Finding GPS signal strength - iphone

Is there any way to get an iPhone's GPS signal strength? I'd like to make some kind of display like this:
If GPS = 0 or No Signal: color = red / Poor or No Signal
If GPS = <140 m Signal: Color Orange /Fair Signal
If GPS = >140 m Signal: Color = Green / Good or Excellent Signal

No public API exists for checking GPS signal strength but it doesn't sound like that is what you are really looking for anyway. You absolutely can check the accuracy of the locations returned by CoreLocation.
Look at CLLocation, it has horizontalAccuracy and verticalAccuracy properties which indicate how accurate the device believes that location fix to be.

You should concentrate mainly on the CLLocation attribute horizontalAccuracy.
This value represents the estimated accuracy related to the current latitude, longitude coordinate.
verticalAccuracy represents the accuracy in altitude / height.
Generally, GPS devices are not well suitable for accurate height measurement, so concentrate on the horizontal attributes.


Geo Fencing Identifier

How to specify the entire country as a region in region identifier.Wether it will accept the
identifier as :#"Uk"
here the code to reo identifier.How can i specify England or UK.Please help me to sort out
CLLocationCoordinate2D location2D =;
CLRegion *regionForMonitoring = [[CLRegion alloc] initCircularRegionWithCenter:location2D radius:1 identifier:#"RegionIdentifier"];
[[Utils getLocationManager] startMonitoringForRegion:regionForMonitoring];
CLRegions are totally unsuitable for this purpose.
First of all, the radius specified is the distance in meters that the region covers - so in your case you are asking the system to monitor a region at a specific lat/long with a radius of 1 meter!
Also, system regions have a maximum number of regions that can be monitored (around 10 or so), and a maximum radius that can be used of around 400 meters after which the region will not work.
You really need to read the "Monitoring Shape Based Regions" section of this Apple document:
There are two other possible approaches to what you are trying to do:
1) Use Significant Location Updates, and test on each update if you are in an area with a shape you specify.
2) Use CoreTelephony to look up the cell carrier your device is on and see if the carrier number matches one in the country of interest. Of course, this will not work on some iPads or other iOS devices with no cell connection.
Neither of those approaches will be exact around the edges, but will also not consume nearly as much battery life as using the GPS.

cllocation -distanceFromLocation bad accuracy

i am developing an app which is particularly dependent upon the distance between two iOS devices. I am using GPS location of devices to calculate the distance between them.
To calculate distance, i am using cllocation -distanceFromLocation method but the values generated by method is fluctuating and differs from actual distance between devices and cannot be considered even as an approximate result.
For example, if the actual distance between devices is 2 to 3 meters, it gives me the result around 14 meters at some point and 43 meters at another point. Is the the function -distanceFromLocation: is not so precise and accurate????
Is there any better alternative for calculating distance using GPS latitude and longitude of devices???
Please help me out.
Thanx in advance.
The accuracy of CoreLocation GPS varies greatly depending on your surroundings.
At it's most accurate it can go down to a couple of metres resolution (I'm not sure exactly) but if you're indoors it will be more like 20-50 metres.
I'm guessing that you're developing and testing the app indoors and so the fluctuations would be about normal.
Even outdoors in perfect weather CoreLocation will struggle to accurately tell you the distance between two devices over a short distance. (i.e. a couple metres).
For short range you might be better using wifi signal strength instead. Although this can also change from room to room.
Essentially, it's difficult to accurately detect the distance between two devices.

How does my iPhone get its altitude?

