Re-launching a VOIP application from background mode using private API's - iphone

TO start off with - this app doesn't need to get into the App Store.
I'm thinking something along the lines of the following should work:
mach_port_t *p;
void *uikit = dlopen(UIKITPATH, RTLD_LAZY);
int (*SBSSpringBoardServerPort)() =
dlsym(uikit, "SBSSpringBoardServerPort");
p = (mach_port_t *)SBSSpringBoardServerPort();
void *sbserv = dlopen(SBSERVPATH, RTLD_LAZY);
int (*setAPMode)(mach_port_t* port, const char* appID, BOOL suspended, void* unknown, void* unknown2) =
dlsym(sbserv, "SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier");
setAPMode(p, "", NO, nil, nil);
However I'm getting exc_bad_access, which is likely due to the fact that it needs an auth token - I could be wrong though.
Alternatively I'm trying using the following:
Class $SBApplicationController=objc_getClass("SBApplicationController");
NSLog(#"[$SBApplicationController sharedInstance], %#", [$SBApplicationController sharedInstance]);
Sadly the output is null - so I guess this can't be done within the application.
Any ideas? This is driving me crazy - thanks!

The iOS sandbox will block or kill any process which isn't started by iOS.


windows kdmf driver virtio calling virtqueue_add_buf causes system fatal error

I have a driver for Windows VM that allows user space apps to communicate via IOCTL. I need to expose a structure to the host (using virtio) and I have tried using virtqueue_add_buf after initializing the virt device in the EvtDevicePrepareHardware using VirtIODeviceInitialize function. I am getting a fatal error when calling virtqueue_add_buf.
Below is a snippet of code
int TellHost(WDFOBJECT WdfDevice, VirtioQArg *virtioArg)
VIO_SG sg;
PDEVICE_CONTEXT context = GetDeviceContext(WdfDevice);
sg.physAddr = MmGetPhysicalAddress(virtioArg);
sg.length = sizeof(VirtioQCArg);
error = virtqueue_add_buf(context->VirtQueue, &sg, 1, 0, virtioArg, NULL, 0);
// more code ....
The error I get is Fatal System Error: 0x000000d1 (0x0000000000000014,0x0000000000000002,0x0000000000000000,0xFFFFF80109FC0637)
Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
and then windbg is unable to load symbols and crashes making my debugging session useless. Any ideas how I can debug this or what I might be missing?
0x000000d1 is DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL which almost always means invalid address is being referenced or addressing paged memory at DPC IRQL or higher.
0x0000000000000000 is a read access to invalid address (0x0000000000000014) from IRQL 2 (DPC).
I had not initialized the queue. Thanks to Vadim RozenFeld from Redhat for pointing out my mistake and his precise explanation.
I checked the balloon virtio driver which uses the following function for initialization of virtio queue.
PVIOQUEUE FindVirtualQueue(VIODEVICE *dev, ULONG index)
ULONG size, allocSize;
VirtIODeviceQueryQueueAllocation(dev, index, &size, &allocSize);
if (allocSize)
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS HighestAcceptable;
HighestAcceptable.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFFFF;
p = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(allocSize, HighestAcceptable);
if (p)
pq = VirtIODevicePrepareQueue(dev, index, MmGetPhysicalAddress(p), p, allocSize, p, FALSE);
return pq;

How to code with websphere commerce inventory facade client

I'm finding this incredibly frustrating. I'm trying to use the InventoryFacadeClient to call either the Change or Sync web services to update product availability. The issue I'm facing is that I can't seem to instantiate all of the required DataTypes to populate the request.
It's quite confusing, I wanted to call ChangeInventory but can't compose the request, and started down SyncProductAvailability but again, can't compose the request.
The problem below is that the ProductIdentifierType is null, and there's no corresponding "createProductIdentifierType" on the Factory....I'm not sure what I"m missing here, the factory seems to be half baked...
If someone can help me complete this code, it would be great?
public void setUp() throws Exception {
String METHOD_NAME = "setUp";"{} entering", METHOD_NAME);
InventoryFacadeClient iClient = super.initializeInventoryClient(false);
InventoryFactory f =; cf = iClient.getInventoryFactory();
CommerceFoundationFactory fd = iClient.getCommerceFoundationFactory();
// we must have customised the SyncProductAvailability web service to
// handle ATP inventory model.
SyncProductAvailabilityDataAreaType dataArea = f.createSyncProductAvailabilityDataAreaType();
SyncProductAvailabilityType sat = f.createSyncProductAvailabilityType();
DocumentRoot root = cf.createDocumentRoot();
ProductAvailabilityType pat = f.createProductAvailabilityType();
ProductIdentifierType pid = pat.getProductIdentifier();
I found the answer to this on another forum. I was missing the right CommerceFoundationFactory - the class the ProductIdentifierType is created from is: fd2 =;

