I use the following find command to rename directories & files in Linux system
remark: see rename.pl script down below
find / -name 'host1' -print0 | xargs -0 /var/tmp/rename.pl 'print "changing $_\n"; s/host1/host_10/g'
in order to set parameter in place host1 name I set the following
find / -name "$OLD_HOST" -print0 | xargs -0 /var/tmp/rename.pl 'print "changing $_\n"; s/$OLD_HOST/host_10/g'
the problem is that now after setting the $OLD_HOSTS (as s/$OLD_HOST/host_10/g' )
it doesn't replace host1 with host_10
my question: how to use correctly $OLD_HOST in the syntax in order to replace host1 with host_10 ?
rename.pl script:
# rename script examples from lwall:
# rename 's/\.orig$//' *.orig
# rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/ unless /^Make/' *
# rename '$_ .= ".bad"' *.f
# rename 'print "$_: "; s/foo/bar/ if <stdin> =~ /^y/i' *
$op = shift;
for (#ARGV) {
$was = $_;
eval $op;
die $# if $#;
rename($was,$_) unless $was eq $_;
It's not very clear what you are trying to do.
I guess you are setting
in the shell and you are trying to get the value of $OLD_HOST env variable from a Perl script. If so you can make use of
find / -name "$OLD_HOST" -print0 | xargs -0 /var/tmp/rename.pl 'print "changing $_\n"; s/$ENV{OLD_HOST}/host_10/g'
In the below script. am not able to change the directory.i need the output like above 70% disk inside that directory which one is consuming more space.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $test=qx("df -h |awk \+\$5>=70 {print \$6} ");
chdir($test) or die "$!";
print $test;
system("du -sh * | grep 'G'");
No need to call awk in your case because Perl is quite good at splitting and printing certain lines itself. Your code has some issues:
The code qx("df -h |awk \+\$5>=70 {print \$6} ") tries to execute the string "df -h | awk ..." as a command which fails because there is no such command called "df -h | awk". When I run that code I get sh: 1: df -h |awk +>=70 {print } : not found. You can fix that by dropping the quotes " because qx() already is quoting. The variable $test is empty afterwards, so the chdir changes to your $HOME directory.
Then you'll see the next error: awk: line 1: syntax error at or near end of line, because it calls awk +\$5>=70 {print \$6}. Correct would be awk '+\$5>=70 {print \$6}', i.e. with ticks ' around the awk scriptlet.
As stated in a comment, df -h splits long lines into two lines. Example:
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
10735331328 10597534720 137796608 99% /local/directory
Use df -hP to get guaranteed column order and one line output.
The last system call shows the directory usage (space) for all lines containing the letter G. I reckon that's not exactly what you want.
I suggest the following Perl script:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $line ( qx(df -hP) ) {
my ($fs, $size, $used, $avail, $use, $target) = split(/\s+/, $line);
next unless ($use =~ /^\d+\s*\%$/); # skip header line
# now $use is e.g. '90%' and we drop the '%' sign:
$use =~ s/\%$//;
if ($use > 70) {
print "almost full: $target; top 5 directories:\n";
# no need to chdir here. Simply use $target/* as search pattern,
# reverse-sort by "human readable" numbers, and show the top 5:
system("du -hs $target/* 2>/dev/null | sort -hr | head -5");
print "\n\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
my #bigd = map { my #f = split " "; $f[5] }
grep { my #f = split " "; $f[4] =~ /^(\d+)/ && $1 >= 70}
split "\n", `df -hP`;
print "big directories: $_\n" for #bigd;
for my $bigd (#bigd) {
my #bigsubd = grep { my #f = split " "; $f[0] =~ /G/ }
split "\n", `du -sh *`;
print "big subdirectories in $bigd:\n";
print "$_\n" for #bigsubd;
I belive you wanted to do something like this.
How to add a blank line after every grep result?