I made a simple app which displays the altitude according to the GPS position on iPhone.
How is the altitude obtained?
Does it get the altitude of the land at the coordinates I am or does it get the actual altitude? (I tried the same application in the same building; once at ground floor and once on the third floor but the same altitude is displayed)
Is it possible to obtain a different altitude on different floors? (Like my android phone has a barometer sensor and I calculate the elevation by the atmospheric pressure; but none of the iPhones has a barometer sensor)
The altitude as read by the gps receiver depends on the positions of the satellites over the horizon, relative to each other. It is possible then for the altitude reading to be unreliable when either there are not enough satellites in the sky or they are too close together. This then depends on the time of day, or date.
The signals from the satellites are very weak once they have reached the Earth's surface, and may not be received correctly inside buildings, or where there are other tall buildings nearby, such as a city centre like Manhattan.
Barometer readings will vary according to the weather and so an absolute reading can't be applied to a specific floor. However relative readings may be reliable enough for floor to floor changes, e.g. a lower value means going up.
Like any other device that uses GPS to calculate altitude, it's measuring the user's distance from the center of the satellites' orbits.
Your smartphone uses GPS technology to calculate your altitude depending on where you are. It measures how far away you are from the satilites which is calculating this information.
Note that newer IPhones (>= 6) have a barometer sensor which in my experience is significantly more accurate than GPS. With a barometers the accuracy appears to be within a foot whereas with GPS it would bounce around by 3-4 meters even when standing still.

How do I measure the distance traveled by an iPhone using the accelerometer?

While GPS works for long distance changes, I would like to measure a shorter distance by using the iPhone's accelerometer.
Say I want to measure a height of a box using an iPhone application. You'd start the application, press a button to start measurement at the bottom of a box, move your iPhone from to the top of the box, then press a button to stop measurement. The application would then calculate and display the height of the box.
How would I use the accelerometer to perform this kind of measurement?
It is possible to do this, as I have implemented a more complex system on a sparkfun IMU.
There are a few components to do what you require accurately.
1) You need to filter the accellerometers signal using a low pass filter. This removes any noise that is not caused by your slow moving arm.
2) Integrate the 3 seperate acceleration values twice to go from acceleration to velocity, and then from velocity to distance.
3) The above method must be performed by keeing the phone in the same plane when you move it from the bottom of the box to the top. Any pitch/roll/yaw will disrupt the measurement(hint)
4) From above, to compensate for the pitch/roll/yaw, you can then include the built in gyro =]. Use this to map the vector obtained from the accellerometer to the starting point. Using this methodology you can measure the distance "through and object" by walking around it. (remember this gyro needs filtering too).
The final result depends on many factors such as, the effectiveness of your filter, the accuracy and sampling rates of your accellerometer and gyro, and the awsomeness of your mathematics and linnear algebra skills.
Try photographing an object of a known size at the distance of interest.
Depending on the application, and how much accuracy you need, you may be able to use the new 6-axis gyro accelerometers in the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4th Gen. You could get the total displacement by integrating the acceleration vector.
When integrating acceleration to get displacement, any errors will be cumulative, so this may not be appropriate, but may be worth considering.
GPS is currently not accurate enough to measure a box. Take into account that there may be an error of about 10 meters to a mile. You can get back the accuracy of the measure with CLLocation.
Pythagorean Theorem: c^2 = a^2 + b^2 (
In your case, if point A = (Ax, Ay) and B = (Bx, By), then you can compute the distance C by:
C = sqrt( (Bx-Ax)^2 + (By-Ay)^2 )

GPS coordinates on mobile phones

Can GPS on a phone, such as iPhone or Android determine your Z coordinates ?
I know it certainly has to be able to determine X and Y, well longitude, latitude that is, but what about the Z coordinates ? Can it determine your height, and can I obtain height relative to ground ?
Height, as measured by a gps, is relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid. The WGS84 is representative of the field where the gravity is the same, the geoid. Not quite the same as the ground.
You can determine altitude with iPhone using CoreLocation
Android surely can ... have a look at the features of e.g. MyTracks which include even evaluation profiles.
Altitude, however, is usually measured in "above sealevel", which means, that you could determine the distance from the ground by substracting the ground evaluation from your actual evaluation: ev(ground) - alt = distance(fromGround).