Memory Leak when using Pointer to AudioUnitSampleType in Struct - calloc - iphone

I am coding an audio app for the iphone where I need to use some C code to deal with the audio files. In short, I have a memory leak that is causing the app to crash after so many files have been loaded. The problem is related to a Struct that I create that holds the audio files when read in. The Struct is created as follows;
typedef struct {
UInt32 frameCount; // the total number of frames in the audio data
UInt32 sampleNumber; // the next audio sample to play
BOOL isStereo; // set to true if there is data audioDataRight member
AudioUnitSampleType *audioDataLeft; // complete left channel of audio data read from file
AudioUnitSampleType *audioDataRight; // complete right channel of audio data read file
} soundStruct, *soundStructPtr;
The Struct is then Initialized in the header like this;
soundStruct phraseSynthStructArray[3];
I then attempt to join two files that have been read into phraseSynthStructArray[phrase1Index] and phraseSynthStructArray[phrase2Index] and put the combined file into phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex] like this;
- (BOOL) joinPhrases:(UInt32)phrase1Index phrase2Index:(UInt32)phrase2Index synthPhraseIndex:(UInt32)synthPhraseIndex{
// get the combined frame count
UInt64 totalFramesInFile = inArray[phrase1Index].frameCount + inArray[phrase2Index].frameCount;
//now resize the synthPhrase slot buffer to be the same size as both files combined
// phraseOut is used to hold the combined data prior to it being passed into the soundStructArray slot
phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex].audioDataLeft = NULL;
phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex].frameCount = 0;
phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex].frameCount = totalFramesInFile;
phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex].audioDataLeft = (AudioUnitSampleType *) calloc(totalFramesInFile, sizeof (AudioUnitSampleType));
for (UInt32 frameNumber = 0; frameNumber < inArray[phrase1Index].frameCount; ++frameNumber) {
phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex].audioDataLeft[frameNumber] = phraseSynthStructArray[phrase1Index].audioDataLeft[frameNumber];
UInt32 sampleNumber=0;
for (UInt32 frameNumber = phraseSynthStructArray[phrase1Index].frameCount; frameNumber < totalFramesInFile; ++frameNumber) {
phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex].audioDataLeft[frameNumber] = phraseSynthStructArray[phrase2Index].audioDataLeft[sampleNumber];
return YES;
This all works fine and the resulting file is joined and can be used. The isuue I am having is when I allocate the memory here, phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex].audioDataLeft = (AudioUnitSampleType *) calloc(totalFramesInFile, sizeof (AudioUnitSampleType)); then next time the method is called, this memory leaks each time and eventually crashes the app. The reason I need to allocate the memory here is because the memory has to be resized to accomodate the joined file which varies in length depending on the size of the input files.
I cannot free the memory after the operation as its needed elsewhere after the method has been called and I have tried to free it before (in joinPhrases method above), but this does not seem to work. I have also tried using realloc to free/reallocate the memory by passing the pointer to the previously allocated memory but this casues a crash stating EXEC_BAD_ACCESS.
I am not a seasoned C programmer and Cannot figure out what I am doing wrong here to cause the leak. I would appreciate some advice to help me track down this issue as I have been banging my head against this for days with no joy. I have read thats its a bad idea to have Pointers in Structs, could this be the root of my problem?
Thanks in advance,

Maybe this helps:
- (BOOL) joinPhrases:(UInt32)phrase1Index phrase2Index:(UInt32)phrase2Index synthPhraseIndex:(UInt32)synthPhraseIndex{
// get the combined frame count
UInt64 totalFramesInFile = inArray[phrase1Index].frameCount + inArray[phrase2Index].frameCount;
. . .
void* old_ptr = phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex].audioDataLeft;
phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex].audioDataLeft = (AudioUnitSampleType *) calloc(totalFramesInFile, sizeof (AudioUnitSampleType));
if( old_ptr ) free(old_ptr);
. . .
return YES;
And make sure that there is no garbage in phraseSynthStructArray[synthPhraseIndex]


NetworkingDriverKit - How can I access packet data?