For example, grep -o "xyz" may give something like -
I want the output to be like this -
I would like to do something like
grep "xyz" | perl (code to add a new line after every grep result)
This is the direct answer to your question:
grep 'xyz' | perl -pe 's/$/\n/'
But this is better:
perl -ne 'print "$_\n" if /xyz/'
Ok, after your edit, you want (almost) this:
grep 'xyz' * | perl -pe 'print "\n" if /^([^:]+):/ && ! $seen{$1}++'
If you don’t like the blank line at the beginning, make it:
grep 'xyz' * | perl -pe 'print "\n" if /^([^:]+):/ && ! $seen{$1}++ && $. > 1'
NOTE: This won’t work right on filenames with colons in them. :)½
If you want to use perl, you could do something like
grep "xyz" | perl -p -e 's/(.*)/\1\n/g'
If you want to use sed (where I seem to have gotten better results), you could do something like
grep "xyz" | sed 's/.*/\0\n/g'
This prints a newline after every single line of grep output:
grep "xyz" | perl -pe 'print "\n"'
This prints a newline in between results from different files. (Answering the question as I read it.)
grep 'xyx' * | perl -pe '/(.*?):/; if ($f ne $1) {print "\n"; $f=$1}'
Use a state machine to determine when to print a blank line:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# state variable to determine when to print a blank line
my $prev_file = '';
# change DATA to the appropriate input file handle
while( my $line = <DATA> ){
# did the state change?
if( my ( $file ) = $line =~ m{ \A ([^:]*) \: .*? xyz }msx ){
# blank lines between states
print "\n" if $file ne $prev_file && length $prev_file;
# set the new state
$prev_file = $file;
# print every line
print $line;
I'm looking for a simple/elegant way to grep a file such that every returned line must match every line of a pattern file.
With input file
And pattern file
The command should return
I tried to do this with grep -f but that returns if it matches a single pattern in the file (and not all). I also tried something with a recursive call to perl -ne (foreach line of the pattern file, call perl -ne on the search file and try to grep in place) but I couldn't get the syntax parser to accept a call to perl from perl, so not sure if that's possible.
I thought there's probably a more elegant way to do this, so I thought I'd check. Thanks!
Thanks for your answers so far, sorry if I wasn't clear but I was hoping for just a one-line result (creating a script for this seems too heavy, just wanted something quick). I've been thinking about it some more and I came up with this so far:
perl -n -e 'chomp($_); print " | grep $_ "' pattern | xargs echo "cat input"
which prints
cat input | grep a | grep b | grep c
This string is what I want to execute, I just need to somehow execute it now. I tried an additional pipe to eval
perl -n -e 'chomp($_); print " | grep $_ "' pattern | xargs echo "cat input" | eval
Though that gives the message:
xargs: echo: terminated by signal 13
I'm not sure what that means?
One way using perl:
Content of input:
Content of pattern:
Content of script.pl:
use warnings;
use strict;
## Check arguments.
die qq[Usage: perl $0 <input-file> <pattern-file>\n] unless #ARGV == 2;
## Open files.
open my $pattern_fh, qq[<], pop #ARGV or die qq[ERROR: Cannot open pattern file: $!\n];
open my $input_fh, qq[<], pop #ARGV or die qq[ERROR: Cannot open input file: $!\n];
## Variable to save the regular expression.
my $str;
## Read patterns to match, and create a regex, with each string in a positive
## look-ahead.
while ( <$pattern_fh> ) {
$str .= qq[(?=.*$_)];
my $regex = qr/$str/;
## Read each line of data and test if the regex matches.
while ( <$input_fh> ) {
printf qq[%s\n], $_ if m/$regex/o;
Run it like:
perl script.pl input pattern
With following output:
Using Perl, I suggest you read all the patterns into an array and compile them. Then you can read through your input file using grep to make sure all of the regexes match.
