When should I (and should I not) use Scala's #inline annotation? - scala

I believe I understand the basics of inline functions: instead of a function call resulting in parameters being placed on the stack and an invoke operation occurring, the definition of the function is copied at compile time to where the invocation was made, saving the invocation overhead at runtime.
So I want to know:
Does scalac use smarts to inline some functions (e.g. private def) without the hints from annotations?
How do I judge when it be a good idea to hint to scalac that it inlines a function?
Can anyone share examples of functions or invocations that should or shouldn't be inlined?

Never #inline anything whose implementation might reasonably change and which is going to be a public part of a library.
When I say "implementation change" I mean that the logic actually might change. For example:
object TradeComparator extends java.lang.Comparator[Trade] {
#inline def compare(t1 : Trade, t2 : Trade) Int = t1.time compare t2.time
Let's say the "natural comparison" then changed to be based on an atomic counter. You may find that an application ends up with 2 components, each built and inlined against different versions of the comparison code.

Personally, I use #inline for alias:
class A(param: Param){
#inline def a = param.a
def a2() = a * a
Now, I couldn't find a way to know if it does anything (I tried to jad the generated .class, but couldn't conclude anything).
My goal is to explicit what I want the compiler to do. But let it decide what's best, or simply do what it's capable of. If it doesn't do it, maybe later compiler version will.


