What's an appropriate data structure for a matrix with random variable entries? - matlab

I'm currently working in an area that is related to simulation and trying to design a data structure that can include random variables within matrices. To motivate this let me say I have the following matrix:
[a b; c d]
I want to find a data structure that will allow for a, b, c, d to either be real numbers or random variables. As an example, let's say that a = 1, b = -1, c = 2 but let d be a normally distributed random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
The data structure that I have in mind will give no value to d. However, I also want to be able to design a function that can take in the structure, simulate a uniform(0,1), obtain a value for d using an inverse CDF and then spit out an actual matrix.
I have several ideas to do this (all related to the MATLAB icdf function) but would like to know how more experienced programmers would do this. In this application, it's important that the structure is as "lean" as possible since I will be working with very very large matrices and memory will be an issue.
EDIT #1:
Thank you all for the feedback. I have decided to use a cell structure and store random variables as function handles. To save some processing time for large scale applications, I have decided to reference the location of the random variables to save time during the "evaluation" part.

One solution is to create your matrix initially as a cell array containing both numeric values and function handles to functions designed to generate a value for that entry. For your example, you could do the following:
generatorMatrix = {1 -1; 2 #randn};
Then you could create a function that takes a matrix of the above form, evaluates the cells containing function handles, then combines the results with the numeric cell entries to create a numeric matrix to use for further calculations:
function numMatrix = create_matrix(generatorMatrix)
index = cellfun(#(c) isa(c,'function_handle'),... %# Find function handles
generatorMatrix(index) = cellfun(#feval,... %# Evaluate functions
numMatrix = cell2mat(generatorMatrix); %# Change from cell to numeric matrix
Some additional things you can do would be to use anonymous functions to do more complicated things with built-in functions or create cell entries of varying size. This is illustrated by the following sample matrix, which can be used to create a matrix with the first row containing a 5 followed by 9 ones and the other 9 rows containing a 1 followed by 9 numbers drawn from a uniform distribution between 5 and 10:
generatorMatrix = {5 ones(1,9); ones(9,1) #() 5*rand(9)+5};
And each time this matrix is passed to create_matrix it will create a new 10-by-10 matrix where the 9-by-9 submatrix will contain a different set of random values.
An alternative solution...
If your matrix can be easily broken into blocks of submatrices (as in the second example above) then using a cell array to store numeric values and function handles may be your best option.
However, if the random values are single elements scattered sparsely throughout the entire matrix, then a variation similar to what user57368 suggested may work better. You could store your matrix data in three parts: a numeric matrix with placeholders (such as NaN) where the randomly-generated values will go, an index vector containing linear indices of the positions of the randomly-generated values, and a cell array of the same length as the index vector containing function handles for the functions to be used to generate the random values. To make things easier, you can even store these three pieces of data in a structure.
As an example, the following defines a 3-by-3 matrix with 3 random values stored in indices 2, 4, and 9 and drawn respectively from a normal distribution, a uniform distribution from 5 to 10, and an exponential distribution:
matData = struct('numMatrix',[1 nan 3; nan 2 4; 0 5 nan],...
'randIndex',[2 4 9],...
'randFcns',{{#randn , #() 5*rand+5 , #() -log(rand)/2}});
And you can define a new create_matrix function to easily create a matrix from this data:
function numMatrix = create_matrix(matData)
numMatrix = matData.numMatrix;
numMatrix(matData.randIndex) = cellfun(#feval,matData.randFcns);

If you were using NumPy, then masked arrays would be the obvious place to start, but I don't know of any equivalent in MATLAB. Cell arrays might not be compact enough, and if you did use a cell array, then you would have to come up with an efficient way to find the non-real entries and replace them with a sample from the right distribution.
Try using a regular or sparse matrix to hold the real values, and leave it at zero wherever you want a random variable. Then alongside that store a sparse matrix of the same shape whose non-zero entries correspond to the random variables in your matrix. If you want, the value of the entry in the second matrix can be used to indicate which distribution (ie. 1 for uniform, 2 for normal, etc.).
Whenever you want to get a purely real matrix to work with, you iterate over the non-zero values in the second matrix to convert them to samples, and then add that matrix to your first.


How to perform operations along a certain dimension of an array?