I've been creating a virtual ethernet interface. I've opened asynchronous communication with a controlling application and every time there are new packets, the controlling app is notified and then asks for the packet data. The packet data is stored in a simple struct, with uint8_t[1600] for the bytes, and uint32_t for the length. The dext is able to populate this struct with dummy data every time a packet is available, with the dummy data visible on the controlling application. However, I'm struggling to fill it with the real packet data.
The IOUserNetworkPacket provides metadata about a packet. It contains a packets timestamp, size, etc, but it doesn't seem to contain the packet's data. There are the GetDataOffset() and GetMemorySegmentOffset() methods which seem to return byte offsets for where the packet data is located in their memory buffer. My instinct tells me to add this offset to the pointer of wherever the packet data is stored. The problem is I have no idea where the packets are actually stored.
I know they are managed by the IOUserNetworkPacketBufferPool, but I don't think that's where their memory is. There is the CopyMemoryDescriptor() method which gives an IOMemoryDescriptor of its contents. I tried using the descriptor to create an IOMemoryMap, using it to call GetAddress(). The pointers to all the mentioned objects lead to junk data.
I must be approaching this entirely wrong. If anyone knows how to access the packet data, or has any ideas, I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
Code snippet within IOUserClient::ExternalMethod:
case GetPacket:
IOUserNetworkPacket *packet =
GetPacket_Output output;
output.packet_size = packet->getDataLength();
IOUserNetworkPacketBufferPool *pool;
IOMemoryDescriptor *memory = nullptr;
IOMemoryMap *map = nullptr;
memory->CreateMapping(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &map);
uint64_t address = map->GetAddress()
+ packet->getMemorySegmentOffset();
(void*)address, packet->getDataLength());
in_arguments->structureOutput = OSData::withBytes(
&output, sizeof(GetPacket_Output));
// free stuff
} break;
The problem was caused by an IOUserNetworkPacketBufferPool bug. My bufferSize was set to 1600 except this value was ignored and replaced with 2048. The IOUserNetworkPackets acted as though the bufferSize was 1600 and so they gave an invalid offset.
Creating the buffer pool and mapping it:
IMPL(FooDriver, Start)
// ...
IOUserNetworkPacketBufferPool::Create(this, "FooBuffer",
32, 32, 2048, &ivars->packet_buffer));
ivars->packet_md->Map(0, 0, 0, IOVMPageSize,
&ivars->packet_buffer_addr, &ivars->packet_buffer_length));
// ...
Getting the packet data:
void FooDriver::getPacketData(
IOUserNetworkPacket *packet,
uint8_t *packet_data,
uint32_t *packet_size
) {
uint8_t packet_head;
uint64_t packet_offset;
uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t*)(ivars->packet_buffer_addr
+ packet_offset + packet_head);
*packet_size = packet->getDataLength();
memcpy(packet_data, buffer, *packet_size);

how to determine how much time needed when calling moveItemAtURL:toURL: or replaceItemAtURL:WithItemAtURL:

When moving file from one place to another, or when replacing file, I always use the methods moveItemAtURL:toURL: or replaceItemAtURL:WithItemAtURL: from NSFileManager.
When calling these methods, I want to determine how much time needed, so that I can use the NSProgressIndicator to tell users how long it's going to take. Just like when you are moving file using OSX, it tells u how much time remaining.
I have looked at the apple doc but couldn't find any information regarding this.
Wondering if this can be implemented, please advise.
You can't know in advance haw long it going to take. What you can do is compute the "percent complete" while you are copying the file. But to do that you need to use lower level APIs. You can use NSFileManagers attributesOfItemAtPath:error to get the file size and NSStreams for doing the copying (there are so many way to do this). Percent complete is bytesWritten / totalBytesInFile.
--- Edit: added sample code as a category on NSURL with a callback block passing the total number of bytes written, percen complete and estimated time left in seconds.
#import <mach/mach_time.h>
#interface NSURL(CopyWithProgress)<NSObject>
- (void) copyFileURLToURL:(NSURL*)destURL withProgressBlock:(void(^)(double, double, double))block;
#implementation NSURL(CopyWithProgress)
- (void) copyFileURLToURL:(NSURL*)destURL
withProgressBlock:(void(^)(double, double, double))block
// NOTE: error handling has been left out in favor of simplicity
// real production code should obviously handle errors.
NSUInteger fileSize = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfItemAtPath:self.path error:nil].fileSize;
NSInputStream *fileInput = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithURL:self];
NSOutputStream *copyOutput = [NSOutputStream outputStreamWithURL:destURL append:NO];
static size_t bufferSize = 4096;
uint8_t *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
size_t bytesToWrite;
size_t bytesWritten;
size_t copySize = 0;
size_t counter = 0;
[fileInput open];
[copyOutput open];
uint64_t time0 = mach_absolute_time();
while (fileInput.hasBytesAvailable) {
do {
bytesToWrite = [fileInput read:buffer maxLength:bufferSize];
bytesWritten = [copyOutput write:buffer maxLength:bytesToWrite];
bytesToWrite -= bytesWritten;
copySize += bytesWritten;
if (bytesToWrite > 0)
memmove(buffer, buffer + bytesWritten, bytesToWrite);
while (bytesToWrite > 0);
if (block != nil && ++counter % 10 == 0) {
double percent = (double)copySize / fileSize;
uint64_t time1 = mach_absolute_time();
double elapsed = (double)(time1 - time0)/NSEC_PER_SEC;
double estTimeLeft = ((1 - percent) / percent) * elapsed;
block(copySize, percent, estTimeLeft);
if (block != nil)
block(copySize, 1, 0);
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"file:///Users/eric/bin/data/english-words.txt"];
NSURL *destURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"file:///Users/eric/Desktop/english-words.txt"];
[fileURL copyFileURLToURL:destURL withProgressBlock:^(double bytes, double pct, double estSecs) {
NSLog(#"Bytes=%f, Pct=%f, time left:%f s",bytes,pct,estSecs);
return 0;
Sample Output:
Bytes=40960.000000, Pct=0.183890, time left:0.000753 s
Bytes=81920.000000, Pct=0.367780, time left:0.004336 s
Bytes=122880.000000, Pct=0.551670, time left:0.002672 s
Bytes=163840.000000, Pct=0.735560, time left:0.001396 s
Bytes=204800.000000, Pct=0.919449, time left:0.000391 s
Bytes=222742.000000, Pct=1.000000, time left:0.000000 s
I mostly concur with CRD. I just want to note that under certain common circumstances, both -moveItemAtURL:toURL: and -replaceItemAtURL:WithItemAtURL:... are very fast. When the source and destination are on the same volume, no data has to be copied or moved, only metadata. When the volume is local (as opposed to network-mounted), this typically takes negligible time. That said, it is appropriate to plan for the possibility that they could take significant time.
Also, he mentioned the copyfile() routine for moving files. A copy followed by deleting the original is the necessary approach when moving a file between volumes, but the rename() system call will perform a move within a volume without needing to copy anything. So, a reasonable approach would be to try rename() first and, if it fails with EXDEV, fall back to copyfile().
Finally, the exchangedata() system call can be used as part of a reimplementation of -replaceItemAtURL:WithItemAtURL:....
I don't recommend the approach suggested by aLevelOfIndirection because there are a lot of fiddly details about copying files. It's much better to rely on system libraries than trying to roll your own. His example completely ignores file metadata (file dates, extended attributes, etc.), for example.
The methods moveItemAtURL:toURL: and replaceItemAtURL:WithItemAtURL: are high-level operations. While they provide the semantics you want for the move/replace, as you've found out, they don't provide the kind of feedback you wish during those operations.
Apple is in the process of changing lower-level file handling routines, many are now marked as deprecated in 10.8, so you'll want to pick carefully what you choose to use. However at the lowest levels, system calls (manual section 2) and library functions (manual section 3), there are functions that you can use that are not being deprecated.
One option, there are others, is the function copyfile (manual section 3) which will copy a file or folder hierarchy and provides for a progress callback. That should give you most of the semantics of moveItemAtURL:toURL: along with progress, but you'll need to do more work for replaceItemAtURL:WithItemAtURL: to preserve safety (no data loss in case of error).
If that doesn't meet all your needs you can also look additionally at the low-evel stat and friends to find out file sizes etc.

