How to get row number via LINQ using Entity framework? - entity-framework

Hope someone can help me out here as I'm a little stuck.
I'm building a service in front of a hiscore database for a game.
The database have the following two tables:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PB_HiscoreEntry] (
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PB_Player] (
[UniquePlayerId] NCHAR (32) NOT NULL,
The idea is of course to only have each player once in the database and let them have multiple hiscore entries. This table PB_HiscoreEntry will have a lot of scores, but by doing a simple OrderBy descending, I can create a real hiscore list where the one with highest score is at the top and the lowest at the bottom.
My problem here is that my database don't have any idea of the actual Rank of the score compared to the others. This is something I should do as I do the OrderBy query described above.
Here is some code to help illutrate what I want to archive:
var q = (
from he in entities.PB_HiscoreEntry
orderby he.Score descending
select new HiscoreItem()
UserId = he.PB_Player.UniquePlayerId,
Username = he.PB_Player.Name,
Score = he.Score,
//Put in the rank, relative to the other entires here
Rank = 1
HiscoreItem, is just my own DTO i need to send over the wire.
So anybody have an idea of how I can do this or am I on a totally wrong path here?

You're on the right track, you just need to use the Queryable.Select overload that takes an extra index. Take a look at this:
var entries =
from entry in entities.PB_HiscoreEntry
orderby entry.Score descending
select entry;
// Note the (entry, index) lambda here.
var hiscores = entries.Select((entry, index) => new HiscoreItem()
UserId = entry.PB_Player.UniquePlayerId,
Username = entry.PB_Player.Name,
Score = entry.Score,
Rank = index + 1
I'm not 100% sure if Entity Framework knows how to work with the
Select<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int, TResult>>) overload. If that's the case, just use the equivalent method of the static Enumerable class:
// Note the .AsEnumerable() here.
var hiscores = entries.AsEnumerable()
.Select((entry, index) => new HiscoreItem()
UserId = entry.PB_Player.UniquePlayerId,
Username = entry.PB_Player.Name,
Score = entry.Score,
Rank = index + 1
I hope this helps.


sqflite IN operator with AND operator

I have following query which select from employee table where name is "max" and ID not in 123 and 444.
Not in IDs can grow in future. But I am receiving error as
( 8023): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: DatabaseException(near "?": syntax error (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling:
List<String> a = [];
var table = await mydb.rawQuery(
"SELECT value from employee WHERE employeename = ? AND id NOT IN ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC",
["max", a]);
If the LIST is unpredictable, one way is that you can use JOIN to create your select statement with required value of NOT IN. Below is one sample.
void main() {
List<String> a = [];
var select =
'SELECT value from employee WHERE employeename = ? AND id NOT IN (\'' +
(a.join('\',\'')).toString() +
'\') ORDER BY timestamp DESC';
var table = await mydb.rawQuery(select, ["max"]);
If you print the variable select you will get
SELECT value from employee WHERE employeename = ? AND id NOT IN ('123','444')
ORDER BY timestamp DESC.
Then you can pass the above statement to rawquery and get your result.
P.S:Use your single quote and double quote accordingly.
I'd go for #arun-palanisamy 's solution, see his comment. Props go to him. I just tried the following -- with Groovy/Postgres, but the error seems to be the same, so you might want to give it a try:
String[] a = ['123', '444']
// your code, throws 'ERROR: syntax error at or near "$2"':
// def table = sql.execute("SELECT value from employee WHERE employeename = ? AND id NOT IN ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC", ["max", a])
// code of arun-palanisamy, compiles:
def table = sql.execute("SELECT value from employee WHERE employeename = ? AND id NOT IN (${a.join(', ')}) ORDER BY timestamp DESC", ["max", a])
Side notes:
You might want to try a different type for a, such as Array in my code, or even a HashMap.
There are examples (like here) where the number of ? are generated dynamically.
Update: Go for this answer, we posted simultaneously

