Is there really no better way to document perl code than POD? - perl

I'm a Perl programmer for a long time, but I always have problems with documentation in POD.
When I use POD comments in the code, the code is difficult to read. When I use POD comments at the end of file, there is the danger that the documentation is not in sync with the code.
I miss a documentation style similar to Java.
* #description
* ...
I look for an easier and more intuitive documentation style. Is there such a thing?

A quick search found Doxygen Filter which purports to allow you to use Doxygen style comments (which are very close to Javadoc) to document Perl code.

Well, POD's the accepted standard for publishing Perl documentation.
I do find it rather annoying to maintain as well; I've recently experimented with using Pod::Weaver to maintain the documentation and build it into Pod on release. It's a little bit tricky in that it's quite flexible in how you filter and build the POD, and could do with a little more documentation (in POD or otherwise). But seems promising. Still too early for me to give more of a judgement than that, but it seems promising.
Hope this helps

Why do you think the code is hard to read with Pod? Is the code hard to read with other code around it? Perhaps you're putting too much into a particular part of the code, instead of writing small methods, etc. Are you sure it's not your code that's hard to read?
You don't have to put all of your documentation at the end of the code. Pod is perfectly fine inline with code, allowing you to put the documentation for a subroutine or method right next to the subroutine or method.
Is there some other problem you have with Pod?

The only time I have had a problem with POD is when using a text editor that doesn't highlight it correctly.
Just like everything in Java this seems overly verbose:
* Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen.
* The url argument must specify an absolute
{#link URL}. The name
* argument is a specifier that is relative to the url argument.
* <p>
* This method always returns immediately, whether or not the
* image exists. When this applet attempts to draw the image on
* the screen, the data will be loaded. The graphics primitives
* that draw the image will incrementally paint on the screen.
#param url an absolute URL giving the base location of the image
#param name the location of the image, relative to the url argument
#return the image at the specified URL
#see Image
public Image getImage(URL url, String name) {
try {
return getImage(new URL(url, name));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return null;
When compared to the equivalent Perl.
=item getImage( url, name )
This method always returns immediately, whether or not the
image exists. When this applet attempts to draw the image on
the screen, the data will be loaded. The graphics primitives
that draw the image will incrementally paint on the screen.
url must be an absolute URL giving the base location of the image
name is the location of the image, relative to the url argument
sub getImage{
my ($url,$name) = #_;

You might want to take a look at Rinci. Examples of applications which use this: File::RsyBak, Git::Bunch, App::OrgUtils.
Here's how you document modules. You declare %SPEC in your module and put documentation inside it. Each function gets its own key. There are predefined fields. Localization is supported. The formatting is done in Markdown. An example:
$SPEC{':package'} = {
summary => 'Module to do foo',
"summary.alt.lang.id_ID" => "Modul untuk melakukan foo",
description => <<EOT,
links => [...],
$SPEC{func1} = {
summary => '...',
description => '...',
args => {
arg1 => {
schema => ...,
summary => ....,
description => ...,
examples => [...],
links => [...],
Instead of using Java- or Perl 5 style of putting documentation in "comments", it uses data structure directly available to the programs. (Note that Perl 6 is also going this way.) Think of it as Python docstring gone crazy (or structured).
There are tools to generate POD, text, HTML from the metadata (spec). Aside from documentation, the metadata is also useful for other things like argument validation, command-line interface, etc.
Disclosure: I'm the developer.

Myself, I often find wanting to reproduce code entries to documentation.
Yet to find how I can trick POD to read the code when podding whilst letting the code execute whilst parsing.
Do I really have to settle for this:
=head1 Variables
use vars (%V &C)
use vars (%V %C)
=head2 Constants
$C{hashConstant1} = "/path/to/file"
$C{hashConstant1} = "/path/to/file";
=head2 Variables
$V{strVar1} = undef
$V{strVar1} = undef;
Then again, most languages require the double typing to document.