When to use implicit parameters

I've been using Scala at work, and I have a question related to implicit parameters.
Often I've seen executionContext defined in method definitions and also in class definitions.
At the same time I've seen classes that accepts case classes that contain configuration data (timeout, adapter, port, etc.) as regular parameters.
My question is why when passing configuration this parameter is not defined as implicit?
Or the other way around what if executionContext would be defined as a regular parameter?
I'm trying to understand when to use implicit parameter and when not to use them.
EDIT: maybe the example of passing a case class is not the best example, it was the first idea that comes to my mind
Conceptually, implicits are something "external" to the application logic, and explicit parameters are ... well ... explicit.
Consider a function def f(x: Double): Double = x*x
It is a pure function that transforms a given real number into another real number. It makes sense for x to be an explicit parameter, as it is an intrinsic part of what this function is.
Now, suppose, you were implementing some sort of approximate algorithm for multiplication, and wanted to control the precision with which you function computes the answer.
You could do def f(x: Double, precision: Int): Double = ???. It would work, but is inconvenient and kinda clumsy:
Function definition no longer expresses the conceptual "nature" of the function being a pure transformation on the set of real numbers
It makes it complicated at the call site, because everyone using your function must now be aware of this additional parameter to pass around (imagine, you are writing a library for non–engineer math majors to use, they understand abstract transformations and complex formulas, but could care less about numeric precision: how often do you think about precision when you need to compute an area of a square?).
It also makes existing code harder to read and modify
So, to make it prettier, you can do def f(x: Double)(implicit precision: Int) = ???. This has an advantage of saying exactly what you want: "I have a transformation double => double, that will use the implied precision when the actual result is computed). Those math majors can now write their abstract formulas the way they are used to: val area = square(x) without polluting their logic with annoying configurations they don't really care about.
When to use this exactly is, certainly, a question of opinion and taste (which is expressly forbidden on SO). Someone can certainly argue about the above example, that precision is actually a part of the transformation definition, because 5.429 and 5.54289 (results of f(2.33)(3) and f(2.33)(4) respectively) are two different numbers.
So, in the end of the day, you just gotta use your judgement and your common sense to make a decision for every case you come across.
When using existing libraries, there is another consideration. Consider:
def foo(f: Future[Int], ec: ExecutionContext) =
f.map { x => x*x }(ec)
.map { _.toString } (ec)
This would look a lot nicer and less messy if you made ec implicit, regardless of where you stand philosophically on whether to consider it a part of your transformation or not:
def foo(f: Future[Int])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
f.map { x => x*x }.map(_.toString).foreach(println)
Implicits can be used when:
you need only one value of some type
it is unambiguous how such value would be defined
this includes both manual definition as well as using metaprogramming to generate the value based on e.g. how its type is defined
Futures and Akka decided that passing some "globals" as implicits is a reasonable use case, so they would pass as implicits:
ActorSystem, Materializer
various configs like Timeout
in general things which you don't want to be put into some static field, but which are passed around everywhere.
However, the rest of Scala world would solve this issue by using some abstraction that would pass these things under the hood, some sort of builders, via constructors, abstractions over (dependencies) => result functions, etc.
E.g. cats.effect.IO don't need to pass ExecutionContext around because it passes its scheduler around when you run it. Only when you want to explicitly change the pool things are being run on you have to use some method. In Monix running things also require you to pass Scheduler at the end, when whole computation is composed. So both approached let you give up on passing around all these ExecutionContexts. In case of Future it is necessary because you need to have control over thread pools, but you also evaluate things eagerly, and putting ec (futureA.flatMap(f)(ec)) manually would break for-comprehension.
As a result, outside Akka ecosystem and raw Futures, are more often used to carry around type-classes, as a mean to decouple business logic from particular implementation, allow adding support for new types without modifying code that uses these implementations, and so on. (There are tons of examples of type-classes in Scala so I'll skip it here).
Usually, when I read about people using implicits to pass configs around, it is just a matter of time before it ends up with grief. Akka and EC kind of requires them but you should just pass configs explicitly. You can group them into case classes to pass bunch of them around and it is not that much of an issue. You can also put all things required as implicits explicitly into one place and do:
case class Configs(dbEX: EC, mapEC: EC)
class SomeBehavior(configs: Configs) {
def someAction = {
if (...) {
implicit val ec: EC = configs.dbEC
} else {
implicit val ec: EC = configs.mapEC
to make them implicit only in the place that needs them. A good role of thumb is: do you care if there is something passed around that you don't see right in the code? Usually, the answer is, yes you do, you would prefer to see it, with only exceptions being cases when it would be somewhat obvious where does the value come from, or if you kinda knew that the value would be ok and you didn't bother where it came from.
There are a multitude of use-cases of implicit in Scala: under the hood, they boil down to leveraging the compiler's implicit resolution mechanism to fill in things that might not have explicitly been mentioned, but the use-cases are divergent enough that in Scala 3, each use-case (of those that survive into Scala 3...) gets encoded with a different keyword.
In the case of the execution context, implicit arguments are being used to mimic dynamic scope in a language which is normally statically scoped. The primary win from doing this is that it allows behavior further down the call stack to be decided-upon much further up the call stack without having to always explicitly pass on the behavior through the intervening layers of the stack (while providing a way for those intervening layers to cleanly force a different behavior).
Historically, a major example of this was for things like numeric precision. Many numeric operations end up being implemented through iterated refinement (e.g. when square-root was implemented in software, it might be implemented using Newton's method), which means there's a trade-off between speed of calculation and precision (suggesting accuracy). With dynamic scoping, there's a neat way to accomplish this: a global variable for the desired level of precision in mathematical results. Your numeric routine checks the value of that variable and governs itself accordingly. The difference from globals in a statically-scoped language is that when A calls B which calls C, if A sets the value of x to 1 and B sets it to 2, x will be 2 when checked in C or B, but once B returns to A, x will once again be 1 (in dynamically scoped languages, you can think of a global variable as really being a name for a stack of values, and the language implementation automatically pops the stack as appropriate).
Dynamic scoping was once fairly popular (especially so in Lisps before the mid/late 1970s); nowadays the only places you really see it are in Bourne shells (including bash), Emacs Lisp; while some languages (Perl and Common Lisp are probably the two main examples) are hybrids: a variable gets declared in a special way to make it dynamically or statically scoped. Static scoping has pretty clearly won: it's easier for the language implementation or the programmer to reason about.
The cost of that ease is that, in our numeric computation example, we end up with something like the following:
def newtonSqrt(x: Double, precision: Int): Double = ???
/** Calculates the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs of given lengths
def hypotenuse(x: Double, y: Double, precision: Int): Double =
newtonSqrt(x*x + y*y, precision)
Thankfully, Scala supports default arguments, so we avoid having versions that use a default precision, too. Arguably, the precision is exposing an implementation detail (the fact that our calculations aren't necessarily perfectly mathematically accurate): the important thing is that the length of the hypotenuse is the square root of the sum of the squares of the legs.
In Scala, we can make the precision implicit:
def newtonSqrt(x: Double)(implicit precision: Int): Double = ???
def hypotenuse(x: Double, y: Double)(implicit precision: Int): Double =
newtonSqrt(x*x, y*y)
(It's actually really bad to ever pass a primitive or any type which could plausibly be used for something other than describing the behavior in question through the implicit mechanism: I'm doing it here for didactic clarity).
The compiler will effectively translate newtonSqrt(x*x + y*y) to (something very similar to) newtonSqrt(x*x + y*y, precision). Now callers to hypotenuse can decide to fix precision via an implicit val or to defer the choice to their callers by adding the implicit to their signature.
Dynamic scoping has long been controversial, so it's no surprise that even the constrained dynamic scoping this usage of implicit embeds is controversial. In Scala's case, it doesn't help that in many cases the tooling throws up its hands when it comes to helping you figure out implicits: most of the really furious compiler errors one encounters are related to missing implicits or collisions, and tracing to figure out which values are in the implicit scope at any time is not something the tooling has a history of helping people with. Thus there are many developers who have decided that explicitly threading through configuration is superior to using implicits.
It's largely a matter of taste and the situation whether this sort of behavior description is best passed implicitly or explicitly (and it's worth noting that the type-class pattern, especially without a hard requirement for coherence (that there be one and only one possible way to describe the behavior) as is typical in Scala, is just a special case of this behavior description).
I should also note that it isn't a binary choice between bundling a few settings into a case class vs. passing them implicitly: you can do both:
case class ProcessSettings(sys: ActorSystem, ec: ExecutionContext)
object ProcessSettings {
implicit def implicitly(implicit sys: ActorSystem, ec: ExecutionContext): ProcessSettings =
ProcessSettings(sys, ec)
def doStuff(x: SomeInput)(implicit settings: ProcessSettings)

