Adding a background image to a UILabel - iphone

I'm attempting to add a UIImageView to the subview of a UILabel, but for some reason, I'm unable to have it as the background as this will cover the actual label text.
I don't want to set the UILabel's background color as because it will repeat as a pattern:
[self setBackgroundColor: [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"someBg.png"]]];
Looking at the number of subviews to a raw UILabel it seems like the text isn't a UIView so adding the subview to index 0 won't help either.
I need the text to be ON TOP of the image background.
Any ideas?

Your options:
Wrap the label and the background image view in another container view.
Write your own label class that supports background images.

Anyhow I solved this by inheriting UITextField and adding the subview to that. This works since there's actually a UILabel subview within this control and adding it behind it naturally solves the problem.
Also, I disabled user interaction so that it behaves like a label.


UIButton Title not showing inside UIStackView

I created a UIStackView with a UIImageView and a UIButton. The text inside of the UIButton won't show. I can tell that autolayout works because the background and the selection of my UIButton both work properly.
The title always disappears when I have the constraints on. I set the image to 0/0/0/0 without margins and aligned the button to the image's edges.
Has anyone run into this or knows how to fix it?
At the end I simply used a UIView. I don't know what made me use the UIStackView but I guess it's not made for overlaying objects.

Subclassing UITableViewCell for grouped table

I'm trying to create a a custom subclass of a UITableViewCell to be used in a grouped table.
I'm laying out the subclass with a nib. (I've just tried doing it without the nib but getting the same problem).
Whenever I've done this before I've wanted to create a whole new cell style with a different background etc... so in awakeFromNib I do this...
- (void)awakeFromNib
// N.B. I am not doing this, this is how I normally get rid of border
// in this case I want the border so I am not running this code.
self.backgroundView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
but in this case I want to keep the background with the rounded corners and I'm just adding different UI elements to it.
The cell gets created and all the elements are laid out correctly but I'm getting an annoying "second border" in the top left corner of every section.
I have a screen shot showing this.
At first I thought this was a hair on my screen or something but it isn't.
I've tried setting the backgroundView and backgroundColor but that removes the normal cell background and I want to keep them.
Any ideas how I can get rid of this?
Just to clarify what I said above about setting backgroundColor and backgroundView.
Here is what happens when I change them...
In this I set the backgroundView to nil. The border remains but so does the little bit I'm trying to get rid of.
If I set the backgroundView to a new UIView then this happens...
I want the same background with the white background and the rounded corners border. Just not with that annoying little bit.

UIButton - unwanted background well

I'm creating UIButtons (type = UIButtonTypeCustom) with a custom background drawn by an artist; unfortunately UIButton is adding an unwanted 'well' effect around the backgroundImage (as specified via setBackgroundImage). Is there a way to disable the well? It's not a simple drop shadow, so messing with the CALayer properties doesn't seem to help. I realise I could use UIControl, but that's considerably more work, since I need to handle the label subview myself, and get the artist to produce highlighted versions of the artwork - UIButton is doing all that nicely, if I could only disable the well effect.
Put your image inside a UIImageView, and then position your UIButton on top of it. Use the "custom" style, which has no UI to it at all and is totally invisible.
If you want to change ("highlight") your button image when the button is hit, just change the image contained in the UIImageView in whatever method your UIButton targets.

Black corners around UITableViewCells

I am trying to display a UITableView in front of an image, and here's the steps I'm following:
Inside the view, add a UIImageView with the image set to the appropriate file in the project
Add a UITableView inside the parent view (the same parent as the image view)
Set the backgroundColor for the table view to clear
Wire up a datasource in the view controller to display some test data
Hook up the data source in IB.
After doing this, the tableviewcells have a black background in the corners. It isn't coming from any of the parent views as far as I can tell. I have a test project at bitbucket which demonstrates the issue.
Jeff Lamarche ran into the exact same issue today and put up a blog post about it:
Basically, there appears to be some bug where you still need to add this in code (even though you already have the tableView set to be clear in Interface Builder):
self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
To remove the black edges just go to ur .m file and in ur viewDidLoad method add a line
tableName.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
and thats it no more ugly UI
As stated in Jawboxer's answer, you need to set the background colour in code:
self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
But also ensure that the background colour in Interface Builder is set to the default "Group Table View Background Color". I had it as "Clear Color" in IB and it still wasn't working, until I reset it to the default.
The root cause of why you must set the clear color in code is here: Black corners on UITableView Group Style

Black corners on UITableView Group Style

I have a problem where my UITableView (group style) has a black "tip" above it's rounded corner.
I'm setting up the background of the tableview like so:
[meetingTableView setBackgroundColor:[[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage:[[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:#"background.png"]]];
And my table view ends up looking like this:
black pointy edge on rounded corner
Any ideas how I can get rid of those black points?
I have got the same problem.
When I set clear color by xib, I have the back corner
The solution is to set it by code !
(The same problem with interface builder exist for webviews)
Try this in your controller's viewDidLoad method:
meetingTableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
You'll get Black corners on UITableView Group Style if you set background color to clear color in XIB.
Instead try this code for removing Black corners on UITableView Group Style
tableViewObject.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor];
Just in case you weren't already aware, there's another neat technique you can use to make customized backgrounds for UITableViews:
Not quite as simple as setting the background as you're doing, but it gives you a lot more flexibility and can scale to any table size.
Maybe if you put yourTableViewOutlet.backgroundView=nil;
To avoid the black corners you have to make sure that the UITableViewCells are not opaque. It looks like you're using custom styles table cells and the default value for opaque is YES. Either go to Interface Builder and uncheck the opaque checkbox if the table cell was set up in a XIB file. Or use the setOpaque:NO setter to change value.
Because the table cell view still has a rectangular frame even with the rounded corners the cell view and not the actual table view is causing those black corners.
My guess is that it's related to something that you're doing in your custom table view cells. You might want to experiment with setting the cell background color to [UIColor clearColor].
I think you should set the background color of your table as clearColor and initialsie your view with the background image.
Then it will definitely not show the black corners. But also don't forget to set the background color of your cell as white color
The up-voted answer above (set the tableView's background to [UIColor clearColor]) may not work for you if you are like me and never use the UITableViewController, instead putting a UITableView inside a UIViewController.
In this case it's not the tableView that needs to have a clear background, but the view that holds the tableview.
This is not intuitive, but it works for me. In interface builder you can just set the parent view's background color to clear color, or you could do the same in code in viewDidLoad with:
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
I'm guessing the reason for the black corners is something about the internal graphics optimization, and setting the background clear fixes it.