Stop huge error output from testing-library

I love testing-library, have used it a lot in a React project, and I'm trying to use it in an Angular project now - but I've always struggled with the enormous error output, including the HTML text of the render. Not only is this not usually helpful (I couldn't find an element, here's the HTML where it isn't); but it gets truncated, often before the interesting line if you're running in debug mode.
I simply added it as a library alongside the standard Angular Karma+Jasmine setup.
I'm sure you could say the components I'm testing are too large if the HTML output causes my console window to spool for ages, but I have a lot of integration tests in Protractor, and they are SO SLOW :(.
I would say the best solution would be to use the configure method and pass a custom function for getElementError which does what you want.
You can read about configuration here:
An example of this might look like:
getElementError: (message: string, container) => {
const error = new Error(message); = 'TestingLibraryElementError';
error.stack = null;
return error;
You can then put this in any single test file or use Jest's setupFiles or setupFilesAfterEnv config options to have it run globally.
I am assuming you running jest with rtl in your project.
I personally wouldn't turn it off as it's there to help us, but everyone has a way so if you have your reasons, then fair enough.
1. If you want to disable errors for a specific test, you can mock the console.error.
it('disable error example', () => {
const errorObject = console.error; //store the state of the object
console.error = jest.fn(); // mock the object
// code
//assertion (expect)
console.error = errorObject; // assign it back so you can use it in the next test
2. If you want to silence it for all the test, you could use the jest --silent CLI option. Check the docs
The above might even disable the DOM printing that is done by rtl, I am not sure as I haven't tried this, but if you look at the docs I linked, it says
"Prevent tests from printing messages through the console."
Now you almost certainly have everything disabled except the DOM recommendations if the above doesn't work. On that case you might look into react-testing-library's source code and find out what is used for those print statements. Is it a console.log? is it a console.warn? When you got that, just mock it out like option 1 above.
After some digging, I found out that all testing-library DOM printing is built on prettyDOM();
While prettyDOM() can't be disabled you can limit the number of lines to 0, and that would just give you the error message and three dots ... below the message.
Here is an example printout, I messed around with:
TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an element with the text: Hello ther. This could be because the text is broken up by multiple elements. In this case, you can provide a function for your text matcher to make your matcher more flexible.
All you need to do is to pass in an environment variable before executing your test suite, so for example with an npm script it would look like:
DEBUG_PRINT_LIMIT=0 npm run test
Here is the doc
As per the OP's FR on github this can also be achieved without injecting in a global variable to limit the PrettyDOM line output (in case if it's used elsewhere). The getElementError config option need to be changed:
// called when getBy* queries fail. (message, container) => Error
getElementError(message, container) {
const error = new Error(
[message, prettyDOM(container)].filter(Boolean).join('\n\n'),
) = 'TestingLibraryElementError'
return error
The callstack can also be removed
You can change how the message is built by setting the DOM testing library message building function with config. In my Angular project I added this to test.js:
getElementError: (message: string, container) => {
const error = new Error(message); = 'TestingLibraryElementError';
error.stack = null;
return error;
This was answered here: by

VSCode JSDoc Multiline for Intellisense

I am looking to have JSON examples in my documentation, which in turn will have JSON examples in my intellisense for VScode.
I have tried every trick in the book that I can think of, is this possible to do with line breaks and things that would make the JSON readable? I cannot get this to work in VScode no matter what I do, it takes out white space and makes one line.
I try to do:
* {
* "JSONData":"not going to format like this"
* }
this of course will end up in intellisense like so...
{ "JSONData":"not going to format like this" }
This is ok with small examples, but I would like to have a bit larger (still small) simple examples. There are other reasons I really want line breaks, not just JSON, I just want my text to be cleaner in my comments in general.
I will also take different examples of how other people document it. I am really looking to make my JS code easier to know what to expect the function to accept, return and use in operation before using it.
I stumbled across this link:
which now I understand that formatting works when you look at the declaration of the function or item, but not when you go to use it.
the following markup code works great when I hover over the function name, but when I use it like normal it is all on one line and worthless
/** This is a description
* with each line
* on it's own
* #example Test
* ```javascript
* let valueReturned = false;
* jest.fn(() => {
* if (!valueReturned) {
* valueReturned = true;
* return value;
* //no idea why it requires me to have so many spaces...
* }
* });
* ```
functionTest() //When hovering over this, it looks great
functionTest( //at this point intellisense pops up and is worthless
I believe this is a bug or simply bad design, maybe I will put in a feature request, if it doesn't already exist.
I will keep this question open in case someone else has any suggestions or possible work arounds.
Good news, it looks like this was a bug and after searching for quite a while, it seems this was fixed just this month and will be with the September release!
I will close this now and leave this up for anyone else who was having troubles with this.
This was a bug for the intellisense, which has been corrected as of 4 days ago, so it should be released soon, so if you can get the "hover" to look as you want, it should translate to the intellisense when the fix drops.

How do I customize wintersmith paginator?

