Running console application remotely in Eclipse - eclipse

I there a way (plugin) in eclipse that can run (console) application over ssh (of course do a synchronize before that with something like rsync), and display results in standard console?

Try following:
Also take a look at: are-there-any-good-ssh-consoles-for-eclipse
Hope this helps.

You could also run Eclipse remotely.
It should be fairly easy: use ssh -Y server_ip to connect to it, execute eclipse & and it will have direct access to the filesystem.
Of course, this solution is only practical if you have a decent network connection to the remote PC since GUI processing will be handled by the other machine (not yours).
Anyway, someone asked a similar question here. Take a look at the answer.


Where/how can I easily host an interactive Julia ipython notebook?

I've got a little interactive applet in Julia which I'd like to put online. What's the easiest way? Should I host it on my own server? Or is there a service for this (e.g. something similar to I tried on SageMath with no luck, happy to post a MWE if someone wants to help me debug there.
The easiest way is to use JuliaBox, now it's hosted online at, but you can clone it from and make your own server.
simply log in with your Gmail account, and run interactive sessions online.

IPython starting ipclusters

I'm using this amazing IPython notebook. I'm very interested into parallel computing right now and would like to use MPI with IPython (and MPI4py). But I can't start a cluster with
ipcluster start -n 4
on Windows7. I just get back "failed to create process". If I use the notebook and start a cluster in the "Clusters" register it's all working fine. But with cmd (even with admin rights) I just get this message. Same with all attempts of using MPI (MPICH2). All path vars are set. Maybe this problem has no connection to Python at all...
I can't say anything about IPython's parallel features, but if you're having problems with MPI in Windows in general, I would offer these suggestions. I've had quite a few issues in the past in trying to get MPI working in Windows. The most convenient method for me in the past has been to use an OpenMPI Windows binary These are now only available in previous releases. And even then, you might have to try more than one before you find one that works. I don't know why, but the latest didn't work on my machine. The release before that one did, however. After this, you have to call mpicc and mpiexec from the Microsoft Visual Studio Command Prompt or it won't work (without a lot of other stuff).
After you have verified that MPI is working, you can try installing mpi4py separately and see if that works. In my experience, sometimes this has worked fine and sometimes I've had to wrestle with configurations. You might just try your luck with an unofficial, prepackaged binary (for example,
Hope this helps!

Run Eclipse EPIC Perl Plugin on Remote Project/Files

I recently started a new job, where all development is done on a remote dev server. I really like Eclipse as a centralized development environment for all the different stuff I'm working on, and am not a particularly big fan of emacs or vi. I'll use emacs if I have to change something quickly, but after really trying to like it for normal development, I'm really starting to miss Eclipse.
That said, is there any way I can use Eclipse with EPIC for Perl development on a remote server? I can live without debugging functionality, but proper syntax highlighting, and the ability to create projects would be really, really nice. So far, I've tried using a remote browser plugin for Eclipse to peruse the remote dev server and open stuff into Eclipse that way, but it is far from ideal. Anyone have any better ideas?
Answering my own question (which no one seems to have looked at or care about, but what the hell-- maybe someone will have the same issue):
Grab Remote Systems Explorer from here.
Setup RSE to ssh into your remote server.
Create a new empty EPIC project (or using whatever plugin/ language you want).
Right click the project, select "New Folder," then
Advanced >> Link to alternate location (Linked Folder)
Switch file system to RSE, then just browse to some folder on your remote system you'd like to become a project, and add it.
That's it, you're done. Now when you open your project in Eclipse, you'll see that folder with all the code you wanted, and you can use it just like you would locally.
The main problem I'm seeing with this right now is that currently I can't get it to do any error checking, which is too bad. I'll work on finding a work around for that and update here if I do.
If you're on linux, you can also mount the remote drive/folder with sshfs and use the same "linked folder technique". I do this all the time for Java EE development. sshfs is also very reliable, unlike Windows network shares mounted on linux with Samba-Client. (Sometimes the Windows sharing service gets confused. And needs to be restarted on the remote server. I use a powershell one liner for this "restart-service -name 'sharing service' " or something likeĀ“that.)

Emacs cloud storage options?