Entity Framework Interceptor to set Id field of patricular entities

In my current project i am working with the database which has very strange table structure (All Id Fields in most tables are marked as not nullable and primary while there is not auto increment increment enabled for them those Id fields need to be unique as well).
unfortunately there is not way i can modify DB so i find another why to handle my problem.
I have no issues while querying for data but during insert What i want to do is,
To get max Id from table where entity is about to be inserted and increment it by one or even better use SSELECT max(id) pattern during insert.
I was hoping to use Interceptor inside EF to achieve this but is looks too difficult for me now and all i managed to do is to identify if this is insert command or not.
Can someone help me through my way on this problem? how can i achieve this and set ID s during insert either by selecting max ID or using SELECT max(id)
public void TreeCreated(DbCommandTreeInterceptionContext context)
if (context.OriginalResult.CommandTreeKind != DbCommandTreeKind.Insert && context.OriginalResult.DataSpace != DataSpace.CSSpace) return;
var insertCommand = context.Result as DbInsertCommandTree;
var property = insertCommand?.Target.VariableType.EdmType.MetadataProperties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "TableName");
if (property == null) return;
var tbaleName = property?.Value as ReadOnlyCollection<EdmMember>;
var variableReference = insertCommand.Target.VariableType.Variable(insertCommand.Target.VariableName);
var tenantProperty = variableReference.Property("ID");
var tenantSetClause = DbExpressionBuilder.SetClause(tenantProperty, DbExpression.FromString("(SELECT MAX(ID) FROM SOMEHOWGETTABLENAME)"));
var filteredSetClauses = insertCommand.SetClauses.Cast<DbSetClause>().Where(sc => ((DbPropertyExpression)sc.Property).Property.Name != "ID");
var finalSetClauses = new ReadOnlyCollection<DbModificationClause>(new List<DbModificationClause>(filteredSetClauses) { tenantSetClause });
var newInsertCommand = new DbInsertCommandTree(
context.Result = newInsertCommand;
Unfortunately that concept of Interceptor is a little bit new for me and i do not understand it completely.
I manage to dynamically build that expression so that ID field is now included in insert statement, but the problem here is that I can not use SQL query inside it. whenever i try to use this it always results in some wrong SQL query so is there anyway i tweak insert statement so that this SELECT MAX(ID) FROM TABLE_NAME is executed during insert?
Get the next id from the context, and then set the parameter of the insert command accordingly.
void NonQueryExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<int> interceptionContext)
var context = interceptionContext.DbContexts.First() as WhateverYourEntityContainerNameIs;
// get the next id from the database using the context
var theNextId = (from foo in context...)
// update the parameter on the command
command.Parameters["YourIdField"].Value = theNextId;
Just bear in mind this is not terribly thread safe; if two users update the same table at exactly the same time, they could theoretically get the same id. This is going to be a problem no matter what update method you use if you manage keys in the application instead of the database. But it looks like that decision is out of your hands.
If this is going to be a problem, you might have to do something more drastic like alter the command.CommandText to replace the value in the values clause with a subquery, for example change
insert into ... values (#YourIdField, ...)
insert into ... values ((select max(id) from...), ...)

Match Dates and Count in Entity Framework

I have two tables:
create table dbo.Dates (
Id int not null
constraint Dates_Id_PK primary key clustered (Id),
[DateValue] date not null
create table dbo.Posts (
Id int identity not null
constraint Posts_Id_PK primary key clustered (Id),
Created datetime not null,
Title nvarchar (200) not null
For these tables I have Date and Post entities.
How can I get a table that has the column DateValue from Dates and the number of Posts with that date.
I need to match the datetime Created value to the date DateValue.
Thank you,
I assume your Posts have dates with times, so you'll have to truncate them to the date part (as in the Date property of a DateTime):
from d in context.Dates
select new {
Date = d.DateValue,
NrOfPosts = (from p in context.Posts
where EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(t.Created) == d.DateValue
select p).Count()
you can use anonymous types. try the following snippet.
DateTime dateToMatch = GetDateToMatch();
using(YourEntities context = new YourEntities())
var result = context.Dates.Where(d => d.DateValue == dateToMatch)
.Select(d => new { Date = d.DateValue, PostCount = d.Posts.Count() });