Is it possible to achieve functionality provided by implicit classes via macros?

We are pretty familiar with implicits in Scala for now, but macros are pretty undiscovered area (at least for me) and, despite the presence of some great articles by Eugene Burmako, it is still not an easy material to just dive in.
In this particular question I'd like to find out if there is a possibility to achieve the analogous to the following code functionality using just macros:
implicit class Nonsense(val s: String) {
def ##(i:Int) = s.charAt(i)
So "asd" ## 0 will return 'a', for example. Can I implement macros that use infix notation? The reason to this is I'm writing a DSL for some already existing project and implicits allow making the API clear and concise, but whenever I write a new implicit class, I feel like introducing a new speed-reducing factor. And yes, I do know about value classes and stuff, I just think it would be really great if my DSL transformed into the underlying library API calls during compilation rather than in runtime.
TL;DR: can I replace implicits with macros while not changing the API? Can I write macros in infix form? Is there something even more suitable for this case? Is the trouble worth it?
UPD. To those advocating the value classes: in my case I have a little more than just a simple wrapper - they are often stacked. For example, I have an implicit class that takes some parameters, returns a lambda wrapping this parameters (i.e. partial function), and the second implicit class that is made specifically for wrapping this type of functions. I can achieve something like this:
a --> x ==> b
where first class wraps a and adds --> method, and the second one wraps the return type of a --> x and defines ==>(b). Plus it may really be the case when user creates considerable amount of objects in this fashion. I just don't know if this will be efficient, so if you could tell me that value classes cover this case - I'd be really glad to know that.
Back in the day (2.10.0-RC1) I had trouble using implicit classes for macros (sorry, I don't recollect why exactly) but the solution was to use:
an implicit def macro to convert to a class
define the infix operator as a def macro in that class
So something like the following might work for you:
implicit def toNonsense(s:String): Nonsense = macro ...
class Nonsense(...){
def ##(...):... = macro ...
That was pretty painful to implement. That being said, macro have become easier to implement since.
If you want to check what I did, because I'm not sure that applies to what you want to do, refer to this excerpt of my code (non-idiomatic style).
I won't address the relevance of that here, as it's been commented by others.