What options are there for saving and retrieving documents to and from the cloud, from within Emacs?
I use Emacs at work, on a Windows machine, and at home, on a Linux box, so ideally I would want a solution that works more or less out of the box for both operating systems.
I touched on g-client, but could not quite get it to work. Obviously, if there are no other, simpler options, I'm just going to have to spend a couple of more hours on it.
Many thanks,
Dropbox is pretty universal. I store even my Emacs config files there. Works on Windows, Linux, OS X, and iPhone. Syncs automatically. Stores history. Is free. What else do you want?:-)
Two options that I can think of:
If you have access to a server somewhere that runs ssh, then use ssh with tramp. You can also run a ssh server at your home linux box and access your home files through from work. Tramp works perfectly fine on Windows with ssh from cygwin. It will automatically grab a file (provided that you give emacs something like /ssh:yourusername#yourserverhost:~/yourfile), put it to a temporary file at your computer, then copy it back to the host when you save it.
Use a source control system like SVN or Git. Again you can host the server at your home or you can find online hosts (most are for open source and are thus public, but some are free and private; I use You would have to regularly commit/update, but you can easily automate that if you want, and the source control system gives you a nice history of your files and a safety net in case you did something very wrong.
Emacs has excellent integration with source control system. If you find the build-in one not sufficient (it is quite generic and thus does not offer interface to some specific features of a particular source control system), there are plenty of good alternative (psvn for SVN, and magit for Git, for example).
sshfs, if you have good connection speed.
Otherwise there's always tramp-mode for Emacs.
Edit: Just saw you are using Windows.
It's been some years since I used Windows as my desktop, but I used WebDrive back then. It sort-of works, although it always was a bit unstable.
Emacs has great support for remote file systems via Tramp. So the real question is what should you use as a remote FS. There are a bunch of them and as long as they have a way of mounting them or logging in via ssh (for Tramp) you should be ok.
I use JungleDisk - works great for Windows, Linux and Mac. Starts around $2 per month and there's a cap of around $90 per year. You can back up to S3 or to Rackspace.
It integrates at the file system level so you can either read/write directly to it or create links from it to your local file system. I use that to share my .emacs, .bash etc between multiple machines.

Remote Administration of Windows XP through the Command Line

Does anyone know of a good way to do remote administration of a Windows XP machine using just the command line?
At the moment the only things it needs to do is to be able to install applications/patches, and transfer files to and from the machine, and installing registry patches would be nice as well.
Currently we use a horrible hacked together solution that uses NetMeeting, in the past I've thrown together a proof of concept using SSH for windows (at the time windows 2000) but it didn't work to my satisfaction and was pretty buggy. Which was probably the result of the SSH Daemon I was running more then anything.
I'm pretty much open to anything, however a solution using SSH would be ideal since it's already approved for installation in my organization, and it's free. I work in the Canadian Government so anything free is best, and anything that we've already got approved for installation is even better.
psexec will allow you to run commands remotely. Some of the other PsTools can help you kill applications, get a list of processes, etc.
Why must it be
remote administration of a Windows XP machine using just the command line?
I think your very limiting yourself to what is possible by sticking to the command line. In windows environments you can easily use Group Policy to distribute most software and/or patches, and for the ones that you can't you can usually script these changes through any of the popular scripting languages such as JScript, VBScript, Kixtart, AutoIt, Powershell, etc. With these scripting languages you can easily leverage WMI to exceute and mointor processes on remotes systems, copy files, updates registry...basically everything that you're trying to accomplish....and it won't cost you anything but the cost of learning these technologies, and there many online resources and which document how to do them. Here is a link to the Microsoft Script Center, its a great start:
I wrote this a while back, and used it to maintain my home windows XP desktop for a while:
ssh and telnet on windows
I used the SSH option (not telnet). It worked for my purposes (killing remote tasks, copying files etc.) It uses Cygwin, but you're able to run regular windows commands as well as the bash commands that come with cygwin.
The Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF) is designed for remote access, installing software, transferring files. etc. It's open source and you can write your own service if there isn't one that does what you need. It also has a GUI component for writing, scheduling, queueing and monitoring jobs across a pool of machines.
At the moment the only things it needs to do is to be able to install
applications/patches, and transfer files to and from the machine, and
installing registry patches would be nice as well.
try to download and install eurysco to use in order:
transfer file, applications and patches with multiple-upload feature from eurysco file browser
install applications and patches in silent mode from eurysco command line feature
edit registry from eurysco system-registry feature