Entity Framework limit length of a returned nvarchar column

I want to limit the length of a column in an EF query, ala:
var query = from ce in entities.ContactEvents
where ce.PersonID = personID
orderby ce.DateTimeContact descending
select new ContactEvent
ID = ce.ID,
DateTimeContact = ce.DateTimeContact,
Description = ce.Description.Substring(0, 500),
Orders = ce.Orders
The query fails because the EF can't project the complex type Orders.
The entity or complex type 'Model.ContactEvent' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query.
I've tried a few different ways to do the same thing such as use an explicit join in the LINQ expression but so far I always hit a snag populating the Orders collection in the select projection.
Any ideas on how I can construct my query? Ideally I don't even want to use a select projection but I'm assuming I need to in order to be able to limit the length of the description column returned from the database.
You cannot project to entity types. That is the limitation. If you want to return projection (calling select new) you must either return anonymous type or custom non entity type. If you want to return entity type you must always return whole column from linq-to-entities. You can try to trim the column after object is materialized by using:
var data = (from ce in entities.ContactEvents
where ce.PersonID = personID
orderby ce.DateTimeContact descending
select ce)
.Select(e => new ContactEvent
ID = e.ID,
DateTimeContact = e.DateTimeContact,
Description = e.Description.Substring(0, 500),
Orders = e.Orders

LINQ to Entites: Doing a count over one-to-many relationships

I have a couple of tables where there are one to many relationships. Let's say I have a Country table, a State table with a FK to Country, and a City table with a FK to State.
I'd like to be able to create a count of all Cities for a given country, and also a count of cities based on a filter - something like:
foreach( var country in Model.Country ) {
total = country.State.All().City.All().Count() ;
filtered = country.State.All().City.Any(c=>c.field == value).Count();
Obviously, this doesn't work - is there any way to do this?
I can iterate thru the objects:
foreach (var item in Model ) {
... other stuff in here ...
int tot = 0;
int filtered = 0;
foreach (var state in item.State)
foreach (var city in state.City)
if (city.Field == somevalue)
filtered ++;
... other stuff in here ...
but that doesn't seem very elegant.
Update: #AD has a couple of suggestions, but what worked to solve the problem was:
int tot = item.States.Sum(s=>s.City.Count);
int filtered = item.States.Sum(s=>s.City.Where(c=>c.Field == somevalue).Count());
You can try, assuming you already have the givenCountry and value variable populated:
int total = EntityModel.CitySet.Where( it => it.State.Country.ID == givenCountry.ID ).Count();
Above, you take your entire set of cities (EntityMode.CitySet). This set contains all the cities in all the states in all the countries. The problem becomes: what subset of those cities are in country 'givenCountry'? To figure it out, you apply the Where() to the entire set and you compare the countries id to see if they are the same. However, since the city only knows which state it is in (and not the country) you first have to reference its state (it.State). it.State references the state object and that object has a Country property that will reference the country. Then it.State.Country references the country 'it' is in and 'it' is the city, creating a link between the city and the country.
Note that you could have done this is reverse as well with
int total = givenCountry.Sum( c => c.States.Sum( s.Cities.Count() ) )
However, here you will have to make sure that givenCountry has its States collection loaded in memory and also that each State has its Cities collection loaded. That is because you are using Linq-to-Entities on a loaded object and not on an Entity Framework instance object has was the case in the first example. There is a way to craft the last query to use the entity framework object however:
int total = EntityModel.CountrySet.Where( c => c.ID == givenCountry.ID ).Sum( c => c.States.Sum( s.Cities.Count() ) )
As for the number of cities with a specific field, you take a similar approach with a Where() call:
int filtered = EntityModel.CitySet.Where( it => it.field == value ).Count();
Why dont you reverse it?
foreach( var country in Model.Country ) {
var city = Model.State.Where(x=>x.StateID==country.State.StateID).Select(x=>City)
total = city.Count();
filtered = city.All(c=>c.field == value).Count();
You have to explicitly load children in the Entity Framework. If you load all the children then you can get counts just fine.
IEnumberable<Country> countries = Model.Country.Include("State");
total = countries[i].State.Count();
Assuming of course that the iteration through all countries is important. Otherwise why not just query against City filtered by State and Country?
In your state foreach you should just be able to do
tot += state.City.Where(x=> x.Field == value).Count();