Writing macros which generate statements

With intention of reducing the boilerplate for the end-user when deriving instances of a certain typeclass (let's take Showable for example), I aim to write a macro, which will autogenerate the instance names. E.g.:
// calling this:
// should expand to this:
// implicit val derivedShowableInstance0 = new Showable[Int] { ... }
// implicit val derivedShowableInstance1 = new Showable[String] { ... }
I tried to approach the problem the following way, but the compiler complained that the expression should return a < no type > instead of Unit:
object Showable {
def derive[a] = macro Macros.derive[a]
object Macros {
private var instanceNameIndex = 0
def derive[ a : c.WeakTypeTag ]( c : Context ) = {
import c.universe._
import Flag._
val newInstanceDeclaration = ...
newTermName("derivedShowableInstance" + nameIndex),
I get that a val declaration is not exactly an expression and hence Unit might not be appropriate, but then how to make it right?
Is this at all possible? If not then why, will it ever be, and are there any workarounds?
Yes, that's right. Declarations/definitions aren't expressions, so they need to be wrapped into Unit-returning blocks to become ones. Typically Scala does this automatically, but in this particular case you need to do it yourself.
However if you wrap a definition in a block, then it becomes invisible from the outside. That's the limitation of the current macro system that strictly follows the metaphor of "macro application is very much similar to a typed function call". Function calls don't bring new members into scope, so neither do def macros - both for technical and philosophical reasons. As shown in the example #3 of my recent "What Are Macros Good For?" talk, by using structural types def macros can work around this limitation, but this doesn't look particularly related to your question, so I'll omit the details.
On the other hand, there are some ideas how to overcome this limitation with new macro flavors. Macro annotations show that it's technically feasible for the macro engine to hook into new member creation, but we'd like to get more experience with macro annotations before bringing them into trunk. Some details about this can be found in my "Philosophy of Scala Macros" presentation. This can be useful in your situation, but I still won't go into details, because I think there's a much better solution for this particular case (feel free to ask for elaboration in comments, though!).
What I'd like to recommend you is to use materialization as described in http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/macros/implicits.html. With materializing macros you can automatically generate type class instances for the user without having the user write any code at all. Would that fit your use case?

Requesting more information about #inline from the compiler?

The documentation for #inline states:
An annotation on methods that requests that the compiler should try especially hard to inline the annotated method.
However, unlike the similar #tailrec annotation, the compiler does not (by default) offer any information about whether or not it managed to inline a method.
Is there any way to determine if the compiler managed to inline an annotated method?
Specifically, I'd like for the compiler to tell me, for example, that in all reasonable cases it will be able to inline a method I marked. (Some situtations I can think of where it would warn me that it cannot inline a method is if it is not final, and hence requires a vtable lookup if the class is subclassed)
Related questions:
When should I (and should I not) use Scala's #inline annotation?
Does the #inline annotation in Scala really help performance?
First, you need to remember that Scalac will only try to inline things when you compile with -optimise (or -Yinline I think).
Consider the following simple case:
class Meep {
#inline def f(x: Int) = x + 19
object Main extends App {
new Meep().f(23)
If I compile that with -optimise, Scalac will gives me a warning: there were 1 inliner warnings; re-run with -Yinline-warnings for details. Now, apart from the grammar giggle, this didn't give me much.
So let's recompile with -Yinline-warnings. Now I get: At the end of the day, could not inline #inline-marked method f. Uh, OK, that was not very helpful either, but I guess that's what I get for using a private compiler flag. :) Some of the inline warnings are a tiny bit more helpful, by the way - like: Could not inline required method f because bytecode unavailable. (which happens in the REPL)
The compiler help explains -Yinline-warnings as Emit inlining warnings. (Normally surpressed due to high volume), so I guess it has to be used on a case-by-case basis.
Anyway, if we change the definition of f in the above snippet to #inline final def f(x: Int) = x + 19, the inline warning will go away and the method will be properly inlined.
Hope that helped a bit.