I have a 3D array containing five 3-by-4 slices, defined as follows:
M = randi(100,3,4,5);
I'd like to collect some statistics about the array:
The maximum value in every column.
The mean value in every row.
The standard deviation within each slice.
This is quite straightforward using loops,
sz = size(M);
colMax = zeros(1,4,5);
rowMean = zeros(3,1,5);
sliceSTD = zeros(1,1,5);
for indS = 1:sz(3)
sl = M(:,:,indS);
sliceSTD(indS) = std(sl(1:sz(1)*sz(2)));
for indC = 1:sz(1)
rowMean(indC,1,indS) = mean(sl(indC,:));
for indR = 1:sz(2)
colMax(1,indR,indS) = max(sl(:,indR));
But I'm not sure that this is the best way to approach the problem.
A common pattern I noticed in the documentation of max, mean and std is that they allow to specify an additional dim input. For instance, in max:
M = max(A,[],dim) returns the largest elements along dimension dim. For example, if A is a matrix, then max(A,[],2) is a column vector containing the maximum value of each row.
How can I use this syntax to simplify my code?
Many functions in MATLAB allow the specification of a "dimension to operate over" when it matters for the result of the computation (several common examples are: min, max, sum, prod, mean, std, size, median, prctile, bounds) - which is especially important for multidimensional inputs. When the dim input is not specified, MATLAB has a way of choosing the dimension on its own, as explained in the documentation; for example in max:
If A is a vector, then max(A) returns the maximum of A.
If A is a matrix, then max(A) is a row vector containing the maximum value of each column.
If A is a multidimensional array, then max(A) operates along the first array dimension whose size does not equal 1, treating the elements as vectors. The size of this dimension becomes 1 while the sizes of all other dimensions remain the same. If A is an empty array whose first dimension has zero length, then max(A) returns an empty array with the same size as A.
Then, using the ...,dim) syntax we can rewrite the code as follows:
M = randi(100,3,4,5);
colMax = max(M,[],1);
rowMean = mean(M,2);
sliceSTD = std(reshape(M,1,[],5),0,2); % we use `reshape` to turn each slice into a vector
This has several advantages:
The code is easier to understand.
The code is potentially more robust, being able to handle inputs beyond those it was initially designed for.
The code is likely faster.
In conclusion: it is always a good idea to read the documentation of functions you're using, and experiment with different syntaxes, so as not to miss similar opportunities to make your code more succinct.

Passing values to a sparse matrix in MATLAB

Might sound too simple to you but I need some help in regrad to do all folowings in one shot instead of defining redundant variables i.e. tmp_x, tmp_y:
X= sparse(numel(find(G==0)),2);
[tmp_x, temp_y] = ind2sub(size(G), find(G == 0));
X(:)=[tmp_x, tmp_y];
(More info: G is a sparse matrix)
I tried:
X(:)=ind2sub(size(G), find(G == 0));
but that threw an error.
How can I achieve this without defining tmp_x, tmp_y?
A couple of comments with your code:
numel(find(G == 0)) is probably one of the worst ways to determine how many entries that are zero in your matrix. I would personally do numel(G) - nnz(G). numel(G) determines how many elements are in G and nnz(G) determines how many non-zero values are in G. Subtracting these both would give you the total number of elements that are zero.
What you are doing is first declaring X to be sparse... then when you're doing the final assignment in the last line to X, it reconverts the matrix to double. As such, the first statement is totally redundant.
If I understand what you are doing, you want to find the row and column locations of what is zero in G and place these into a N x 2 matrix. Currently with what MATLAB has available, this cannot be done without intermediate variables. The functions that you'd typically use (find, ind2sub, etc.) require intermediate variables if you want to capture the row and column locations. Using one output variable will give you the column locations only.
You don't have a choice but to use intermediate variables. However, if you want to make this more efficient, you don't even need to use ind2sub. Just use find directly:
[I,J] = find(~G);
X = [I,J];