iCloud NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore initial sync/access delay - how to handle?

I'm using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore to store some app settings. My logic is: when I save data locally, I save it to NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore also as a backup. When I need settings, I read locally and I only use iCloud key-value store if no data is found locally (after app is reinstalled, for example). If user has several devices sharing one icloud id, he can write settings on one device and download them to another (I warn him about rewrite).
I have a strange issue. Steps:
Installed an app and save its data to NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore. Made sure data is there.
Removed the app (assuming data is still persists in iCloud).
Waited several minutes just in case, then installed and launched the app from inside Xcode.
Tried to read a settings key using [[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] dataForKey: #"mykeyname"] - sometimes it's ok, but sometimes key is not found!
Waited for 15 seconds, tried again. Success. Confused.
So it seems like ios needs some time to make remote key-value storage for my app available locally for dataForKey: call.
If I'd wrote such a system (actually I did - some time ago, in another life) there obviously must be a delay before asking and receiving a key-value data. So I'd like to have some notification saying: "we finished downloading/syncing key-value storage on first start" or something similar.
As far as I understand I can work with NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore in main thread synchronously (which is convenient for me). But [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:nil] returns a valid url, and then I get "key isn't found". So I can't rely on it. Is there a way to be sure NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore works an is downloaded? It's important especially with slow internet.
Adding [[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] synchronize] (as written in apple docs) to init and load was helped a little. Still there are many questions to iCloud.
Yesterday I've successfully saved data to the key-value store on phone 1 and restored on phone 2.
Today I've deleted app on phone 2 and tried to restore the data. But even [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:nil] returned valid URL and I called [[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] synchronize] I get nil when call dataForKey: MY_DATA_KEY.
When I tried to restore data from icloud on phone 1 (app is still installed) it succeeds, but when I reinstalled on this phone the app restore doesn't succeed any more.
Temporary solution is: "turn off iCloud->Documents&Data - turn off and on network - turn on Documents&Data", but also you should wait several minutes, and then it should work.
So, questions:
do you have such problems with iCloud?
Is there any way to find out is data not available or just not downloaded yet?
Is there any known "latency" of iCloud? I've heard about 7 seconds, but it's obviously not true.
It seems that when app isn't unistalled updates of iCloud data are pretty fast (seconds), but when you reinstall the app icloud needs several minutes to actualize key-value store. Is there any way to force this process?
Below is my CloudHelper for your reference - pretty simple c++ class to write/read binary data to/from iCloud key-value store. It is not compilable, I've adapted it for SO somewhat to make more clear - removed my engine related code. Still if you remove MySystem::... calls it works pretty well. Except that I mentioned before.
class CloudHelper
static bool init();
static void deInit();
//save our data to iCloud with
static int saveData(unsigned char* data, int from, int count);
//get our data from iCloud
static unsigned char * loadData(int *retsize, int * retint);
//does iCloud work for us
static bool isEnabled();
//do we have our key in iCloud
static int isAvailable();
static const int RESULT_OK = 0;
static const int RESULT_NO_CONNECTION = 1;
static const int RESULT_NOT_FOUND = 2;
static const int RESULT_SYNC_ERROR = 3;
static bool enabled;
static NSURL *ubiq;
bool CloudHelper::enabled = false;
NSURL *CloudHelper::ubiq = NULL;