iOS - libical / const char * - memory usage

I am using the libical library to parse the iCalendar format and read the information I need out of it. It is working absolutely fine so far, but there is one odd thing concerning ical.
This is my code:
icalcomponent *root = icalparser_parse_string([iCalData cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
if (root)
icalcomponent *currentEvent = icalcomponent_get_first_component(root, ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT);
while (currentEvent)
icalvalue *value = icalproperty_get_value(currentProperty);
char *icalString = icalvalue_as_ical_string_r(value); //seems to leak
NSString *currentValueAsString = [NSString stringWithCString:icalString
//import data
icalString = nil;
currentValueAsString = nil;
currentProperty = icalcomponent_get_next_property(currentEvent, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
} //end while
} //end while
I did use instruments to check my memory usage and were able to find out, that this line seems to leak:
char *icalString = icalvalue_as_ical_string_r(value); //seems to leak
If I'd copy and paste this line 5 or six times my memory usage would grow about 400kb and never get released anymore.
There is no free method for the icalvalue_as_ical_string_r method because it's returning a char *..
Any suggestions how to solve this issue? I would appreciate any help!
Taking a look at the apple doc says the following:
To get a C string from a string object, you are recommended to use UTF8String. This returns a const char * using UTF8 string encoding.
const char *cString = [#"Hello, world" UTF8String];
The C string you receive is owned by a temporary object, and will become invalid when automatic deallocation takes place. If you want to get a permanent C string, you must create a buffer and copy the contents of the const char * returned by the method.
But how to release a char * string properly now if using arc?
I tried to add #autorelease {...} in front of my while-loop but without any effort. Still increasing memory usage...
Careful with the statement "no free method...because it's returning a char*"; that is never something you can just assume.
In the absence of documentation you can look at the source code of the library to see what it does; for example:
Unfortunately this function can do a lot of different things. There are certainly some cases where calling free() on the returned buffer would be right but maybe that hasn't been ensured in every case.
I think it would be best to request a proper deallocation method from the maintainers of the library. They need to clean up their own mess; the icalvalue_as_ical_string_r() function has at least a dozen cases in a switch that might have different deallocation requirements.
icalvalue_as_ical_string_r returns a char * because it has done a malloc() for your result string. If your pointer is non-NULL, you have to free() it after use.