The code looks like this
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $ptn, '<', 'pattern.txt' or die $!;
my #patterns = map { chomp(my $re = $_); qr/$re/; } grep /\S/, <$ptn>;
open my $in, '<', 'input.txt' or die $!;
while (my $line = <$in>) {
print $line unless grep { $line !~ $_ } #patterns;
Another way is to read all the input lines and then start filtering by each pattern:
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $in, '<', 'input.txt' or die $!;
my #matches = <$in>;
close $in;
open my $ptn, '<', 'pattern.txt' or die $!;
for my $pattern (<$ptn>) {
#matches = grep(/$pattern/, #matches);
close $ptn;
print #matches;
Not grep and not a one liner...
while read line; do
let i++
pattern=$(head -$i $PFILE | tail -1)
if [[ $line =~ $pattern ]]; then
echo $line
# (or use sed instead of bash regex:
# echo $line | sed -n "/$pattern/p"
done < $MFILE
A bash(Linux) based solution
INPUTFILE=input.txt #Your input file
PATTERNFILE=patterns.txt # file with patterns
# replace new line with '|' using awk
PATTERN=`awk 'NR==1{x=$0;next}NF{x=x"|"$0}END{print x}' "$PATTERNFILE"`
# build regex of style :(a|b|c){3,}
egrep "${PATTERN}" "${INPUTFILE}"
Here's a grep-only solution:
foo ()
cat pattern.txt | while read line; do
if [ $FIRST -eq 1 ]; then
echo -n "grep \"$line\""
echo -n "$STRING | grep \"$line\""
eval "cat input.txt | $STRING"
So far this one-liner is stripping off one line and renaming the file, but I need help to alter it so that it strips that line I am looking for Data for and remove the old file extension .csv instead of adding to it. (.csv.out). I am not sure if this can be done with one-liner.
Instead it's adding on the the extension filename.csv.out
find -type f -name '*.csv' -exec perl -i.out -wlne '/^Data for/ or print' {} \;
I want to replace the extension:
perl -MFile::Copy -we 'for (glob "*.csv") { my ($name) = /^(.+).csv/i; move($_, $name . ".out"); }'
To remove the header matching Data for:
perl -MFile::Copy -MTie::File -wE 'for (glob '*x.csv') { tie my #file,
"Tie::File", $_ or die $!; shift #file if $file[0] =~ /^Data for/;
untie #file; my ($name) = /^(.*).csv/i; move($_, $name . ".out"); }'
But then it's really not a one-liner anymore...
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tie::File;
use File::Copy;
use autodie;
for (#ARGV) {
tie my #file, "Tie::File", $_;
shift #file if $file[0] =~ /^Data for/;
untie #file;
my ($name) = /^(.*).csv/i;
move($_, $name . ".out");
And use with:
$ script.pl *.csv
A simple Bash shell script will suffice
(shopt -s failglob; for i in *.csv.out; do echo mv $i ${i%csv.out}out; done)
The shopt -s failglob is needed to ensure that if there are no matches the command will fail instead of trying to rename *.csv.out to *.out. The construct ${i%csv.out}out removes a trailing csv.out and replaces it with just out.
As I have coded it here, this will just echo the commands it would execute. When you're satisfied it does what you want, remove the word echo.
Continue my previous question (but other queastion),
According to the following perl script (rename.pl)
how to build perl one-liners line from the rename.pl script
in order to replace the: /var/tmp/rename.pl (from find command ...)
with the one-liners perl syntax?
(I dont want to use the rename.pl script ,)
find / -name "$OLD_HOST" -print0 | xargs -0 /var/tmp/rename.pl 'print "changing $_\n"; s/$OLD_HOST/host_10/g'
rename.pl script:
$op = shift;
for (#ARGV) {
$was = $_;
eval $op;
die $# if $#;
rename($was,$_) unless $was eq $_;
Why not use the bullet-proofed, debugged rename.pl script?
find ... |
xargs -0 perl -e 'my $op - shift; foreach (#ARGV)
{ my $was = $_; eval $op; die $# if $#;
rename($was, $_) unless $was eq $_; }' \
This one-liner will find zip files with numbers inside the filename, and print some "mv" shell commands rather than executing them immediately. You can paste this into the command line for more control later.
Maybe this will get you started.
find . -name "*.zip" | perl -nE
'chomp; my $f = qq($_); $f =~ /(\d+)/;
say "mv $f " . sprintf("%03d", $1) . ".zip";'