I've been setting up a site with Wintersmith and am loving it for the most part, but I cannot wrap my head around some of the under-the-hood mechanics. I started with the "blog" skeleton that adds the plugin.
The question requires some details, so up top, what I'm trying to accomplish:
Any files (markdown, html, json metadata) will be picked up either in /contents/article/<file> or /contents/articles/<subdir>/<file>
Output files are at /articles/YYYY/MM/DD/title-slug/
/blog.html lists all articles, paginated.
Files just under /contents (not in articles) are not treated as blog posts. Markdown and JSON metadata are still processed, but no permalinked URLs, not included in blog listings, file/directory structure is more directly copied over.
So, I solved #1 with this suggestion: How can I have articles in Wintersmith not in their own subdirectory? So far, great, and #3 is working -- the paginated listing includes all posts. #4 has not been an issue, it's the default behavior.
On #2 I found this solution: . As the author mentions, his solution was (sort of) subsequently incorporated into Wintersmith master, so I tried just setting the filenameTemplate accordingly. Unfortunately this applies to all content, not just that under /articles, so the rest of my site gets hosed (breaks #4). So then I tried the author's approach, adding a plugin using his code. This generates all the files out of /contents/articles into the correct permalink URLs, however the paginator now for some reason will no longer see files directly under /articles (point #1).
I've tried a lot of permutations and hacking. Tried changing the order of which plugin gets loaded first. Tried having PaginatorPage extend BlogpostPage instead of Page. Tried a lot of things. I finally realize, even after inspecting many of the core classes in Wintersmith source, that I do not understand what is happening.
Specifically, I cannot figure out how contents['articles']._.pages and .directories are set, which seems relevant. Nor do I understand what that underscore is.
Ultimately, Jade/CoffeeScript/Markdown are a great combo for minimizing coding and enhancing clarity except when you want to understand what's happening under the hood and you don't know these languages. It took me a bit to get the basics of Jade and CoffeeScript (Markdown is trivial of course) enough to follow what's happening. When I've had to dig into the wintersmith source, it gets deeper. I confess I'm also a node.js newbie, but I think the big issue here is just a magic framework. It would be helpful, for instance, if some of the core "plugins" were included in the skeleton site as opposed to buried in node_modules, just so curious hackers could see more quickly how things interconnect. More verbose docs would of course be helpful too. It's one thing to understand conceptually content trees, generators, views, templates, etc., but understanding the code flow and relations at runtime? I'm lost.
Any help is appreciated. As I said, I'm loving Wintersmith, just wish I could dispel magic.
Because coffee script is rubbish, this is extremely hard to do. However, if you want to, you can destroy the and replace it with a simple javascript script that does a similar thing:
module.exports = function (env, callback) {
function Page() {
var rtn = new env.plugins.Page();
rtn.getFilename = function() {
return 'index.html';
rtn.getView = function() {
return function(env, locals, contents, templates, callback) {
var error = null;
var context = {};
env.utils.extend(context, locals);
var buffer = new Buffer(templates['index.jade'].fn(context));
callback(error, buffer);
return rtn;
/** Generates a custom index page */
function gen(contents, callback) {
var p = Page();
var pages = {'': p};
var error = null;
callback(error, pages);
env.registerGenerator('magic', gen);
Notice that due to 'coffee script magic', there are a number of hoops to jump through here, such as making sure you return a buffer from getView(), and 'manually' overriding rather than using the obscure coffee script extension semantics.
Wintersmith is extremely picky about how it handles these functions. If callbacks are not invoked, for the returned value is not a Stream or Buffer, generated files will appear in the content summary, but not be rendered to disk during a build. Enable verbose logging and check of 'skipping foo' messages to detect this.

Joomla: Is there a module render plugin event?

Due to some caching issues, I need to explicitly bypass the cache, for a specific module, if certain URL parameters are present. The workaround I've arrived at is to hack the render() function in libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/module.php, along the lines of:
function render( $module, $params = array(), $content = null )
// Existing code:
$mod_params = new JParameter( $module->params );
// My hack:
if ($module->module == 'mod_foo')
if (certain URL parameters are present)
$mod_params->set('cache', 0);
Of course, hacking the core joomla code is a terrible idea, one which I'd like to avoid if at all possible. So, is there an appropriate hook I can plugin to in order to achieve the same? I don't think I can do anything at the module level, since it won't even be inspected if the renderer has already decided to fetch it from cache.
To answer the first question no there isn't a module render event, here's the plugin doc's and the list of events in Joomla!
Turn off caching for your module.
See this article on The Art Of Joomla, additional articles you could look at:
Using Cache to Speed Up your code
JCache API