Watching memory usage in iOS

Is there any way to find out how much memory is available in iOS? I know that the system will pass low memory warnings when available memory gets low. However, my App has some points where a single thread will perform a complex task and sometimes that task uses up enough memory that it is just terminated by the OS (my app can download pictures from the internet, and I scale them down to a small size ... if the user downloads a very large image, my app runs out of memory and just goes 'poof').
Having the App spontaneously terminate is obviously a poor user experience.
Is there any way that I can find out when I am about to run out of memory and stop the task instead?
I suppose I could put the task on a separate thread, and maybe the system would send the main thread a low memory warning, but that seems pretty complicated and not even guaranteed to work.
While testing and debugging your app with XCode you can use this logMemUsage() function to NSLog the used/free space and watch how things are going while you test your app. This function logs any change in usage > 100kb. It outputs to the debug log like this (on the simulator the free space is huge):
2011-11-02 21:55:58.928 hello[971:207] Memory used 21884.9 (+21885), free 1838366.8 kb
2011-11-02 21:55:59.936 hello[971:207] Memory used 28512.3 (+6627), free 1830809.6 kb
2011-11-02 21:56:01.936 hello[971:207] Memory used 28803.1 ( +291), free 1830129.6 kb
2011-11-02 21:56:02.936 hello[971:207] Memory used 29712.4 ( +909), free 1830142.0 kb
You decide where to call logMemUsage in your app. I happen to have a function that is called by a timer every second and so I put it in there. I suggest using #ifdef around these so this code is only included in Debug builds.
#import "mach/mach.h"
vm_size_t usedMemory(void) {
struct task_basic_info info;
mach_msg_type_number_t size = sizeof(info);
kern_return_t kerr = task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_BASIC_INFO, (task_info_t)&info, &size);
return (kerr == KERN_SUCCESS) ? info.resident_size : 0; // size in bytes
vm_size_t freeMemory(void) {
mach_port_t host_port = mach_host_self();
mach_msg_type_number_t host_size = sizeof(vm_statistics_data_t) / sizeof(integer_t);
vm_size_t pagesize;
vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat;
host_page_size(host_port, &pagesize);
(void) host_statistics(host_port, HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_stat, &host_size);
return vm_stat.free_count * pagesize;
void logMemUsage(void) {
// compute memory usage and log if different by >= 100k
static long prevMemUsage = 0;
long curMemUsage = usedMemory();
long memUsageDiff = curMemUsage - prevMemUsage;
if (memUsageDiff > 100000 || memUsageDiff < -100000) {
prevMemUsage = curMemUsage;
NSLog(#"Memory used %7.1f (%+5.0f), free %7.1f kb", curMemUsage/1000.0f, memUsageDiff/1000.0f, freeMemory()/1000.0f);
Actually each view controller has - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning functions.
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
// Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
As suggested by the comments, you can release unused data under the comment. On the other hand, comment out [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; to suppress memory warnings & auto release objects.
First the title of your question is how to watch memory usage in iOS..There is a tool called instrument comes with xcode, which you can use to track memory allocation, leaks, cpu usage and a host of other things..See apple's documentation on the subject..
Now to see the real time memory usage of your app you can use
allocator tool in instrument
To identify the memory leaks you can use leak tool in instrument..
Also in WWDC 2010 there is a video of how to analyze memory using Instrument..
I recommend checking out Nimbus' Overview tool for watching device statistics in real time. Out of the box it includes pages for viewing available memory, disk space and logs, as well as modifying log levels. It's also easy to add custom pages that show any information you want.
The suite of development tools that apple provides includes "Instruments". You can use this to monitor allocations and leaks. In Xcode if you long click on the Run button you will see an option called "Profile". This will open up instruments automatically and allow you to select a profile to monitor your application.
I love free code. Thank you progrmr, very useful. Time for me to start sharing back. I object-orientified it for my own use case.
#import "mach/mach.h"
#import "memusage.h"
#implementation memusage
static long prevMemUsage = 0;
static long curMemUsage = 0;
static long memUsageDiff = 0;
static long curFreeMem = 0;
-(vm_size_t) freeMemory {
mach_port_t host_port = mach_host_self();
mach_msg_type_number_t host_size = sizeof(vm_statistics_data_t) / sizeof(integer_t);
vm_size_t pagesize;
vm_statistics_data_t vm_stat;
host_page_size(host_port, &pagesize);
(void) host_statistics(host_port, HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_stat, &host_size);
return vm_stat.free_count * pagesize;
-(vm_size_t) usedMemory {
struct task_basic_info info;
mach_msg_type_number_t size = sizeof(info);
kern_return_t kerr = task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_BASIC_INFO, (task_info_t)&info, &size);
return (kerr == KERN_SUCCESS) ? info.resident_size : 0; // size in bytes
-(void) captureMemUsage {
prevMemUsage = curMemUsage;
curMemUsage = [self usedMemory];
memUsageDiff = curMemUsage - prevMemUsage;
curFreeMem = [self freeMemory];
-(NSString*) captureMemUsageGetString{
return [self captureMemUsageGetString: #"Memory used %7.1f (%+5.0f), free %7.1f kb"];
-(NSString*) captureMemUsageGetString:(NSString*) formatstring {
[self captureMemUsage];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:formatstring,curMemUsage/1000.0f, memUsageDiff/1000.0f, curFreeMem/1000.0f];
Sounds like you could use a well crafted library for the task of fetching web images. Nimbus has got a Network Image class which does that efficiently.

Getting the AVAssetReader's Sample Data

I'm trying to get the PCM data from an MP3. I'm using AVAssetReaderOutput and it seems to reading the data fine.
nextBuffer = [assetReaderOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];
countsample = CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples(nextBuffer);
NSLog(#"%i", countsample);
I noticed that if I add up countsample, it equates to the number of seconds in the song (assuming 44100hz sample rate). For this reason, I'm sure the reading is being handled perfectly. What I'd like to do, however, is perform various DSP filters on this data but I need to do it on the sample information itself. How can I access the sample data? Also, I noticed that the CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples always returned 8192 except at the end of the song. Is there a way to increase/decrease this read rate?
Thank you
Append the data to a NSMutableData object.
NSMutabelData *samples = [NSMutabelData data];
nextBuffer = [assetReaderOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];
countsample = CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples(nextBuffer);
[samples appendBytes:nextBuffer length:countsample];
countsample and nextBuffer are assumed to already exist in your code.