Changing numbers for given indices between matrices

I'm struggling with one of my matlab assignments. I want to create 10 different models. Each of them is based on the same original array of dimensions 1x100 m_est. Then with for loop I am choosing 5 random values from the original model and want to add the same random value to each of them. The cycle repeats 10 times chosing different values each time and adding different random number. Here is a part of my code:
for s=1:steps
for i=1:1:5
for k=steps
for m=1:1:5
In matrix M I am storing 10 initial models and want to replace the random numbers with indices from rl_nr matrix into those stored in pert_layers matrix. However, the last loop responsible for assigning values from pert_layers to rl_nr indices does not work properly.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Best regards
Your code uses a lot of loops and in this particular circumstance, it's quite inefficient. It's better if you actually vectorize your code. As such, let me go through your problem description one point at a time and let's code up each part (if applicable):
I want to create 10 different models. Each of them is based on the same original array of dimensions 1x100 m_est.
I'm interpreting this as you having an array m_est of 100 elements, and with this array, you wish to create 10 different "models", where each model is 5 elements sampled from m_est. rl will store these values from m_est while rl_nr will store the indices / locations of where these values originated from. Also, for each model, you wish to add a random value to every element that is part of this model.
Then with for loop I am choosing 5 random values from the original model and want to add the same random value to each of them.
Instead of doing this with a for loop, generate all of your random indices in one go. Since you have 10 steps, and we wish to sample 5 points per step, you have 10*5 = 50 points in total. As such, why don't you use randperm instead? randperm is exactly what you're looking for, and we can use this to generate unique random indices so that we can ultimately use this to sample from m_est. randperm generates a vector from 1 to N but returns a random permutation of these elements. This way, you only get numbers enumerated from 1 to N exactly once and we will ensure no repeats. As such, simply use randperm to generate 50 elements, then reshape this array into a matrix of size 10 x 5, where the number of rows tells you the number of steps you want, while the number of columns is the total number of points per model. Therefore, do something like this:
num_steps = 10;
num_points_model = 5;
ind = randperm(numel(m_est));
ind = ind(1:num_steps*num_points_model);
rl_nr = reshape(ind, num_steps, num_points_model);
rl = m_est(rl_nr);
The first two lines are pretty straight forward. We are just declaring the total number of steps you want to take, as well as the total number of points per model. Next, what we will do is generate a random permutation of length 100, where elements are enumerated from 1 to 100, but they are in random order. You'll notice that this random vector uses only a value within the range of 1 to 100 exactly once. Because you only want to get 50 points in total, simply subset this vector so that we only get the first 50 random indices generated from randperm. These random indices get stored in ind.
Next, we simply reshape ind into a 10 x 5 matrix to get rl_nr. rl_nr will contain those indices that will be used to select those entries from m_est which is of size 10 x 5. Finally, rl will be a matrix of the same size as rl_nr, but it will contain the actual random values sampled from m_est. These random values correspond to those indices generated from rl_nr.
Now, the final step would be to add the same random number to each model. You can certainly use repmat to replicate a random column vector of 10 elements long, and duplicate them 5 times so that we have 5 columns then add this matrix together with rl.... so something like:
a = -1;
b = 1;
r = (b-a)*rand(num_steps, 1) + a;
r = repmat(r, 1, num_points_model);
M_pert = rl + r;
Now M_pert is the final result you want, where we take each model that is stored in rl and add the same random value to each corresponding model in the matrix. However, if I can suggest something more efficient, I would suggest you use bsxfun instead, which does this replication under the hood. Essentially, the above code would be replaced with:
a = -1;
b = 1;
r = (b-a)*rand(num_steps, 1) + a;
M_pert = bsxfun(#plus, rl, r);
Much easier to read, and less code. M_pert will contain your models in each row, with the same random value added to each particular model.
The cycle repeats 10 times chosing different values each time and adding different random number.
Already done in the above steps.
I hope you didn't find it an imposition to completely rewrite your code so that it's more vectorized, but I think this was a great opportunity to show you some of the more advanced functions that MATLAB has to offer, as well as more efficient ways to generate your random values, rather than looping and generating the values one at a time.
Hopefully this will get you started. Good luck!

how to find mean of columns in nested structure in MATLAB

I've organized some data into a nested structure that includes several subjects, 4-5 trials per subject, then identifying data like height, joint torque over a gait cycle, etc. So, for example:
gives a matrix of joint torques for the 4th trial of subject 2, where the torque matrix columns represent degrees of freedom (hip, knee, etc.) and the rows represent time increments from 0 through 100% of a stride. What I want to do is take the mean of 5 trials for each degree of freedom and use that to represent the subject (for that degree of freedom). When I try to do it like this for the 1st degree of freedom:
for i = 2:24
numTrialsThisSubject = size(subject(i).trial, 2);
subject(i).torque = mean(subject(i).trial(1:numTrialsThisSubject).torque(:,1), 2);
I get this error:
??? Scalar index required for this type of multi-level indexing.
I know I can use a nested for loop to loop through the trials, store them in a temp matrix, then take the mean of the temp columns, but I'd like to avoid creating another variable for the temp matrix if I can. Is this possible?
You can use a combination of deal() and cell2mat().
Try this (use the built-in debugger to run through the code to see how it works):
for subject_k = 2:24
% create temporary cell array for holding the matrices:
temp_torques = cell(length(subject(subject_k).trial), 1);
% deal the matrices from all the trials (copy to temp_torques):
[temp_torques{:}] = deal(subject(subject_k).trial.torque);
% convert to a matrix and concatenate all matrices over rows:
temp_torques = cell2mat(temp_torques);
% calculate mean of degree of freedom number 1 for all trials:
subject(subject_k).torque = mean(temp_torques(:,1));
Notice that I use subject_k for the subject counter variable. Be careful with using i and j in MATLAB as names of variables, as they are already defined as 0 + 1.000i (complex number).
As mentioned above in my comment, adding another loop and temp variable turned out to be the simplest execution.

How to change elements in matrices using MATLAB

Starting wish a 7x4 binary matrix I need to change a random bit in each column to simulate error. Have been trying to no avail.
A very straightforward way to do this is to use a for loop. It might not be the most efficient approach in MATLAB, but it's probably good enough considering your data set is so small.
Iterate through each of the four columns. On each iteration, randomly chose a number from 1 to 7 to represent the row in that column that you have selected to change. Finally, flip the bit at that row/column. The following code does just this. Assume that "A" is a binary matrix with 7 rows and 4 columns
for col=1:4; %// Iterate through each column
row = ceil(7*rand()); %// Randomly chose a number from 1 to 7 to represent row
A(row,col) = ~A(row,col); %// Flip the bit at the specified row/col
Another possibility is to create 4 random numbers in one call, and assign in a vectorized fashion:
rowNumbers = randi(4,[1 4])
A(rowNumbers,:) = ~A(rowNumbers,:);