Enforce Hyphens in .NET MVC 4.0 URL Structure

I'm looking specifically for a way to automatically hyphenate CamelCase actions and views. That is, I'm hoping I don't have to actually rename my views or add decorators to every ActionResult in the site.
So far, I've been using routes.MapRouteLowercase, as shown here. That works pretty well for the lowercase aspect of URL structure, but not hyphens. So I recently started playing with Canonicalize (install via NuGet), but it also doesn't have anything for hyphens yet.
I was trying...
routes.Canonicalize().NoWww().Pattern("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", "$1-$2").Lowercase().NoTrailingSlash();
My regular expression definitely works the way I want it to as far as restructuring the URL properly, but those URLs aren't identified, of course. The file is still ChangePassword.cshtml, for example, so /account/change-password isn't going to point to that.
BTW, I'm still a bit rusty with .NET MVC. I haven't used it for a couple years and not since v2.0.
This might be a tad bit messy, but if you created a custom HttpHandler and RouteHandler then that should prevent you from having to rename all of your views and actions. Your handler could strip the hyphen from the requested action, which would change "change-password" to changepassword, rendering the ChangePassword action.
The code is shortened for brevity, but the important bits are there.
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string controllerId = this.requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller");
string view = this.requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
view = view.Replace("-", "");
this.requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"] = view;
IController controller = null;
IControllerFactory factory = null;
factory = ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory();
controller = factory.CreateController(this.requestContext, controllerId);
if (controller != null)
I don't know if I implemented it the best way or not, that's just more or less taken from the first sample I came across. I tested the code myself so this does render the correct action/view and should do the trick.
I've developed an open source NuGet library for this problem which implicitly converts EveryMvc/Url to every-mvc/url.
Uppercase urls are problematic because cookie paths are case-sensitive, most of the internet is actually case-sensitive while Microsoft technologies treats urls as case-insensitive. (More on my blog post)
NuGet Package:
To install it, simply open the NuGet window in the Visual Studio by right clicking the Project and selecting NuGet Package Manager, and on the "Online" tab type "Lowercase Dashed Route", and it should pop up.
Alternatively, you can run this code in the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package LowercaseDashedRoute
After that you should open App_Start/RouteConfig.cs and comment out existing route.MapRoute(...) call and add this instead:
routes.Add(new LowercaseDashedRoute("{controller}/{action}/{id}",
new RouteValueDictionary(
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }),
new DashedRouteHandler()
That's it. All the urls are lowercase, dashed, and converted implicitly without you doing anything more.
Open Source Project Url:
Have you tried working with the URL Rewrite package? I think it pretty much what you are looking for.
Hanselman has a great example herE:
Also, why don't you download something like ReSharper or CodeRush, and use it to refactor the Action and Route names? It's REALLY easy, and very safe.
It would time well spent, and much less time overall to fix your routing/action naming conventions with an hour of refactoring than all the hours you've already spent trying to alter the routing conventions to your needs.
Just a thought.
I tried the solution in the accepted answer above: Using the Canonicalize Pattern url strategy, and then also adding a custom IRouteHandler which then returns a custom IHttpHandler. It mostly worked. Here's one caveat I found:
With the typical {controller}/{action}/{id} default route, a controller named CatalogController, and an action method inside it as follows:
ActionResult QuickSelect(string id){ /*do some things, access the 'id' parameter*/ }
I noticed that requests to "/catalog/quick-select/1234" worked perfectly, but requests to /catalog/quick-select?id=1234 were 500'ing because once the action method was called as a result of controller.Execute(), the id parameter was null inside of the action method.
I do not know exactly why this is, but the behavior was as if MVC was not looking at the query string for values during model binding. So something about the ProcessRequest implementation in the accepted answer was screwing up the normal model binding process, or at least the query string value provider.
This is a deal breaker, so I took a look at default MVC IHttpHandler (yay open source!):
I will not pretend that I grok'ed it in its entirety, but clearly, it's doing ALOT more in its implementation of ProcessRequest than what is going on in the accepted answer.
So, if all we really need to do is strip dashes from our incoming route data so that MVC can find our controllers/actions, why do we need to implement a whole stinking IHttpHandler? We don't! Simply rip out the dashes in the GetHttpHandler method of DashedRouteHandler and pass the requestContext along to the out of the box MvcHandler so it can do its 252 lines of magic, and your route handler doesn't have to return a second rate IHttpHandler.
tl:dr; - Here's what I did:
public class DashedRouteHandler : IRouteHandler
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"] = requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action").Replace("-", "");
requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller").Replace("-", "");
return new MvcHandler(requestContext);