, log in and click iPhone Developer Program Portal on the right side. You will find a "launch Assistant" there that will guide you through the next steps. It's pretty easy.
You have to join the iPhone Developer Program, which is $99 for the Standard Program, $299 for the Enterprise Program.

How do I build an xcode project for the itunes store?

I've got my apps running on my iphone, great, however to list on the itunes store I need the "universal binary" thing.
I've tried finding answers, but I can't seem to find a concise useable explanation to doing this in xcode. I always get errors when I try to build a binary. Can anyone point me towards a basic step-by-step procedure I can follow to creating a universal executable binary which can be uploaded on the itunes store?
One more thing, is there some type of app, like the rename project app, or applescript thing, that can do this for me with a few clicks?
Try this:
Prepare a new provisioning profile for App Store
Make sure you have Ad Hoc distribution working OK.
Go onto the Program Portal > Provisioning > Distribution
New Profile button
Distribution Method: App Store
Profile Name: MyApp App Store (or whatever)
App ID: MyApp (you have already created one right?)
Submit button
Set up the new profile/configuration in XCode
Download the certificate (you can click on the Distribution tab to reload that tab while it's being generated) and load it into XCode
In XCode, open your project and go to Project > Edit Project Settings (or double-click on the first item under Groups & Files panel)
Configurations tab, click on your existing Ad Hoc distribution configuration, that already works, and click Duplicate button. Call the new one "App Store"
Click on Build tab, then under Code Signing > Code Signing Entity in the popup choose "iPhone Distribution - MyCompanyName" under "MyApp App Store"
Build & Upload to iTunes Connect
Clean all for good luck, then set Active Configuration to "App Store", build & go. Test it on your iPhone.
Find your built app in the Finder, in your project directory > build > App Store-iphoneos > ... right click and "Compress"
Upload resulting to iTunes Connect.
A Universal Binary has nothing to do with it. To distribute through the App Store, you need to create a Distribution provisioning profile. The iPhone developer portal has step-by-step directions for this. look under the "Distribution" tab.
I followed the instructions listed by sbwoodside but had problems with the last part (Build & Upload to iTunes Connect). I realized that the built version didn't run on the device. This is what worked for me:
Build & Upload to iTunes Connect
Clean all for good luck.
Go to "Edit Scheme" and in the Archive menu, select the App Store
build configuration.
Select iOS Device or a specific device in the drop down menu and go
to Product->Archive.
Once Xcode is done archiving, it will open the organizer window and
show the archives section. Select the last archive and click
You will be asked to enter your distribution certificate. Select
the one created for the App Store.
XCode will upload the app to iTunes Connect without the need of
using Application Loader. For this to work, the app has to be in
"Ready to Upload" status in iTunes Connect.
You won't get to test the last version with the device. Therefore it's best to make an ad hoc version before to be able to test all features and once everything is working, duplicate the ad hoc configuration for the app store.
Once you have your provisioning profiles downloaded and installed you need to make some changes within XCode to get the app to work on your iPhone and eventually to submit to the iTunes store. You'll also need to add an Entitlemests.plist object to your project. You also need to tweak your build profile and your info.plist to point to your application name.
But as Mark B already said, just got through the developer portal and follow those instructions. Just make sure your define the right provisioning profile for the purpose.