#define MY_DATA_KEY #"my_data_key"
int CloudHelper::saveData(unsigned char* data, int from, int count)
if ([NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore])
NSData *d = [[[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:(data + from) length:count] autorelease];
[[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] setData:d forKey: MY_DATA_KEY)];
if ([[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] synchronize] != TRUE)
return RESULT_OK;
unsigned char * CloudHelper::loadData(int *retsize, int * retint)
if ([NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore])
[[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] synchronize];
NSData *d = [[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] dataForKey: MY_DATA_KEY];
if (d != NULL)
if (retsize != NULL)
*retsize = d.length;
if (retint != NULL)
*retint = RESULT_OK;
return d.bytes;
if (retsize != NULL)
*retsize = -1;
if (retint != NULL)
if (retsize != NULL)
*retsize = -1;
if (retint != NULL)
return NULL;
int CloudHelper::isAvailable()
if ([NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore])
[[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] synchronize];
NSData *d = [[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] dataForKey: MY_DATA_KEY];
if (d != NULL)
result = RESULT_OK;
return result;
void CloudHelper::deInit()
enabled = false;
[ubiq release];
bool CloudHelper::init()
enabled = false;
NSURL *ubiq_ = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:nil];
[[NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] synchronize];
if (ubiq)
enabled = true;
ubiq = [ubiq_ retain]; //save for further use
//is implemented elsewhere: this writes a local file with a counter, and if it is < REMINDER_COUNT allows us to show a warning to users
bool allow = MySystem::isAllowToShowDialog();
if (allow)
//determines network state with Apple's Reachability
if (!MySystem::isNetworkAvailable())
MySystem::showMessageBox(#"Network error"); //No network
MySystem::showMessageBox(#"You should log into your iCloud account to be able to backup your settings."); //No login
return enabled;
It's 2016. Android has become ios's evil twin, the humanity has discovered gravitational waves, Higgs have received his nobel, Microsoft has bought and killed Nokia. But iCloud is still as stupid as it was.
Finally I've made my own stack of network services on several VPS. I refused to use third-party services, because most of them are unstable and unpredictable. And yet I need iCloud. Because another die-born child of apple does not work. SecKeyChain. Its service dies when my game starts. So I decided to store random UUID in cloud to distinguish users (there is no device id anymore) even after reinstall. But what could go wrong? Everything! I've spend two days to make this stupid s*it to deploy without errors, and now it loses my data from time to time!
Thank you Apple, thank, thank, thank! La-la-la! Hip-hip hooray! (sounds of circus music, fading into weeping)
Temporary solution is:
- call synchronize before get data from key-value store
- to be sure it would work "turn off iCloud->Documents&Data - turn off and again on network - turn on Documents&Data", but also you should wait several minutes before iCloud downloads all needed data
Note: when app is installed and already worked (saved/loaded) with key-value store updates of iCloud data are pretty fast (7-15 sec), but when you reinstall the app it seems that icloud needs several minutes to actualize key-value store.
I'd be glad to hear your thoughts, because icloud looks like almost unusable feature. But I don't want to set up my own server to merely get the same functionality.
I am setting one dummy key to NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore and calling synchronize on app launch. The result is not 100% solution but somewhat better. You can try this.
Because obviously your app shouldn't hang while waiting for a slow netork. It's all in the iCloud Design Guide.
Register for NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreDidChangeExternallyNotification, call -synchronize, and hopefully a notification should eventually arrive.
If the data is already up-to-date, I don't think you get a notification, and I don't think there's an wasy way to know how old the data is.