Configuration data in Scala -- should I use the Reader monad?

How do I create a properly functional configurable object in Scala? I have watched Tony Morris' video on the Reader monad and I'm still unable to connect the dots.
I have a hard-coded list of Client objects:
class Client(name : String, age : Int){ /* etc */}
object Client{
val clients = List(Client("Bob", 20), Client("Cindy", 30))
I want Client.clients to be determined at runtime, with the flexibility of either reading it from a properties file or from a database. In the Java world I'd define an interface, implement the two types of source, and use DI to assign a class variable:
trait ConfigSource {
def clients : List[Client]
object ConfigFileSource extends ConfigSource {
override def clients = buildClientsFromProperties(Properties("clients.properties"))
//...etc, read properties files
object DatabaseSource extends ConfigSource { /* etc */ }
object Client {
private var config : ConfigSource = _ //Inject it at runtime
val clients = config.clients
This seems like a pretty clean solution to me (not a lot of code, clear intent), but that var does jump out (OTOH, it doesn't seem to me really troublesome, since I know it will be injected once-and-only-once).
What would the Reader monad look like in this situation and, explain it to me like I'm 5, what are its advantages?
Let's start with a simple, superficial difference between your approach and the Reader approach, which is that you no longer need to hang onto config anywhere at all. Let's say you define the following vaguely clever type synonym:
type Configured[A] = ConfigSource => A
Now, if I ever need a ConfigSource for some function, say a function that gets the n'th client in the list, I can declare that function as "configured":
def nthClient(n: Int): Configured[Client] = {
config => config.clients(n)
So we're essentially pulling a config out of thin air, any time we need one! Smells like dependency injection, right? Now let's say we want the ages of the first, second and third clients in the list (assuming they exist):
def ages: Configured[(Int, Int, Int)] =
for {
a0 <- nthClient(0)
a1 <- nthClient(1)
a2 <- nthClient(2)
} yield (a0.age, a1.age, a2.age)
For this, of course, you need some appropriate definition of map and flatMap. I won't get into that here, but will simply say that Scalaz (or Rúnar's awesome NEScala talk, or Tony's which you've seen already) gives you all you need.
The important point here is that the ConfigSource dependency and its so-called injection are mostly hidden. The only "hint" that we can see here is that ages is of type Configured[(Int, Int, Int)] rather than simply (Int, Int, Int). We didn't need to explicitly reference config anywhere.
As an aside, this is the way I almost always like to think about monads: they hide their effect so it's not polluting the flow of your code, while explicitly declaring the effect in the type signature. In other words, you needn't repeat yourself too much: you say "hey, this function deals with effect X" in the function's return type, and don't mess with it any further.
In this example, of course the effect is to read from some fixed environment. Another monadic effect you might be familiar with include error-handling: we can say that Option hides error-handling logic while making the possibility of errors explicit in your method's type. Or, sort of the opposite of reading, the Writer monad hides the thing we're writing to while making its presence explicit in the type system.
Now finally, just as we normally need to bootstrap a DI framework (somewhere outside our usual flow of control, such as in an XML file), we also need to bootstrap this curious monad. Surely we'll have some logical entry point to our code, such as:
def run: Configured[Unit] = // ...
It ends up being pretty simple: since Configured[A] is just a type synonym for the function ConfigSource => A, we can just apply the function to its "environment":
// or
Ta-da! So, contrasting with the traditional Java-style DI approach, we don't have any "magic" occurring here. The only magic, as it were, is encapsulated in the definition of our Configured type and the way it behaves as a monad. Most importantly, the type system keeps us honest about which "realm" dependency injection is occurring in: anything with type Configured[...] is in the DI world, and anything without it is not. We simply don't get this in old-school DI, where everything is potentially managed by the magic, so you don't really know which portions of your code are safe to reuse outside of a DI framework (for example, within your unit tests, or in some other project entirely).
update: I wrote up a blog post which explains Reader in greater detail.