How I can post my Facebook comments to my Drupal Site? - facebook

How I can post my Facebook comments to my Drupal Site?

Use facebooks comment plugin.
I am assuming you already have a facebook connect or something setup. Here's more info:

You can use the Drupal Facebook Comments Social Plugin module to do this. It integrates with Facebook's Comments plugin. It's fairly straightforward to setup but here's a tutorial to integrating Drupal with Facebook comments using that module if you want a walkthrough.


Does Facebook Allows To Create A Facebook Like Exhange Website Using Facebook PHP SDK.?

i want to create a facebook like exchange website using facebook PHP sdk, does facebook allow this or not? please answer me... Thank you...
Don’t participate in any “like” or “share” exchange programs.
Source: (13.3)
Similer to facebook like Exchange you can go for social engine framework

facebook comment plugin

I'm using the facebook comment plugin on my website. I've also created a facebook page for my company. When users comment using the facebook plugin on the website, how do I get these posts to post directly to my facebook page for the company instead of my profile page?
There is no way to do so without writing your own comments plugin.

connect facebook and twitter to wordpress

i have seen some blogs where they ask you to share the blog using facebook or twitter. Following that action, a email subscription box apprears for some free stuff. how is it done?
A plugin such as this one must be installed to your WordPress blog:

Integrating facebook connect (graph api)in cakephp

How I can integrate facebook graph api in cakephp for facebook login.
You wrote:
for facebook login
so, if you would do login to your page with facebook, probably you should use taht official JS libs: . With that, you could achieve facebook user id-number, so you could use it in DB as unique key which represent user.
Take a look at Nick Baker's fabulous CakePHP Facebook Plugin.

facebook wall post from wordpress

How to post on facebook account wall when any blog post made from wordpress.
I allready tried with various wordpress plugin like "wordbook", "wordbooker" etc but none of them working fine........ any idea or alternative way?
Use the Twitter Tools plugin and then link your twitter account to your Facebook account. I use it all the time, plus you get the added benefit of Twitter.
I'm writing a plugin for that matter, you can check out the development version right over here:
It doesn't have a funky user interface, but it does post stuff to Facebook assuming you have a facebook developer account and a facebook app registered. Look at the posts on my Facebook profile: (ones marked via - they're generated via this plugins.
P.S. It doesn't to that automatically, but you can send it to FB when the post is published. Shouldn't require much time to automate it, but I'd like to customize things before sending anything anywhere.
Hope this helps. Cheers.
P.S. PHP programming skills required to use this plugin.