Using GSoap returns EHOSTUNREACH when calling connect() through socket.h

I'm currently building an iPhone app based on Gsoap toolkit to connect to a webservice. Everything works fine except when I try to connect to my service after disconnecting and reconnecting 3g on the device, I get :
SOAP 1.1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]
"Connection refused"
Detail: connect failed in tcp_connect()
Working through the debugger shows that the error comes from connect() method of socket.h.
I don't really understand, when I launch another app like safari, the device is connected to the Internet. And after loading a web page, my app's connection works fine.
Here is the code I'm using :
//GSoap initialization
struct soap soap;
soap.connect_timeout = 0;
soap.send_timeout = 0;
soap.recv_timeout = 0;
// objects request & response
// struct types can be foundin soapStub.h
struct _ns1__GetAuthentification requete;
struct _ns1__GetAuthentificationResponse reponse;
// init request
requete.ConnectPass = (char *) [connectPass UTF8String];
requete.Login = (char *) [login UTF8String];
requete.Password = (char *) [password UTF8String];
requete.soap = &soap;
// request callback. returns SOAP_OK if something has been returned
if(soap_call___ns1__GetAuthentification(&soap,NULL,NULL, &requete,&reponse) == SOAP_OK){
//then we build the result
soap_end(&soap); // remove deserialized data and clean up
soap_done(&soap); // detach the gSOAP environment
return authResult;
else {
//NSLog(#"Soap Error : GetAuthentification");
// We try to see if there's any problem. #catch statements are here just to keep note of the concerned
// exceptions for each request. No utility for the code.
#try {
[self processFault:&soap];
#catch (MMWrongId * e) {
#throw e;
#catch (MMConnectionFailed * e) {
#throw e;
#catch (MMGetAuthentificationFault * e) {
#throw e;
return nil;
Am I missing any particular flag/option?
For those who encounter the same issue, I got a solution. Michael Lasmanis has been a huge help for this one. Here is his answer :
this is one of the reasons i no longer recommend gsoap for iphone new iphone developers. gsoap uses the lower bsd sockets and bypasses the higher level iphone apis. it is the higher level api that manage the state of the internet connectivity which is why if you start safari first, then everything works. the easiest workaround is to use nsurlconnection to open a http connect to a well know site before calling gsoap.

How to retrieve a valid mHostTime using AudioQueues

I'm developing for the iPhone and am trying to get an initial timeStamp to sync my audioQueues.
I'm using AudioQueueDeviceGetCurrentTime for this. According to the documentation this function gives back a valid mHostTime whether the queue/device is running or not. But when I try this I get back a kAudioHardwareNotRunningError (1937010544). All queues have an timeLine associated and have been initialized before I call the function.
How can I retrieve a valid mHostTime to sync my AudioQueues (prior to running the queues)?
My code:
AudioSessionInitialize(NULL, NULL, interruptionListenerCallback, self);
UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback;
sizeof(sessionCategory), &sessionCategory);
// initialize all queues
// ....
OSStatus result;
AudioTimestamp currentTime;
result = AudioQueueDeviceGetCurrentTime(audioQueueRef, &currentTimeStamp);
if (!result)
// rest of code
After some googling I found a post on the CoreAudio mailing list where they say that the hostTime is the same as mach_absolute_time().
Mach_absolute_time() is indeed giving me expected timestamp values.
I spent about a week stuck with this exact problem. As far as I can tell, the documentation is wrong - you must have a running audio queue to query the current device time.
My solution? It's really inelegant, but I just keep one audio queue running at all times playing silence so that I can time other queues off it.
Try this, the function AudioQueueGetCurrentTime() fills an AudioTimeStamp structure. If you get the mSampleTime property of this structure and divide by audio sample rate you will obtain the current seconds position. In code:
// AudioTimeStamp struct to store the value.
AudioTimeStamp timeStamp;
// Gets the current audio queue time.
mQueue, // The audio queue whose current time you want to get.
&timeStamp, // On output, the current audio queue time.
// Return the value.
NSTimeInterval seconds = timeStamp.mSampleTime / mRecordFormat.mSampleRate;
If you doesn't known the current sample rate, this information is stored on the mSampleRate property if you are using the CAStreamBasicDescription structure to control this.
Hope it works.
you have to create a timeline before you can call AudioQueueDeviceGetCurrentTime
// initialize all queues
// ....
// initialize time line
AudioQueueTimelineRef audioTimeline;
status = AudioQueueCreateTimeline(audioQueueRef, &audioTimeline);
// now you can do what you want.
OSStatus result;
AudioTimestamp currentTime;
result = AudioQueueDeviceGetCurrentTime(audioQueueRef, &currentTimeStamp);
if (!result)
// rest of code